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ISSN : 20857691     EISSN : 28094654     DOI : 10.69697
Core Subject : Science, Art,
The journal invites authors to publish a recent scientific paper on the results of study and review of literature relevant to fashion and food technology
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 102 Documents
Penerapan Batik Bakaran Pada Pembuatan Bridal Gown The Application Of Bakaran Batik For Bridal Gown Making Edi Suwasana; Dila Oktaviana Devani
Garina Vol. 14 No. 1 (2022): June : Garina : Jurnal Pengembangan IPTeks Seni Kuliner, Tata Rias, dan Desain
Publisher : Akademi Kesejahteraan Sosial Ibu Kartini Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69697/garina.v14i1.1


Batik, especially Bakaran batik, has never been applied to bridal gowns because most bridal gowns tend to be plain white and are only decorated with Swarovski, sequins, and pearls. The problem of this research is how a Bakaran batik can be applied in bridal gown making. The purpose of this research is to understand the application of Bakaran batik in bridal gown making. The research method used is research and development. The results of a Bakaran batik application to the bridal gown making begin with a design determination. The design is a bridal gown inspired by the beauty of Indonesian artwork Bakaran batik. There is a Sido Mukti motive surrounding the bottom of the gown up to the tail, with a diverse arrangement of Sido Mukti motives that has a distinct meaning. After determining the design, it is continued by preparing the tools and materials, sizing up, shaping pattern, cutting material, spellbinding, sewing process, and finishing. The recommendation from the application of Bakaran batik on the bridal gown is that the design of a skirt for the crinoline would be best combined with the main part and lining fabric because it can affect the fall of the pleated detail. Completing the solution on the crinoline should use a finished seam from bias tape because the fibres on the crinoline are very sharp and can be uncomfortable or itchy if it is exposed to the skin.
Pembuatan Manipulasi Tekstil Dengan Teknik Fabric Slashing Pada Ready To Wear Ariyana Damayanti; Utari Dwi Harianti
Garina Vol. 14 No. 1 (2022): June : Garina : Jurnal Pengembangan IPTeks Seni Kuliner, Tata Rias, dan Desain
Publisher : Akademi Kesejahteraan Sosial Ibu Kartini Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69697/garina.v14i1.2


The fabric slashing technique is the appearance of a clothing that requires modifications to beautify the clothing. The way to beautify a garment is to be creative by using the fabric slashing technique which can make the garment more attractive. The purpose of this technique is to explain about the fabric slashing technique process along with making clothes that will be applied to ready to wear. Descriptive method is done by looking for information related to the technique. The fabric slashing technique uses a piece of cloth that is cut according to a pattern. This technique will be a research on how to do slashing techniques on ready to wear which will produce new motifs and textures on the surface of the fabric. This research produces new motifs and textures on the surface of the fabric that will look oozing at the edges. This research uses vertical and horizontal line motifs on the fabric surface. The slashing technique can be further expanded on the design with various variations such as changing the shape, size and color. The types of materials used can vary to see the results of the materials obtained are right or not.
Studi Pembuatan Sosis Jamur Tiram Dan Tempe Dengan Penambahan Kenikir Dan Tepung Ubi Kuning Kurnianingsih kurnianingsih; Citra Dewi Purnamasari
Garina Vol. 14 No. 1 (2022): June : Garina : Jurnal Pengembangan IPTeks Seni Kuliner, Tata Rias, dan Desain
Publisher : Akademi Kesejahteraan Sosial Ibu Kartini Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69697/garina.v14i1.3


The availability of healthy and unhealthy snacks in schools affects the selection of children's snacks. One of the foods that can be processed into snacks/school food is sausage., so that it can be used as healthy food, meat sausage ingredients can be replaced with vegetable ingredients such as oyster mushrooms and tempeh. With the addition of kenikir as fiber and yellow yam flour as adhesive. This study has the objectives of (1) Knowing the level of public preference for sausage products from oyster mushrooms, tempeh, kenikir and yellow yam flour. (2) Knowing the sausage formula from oyster mushroom, tempeh, kenikir and yellow yam flour which is the most preferred by the community. (3) Knowing the process of making sausages from oyster mushrooms, tempeh, The method used in this study is the method of literature, experiments, documentation, and sensory testing. The percentage of using oyster mushrooms and tempeh in making sausages is 90%:10%, 80%:20%, and 70%:30%, of the mushroom weight. The results showed that the sausage product was the most preferred with a ratio of 90% oyster mushrooms and 10% tempeh. As a suggestion, further research is needed to determine the nutritional content of oyster mushroom sausage, tempeh, kenikir and yellow yam flour
Substitusi Tepung Garut (Maranta Arundinaceae Linn.) Dalam Pembuatan Bakpao Ira Handayani; Izzul Azmi Shofura
Garina Vol. 14 No. 1 (2022): June : Garina : Jurnal Pengembangan IPTeks Seni Kuliner, Tata Rias, dan Desain
Publisher : Akademi Kesejahteraan Sosial Ibu Kartini Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69697/garina.v14i1.4


Bakpao which is processed with local food ingredients such as arrowroot tubers can increase the economic value and people's consumption power of local food ingredients. Arrowroot tubers can be used as a source of carbohydrates to replace rice and wheat flour. The objectives of this study are (1) to determine the acceptance of the community towards the most preferred rice balls with arrowroot flour substitution. (2) to determine the composition of the ingredients used in the manufacture of rice balls with the most preferred substitution of arrowroot flour. (3) to determine the process of making buns with the most preferred substitution of arrowroot flour. The methods and data analysis used in this research are library, experimental, documentation, sensory test and descriptive data analysis methods. The percentage of arrowroot flour substitution in the manufacture of arrowroot flour substitution buns was 20%, 30%, and 40% of the weight of wheat flour. The overall assessment using the highest ranking of the three samples with the criteria of shape, taste, color, texture, and aroma is the bakpao sample with the substitution of arrowroot flour by 20%.
Pemanfaatan Daun Jati Sebagai Zat Pewarna Coklat Pada Cat Bodypainting Sofia Daniati; Raizki Anti Dwitiyaning Pangestu Mukhlisin Saputra
Garina Vol. 14 No. 1 (2022): June : Garina : Jurnal Pengembangan IPTeks Seni Kuliner, Tata Rias, dan Desain
Publisher : Akademi Kesejahteraan Sosial Ibu Kartini Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69697/garina.v14i1.5


Teak is a plant that produces attractive red and brown colors besides that it has many useful ingredients, so it is used as a natural dye. Researchers use teak leaves as a coloring agent in bodypainting. The purpose of this research is to create the use of teal leaves as a brown coloring agent in bodypaiting paint. The method used is the observation method, the library method, tehe experimental method, the documentation method, and the questionnaire method. Based on the feasibility test of the bodypainting product, it was found that the average score on the resulting color assessment inicator was 8,6 including the fairly decent category. On the texture assessment indicator, which is 8 and is included in the fairly decent category. On the aroma assessment indicator that is 7,3. And included in the category less feasible. Meanwhile, based on the results of the public test, it was found that te average score on the resulting color sharpness assessment indicator was 4, which was included in the proper category. In the humidity assessent indicator 4,2 is included in the very feasible category. In the indicator of coloring resistance assessment, with an average of 3 it is included in the category of quite decent enough. In the assessment inicator og the ease of removing bodypainting, which wa found with a score of 4,8 it was included in the very feasible category. The conclusion of this study is that the dye in teak leaves can be used as a natural dye in the manufacture of bodypainting. The best suggestion in this research is to add the aroma of bodypainting with essential oil in oerder to produce a fragrant aroma and for the packaging it must have a high appeal to the public. Further research is needed to determine the expiration date and color resistance of beetroot dyes.
Serum Kulit Manggis Dan Beras Putih Sebagai Antiaging Dan Brightening Agus Susanti; Vira Alya Hermawan
Garina Vol. 14 No. 1 (2022): June : Garina : Jurnal Pengembangan IPTeks Seni Kuliner, Tata Rias, dan Desain
Publisher : Akademi Kesejahteraan Sosial Ibu Kartini Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69697/garina.v14i1.6


Skincare are very important for facial care. There are various skin problems one of which is premature aging and dull skin. The perpose of the writer is to know and explain the process making mangosteen skin serum and white rice as anti-aging and brightening, to find out and explain the benefits of mangosteen skin and white rice as anti-aging and brightening and to explain the public acceptance of the mangosteen skin serum and the white rice as anti-aging and brightening. the methoud used is observation, documentation, experiment, interview, questionares and literature. The third experiment produced the composition are 2ml glyserin, 1,5ml mangosteen extract, 1,5ml white rice extract, 5ml aquades, 0,5ml phenoxythanol, 1gr allantoin and 0,5g hydroxtethyl cellulose. Gives off the color beige, nice smell, thick texture and a moist application. After 14 times use, the face will feel moist, bright and fine line and wrikles on the faces are camouflaged. Based on public trials, the average output of 30 panels is the third product with an average of 3,43. The second product has an average of 3,26 and the first product hasan average of 2,93. Thus, it can be concluded that products could be the innovation of problems of premature aging and dull skin
Pemanfaatan Daun Sirsak Sebagai Masker Peel Off Untuk Mengurangi Jerawat Nurulisma Saputri; Raya Wida Nur Vivid
Garina Vol. 14 No. 1 (2022): June : Garina : Jurnal Pengembangan IPTeks Seni Kuliner, Tata Rias, dan Desain
Publisher : Akademi Kesejahteraan Sosial Ibu Kartini Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69697/garina.v14i1.7


Soursop leaves contain steroid or terpenoid compounds, flavonoids, coumarins, alkaloids, and tannins. The flavonoid compounds in soursop leaves work as antioxidants. The purpose of this study was to find out how to make Peel Off face masks from soursop leaves, to find out the benefits of Peel Off facial masks from soursop leaves on facial skin calls, to determine public acceptance of Peel Off facial masks products from soursop leaves to reduce acne. The researcher used the observation method, the interview method, the experimental method, the documentation method, the R&D method, and the questionnaire method. Peel Off mask product from soursop leaves has a composition of soursop leaf extract 3gr, Natrosol 5gr, Propylene Glycol 6ml, Propyl paraben 1gr, Methyl paraben 1gr, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate 2gr, distilled water 6ml distilled water, 9ml polyvinyl alcohol. From the results of public trials to the public, the products made are effective in reducing whitehead acne, acne in the T zone, acne papules, acne fulminans, acne menchanica, and can brighten the face. The results of the calculation of public acceptance of the Peel Off facial mask product from soursop leaves of the fifth experiment have an average color result of 3.5. Thickness 3.5. Texture 3.6. Scent 3.4. Side effects 3.5. This Peel Off face mask from soursop leaves is suitable for use on the face because it contains antibacterial and antioxidant properties that are very effective in reducing acne.
Lip Balm Daun Kelor Dan Daun Pandan Mengatasi Bibir Kering Yenny Sri Handayani; Diajeng Olga Arulia Pining Kasih
Garina Vol. 14 No. 1 (2022): June : Garina : Jurnal Pengembangan IPTeks Seni Kuliner, Tata Rias, dan Desain
Publisher : Akademi Kesejahteraan Sosial Ibu Kartini Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69697/garina.v14i1.8


Lip Balm is one of the cosmetic products to moisturize the lips. The ingredients used in this lip balm are beeswax (beeswax), original olive oil, Moringa leaf powder and pandan leaf powder which are useful for dealing with dry lips because they contain vitamin C which has benefits for the lips. This lip balm has excellent receptivity and adds to the variety of lip balms by making use of natural ingredients. The purpose of this experiment is to find out and explain the process of making Lip Balm, to find out the benefits of Lip Balm, and to explain the advantages and disadvantages of Moringa Leaf and Pandan Leaf Lip Balm. The experiment of making Moringa Leaf and Pandan Leaf Lip Balm was carried out using the methods of observation, interviews, experiments, documentation, literature, and analysis. The composition of the lip balm is Moringa leaf powder 1gr, pandan leaf powder 1gr, beeswax 10gr, olive oil 6ml and this lip balm has a soft, dense and non-greasy texture. every day so that the lips are not dry and chapped. Based on sensory tests and public tests, this lip balm from Moringa leaves and pandan leaves is suitable for use because of its excellent benefits for moisturizing lips
Penambahan Bubuk Kopi Pada Produk Pewarna Henna Untuk Rambut Beruban Ponco Nofian Mustoro
Garina Vol. 14 No. 1 (2022): June : Garina : Jurnal Pengembangan IPTeks Seni Kuliner, Tata Rias, dan Desain
Publisher : Akademi Kesejahteraan Sosial Ibu Kartini Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69697/garina.v14i1.9


Hair dye is a cosmetic used in hair cosmetology that serves to restore the original color of the hair, cover gray hair, or create other colors. The purpose of this study is to develop hair dye based on henna powder and coffee powder as a natural coloring. The methods used in this study are observation methods, literature, experiment, documentation, questionnaires, and R&D. The results of research for hair dye product that have been added henna powder and coffee powder with the right dose indicate that, the composition of these two ingredients can be used as an ingredient in the manufacture of hair dye for gray hair. The color produced from henna powder and coffee powder is black, with a cream texture and rather coarse particles. The distinctive aroma of coffee is produced from coffee powder which is one of the natural ingredients in coloring and aroma. The author's suggestion for this study is the need for a lab test to determine the expiry time on hair dye products made from henna powder and coffee powder, and a way to improve the texture of the product to be smoother again so that it is easier to apply it to the hair.
Teknik Ecoprint, Pengembangan Motif Kain Yang Ramah Lingkungan Wika Watiningsih
Garina Vol. 14 No. 2 (2022): Desember: Garina : Jurnal Pengembangan IPTeks Seni Kuliner, Tata Rias, dan Des
Publisher : Akademi Kesejahteraan Sosial Ibu Kartini Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69697/garina.v14i2.10


Increasing consumer demand, including in the fashion sector, is directly proportional to the waste generated. Unconsciously, the fashion industry is one of the contributors to global pollution. One of the contributions is with a sustainable fashion. Awareness of environmental sustainability encourages environmentally friendly clothing styles become more popular. Designers are competing to make design collections with sustainable materials, It is the ecoprint fabric motif. Ecoprint means the technique of making motifs on cloth by tracing the leaves and then boiling them. Almost 100% of ecoprint fabrics are made using natural materials that are biodegradable. Creating fabrics with ecoprint motifs requires fabric materials derived from natural fibers, both plant and animal fiber. The dyes used come from nature, including from stems, leaves, flowers, fruit skins which when boiled are able to produce the same colors as chemical substances. The motif from leaves that produce natural colors, arranged in such a way is created kind of motif formation. Experimental methods of various in arranging leaves and flowers will produce unique different styles of motifs. Ecoprint as an alternative to sustainable Indonesian ‘Wastra’ expected will become more popular because of the uniqueness of the motifs, sustainable and the high selling price.

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