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Muhammad Taufik Harsana
NIAGARA Scientific Journal Vol 14 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Niagara
Publisher : LPPM STIA Banten
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DOI: 10.55651/juni.v14i2.1
After the ratification of Presidential Regulation No. 76 of 2013 concerning handling public service complaints. Since August 17, 2017 the Pandeglang Regency government has opened a public complaint service in the form of complaints through an application called Bebeja. Services in electronic form are highly expected by the public, because they are felt to be effective, especially in terms of complaints. Therefore the author feels the need to know the effectiveness of these services. The effectiveness of public complaint services through the Bebeja application can be determined using the theory of effectiveness according to Siagian (2013: 20-21) with the dimensions: (1) Resources, funds, facilities and infrastructure (2) Quantity and quality of goods (3) Deadline. (4) Procedures that must be followed in completing the task. This research uses a descriptive research type with a qualitative approach. The results of this study indicate that the research results obtained are: 1) Resources, funds, facilities and infrastructure, are in accordance with applicable regulations and are able to support the smooth running of service activities 2) The number and quality of services produced, the number of people participating in this service and quality of service that can reflect the accuracy of reports and ease of service 3) The time limit, the complaint service process is appropriate 4) The service procedures that must be taken are in accordance with KEMENPAN Number 63 of 2003 where public service providers must fulfill several principles, one of which is simplicity.
Annisa Nurwahida;
Tjahyo Rawinarno;
Suhud Alynudin;
Agus Widiarto
NIAGARA Scientific Journal Vol 14 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Niagara
Publisher : LPPM STIA Banten
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DOI: 10.55651/juni.v14i2.3
Work from home as an executor of working remotely and does not have to be in the office can affect several aspects, one of which is on employee performance. The problems in this study such as leaders who have difficulty monitoring their members/subordinates,, not all employees have electronic devices that support and the lack of direct contact interaction often occurs misscommunication.As a result, many employees enter during the work from home schedule in order to complete their work. This can affect employee performance. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of work from home on the performance of employees at the Population and Civil Registry Office of Pandeglang Regency. The method used in this research is the Associative Quantitative method, and the data is distributed through questionnaires. And the sampling technique using saturated samples with a total of 94 samples. Based on the results of the study, it was found that there was an effect of work from home on the performance of employees at the Population and Civil Registry Office of Pandeglang Regency. The magnitude of the effect of work from hurray on the performance of employees in the Population and Civil Registry Office of Pandeglang Regency is 16.2%. While the remaining 83.8% is influenced by other variables that are not explained in this study. Suggestions from this research: it is better if the agency in the future also considers the option of organizing work from home even after the covid-19 pandemic is over.
Rusito Rusito
NIAGARA Scientific Journal Vol 14 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Niagara
Publisher : LPPM STIA Banten
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DOI: 10.55651/juni.v14i2.4
This research has a starting point from the problems that indicate the slow pace of changes in bureaucratic reform at the Department of Transportation, Lebak Regency, Banten Province. The purpose of this study is to gain a deep understanding of the areas of change in bureaucratic reform. The references used are eight areas of change in bureaucratic reform in the Menpan RB guidebook (2018: 9). The study used a qualitative research designwith a qualitative descriptive analysis method. The results of the study concluded that bureaucratic reform was carried out through eight areas of change, namely changes in organization, management, human resources of the apparatus, laws and regulations, accountability, public services and organizational culture.
Abdur Rahmanesa;
Cahyadi Supyansuri
NIAGARA Scientific Journal Vol 14 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Niagara
Publisher : LPPM STIA Banten
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DOI: 10.55651/juni.v14i2.5
One of the big days of the Islamic community is Eid al-Adha and it is recommended by Shari'ah that the community witness it together as a symbol of Islam. Worship on Eid al-Adha after carrying out sunnah prayers is the Sacrifice Worship, namely slaughtering Qurban animals. This Qurban service refers to the event of Prophet Ibrahim as a test by Allah for his love by sacrificing his son, Prophet Ismail.The understanding of the general public that the Quban worship is carried out in turns, for example, is represented by si-Pulan as the head of the family, next year represented by his wife, then represented by his son. Based on the history of the Prophet Muhammad Shallallahu'alaihi Wasallam, he never took turns to his wives and was sufficiently represented by him for the family. The Companions of the Prophet as the head of the family did not also take it in turns to offer qurbani to their wives and children.Sacrificial animals that are slaughtered are generally cows and goats, where for one cow seven people and one goat for one person. During the last two years during the Covid-19 pandemic, research results based on the dimensions of service quality were 61.8% better than the two years before the Covid-19 pandemic. An average of 12.5 cows for sacrifice were slaughtered before the Covid-19 pandemic, which took around 10 hours to complete. During the two years of the Covid-19 pandemic and implementing the health protocol policy, the number of sacrificial animals slaughtered was an average of 12 heads with an implementation time of around 7 hours, 3 hours faster or in other words 30% faster than before during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Kepuasan Masyarakat terhadap Pelayanan Publik Bidang Pendidikan(Penelitian Survei pada Zona Wilayah Koordinasi Layanan Administrasi Satuan Pendidikan di Kabupaten Pandeglang)
Sutoto Sutoto
NIAGARA Scientific Journal Vol 14 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Niagara
Publisher : LPPM STIA Banten
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DOI: 10.55651/juni.v14i2.6
Publicservice in education held at the district, sub-district and education unit levels are seen as slow, long and unsatisfactory. Several actual issues were identified, including: (1) unclear service time; (2) the practice of illegal levies; and (3) unfriendlybehavior of employees. The research was conducted using survey, observation and interview methods by taking samples divided into 6 (six) zones for the coordination of administrative services of the education unit. From the results of the study it was concluded that the services at the Education Office, State Elementary Schools and State Junior High Schools were considered quite satisfied. As many as 71.6 percent of respondents answered quite satisfied, while respondents who stated that they were not satisfied were 13.2 percent. The remaining 15.2 percent answered they did not know
RD Chandra Gunawindharto
NIAGARA Scientific Journal Vol 14 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Niagara
Publisher : LPPM STIA Banten
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DOI: 10.55651/juni.v14i2.7
The stock exchange becomes one of indicator shown the modernity of one country and investment alternative as well. Stock Exchange activity reflected by an Indonesia Composite Index fluctuation which are influenced by macroeconomics variables such as interest rate, exchange value, and inflation. This study aims to determine the effect of, interest rates, exchange rate of rupiah and inflation against the Indonesia Composite Index(ICI. The type of research used explanatory research, with quantitative approach and took all time series data covering Interest Rates, Rupiah Exchange Rate, Inflation and Indonesia Composite Index(ICI) for the period of 1996 until 2020. The data analysis used multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS 23. The results of this studyindicate that the value of coefficient of determination(R2) 72.9% which means independent variables affect the dependent variable 72.9% and the rest is 27.1% influenced by other variables outside this study. F test results indicate that the independent variables of interest rate, exchange rate of rupiah, and inlation rate simultaneously have significant effect on the Indonesia Composite Index(ICI). The result of t test shows that the, interest rate variable partially have significant negative effect on Indonesia Composite Index(ICI), exchange rate variable partially have significant positive effeft on Indonesia Composite Index, while inflation variable partially negatively influenced the Indonesia Composite Index(ICI).
Jumanah Jumanah;
Abdul Aziz;
Anti Annisa Subhiyati;
NIAGARA Scientific Journal Vol 14 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Niagara
Publisher : LPPM STIA Banten
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DOI: 10.55651/juni.v14i2.8
This article discusses the Implementation of Fishermen Empowerment Programs which consist of the Training and Guidance Program, the Coastal Community Economic Empowerment Program (PEMP) and the National Marine and Fisheries Independent Community Empowerment Program (PNPM Mandiri-KP), the Revitalization of Ships and Fishing Equipment Programs. Provided by the Government to Fishermen through Group Mechanisms and Capital Assistance Programs, Skills and Knowledge Improvement Programs, and Fisheries Sector Business Diversification Programs, Fisherman Insurance Premium Assistance Programs (BPAN), Fishermen Equipment Assistance Programs, Capture Fisheries Rural Mina Business Development Programs (PUMP) PT). The purpose of this paper is to oversee the programs implemented by the government in an effort to empower traditional fishermen to run effectively and efficiently. The method ofwriting this research is based on the results of research findings from vos viewer regarding the Implementation of Fishermen Empowerment Programs.One of the findings from several researchers that we quote is the Fisherman Insurance Premium Assistance program in collaboration with PT. Jasindo, thepayment of fishermen's insurance premiums is assisted for a year, after which fishermen can continue their policies independently with a small premium of around Rp. 75,000 per year.
Ersa Fikriya;
Nopi Andayani
NIAGARA Scientific Journal Vol 14 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Niagara
Publisher : LPPM STIA Banten
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DOI: 10.55651/juni.v14i2.9
Subsidized fertilizer is one of the government programs in the agricultural sector to facilitate farmers in meeting fertilizer needs. The problems in this study regarding the distribution of subsidized fertilizers include: (1). The flow of fertilizer distribution is convoluted (2). The occurrence of delays in the delivery of fertilizer atthe time of planting harvest (3). The amount of subsidized fertilizer supply is small, only based on data on food crops. (4). Fertilizer prices that pass the Highest Retail Price (HET).The purpose of this research is to find out the implementation of Ministerial Regulation Number 49 of 2020 concerning Allocation and Determination of the Highest Retail Price in Pandeglang Regency (Study in Mandalawangi District). The method used in this research is purposive sampling. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the distribution of subsidized fertilizers has not been running as it should.The method used in this research is purposive sampling. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the distribution of subsidized fertilizers has not been running as it should. The size and objectives of this policy have not been achieved due to the lack of socialization regarding the subsidized fertilizer program which has led to blind knowledge of farmers regarding the amount of allocation and determination of HET that will apply in 2021It is seen that the social, economic and political conditions in the Mandalawangi District are supportive, but the social conditions of farmers who are still conservative are a little difficult to achieve the goals of thesubsidized fertilizer program.Suggestionss: there needs to be more supervision on distribution in order to avoid trade monopoly and provide understanding to farmer groups regarding the applicable regulations.
Pengelolaan Aset SMKN di Provinsi Banten Pasca Peralihan Kewenangan Dari Kabupaten Ke Provinsi
Ujang Suryana
NIAGARA Scientific Journal Vol 14 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Niagara
Publisher : LPPM STIA Banten
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DOI: 10.55651/juni.v14i2.10
This study discusses SMKN Asset Management in Banten Province After the Transfer of Authority from District to Province. The aim of the research is to determine SMKN Asset Management in Banten Province after the Transfer of Authority from District to Province. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach. Determination of informants using purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques through observation, direct interviews and documentation. Testing the validity of the data uses triangulation of data sources and member checks associated with Siregar's regional asset management theory (2004). Data analysis techniques using Miles and Hubberman. The results of the study show that SMKN Asset Management in Banten Province After the Transfer of Authority from District to Province is still not going well.regarding documents of ownership and certificates that are not properly inventoried because all legal audits require supporting resources for the sustainability of assets to continue to run well, Every report in the Office of Education, SMKN 1 Cikande and SMKN Agriculture must run well without having to rely on asset managers who bear the responsibility of each Regional Apparatus Organization.Potential assets must be used properly and utilized as best as possible and must be managed and cared for according to their respective functions.
Titi Stiawati;
Iis Nur Annisa
NIAGARA Scientific Journal Vol 14 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Niagara
Publisher : LPPM STIA Banten
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DOI: 10.55651/juni.v14i2.11
The research focus is on the routine program of the public relations division of PT Indonesia Power Suralaya PGU. A routine program is an activity that is carried out regularly either on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. PT Indonesia Power's public relations division has several internal and external routine programs, which have been well implemented. However, in its implementation there are still some obstacles such as differences in information obtained between public relations division employees. The method used is descriptive qualitative. The purpose of this research is to find out what must be optimized in routine programs so that the constraints encountered can be overcome properly. The theory used is the performance theory of Agus Dwiyanto (2006) consisting of five variables, however the researcher chose to use only three indicators, namely responsiveness, responsibility and accountability. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of routine programs in the public relations division is good, but there are some things that are not optimal. The responsiveness variable has not been maximized because there is still misinformation between public relations division employees so that internal communication needs to be improved. The responsibility variable is good because the awareness of employees to work together in other tasks is high. While the accountability variable is good because the service provided by employees is quite good, namely being able to provide satisfaction for employees of other divisions and external parties of PT Indonesia Power Suralaya PGU.