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Warseto Freddy Sihombing
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ISSN : 30315077     EISSN : 28285492     DOI : -
The International Journal of Education, Theology, and Humanities receive contributions from different universities and countries who have provided ideas through writings that can be used as references and developments in future research in the field of Humanities, Educations, Theology and Christian Religious. Likewise to the reviewers who have checked and provided constructive suggestions to each author.
Articles 5 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): June 2022" : 5 Documents clear
The Comprehension of Tempo’s Newspaper English Article for the 10th Grade Students at Al-Qomariyah Boarding School Frainskoy Rio Naibaho; Lely Fitri Hasibuan; Mahardika Abdi Prawira Tanjung
the International Journal of Education, Theology, and Humanities Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): June 2022
Publisher : LPPM IAKN Tarutung

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This study deals with the comprehension of Tempo’s Newspaper English Article for the 10th Grade Students at Al-Qomaiyah Boarding School. It was aimed to know the ability of students in comprehend of Tempo’s Newspaper English article. The data of this study were the score of students and the source od this study was the twenty students of Al-Qomariyah Boarding School. Observation, Interview, and test were used to obtain the data. the data were analyzed by using Miles and Huberman (1992). Based on the data analysis,the ability of the students in comprehension the English language article still tend to be weak, it can be seen from more than students who choose to translate the article rather than understand it.
Sources of Paul’s Teaching (Thoughts) Warseto Freddy Sihombing; Pelealu Samuel G
the International Journal of Education, Theology, and Humanities Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): June 2022
Publisher : LPPM IAKN Tarutung

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Where is the source of Paul's teachings or thoughts? This becomes an important and serious question when we open the New Testament. Some of the things that are of concern are that there are many letters written by Paul and in his writings, there are many doctrines and theological terms that are very inherent in the church. If we look at the background of Paul's life, we will feel astonished. The question that follows the above is why his writings really dominate the New Testament while he is not an apostle directly chosen by Jesus as with Simon Peter, Andrew, James, etc.? What is the main source for all of Paul's writings so that they dominate the New Testament? Where are the main sources of his teaching?
The Role of The Church In The Education of The Congregation or People To Influence The Surrounding Community Bernard Lubis; Yulius Enisman Harefa
the International Journal of Education, Theology, and Humanities Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): June 2022
Publisher : LPPM IAKN Tarutung

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Society is a group of people consisting of several humans. In society, Indonesia has six religions, namely Protestant Christianity, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism and Islam. Of these religions have different ways of worshiping or worshiping and also have different reinforcement of faith. As five people who believe in the existence of a Christian God worship the Lord Jesus in the church. The church opens the building that we see where we worship but the church is the person or the church is ourselves. The foundation of Christian faith comes from the Bible which is the source of strength. So the Church must continue to take part in education in order to be able to carry out its greater role in society. The church must also be a place to educate and a place to be educated.
Indigeneous Communal Pastoral in the Dalihan Natolu Kinship System Robinson Simanungkalit
the International Journal of Education, Theology, and Humanities Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): June 2022
Publisher : LPPM IAKN Tarutung

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The Communal-indigenous Pastoral Paradigm is a pastoral theology attempt in the encounter of between Communal Pastoral Theology and the Dalihan Natolu kinship system of Batak culture. Indigenous Communal Pastoral is originally rooted and born from the local wisdom designed for the society and socio-culture of a community that has a system of values and beliefs as well as philosophies. These values and philosophies can be assimilated and integrated to build a contextualised pastoral approach. Indigenous Communal Pastoral combines and adjusts existing customary and cultural approaches and dialogues them with the perspective of Pastoral Theology. The research method used in this study is descriptive qualitative research method through literature study. The purpose of writing this article is to see how Indigeneous Communal Pastoral in the Dalihan Natolu kinship system as a form of local wisdom of Batak ancestral heritage represents pastoral assistance.
Building International Cooperation to Leverge Global Competitiveness Lely Verawati Br. Marbun
the International Journal of Education, Theology, and Humanities Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): June 2022
Publisher : LPPM IAKN Tarutung

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International relation is very much needed in the current of globalization era, why should that? Because with the existence of international cooperation involving two or more countries, the level of prosperity and peace will be more maintained. The effects of this alliance or cooperation usually cover several fields, such as: politics, security, economy, education and others. With this international cooperation, a country that has strength in a certain field will certainly protect the other allied countries who may be in trouble. So basically this international cooperation relationship is like a symbiotic mutualism which is benefits both sides in various fields that they agree on.

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