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Tadulako Social Science and Humaniora Journal
Published by Universitas Tadulako
ISSN : 27764877     EISSN : 27764885     DOI :
Tadulako Social Science and Humaniora Journal (Sochum) is an international, peer-reviewed, open access, online journal of applied research in the field of Social Science and Humaniora. It is designed to provide rapid dissemination of original, cutting-edge ideas and timely, significant contributions in Social Science and Humaniora. It is published two times a year, published in June, and November in electronic format with free online access. Submitted papers must be written in English for an initial review stage by editors and further review process by minimum of two international reviewers. These topics are addressed in full-length academic articles, critical statements on current issues, developmental practice, and reviews of books based Social Science and Humaniora. The purpose of the journal is to publish original and high-quality research papers in the field of Social Science and Humaniora. The journal presents an innovative platform for researchers, students, practitioners and educators to both learn from and contribute to the field.
Articles 48 Documents
THE ACTUALIZATION OF RELIGIOUS AND CULTURAL VALUES AS A CONTROLLING FACTOR FOR THE SOCIAL EFFECTS OF TERRORISM: Case Terrorized Murder in Lembantongoa Village Palolo sub-district, Sigi district. Nisbah; Jamaluddin; Abdul Hakim
Tadulako Social Science and Humaniora Journal Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): Tadulako Social Science and Humaniora Journal
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/sochum.v4i1.16323


This study aims to determine the extent to which religious and cultural values in the Lembantongoa Village community strengthen their social group identity, as well as the source of ideas, thoughts, ways, which are useful as a barrier and inhibiting factor for the creation of destructive social turmoil effects due to the terrorist movement. The results of this study reveal facts that explain 1) the influence of religion and culture is still quite strong, manifested in community behavior in the form of adherence to customary norms; life cycle ceremonies, customary laws, social organizations, always strengthen their structural and cultural identity, 2) the real act of murder terror in Lembantongoa Village is an attempt to manipulate the power of religion and culture as a means of justifying social turmoil, 3) the perpetrators of terror are the continuity of terrorist actors " MIT Theorist Group in Poso" , trying to create " Social Turmoil" in Sigi Regency streotype of conflict and social unrest in Poso, 4) overcoming the consequences and problems of murder terror, should critically address the failure of terrorist groups to utilize religion and custom as a trigger for Social Turmoil.
Vulnerability to ARI and Diarrhea after Disaster : Huntara Case in Mantikulore and Ulujadi Subdistricts Astri Desfianingsih Desfianingsih; Iwan Alim Saputra; Rahmawati
Tadulako Social Science and Humaniora Journal Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): Tadulako Social Science and Humaniora Journal
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/sochum.v4i1.16770


This research was conducted in shelters in two sub-districts, namely Mantikulore and Ulujadi sub-districts, with the aim of describing the level of ARI and diarrhea vulnerability after the disaster (especially shelters in Mantikulore and Ulujadi sub-districts). This research uses weighting scoring method and image interpretation method. The population in this study was 1,138 families from temporary shelters in the two sub-districts, with a sample size of 114 families. Meanwhile, the technique used to obtain samples is quato sampling. The results obtained are (1) In the parameter of ARI sufferers and the parameter of the use of anti-mosquito coils, it can be seen that most respondents fall into the classification of the class not vulnerable. On the parameter of the physical environment of the shelter (number of shelter members and ventilation area), all shelters are classified as highly vulnerable. On the smoking habit parameter, it can be seen that most respondents fall into the highly vulnerable class classification. In the parameter of road area, it can be seen that there are some shelters that are classified as not vulnerable and some are classified as very vulnerable. (2) In the parameter of ARI patients, it can be seen that most respondents are classified as not vulnerable. In the parameter of hand washing before eating and after defecation, it can be seen that all respondents are classified as not vulnerable. For waste management, half of the respondents were classified as vulnerable. In terms of the distance from the shelter to the polling station, it can be seen that all shelters are classified as highly vulnerable.
Tadulako Social Science and Humaniora Journal Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): Tadulako Social Science and Humaniora Journal
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/sochum.v4i1.16772


This study aims to determine the effect of the use of Concrete Object Media on Student Learning Outcomes in Science Learning Class II SD Inpres 2 Kotaraya. The method used is a quasi experiment with the equivalent pretest-posttest design. The population in this study amounted to 28 students with a sample of 28 students. Sampling technique by means of saturated sampling. Class II A at Inpres 2 Kotaraya as the experimental class and class II B at Inpres 3 Kotaraya Elementary School as the control class. The learning outcome instrument is a multiple choice test that has been validated. Based on the results of the posttest given to the experimental and control classes, the average value of the control class pretest was 64.21 and the experimental class pretest was 61.35. The average posttest value in the control class was 73.85 and the experimental class was 88.78. The average value of the experimental posttest has increased from the average value of the pretest and this is reinforced by the results of the hypothesis test. Based on the results of the final hypothesis test, it was found that the significant value was 0.000 because the significant value obtained was <0.05, so Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted. The results showed that there was an effect of using concrete objects media on student learning outcomes in science learning Class II SD Inpres 2 Kotaraya.
Tadulako Social Science and Humaniora Journal Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): Tadulako Social Science and Humaniora Journal
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/sochum.v4i1.16774


This paper discusses the application of E-learning madrasah in history subjects at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Palu City. This research is a qualitative research. The data collection techniques used were observation, interview, and documentation. Qualitative data analysis uses data reduction techniques, data presentation, and conclusions. The implementation of e-learning in History learning in class XI IPS students is to do learning planning in advance by making lesson plans in the form of learning materials, methods used to evaluate learning. In the process of learning history there are several stages including first planning, the teacher prepares a draft online lesson plan (RPP), syllabus, then prepares learning materials in the form of PowerPoint (PPT), and assignments. Second, implementation, the teacher uploads the material and conveys the important points only, then continues the question and answer session, and gives independent assignments that are collected according to the deadline or collection deadline. Third, teachers conduct learning evaluations, such as assessments seen from student learning outcomes, student attitudes and seen from learning practices. In addition, the results of research and interviews that have been conducted show that there are two factors that influence the use of E-Learning, namely supporting factors and inhibiting factors.
Community Participation in Reducing Flood Disaster Risk in Boyantongo Village, South Parigi Sub-district, Parigi Moutong District Rahmat; Amalia Novarita; Risma Fadhilla Arsy
Tadulako Social Science and Humaniora Journal Vol. 4 No. 2 (2024): Tadulako Social Science and Humaniora Journal
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/sochum.v5i1.17181


Boyantongo Village is one of the villages in the South Parigi Sub-district, Parigi Moutong Regency, which has experienced flooding several times during the rainy season. Flash floods that hit Boyantongo Village occurred on August 25, 2012, causing 142 residents of Boyantongo Village to flee Flash floods in Boyantongo Village occurred again on July 11-13, 2020 flash floods occurred at 21.00 WITA causing 18 Boyantongo Village residents to flee. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of community participation in reducing the risk of flood disasters in Boyantongo Village. The study used a sample survey method, survey research is one research approach that is generally used for extensive data collection. At the same time, the data collection techniques used in this study used instruments in the form of questionnaires. The research was conducted by distributing questionnaires to 67 households. The results showed that the potential for flooding is in Hamlet I, Hamlet III, and Hamlet IV. Aspects of community understanding of basic disaster knowledge, from Hamlet I is categorized as quite good, Hamlet III is categorized as good and Hamlet is categorized as quite good. Community knowledge in disaster mitigation during floods is categorized as low. It shows that the community's knowledge of disasters is not good, as seen from the parameters of knowledge and attitudes towards disaster risk. This is because the community has not participated in socialization and training on community participation in reducing the risk of flooding in the village.
Factors Affecting Work Fatigue in Workers of Process Plan Department Area at PT Citra Palu Minerals Muhammad Sabri Syahrir; Lusia Salmawati; Muhammad Zikra; Arwan
Tadulako Social Science and Humaniora Journal Vol. 4 No. 2 (2024): Tadulako Social Science and Humaniora Journal
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/sochum.v5i1.17182


Work fatigue is a condition that causes a decrease in a person's efficiency and performance, so it can increase the occurrence of work accidents, and harm themselves and their companies, due to decreased productivity. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of length of service, nutritional status, and workload on work fatigue in the processing planning department area at PT Citra Palu Minerals. This study uses quantitative research with a Cross-Sectional approach. The sampling technique in this study was determined by incidental sampling with a total sample of 54 respondents. Data collection using questionnaires, measuring instruments finger pulse oximeter, and body mass index calculation. Data analysis used is univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analysis. The results showed workload p value = 0.006 means it has a relationship with fatigue, nutritional status p value = 1,000 and tenure has p value = 0.188 means it does not have a significant relationship to fatigue in workers. The most influential factor on fatigue is workload with an Exp (B) value = 7.500.
The Effectiveness of Marriage Dispensation Requests at the Religious Court of Palu Aan Asgari Rahman; Susi Susilawati; Ayyub Mubarak
Tadulako Social Science and Humaniora Journal Vol. 4 No. 2 (2024): Tadulako Social Science and Humaniora Journal
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/sochum.v5i1.17183


Dispensation to marry is a dispensation granted by the Religious Court to a bride and groom who are not old enough to enter into marriage for a man and woman who have not reached 19 (nineteen) years of age. If the two prospective husband and wife are both Muslims, then both of them can apply for marriage dispensation to the Religious Court. The formulation of the problem above is how the increase in applications for dispensation of marriage after the enactment of Law Number 16 of 2019 concerning amendments to Law Number 1 of 1974 that occurred in the Palu Religious Court and what factors submitted applications for dispensation of marriage at the Palu Religious Court. The purpose of this study was to determine the increase in marriage dispensation at the Palu Religious Court and to find out what factors submitted to marriage dispensation at the Palu Religious Court. The research method used is empirical juridical. Based on the results of the study, there is an increase in marriage dispensation in the Palu Religious Court due to several factors, namely: pregnancy, fear/fear, economy, culture/custom, and arranged marriage these factors occur because there are no detailed rules on the Marriage Law regarding the reasons that can be submitted to apply for marriage dispensation, lack of public understanding of the impact of marriage dispensation, and lack of counseling from related institutions to provide comprehensive socialization to various places about the Marriage Law. Whether or not this Marriage Law is effective can also be influenced by several factors, namely: legal factors, law enforcement factors and related institutions, facilities and facilities, community factors, and cultural factors.
Student Character Development Through Scouting Activities at MTS Alkhairaat Pusat Palu Zuzan T Bachmid; Widayati Pujiastuti; Imran
Tadulako Social Science and Humaniora Journal Vol. 4 No. 2 (2024): Tadulako Social Science and Humaniora Journal
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/sochum.v5i1.17184


The purpose of the study was to determine and describe the ability of Scoutmaster teachers to foster student character through Scouting activities at MTs. Alkhairaat Pusat Palu. The subjects in this study were 8 people consisting of 6 seventh-grade students, namely 3 male students and 3 female students who participated in Scouting activities, 1 Scout coach teacher, and 1 Deputy Principal. The type of research conducted is based on descriptive qualitative methods, the techniques used to collect data are observation, interviews, and documentation. Based on the study results, show that Student Character Development through Scouting Activities at MTs. Alkhairaat Palu Center, namely: 1) Responsibility Character 2) Discipline 3) independence.
Tadulako Social Science and Humaniora Journal Vol. 4 No. 2 (2024): Tadulako Social Science and Humaniora Journal
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/sochum.v5i1.17185


This study aims to describe the perceptions of Civics students about the impact of cellphone use and describe the benefits and negative impacts caused by cellphone use. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research. The research subjects were 10 people (6 men and 4 women) of 2018 Class C students. The data collection techniques used were interviews and documentation. This study uses data analysis techniques using data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. The results showed that the use of cell phones will have a good or bad effect on students depending on the cellphone user. The positive impact is that it can be used as a medium of information, communication, and learning media. The negative impact is that it can affect student concentration in learning, make students lazy to learn, interfere with child development, and also waste. but there are still many students who use cell phones in a negative direction in class during learning. So it is necessary to have a cellphone usage policy for students. Cell phones can only be used in class if the instructor instructs to use them.
Tadulako Social Science and Humaniora Journal Vol. 4 No. 2 (2024): Tadulako Social Science and Humaniora Journal
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/sochum.v5i1.17186


Children are a gift from God Almighty, whose dignity needs to be protected and their rights guaranteed to grow and develop by their nature. Child health problems in terms of nutrition are one of the priorities of the United Nations. Stunting cases are cases of toddlers who have a length or height that is less than the WHO child growth standards. Article 6 paragraph (1) of the Convention on the Rights of the Child reads "States Parties subscribe to the inherent right of every child to life". The right to health is one of the rights inherent in children and adults. One of the Health Rights for children is the fulfillment of children's nutrition and nutrition, so as not to cause stunting of children. SSGI data from Donggala Regency includes districts that have high stunting cases, with a stunting rate in 2023 of 32.4%. This paper aims to find out and analyze the extent of the convention's implementation on the right of stunting children to health services, the factors that cause the high stunting rate in Donggala Regency, and efforts to provide health services for stunting children.