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EduBase: Journal of Basic Education
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Core Subject : Education,
Journal of Basic Education (Edubase) is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research papers and reviews in the field of basic education conducted by educational practitioners such as teachers, lecturers, basic education observers, basic education policy makers and students. This journal is dedicated to promoting global scientific and technological progress by providing a platform for researchers, scientists and academics to publish their research findings and share their knowledge with the wider scientific community. Edubase receives input from researchers, scientists and academics around the world on topics including: Basic Education: Learning Strategies, Learning Models, Learning Methods, Learning Media, Teaching Materials, Learning Resources, and School Management in the basic education domain. All submissions to Edubase undergo a rigorous peer review process to ensure the quality and validity of published research. This journal encourages the submission of papers that present innovative and original research, and contribute to the development of new theories, methodologies and techniques in the field of elementary education science. Edubase is committed to promoting open access to scientific research and aims to make research accessible to a wider audience, including researchers and students in the global arena, especially developing countries who may not have access to expensive scientific journals. This journal also seeks to foster collaboration and partnerships between researchers around the world and facilitate the exchange of ideas and knowledge between scientific disciplines.
Articles 7 Documents
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The Effect of the P4C Initiative on Primary School Students' Learning and Social Outcomes Philip Clarkson; Michael Webster
EduBase : Journal of Basic Education Vol 5 No 1 (2024): EduBase: Journal of Basic Education
Publisher : Jurnal IAI Bunga Bangsa Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47453/edubase.v5i1.2020


Purpose: This study investigated its impact on reading comprehension, math interest, self-esteem, pro-social behavior, and emotional well-being. Methods: This study used a longitudinal time series quasi-experimental design involving an experimental group and a matched comparison group. Participants in this study were two hundred and eighty children (149 intervention group, 131 comparison group) from eight state primary schools in the Southeast Queensland region. The research sample consisted of 48% (n=135) girls and 52% (n=145) boys all in Grade 6 (with an age range of 10-12 years). Results: Results showed improvements in reading comprehension, decreased interest in mathematics and self-esteem, while pro-social behavior and emotional well-being remained unchanged among COI program participants compared to non-participants. Conclusion: The COI philosophical intervention found improvements in reading comprehension but reduced interest in mathematics and self-esteem, with no changes in pro-social behavior and emotional well-being in the Year 6 group of students compared to those who did not receive the COI intervention. The COI's philosophical focus primarily on language may have led to significant increases in reading comprehension over time and significant decreases in interest in mathematics among these Grade 6 participants. Pre-service teachers who aspire to become philosophical COI facilitators need to be encouraged to develop their ability to examine and identify the personal characteristics, beliefs and attitudes that influence the way they think about teaching and learning.
Implementation the School Literacy Movement (GLS) within an Independent Curriculum for Lower Primary School Grades Siti Nur Hidayati; Ludfi Arya Wardana; Faridahtul Jannah; Laode M. Al-Fateh Arifin
EduBase : Journal of Basic Education Vol 5 No 1 (2024): EduBase: Journal of Basic Education
Publisher : Jurnal IAI Bunga Bangsa Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47453/edubase.v5i1.1998


Purpose: This research aims to explain the status of the implementation of the School Literacy Movement (GLS) within the framework of the independent curriculum in the lower classes of SDN Curahgrinting 3 Probolinggo. Methods: This research uses qualitative research methods. This study focuses on the perceptions of school principals, teachers, and students regarding the implementation of GLS, as well as teachers' strategies for overcoming related challenges. The five subjects examined included the school principal, class I and II teachers, and class I and II students. Data collection was carried out through observation, interviews and documentation, then analyzed through data reduction, presentation and verification. Results: The findings show that the implementation of GLS at SDN Curahgrinting 3 Probolinggo, especially in classes I and II, is in the habituation and development stage. Evaluation strategies primarily include formative evaluation and open communication with students and parents. Conclusion: The habituation stage is carried out with activities that last 30 minutes to one hour, establishing a reading corner, and providing additional classes. Furthermore, during the development stage, communal reading activities in the classroom and library. This research highlights the evolving nature of GLS integration in the independent curriculum. These insights contribute to understanding the direction and implications of implementing GLS in primary education, as well as guiding future initiatives in the promotion of literacy within an educational framework.
Teacher and Parent Communication Patterns in Increasing Student Learning Motivation in Elementary Schools Aan Yuliyanto; Rikhatun Ni’am; Novi Hidayati; Irma Sofiasyari; Salih Yousuf Assenhaji
EduBase : Journal of Basic Education Vol 5 No 1 (2024): EduBase: Journal of Basic Education
Publisher : Jurnal IAI Bunga Bangsa Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47453/edubase.v5i1.2007


Purpose: This research aims to describe the process, obstacles and solutions to teacher-parent communication patterns in increasing student learning motivation during the pandemic in grade 3 elementary school. Methods: This type of research is field research using Grounded Theory. Participants in this research were 20 parents and students as well as two teachers at an elementary school in Jepara. Data collection was carried out by interviews, observation and documentation with primary data sources including homeroom teachers, parents and students. The validity of the data uses a credibility test with triangulation techniques. Researchers carry out data analysis using several stages, namely problem formulation, use of theoretical studies (if necessary), data collection and sampling, data analysis, and drawing conclusions. Results: The results of the research show that: 1) Teacher and parent communication patterns in increasing student learning motivation during the pandemic in grade 3 elementary school are divided into three forms, namely: One-stage communication pattern, the communication pattern carried out by parents does not provide feedback to Teacher. Two-stage communication pattern: communication between teachers and parents has feedback. In the three-stage communication pattern, the communication carried out has feedback, and the communicant here can convey the information he obtains to other people. 2) Barriers to communication patterns, namely parents as communicants do not immediately provide feedback, and sometimes the feedback does not match the message conveyed by the teacher. 3) The solution is that parents must take the initiative in giving messages. Motivate children to be patient, open and empathetic, provide religious education as early as possible, and provide encouragement. Conclusion: This research reveals communication patterns between teachers and parents to increase student learning motivation during the pandemic. Communication patterns are divided into three stages, with challenges such as delayed feedback from parents. Thus, it is necessary to involve parents proactively, to take communication initiatives, form patience and empathy in children, provide religious education as early as possible, and provide ongoing support, thereby creating an environment that supports student motivation and learning.
Improving the Quality of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Through Transformational Leadership Farid Farid Ahmad; Daffa Zain Arkan; Muhammad Addien
EduBase : Journal of Basic Education Vol 5 No 1 (2024): EduBase: Journal of Basic Education
Publisher : Jurnal IAI Bunga Bangsa Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47453/edubase.v5i1.1997


Purpose: This research aims to explore more deeply the application of transformational leadership in Islamic education and its role in improving educational standards and school performance, as well as realizing the importance of leadership in utilizing the potential of school resources. Methods: This research uses descriptive research methods with a qualitative approach. This is because researchers carry out direct observations in the field to observe and provide an accurate picture of the reality that occurs in the field. Results: The research results show that madrasa heads bear the responsibility of supervising all aspects of educational activities, starting from managing teachers and students, developing curriculum and programs to building relationships with parents and the community. By using a three-stage strategy that includes input, process, and output, this research shows that there is a strict selection process for students and teachers who enter the input stage, while remaining focused on optimizing the learning process to produce quality educational results. These strategies are intricately designed to complement and strengthen each other, fostering an inclusive and conducive educational environment. Conclusion: These findings underscore the positive impact of transformational leadership on the overall educational landscape at MI Wali Songo Asy-Syirbaany, South Tangerang City, where madrasa heads, through inclusive and astute leadership, prioritize improving the quality of education. Therefore, this research explains the important role of transformational leadership in raising educational standards and improving school performance, and offers valuable insights for improving the quality of education in similar settings.
Educational Strategies to Promote Student Diversity at the Elementary School Level Chris Forlin; Shalahuddin Kafrawi
EduBase : Journal of Basic Education Vol 5 No 1 (2024): EduBase: Journal of Basic Education
Publisher : Jurnal IAI Bunga Bangsa Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47453/edubase.v5i1.2006


Purpose: This research explains the challenges of inclusion in the context of Mexican education policy and how they are addressed in elementary school classrooms. Methods: This research involves an ethnographic analysis of the practices of five teachers in elementary schools in Mexico City, focusing on teachers' perspectives on student diversity, the challenges they face in their daily activities, and the strategies they employ to overcome them. Results: The results of the analysis show that the inclusion approach does not only emerge due to the presence of students with special conditions or certain characteristics, but is also influenced by the teachers' attitudes towards students' difficulties and the efforts they make to advance learning. Despite the observed inclusion of practices, research also identifies the persistent influence of medical and psychological perspectives on student learning, behavior, and difficulties. This research highlights the need to broaden the focus on the work of teaching and create conditions that support inclusive education in the classroom. Conclusion: An inclusive approach to education is not only concerned with students with special needs or certain characteristics; This is also influenced by the teacher's attitude towards student difficulties and the efforts made to improve learning. Teachers' attitudes and actions during teaching also play an important role in promoting inclusivity, although inclusive practices already exist, research shows the ongoing impact of medical and psychological perspectives on students' education, behavior and challenges. Understanding these perspectives is important for overcoming student learning difficulties and promoting more effective and sustainable approaches to inclusion in education. The implications of this research confirm that an inclusive approach to education requires attention to students' needs as well as teachers' attitudes and actions in helping them overcome learning difficulties, with a deep understanding of the long-term impact of medical and psychological perspectives to increase the effectiveness of inclusion in the education system.
Implementation of Financial Literacy Development Strategies in Elementary School Students Ady Darmansyah; Atika Susanti; Ike Kurniawati; Dwi Anggraini; Noi Keng Koh
EduBase : Journal of Basic Education Vol 5 No 1 (2024): EduBase: Journal of Basic Education
Publisher : Jurnal IAI Bunga Bangsa Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47453/edubase.v5i1.2001


Purpose: This research aims to describe the implementation of financial literacy development strategies for students at SD Negeri 44 Bengkulu City. Methods: Researchers used a qualitative descriptive research design. Data collection techniques in this research include interviews, observation and documentation. The research subjects consisted of the principal, two teachers, fifteen grade 2 students at SD Negeri 44 Bengkulu City, and a coordinator from Bank Bengkulu. The data analysis techniques used by researchers include (1) data condensation; (2) data presentation; (3) drawing conclusions and verification. Results: The research results show that various strategies have been implemented, such as: (1) integration of financial literacy in the Independent Indonesian Language Curriculum Textbook for Class 2, (2) the presence of an honesty canteen, (3) class cash management, and (4) savings activities through Bengkulu Bank. Conclusion: The strategy for developing financial literacy at SD Negeri 44 Bengkulu City has succeeded in increasing students' financial understanding and skills. The implications of the research illustrate the importance of collaboration between schools, parents and Bank Bengkulu to strengthen strategies and integrate elements of financial literacy into the elementary school curriculum.
Development of Augmented Reality Book Learning Media Based on Assemblr Edu on Body Organs Material in Elementary Schools Anifatur Rizqiyah; Ribut Prastiwi Sriwijayanti; Faridahtul Jannah; Abd Razak Zakaria
EduBase : Journal of Basic Education Vol 5 No 1 (2024): EduBase: Journal of Basic Education
Publisher : Jurnal IAI Bunga Bangsa Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47453/edubase.v5i1.1999


Purpose: This research aims to develop an Augmented Reality Book based on Assemblr Edu as teaching material to support science learning, Body Organs material for class V students, which is still not available because the material contains abstract concepts and makes it difficult for students to understand science learning. Methods: The type of research used is Research and Development (R&D) with the ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) development model. This research was carried out in class V of SDN Curahgrinting 3 Probolinggo. 4 class V students were tested on a small scale and 14 class V students of SDN Curahgrinting 3 Probolinggo were tested on a large scale. The instruments used in the research were validation questionnaires from material science experts and media experts as well as pretest and posttest. Results: The results of the research and development that have been carried out obtained (1) the percentage of validation scores for science material experts of 89% with revisions according to suggestions and (2) the percentage of validation scores for media experts of 93% with revisions according to suggestions. These results show that the level of validity of the book developed is declared very valid. The teacher response score percentage results were 94% and the student response test results were: (1) Small scale tests were 89% with very good criteria, and (2) Large scale tests were 93% with very good criteria. criteria, thus the Augmented Reality Book is very good. good for use in learning. The pretest and posttest results show that the Augmented Reality Book learning media based on Assemblr Edu is effective, this is proven by the fact that all class V students can be said to have completed with a percentage of 100% after studying with the Augmented Reality Book media and obtaining the Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM) score. Conclusion: Augmented Reality Book learning media based on Assemblr Edu Body Organs is stated to be very suitable for use in the classroom learning process and can increase motivation and stimulate student learning activities. The implication is that the use of this learning media can increase student motivation, deepen understanding of concepts, and facilitate the development of technological and collaborative skills.

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