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Jurnal Agripet
ISSN : 14114623     EISSN : 24604534     DOI : -
Core Subject : Health, Agriculture,
Jurnal Agripet is an open access and online journal that encompasses a broad range of research topics in animal science and biotechnology including animal physiology and nutrition, feed processing and technology, animal productions, animal genetics, breeding and reproduction, meat and milk sciences, animal health, behavior and welfare, animal housing and livestock farming system. Jurnal Agripet publishes original research results and reviews on animal with focused on farm animals both ruminants and non-ruminants. Studies with other animals besides farm animals also can be considered for publication if the subjects of research areas are still related to farm animal aspects.
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Articles 358 Documents
Pengaruh Suplementasi Vitamin E, Mineral Selenium dan Zink Terhadap Konsumsi Nutrien, Produksi dan Kualitas Semen Sapi Simental Fitrah Khairi; Anis Muktiani; Yon Supri Ondho
Jurnal Agripet Vol 14, No 1 (2014): Volume 14, No. 1, April 2014
Publisher : Agricultural Faculty

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (497.497 KB) | DOI: 10.17969/agripet.v14i1.1199


(Effect of supplementation of vitamin E, Selenium and Zinc mineral against to nutrient consumption, production and quality cement simental cow)ABSTRACT. Simental bulls often experience a decline in production and semen quality in the rainy season, which have a higher humidity and high rainfall. This study aims to maintain nutrient consumption, production and semen quality Simental bulls during the rainy season through the supplementation of Vitamin E, Selenium and Zinc Minerals. The study was conducted in July-December 2012 at the Artificial Insemination Center (BIB) Unggaran. The research material used in this study were 12 males Simental cows BIB Unggaran grouped by age. The experimental design used in this study is a randomized block design (RBD) with 3 treatments T1 (ration + Vit. E), T2 (ration + Vit. E + Se), T3 (ration + Vit. E + Se + Zn) and 4 groups as replicates. Parameters measured were dry matter intake and nutrient consumption, production and semen quality. Cement production was measured from fresh semen volume during the study, whereas semen quality measured motility and concentration of spermatozoa from fresh semen. Data consumption of dry matter and nutrient intake obtained were processed using analysis of variance, followed by Duncan test. While data on production and semen quality were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the combination of vitamin E supplementation, minerals Selenium and Zinc did not affect dry matter intake, total digestible nutriens and crude protein, but resulted in a decrease in the percentage of shelter, semen volume, sperm motility and concentration smaller than before treatment. Treatment T1, T2 and T3 resulted in a decrease in the number of shelter respectively 41,55%, 19,56% and 13,63% compared to before treatment, whereas a decrease in semen volume unchanged at 44,9 %, 43,7% and 40,99%. Sperm motility due to treatment T1, T2 and T3 respectively decreased by 55,87%, 22,10% and 13,63% compared to before treatment. In line with sperm motility, sperm concentration in treatment T , T2 and T3, respectively decreased by 49,16%, 22,85% and 14,88%. The conclusion is a combination of vitamin E supplementation, minerals Selenium and Zinc can prevent the decline in cement production, sperm motility and sperm concentration Simental bulls during the rainy season.
Determination of Cadmium Accumulation in Livers and Feces of Kacang Goats Grazing Tsunami Affected Land Cut Dahlia Iskandar; Triva Murtina Lubis
Jurnal Agripet Vol 10, No 1 (2010): Volume 10, No. 1, April 2010
Publisher : Agricultural Faculty

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Penentuan akumulasi cadmium (Cd) dalam hati kambing kacang di daerah tsunamiABSTRAK. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeteksi akumulasi cadmium pada hati dan feces kambing Kacang dan sekaligus mengukur kadar akumulasi cadmium tersebut. Limabelas ekor kambing Kacang yang berasal dari rumah potong di daerah Tsunami dan limbelas ekor kambing Kacang yang berasal dari rumah potong di daerah Non-Tsunami. Diikuti dengan lima ekor kambing Kacang dari desa di daerah Tsunami dan lima ekor kambing Kacang dari desa di daerah Non-Tsunami. Ke-empatpuluh ekor kambing Kacang tersebut disembelih untuk diambil hati dan feces. Sebelum hati dan feces tersebut akan dipreparasi untuk analisis akumulasi dari cadmium, dilakukan pengamatan anatomi dari hati dan feces tersebut. Cadmium berakumulasi dihati dan feces dari kambing Kacang, baik yang berasal dari daerah Tsunami dan dari daerah Non-Tsunami. Akumulasi cadmium didalam hati kambing Kacang signifikan lebih tinggi di daerah Non-Tsunami dibandingkan didalam hati kambing Kacang di daerah Tsunami. Pada feces kambing Kacang akumulasi cadmium juga signifikan lebih tinggi di daerah Non-Tsunami dibandingkan didalam feces kambing Kacang di daerah Tsunami.
Dried of Poultry Waste Urea-Molasses Block (dpw-umb) as Potential for Feed Supplementation Danung Nur Adli; Osfar Sjofjan; Mashudi Mashudi
Jurnal Agripet Vol 17, No 2 (2017): Volume 17, No. 2, Oktober 2017
Publisher : Agricultural Faculty

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (194.949 KB) | DOI: 10.17969/agripet.v17i2.8391


ABSTRACT. The research purpose was to determine the nutrient content of dried poultry waste molasses block (DPW-UMB). The use of dried poultry waste in the manufacture of the urea-molasses block was as a substitute of urea and could improve the value added in dry season. The treatments used for research were T1 (15% manure layer chicken and 25% molasses), T2 (10% manure layer chicken and 30% molasses), and T3 (20% manure layer chicken and 30% molasses). Chemical analysis: the dried of poultry waste were analyzed for dry matter, crude protein, crude fibre, ash, fat, and gross energy. The statistical formulation diet composed with Microsoft Excel Ver. 2016. The results showed that the 20% manure layer chicken and 30% molasses (T3) were better than T2 and T1 on nutrient content with 92.04% Dry Matter (DM), 13.34% Crude Protein (CP), 13.39% Crude Fiber (CF), 37.16% ash, 3.44% fat, but low in Gross Energy (GE) (2631.63 kcal/kg). It could be concluded that dpw-umb T3 were dried of poultry waste contained sufficient levels of gross energy, crude protein, crude fibre, ash, and fat it could be used as feedstuff for ruminants for supplementation with the required nutrients.(Kotoran Ayam Molasses (Kamblok) Sebagai Potensi Supplementasi Pakan) ABSTRAK. Tujuan penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji kandungan nutrisi dari Kotoran Ayam Molasses Blok (KAMBLOK) dengan analisis proksimat. Sebagai bahan pengganti urea dengan kotoran ayam kering dalam pembuatan urea molasses blok dan meningkatkan nilai tambah dalam suplementasi Kotoran Ayam Molasses Blok (KAMBLOK) pada musim kemarau. Perlakuan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah Kotoran Ayam Molasses Blok (KAMBLOK) dengan T1 (Kotoran Ayam Petelur 15% dan Molasses 25%), T2 (Kotoran Ayam Petelur 10% dan Molasses 30%), T3 (Kotoran Ayam Petelur 20% dan Molasses 30%). Analisis kandungan nutrisi yang dilakukan adalah bahan kering, protein kasar, serat kasar, abu, lemak, dan gross energi. Analisis statistik menggunakan Microsoft excel versi 2016. Hasil Penelitian menunjukan Kotoran Ayam Molasses Blok (KAMBLOK) T3 lebih baik dari T2 dan T1 pada bahan kering (BK) 92, 04%, protein kasar (PK) 13,34%, serat kasar (SK) 13,39%, abu 37,16%, lemak 3,44% tetapi rendah dalam gross energi (GE) adalah 2.631,63 kal/kg. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah kotoran ayam mengandung beberapa kandungan yaitu protein kasar, gross energy, serat kasar, abu, dan lemak yang bisa digunakan sebagai pakan potensial untuk supplementasi.
Profil Darah dan Nilai Hematologi Domba Lokal yang Dipelihara di Hutan Pendidikan Gunung Walat Sukabumi D.A. Astuti; D.R. Ekastuti; Y. Sugiarti; Marwah Marwah
Jurnal Agripet Vol 8, No 2 (2008): Volume 8, No. 2, Oktober 2008
Publisher : Agricultural Faculty

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (129.641 KB) | DOI: 10.17969/agripet.v8i2.599


Blood profil and hematological status of local sheep under the gunung walat education forest area SukabumiABSTRACT. Gunung Walat Education Forest (HPGW) is one of special forest which integrated with farm system (Agrosilvopastural). This forest is heterogeneous which dominated with agathis, damar and pinus trees. To support the farming system is needed basic data haematology and blood profil of sheep that lived in HPGW. This research was aimed to evaluate haematological values covering Red Blood Cell, haemoglobin, Packed Cell Volume, MCV, MCH, MCHC and blood nutrient profil of lambs and ewes fed with mixed grass which is grow surrounding HPGW. Evaluation were done on 5 productive ewes and 5 male lambs 5-6 month ages, before and after eating time. The result showed that RBC of the lamb was (7.57 0.40) x 106/mm3 and for ewes was (5.71 0.05) x 106/mm3. Hb of lamb was (7.21 0.27) g/100ml and for ewes was (6.62 0.54) g/100ml, PCV of lamb was (28.10 7.21) % and ewes was (26.80 3.42) %, MCV of lamb was (32.68 1,23) fl and ewes was (50.91 1.53) fl, MCH of lamb was (10.82 0.47) pg and ewes was (12.93 0.29) pg, MCHC of lamb was (27,53 4.70)% and for ewes was (25.54 1.57) %. There were no significant difference on haematological values before and after feeding time except for Packed Cell Volume (P 0.05). The clinical result showed that lambs was suffering normocytic hypochromic anaemia and adults was suffering macrocytic hypochromic anaemia. Glucose level and total blood protein were at normal level while blood triglyseride concentration was lower than normal ewes concentration. 
Penggunaan Onggok sebagai Sumber Energi dalam Ransum Sapi S.N.O. Suwandyastuti; Efka Aris Rimbawanto
Jurnal Agripet Vol 12, No 1 (2012): Volume 12, No. 1, April 2012
Publisher : Agricultural Faculty

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (97.797 KB) | DOI: 10.17969/agripet.v12i1.262


The utilization of cassava meal residues as energy source in dairy cows rationABSTRACT. The dairy farmer in the rural village, usually use rice brain and coconut meat kernels as the energy source, although coconut meat kernels is less palatable and too expensive. It is, therefore, important to seek for the other materials which are locally available and inexpensive. An experiment had carried out, using five lactating dairy cows in a Change Over Design as long as five periods. Each period lasted for 21 days, consisted of 14 days preliminary and seven days observation period. The animal function as column and the period as row, so that its 5 x 5 Latin Square. The treatment tested are five substitution levels of coconut meat kernels by cassava meal residues of 5, 7.5, 10, 12.5 and 15 percent dry matter ration respectively. The variables measured were : (1) ration digestibility and essential minerals balance; (2) daily milk production and milk composition; (3) rumen fermentation product. Based on the analysis of variance of all variables measured the experiment suggested that cassava meal residues can be used as the energy source to substitute coconut meat kernels in kernels in lactating dairy cattle ration of 5 up to 15 percent dry matter ration, without causing physiological disorder moreover, increases the milk composition.
Konsentrasi Hormon Testosteron Kerbau Simeulue dan Korelasinya dengan Tingkat Umur dan Lingkar Skrotum Qadarsina Qadarsina; Dasrul Dasrul; Sri Wahyuni
Jurnal Agripet Vol 19, No 1 (2019): Volume 19, No. 1, April 2019
Publisher : Agricultural Faculty

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (254.942 KB) | DOI: 10.17969/agripet.v19i1.8692


ABSTRAK. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui konsentrasi hormon testosteron kerbau Simeulue dan korelasinya dengan tingkat umur dan lingkar skrotum. Sebanyak 15 ekor kerbau Simeulue jantan dibagi dalam tiga kelompok yaitu umur 2,1-3,0 tahun; 3,1-4,0 tahun, dan 4,1-5,0 tahun. Parameter yang diamati terdiri dari lingkar skrotum dan konsentrasi hormon testosteron. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan analisis varian satu arah dan selanjutnya diuji dengan uji berganda Duncan. Untuk mengetahui hubungan antara umur, lingkar skrotum dengan konsentrasi hormon testosteron digunakan analisis regresi sederhana. Hasil analisis pada lingkar skrotum dan konsentrasi hormon testosteron memperlihatkan perbedaan yang nyata (P0,05). Lingkar skrotum dan kadar testosteron serum umur 2,1- 3,0 tahun berbeda secara nyata (P0,05) dengan umur 3,1- 4,0 tahun dan 4,1 - 5,0 tahun. Terdapat hubungan yang nyata (P0,05) antara konsentrasi hormon testosteron dengan umur dan lingkar skrotum, dengan persamaan regresi Y = -4,925-0,436 X1 + 0,697 X2. dengan nilai koefesien korelasi (r) sebesar 0,675 dan koefisien determinasi (r2) sebesar 0,455. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa lingkar skrotum (X2) berpengaruh sebesar 67,10 % terhadap konsentrasi hormon testosteron, lebih tinggi dibanding umur (X1) yang berpengaruh sebesar 46,60%. Kesimpulan, umur berpengaruh terhadap lingkar skrotum dan konsentrasi hormon testosteron kerbau Simeulue. Kerbau Simeulue berumur 4,1 - 5,0 tahun memiliki korelasi yang lebih kuat dari pada kerbau Simeulue umur 2,1 - 3,0 dan 3,1 - 4,0 tahun terhadap lingkar skrotum dan konsentrasi testosteron.  (Testosterone hormone concentration of Simeulue buffalo and its correlation with age level and the scrotum circumference) ABSTRACT . The objective of this study was to determine the testosterone hormone concentration of Simeulue buffalo and its correlation with age level and the scrotum circumference. Fifteen male Simeulue buffalo were divided into three groups: 2.1 - 3.0 years; 3.1-4.0 and 4.1-5.0 years where each group consists of five buffaloes. The parameter observed consisted of age, scrotal circumference and testosterone hormone concentration. The data obtained were analyzed by one-way analysis of variance. The difference is tested with Duncan multiple tests. Meanwhile, simple regression analysis was used to testing the relationship between age and scrotal circumference with testosterone hormone concentration. The results showed that the scrotal circumferences and testosterone hormone concentration have significant differences (P 0.05). Scrotal circumference and testosterone level of 2.1-3.0 years were significantly different (P 0.05) with age 3.1- 4.0 years and 4.1 - 5.0 years. Additionally, there is a relationship (P0,05) between testosterone hormone concentration with age and scrotal circumference, with correlation coefficient value (r) = 0.675 and determination coefficient(r2) = 0,455, with regression equality Y =- 4,925 - 0,436 X1 + 0,697 X2. In conclusion, age affected the scrotal circumference and testosterone hormone concentration in the Simeulue buffalo. 4.1 - 5.0 years Simeulue buffalo has stronger correlation than 2.1 - 3.0 and 3.1 - 4.0 years of Simeulue Buffalo at scrotal circumference and testosterone concentration.
Pengaruh Pembatasan Protein Pada Umur Dini Terhadap Performan Ayam Broiler Sulaiman Ibrahim
Jurnal Agripet Vol 2, No 2 (2001): Volume 2, No. 2, Oktober 2001
Publisher : Agricultural Faculty

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ABSTRACT. An experiment was conducted for six weeks to study the effect of early restricted protein on performance of broiler in 96 three days old Hubbard chicks. This number of birds were randomly divided into three experimental groups, each consisting of 32 birds was divides into four replications of 8 birds. Which were then placed into 55 x 50 x 50 cm cages at the rate of four birds per cage. Group one, two and three were fed 24%, 20%, and 16% crude protein respectively fot the first 3 weeks, and four the second 3 weeks all groubs were fed 20% crude protein. All birds were maintained with feed and water always available. The amount of feed consumption each week during the experiment was recorded. The initial weight of each bird was recorded at the beginning of the experiment. At the first 3 weeks 16% crude protein decreased weight gains and feed efficiency of chickens significantly (P 0.05) below that of the 20% and 24% crude protein groups. However, at the second three weeks there were no significant differences among the three groups of birds. There were no significant differences among the groups of birds in feed consumption during the six weeks of the experiment.
Seroprevalensi Avian influenza H5N1 pada Unggas di Kabupaten Aceh Utara Darmawi Darmawi; Darniati Darniati; Maryulia Dewi; Fakhrurrazi Fakhrurrazi; Mahdi Abrar; Erina Erina
Jurnal Agripet Vol 13, No 2 (2013): Volume 13, No. 2, Oktober 2013
Publisher : Agricultural Faculty

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Seroprevalence of avian influenza H5N1 in birds in north aceh districtABSTRACT. Avian influenza virus H5N1 infections are an important cause of diseases in humans and several animal species, including birds. The present study conducted to investigate the seroprevalence Avian Influenza H5N1 in native birds from 15 sub-districts of North Aceh.  This study utilized 1108 serum samples collected from the axilaris vein (left or right) of birds. The standard Hemaglutination Inhibition (HI) assay was conducted at Microbiology Laboratory Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Syiah Kuala University to determined serum antibody possitive or negative reaction against Avian influenza H5N1. The result showed that seroprevalence Avian influenza H5N1 virus was 4,7 % in North Aceh District. There were nine sub-districts were tested positively by HI test. However, the serum collected from six sub-districts did not react (negative) against Avian influenza H5N1. Based on the results we obtained, a conclusion that natural infection by Avian influenza virus in native birds occured in part of North Aceh District.
Pengaruh Bakteriosin Produksi Bakteri Asam Laktat Isolat Indonesia terhadap Jumlah Bakteri dalam Susu Pasteurisasi Nurliana Nurliana; Idwan Sudirman; Mirnawati Sudarwanto; Raden Roso Soejoedono
Jurnal Agripet Vol 9, No 1 (2009): Volume 9, No. 1, April 2009
Publisher : Agricultural Faculty

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The effect of bacteriocin produced by Indonesia Isolate of lactic acid bacteria toward total bacteria in pasteurized milkABSTRACT. The aim of this research was to study the ability of bacteriocin (amylocin) produced by Indonesian isolate of Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) (Lactobacillus amylovorus US 121) and its combination with nisin in pasteurized milk. The total bacteria was measured by plate count method. The antimicrobial activity of amylosin at 64 AU/ml had the same activity with nisin at 625 AU/ml and its combination between amylosin and nisin at 32 AU/ml and 312,5 AU/ml respectively against psychrotrophic, thermoduric bacteria and L. monocytogenes in pasteurized milk. However, combination of amylosin and nisin (32 AU/ml + 312,5 AU/ml) able to reduce S. aureus in pasteurized milk. Amylosin at 64 AU/ml kept the shelf life of pasteurized milk longer until 12 days at 10oC. The addition of amylosin (the precipitate resulted by ammonium sulfate precipitation at 70% w/v) changed the color of pasteurized milk be brownish white.
Kajian Level Kadar Air dan Ukuran Partikel Bahan Pakan Terhadap Penampilan Fisik Wafer Retno Iswarin Pujaningsih; Bambang Waluyo Hadi Eko Prasetiyono; Sri Mukodiningsih; Baginda Iskandar Moeda Tampoebolon; Cahya Setya Utama
Jurnal Agripet Vol 13, No 1 (2013): Volume 13, No. 1, April 2013
Publisher : Agricultural Faculty

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (193.163 KB) | DOI: 10.17969/agripet.v13i1.547


Study on the level of water content and particle size of feed ingredients to the physical appearance of wafer ABSTRACT. This study attempted wafer manufacturing technology development of conventional feed ingredients. The benefit of wafer increase feed consumption and feed efficiency, increase the metabolizable energy content of the feed, kill pathogenic bacteria, reduce the amount of feed scattered, extending the storage time, ensure the balance of feed nutrients and vitamins to prevent oxidation. Research was continuing several research activities on wafer manufacturing technology that has been done and continues to be developed by the researchers. The long term goal of a series of research is to obtain basic information to the wafer manufacturing optimum quality and measurable. Specific target is to obtain basic information about the quality of the wafer on the level of water content and the use of a certain particle size. The research method used was experimental and analytical methods in the laboratory. The results showed that based on the test of physical qualities (moisture content, density, water absorption) showed that the use of the level of moisture content up to 8% with a particle size of 10-20 mm feed material provides the best physical appearance of wafer.

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