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Business and Management Review
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Business and Management Review - Program Studi Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi dan Ilmu Sosial Universitas Bakrie
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Pengaruh Kompensasi Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja pada Karyawan yang dialihdayakan (Studi kasus pada PT. Bakrie Telecom, Tbk) Fortunisa, Ananda; Febrina, Dina
Business and Management Review Vol 2, No 1 (2011): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Bakrie

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Employee satisfaction is important for a company in creating employment viability, regardless of the type of work. One effort to create high satisfaction of employment is to provide adequate compensation for employees. Lately companies that use outsourced workers or employees who are outsourcing more and more prevalent and it is a challenge for corporate users of outsourcing employees to realize the employee job satisfaction, one way is to provide appropriate compensation. Their are two forms of compensation, direct compensations and indirect compensations, direct compensations are namely salary, incentive and bonus compensations while indirect compensations consists of health support, safety support, holiday allowances, and employee welfare facilities. The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of compensation given to outsourced employees at PT. Bakrie Telecom, to find out the level of employment satisfaction of outsourced employees, to know the influence of compensation towards employment satisfaction, and the types of employee compensation that have a significant influence on employment satisfaction. This research is uses a descriptive analysis, the variables used in this research are; direct compensation (X1), indirect compensation (X2) and empoyment satisfaction (Y) As for the samples taken for this reasearch consist of 50 respondents. The sampling method used for this reasearch is probability sampling. Based on the calculation the hypothesis test showed that the partial direct compensation variable (X1) adversely affect the Employee Satisfaction variable (Y) and indirect compensation variable (X2 ) has a positive effect on Employment satisfaction variable (Y). The results of the analysis uses a multiple linear Regression method where the R-square obtained is at 0.548. While the variable that has the most significant influence is Indirect Compensation variable, with a value of B (beta) at 0.582. Keywords: Direct Compensation, Indirect Compensation, Job satisfaction
Pengaruh Kurs, Tingkat Inflasi, Tingkat Bunga dan Jumlah Uang Beredar Terhadap Kemampulabaan Bank Umum di Indonesia Periode Tahun 2006 - 2009 Rahmiati, Tetty Sari
Business and Management Review Vol 1, No 2 (2011): Juni
Publisher : Universitas Bakrie

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Abstract This research is to analize the influence of Rupiahs to US Dollar rate, inflation rate, 1 month central bank certificate, quantity money supply (M1) to general bank net interest margin (NIM) in 2006 – 2009 periods. This research using NIM as a proxy of profitability ratio. Using NIM general bank secondary data from Indonesian Banking Statitistics (SPI), data M1 found from Indonesian Financial Economic Statistical (SEKI) from Central Bank, and then inflation rate found from Central Statistic Bureau (BPS). This research using non probability sampling technique. Descriptive and inferensial statistic was used to test the classical assumption, t test, F test, multiple linear regression, and multiple determination (R2). Research output found that money supplydidn’t significantly influencegeneral bank NIM partially. While Rupiahs to US Dollar rate positively influence general bank NIM, then inflation rate positively influencegeneral bank NIM, Central Bank Certificate interest rate positively influencegeneral bank NIM at 5% α. Rupiahs to US Dollar rate, inflation rate, 1 month Central Bank Certificate interest rate, money supply variables influence 52% to general bank NIM variable. Dominantly Rupiahs to US Dollar rate variable to general bank NIM. For further, this research recommended that another indicator must be taken to increasing the proxy for example Return on asset (ROA), Return of  equity (ROE), Operational Income and Operational Cost (BOPO).   Keywords : Rupiahs to US dollar rate, inflation rate, 1 month central bank certificate, quantity money supply and net interest margin
Business and Management Review Vol 3, No 1 (2012): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Bakrie

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This study was conducted to determine the condition of  company's financial performance using financial ratios and financial analysis based on value added and the impact on stock returns consumer goods sector company listed on the IDX period 2004-2008. From the research conducted, the result that the overall financial performance of the company measured by using two measures of financial performance that shows good condition with an increasing trend. The deteriorating financial condition in 2008 was as a result of the global financial crisis that also adversely affect the market perception of the company's stock performance in the sector. Simultaneously, a significant difference between the financial ratios of the company (X1) and financial analysis based value added (X2) as a measure of financial performance of the company's stock return (Y) in the consumer goods sub-sector company listed on the IDX period 2004-2008, with a coefficient of determination of 60%. But partially only variable X1 which financial ratios covering CR, DAR, NPM and PBV has a significant relationship to stock returns and have a greater influence than financial analysis based value added (which includes EVA and MVA). Keywords: Financial performance, financial ratios, financial analysis based on value added and stock returns REFERENCES Agus Sartono dan Kusdhianto Setiawan, (1999), Adakah Pengaruh EVA Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan dan Kemakmuran Pemegang Saham Pada Perusahaan Publik?. Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Indonesia, Vol.14, No.4, hal. 124-136. Amin Widjaya Tunggal, (2001), Memahami Konsep Economic Value Added dan Value-Based Management. Penerbit Harvindo, Jakarta. Barker, Richard G., (1999). Survey and Market-based Evidence of Industry dependence in Analysts Preferences Between the Dividend Yield and Price-ernings Ratio Valuation Models. Journal of Finance & Accounting 26, (3) & (4), 0306-686X: 393-416. Bacidore, Jeffery M., Boquist, John A., Milbourn, Todd., and Thakor, Anjan V, (1997), The search for the best finance performance measure. Financial Analyst Journal, May-June: 11-20. Brigham, Eugene F. and Houston, Joel F. (2004). 10 th ed. Foundamentals of Financial Management. Thomson. South-Western. Dermawan Wibisono, 2000. Riset Bisnis. Edisi Pertama. Penerbit BPFE. Yogyakarta. Dewanto, (1988). Pengaruh EVA Terhadap Harga Saham. Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Indonesia, Vol. 14, No. 4: 124-126. Francis, Jack C. (1988), Management of Investment, 2nd ed., International Editions Financial Series, Singapore: McGraw Hill. Ferson, Wayne E.: and Harvey, Campbel. R., (1996). Fundamental Determinants of National Equity Market Returns: A Perspective on Country Risk and Asset Pricing. Journal of Banking and Finance, Fourtcoming. Ghozali, Imam. (2001). Aplikasi Analisis Multivariance dengan Program SPSS. Badan Penerbit Undip, Semarang. Gitman, Lawrence J. 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Machfoed Mas’ud, (1994), Financial Ratio Analysis and The Prediction of Earning Changes in Indonesia, Kelola, No. 7/III/1994: 114-134. Rina Trisnawati, (1999). Pengaruh Informasi Prospektus pada Return Saham di Pasar Modal. Simposium Nasional Akuntansi II dan Rapat Anggota II. Ikatan Akuntansi Indonesia, Kompartement Akuntansi Pendidikan, 24-25 September: 1-3. Robbert Ang, (1997). Buku Pintar: Pasar Modal Indonesia. Mediasoft, Indonesia. Rousana M, (1997). Manfaat EVA Untuk Menilai Perusahaan di Pasar Modal di Indonesia. Usahawan, No. 4, Th. XXVI, April, 1997. Singgih Santosa, (1999). SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solution). Penerbit PT. Alex Media Komputindo-Kelompok Gramedia, Jakarta. Syahib Natarsyah, (2000), “Analisis Pengaruh Beberapa Faktor Fundamental dan Risiko Sistematik terhadap Harga Saham (Kasus Industri Barang Konsumsi yang Go Publik di Pasar Modal Indonesia)”, Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Indonesia, Vol. 15, No. 3: 294-312. Stoner, James A.F., R. Edward Freeman, and Daniel R.Gilbert (1995), Management, 6th ed., New Jersey: Englewood Cliffs. Teguh Prasetyo (2000), Analisis Rasio Keuangan dan Nilai Kapitalisasi Pasar sebagai Prediksi Harga Saham di BEJ pada Periode Bullish dan Bearish, Simposium Nasional Akuntansi III, Ikatan Akuntasi Indonesia, Kompartemen Akuntan Pendidik, Agustus: 652-695. Triyono dan Jogiyanto HM, (2000), Hubungan Kandungan Informasi Arus Kas, Komponen Arus Kas, dan Laba Akuntansi dengan Harga atau Return Saham, Jurnal Riset Akuntansi Indonesia, Vol. 3, No. 1, Januari: 54-68.
Pengaruh Keputusan Investasi, Kondisi Makro Ekonomi dan Risiko Perusahaan pada Return Saham Studi pada Industri Manufaktur PT. Bursa Efek Indonesia Haruman, Tendi
Business and Management Review Vol 1, No 1 (2010): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Bakrie

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Economic development of Indonesia has increased risk of global financial crisis. The global crisis has affected the economy of the world, including Indonesia. The impact is increasingly felt both through the market for goods and financial markets (banking and capital markets). Changes and developments in various economic variables of a country would give effect to the capital market in Indonesia. The objective of this research is to investigate the effect of investment factors, inflation factors, international monetary factors and risk to price return of Manufacturer Industries in 2000 – 2007. This research used four regression model, and the models are: 1st model to investigate effect of the investment factors (Debt to Equity Ratio, Dividend Payout Ratio, Profitability, and Growth) to the investment decisions; 2nd model used to investigate effect of the inflation factors (SBI, foreign exchange, and M2) to the inflation; 3rd model used to investigate effect of the investment,, inflation, the fed, dow jones index, oil price and firm risk to the price return. Population of this research is manufacturing companies listed in BEI. The sampling method used in this research is purposive sampling and the results are 128 companies according to the criteria of the sample. Pooling data method and judgment sampling is used to collect the data and two stage least squares (2 SLS) as the analysis method. Base on the hypothesis test it can be summarized that all predictor have significant effect simultaneously. Result of the 1st Model, Dividend Payout Ratio, Profitability and Growth Effect to the Investment partially ; 2nd model,  SBI, KURS, and M2 effect to the inflation partially; 3rd model investment, inflation, the fed, and oil price effected to the price return partially. Keywords:   price return, price book value, investment, inflation, the fed, dow jones index, firm risk, two stage least square, pooled data.
Pengaruh Perubahan Nilai Tukar dan Suku Bunga SBI pada Perubahan Harga Saham Bank Pemerintah di Bursa Efek Indonesia Rahmiati, Tetty Sari
Business and Management Review Vol 1, No 1 (2010): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Bakrie

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The banking sector is a sector that plays an important role in supporting the economy of the entire program in Indonesia. Is Bank Mandiri Tbk, PT Bank Negara Indonesia Tbk and Bank Rakyat Indonesia that state banks that play a role in supporting government policy. Although banks are government-owned, but not out of the participation of the investors who invest in shares. Has the price or value of shares to be bought and sold. Theoretically, the increase or decrease in the stock price is influenced by several factors, including the value of the rupiah against the dollar and interest rates SBI. This study aims to analyze the effect of changes in the exchange rate against the dollar and the SBI interest rate on stock prices of banks by the government. The research method used is the correlation and regression analysis with SPSS. From the analysis using SPSS, we got the result that; together changes the value of the rupiah against the dollar and the SBI interest rate changes affect the stock price of Bank Mandiri Tbk. While SBI individually had no effect on stock price changes of Bank Mandiri Tbk.. Conclusions generated in this study for the three state-owned banks is variable changes in the exchange rate against the dollar and interest rates affect tehadap SBI Bank share price Mandri Tbk Keywords: exchange rate, interest rates, stock prices
Perhitungan Risiko Nilai Tukar atas Posisi Devisa Netto Bank X Melalui Pendekatan Value At Risk (VaR) Susanto, Tri
Business and Management Review Vol 1, No 1 (2010): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Bakrie

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This study was conducted at the Bank X Jakarta, while the samples from this study are on the Net Open Position. The model used in this study is a descriptive study of quantitative models. The study was conducted to measure the risks that may arise from changes in exchange rates based on net open position of 31 December 2007 and calculate Capital Charge based on Net Open Position as of December 31, 2007. Effective risk management requires measurement attempts to determine the amount of capital that must be prepared to cover the risk and be used for strategic planning activities of foreign exchange by the Bank. Selection of study topics is based on the need for measurement methods that banks will be able to measure the potential risk in a comprehensive manner that is able to measure the sensitivity of the potential risk of product or activity of factors - factors that influence it. The maximum loss on risks resulting from changes in exchange rates are calculated through the approach of Value at Risk (VaR) using Historical Simulation method for each foreign currency and in the form of portfolio under the provisions of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) as outlined in the provisions of Basel II, which then adopted by Bank Indonesia in PBI. 5/8/PBI/2003 dated May 19, 2003 and the rules of Bank Indonesia Regulation. 9/13/PBI/2007 about the use of internal methods for measuring market risk. The result of exchange rate risk measurement approach to Value at Risk (VaR) with Historical Simulation method ruing a time horizon of 1 day and performed at the 99% confidence level, the losses that may be suffered by Bank X Jakarta on January 1, 2007 is at a maximum of Rp. 507 322 635 762. And based on the calculation of the percentage of capital charge against capital is known that at 116.92% of the total capital charge compared with the total capital. This amount is still above the limit set by Bank Indonesia, which are as high as 30% of the capital.   Keywords: capital charge, exchange rates, value at risk, historical simulation method, foreign currency
Pengaruh Pasokan Bahan Baku dan Tuntutan Pelanggan Bisnis pada Strategi Produk-Pasar dan Bauran Pemasaran serta Dampaknya pada Penjualan Studi terhadap Industri Spinning di Jawa Barat Sumachdar, Endang
Business and Management Review Vol 1, No 1 (2010): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Bakrie

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Global competition is increasing, that situation force many economic players to be superior to win the market. Hence, every single firm within national industry should have a competitive advantage to be survived in this chaotic global competition. One of the world large industry is a spinning industry and recently the Indonesian spinning industry performance has been declining. This phenomenon exists because the national spinning industry doesn’t have a competitive advantage to succeed and survive in the tight global competition. To anticipate the decline and to promote the industry sustainability, the spinning industry should reengineer its marketing strategy, especially to be more responsive in creating and utilizing opportunity, as well as, in anticipating threats in the marketing environment. The spinning industry strategy on market segmenting, targeting, positioning, and marketing mix should consider the raw material supplier as well as its business customer. Hence, the industry could synergize all factors to improve the industry/firm performance that can be resulted on the increase of sales volume. This research focus on how spinning industry/firm can create its competitive advantage from the perspective of marketing management, especially on examining the influence of raw material supplies and the business customer requirement to segmenting, targeting, positioning, and marketing mix strategy with its implication on the sales volume. The observation unit is spinning industry/firms which are stated as the member of Indonesian Textile Association in Java Region. The research result shows that the number of spinning firms is greater than the number of raw material supplier. This situation creates the scarcity of raw material, so the supplier has stronger bargaining position power than the spinning firm. Consequently, the supplier has more ability to control the provision of  raw material, such as: the number of fiber, the quality, the price, and the sustainability of delivery. The provision of raw material supplies and customer requirements are the two factors that have a strong and significant influence to product-market strategy and marketing mix. Those two factors also have a strong and significant influence to the sales volume. Between the two factors, the supplies have the most significant influence to the sales volume. The major indicators that contribute the most significant influence to the sales volume are the price and quality as the indicators of supplies; and the accesibility to understand customer wants and demands as the indicator of the customer requirement. In determining market segmentation, the spinning firms are not only have to consider the profitability proxy but also the accesibility in executing the marketing program. The segmentation should be determined based on the firms capability and availability of resources. Thus, the firms could provide their customer requirements. Increasing product differentiation and variation that are required by the customers has also be fitted to the competitor strategy and consumer characteristics. Keywords: spinning, raw material supply, business customer requirements, product- market strategy, marketing mix and sales
The Service Delivery and Customer Relation Management In Increasing the Customer Value Pandjaitan, Dorothy R. H.
Business and Management Review Vol 3, No 1 (2012): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Bakrie

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Banking services can not be separated from customer in which banking service delivery is used as a common yardstick to evaluate the service delivery and how well the customer relation is managed by the bank. Bank is required to deliver its service in order to maintain its customer loyalty and to increase customer value. The objective of this research is to analyze the influence of service delivery and customer relation management toward customer value. The subjects of this research are customers of “Siger Mas” and the “Simpeda” savings of Bank of Lampung. Three sub variables consisting of the level supporting physical availability, the supporting conveniences facilities, and personal contacts were employed to measure the service performance. Three sub variables consisting of the process of creating the customer value, responsibility, and process product in another hand are used to measure customer relation management. Customer value was measured by the benefit indicators and sacrifice burden of the customers. It was succeeded to collect data from a total of 431 respondents consisting of all customers of the “Sigermas” and the “Simpeda” Savings from five branches and headquarter of Bank Lampung. Result shows that service delivery and customer relation management influence customer value. However, service delivery has stronger influence than the customer relation management. Keywords: service delivery, customer relation management, customer value, customer loyalty. DAFTAR PUSTAKA Brandy, Michael K., 1999, “An Explanatory Study of Service Value in The USA and Equador”. International Journal of Service Industry Management. Vol.10. Christopher, Martin; Payne, Adrian, Ballantyne, David, 2010, Relationship Marketing: Bringing Quality, Customer Service and Marketing Together, Jordan Hill, Butterwoorth Heinemann. Curry, Jay, Adam, 2000, The Customer Marketing Method: How to Implement and Profit from Customer Relationship Management, Free Press, New York.Garbarino, Ellen, Marks Johnson, 1999, “The Different Rules of Satisfaction, Trust and Commitement in Relationship”, Journal of Marketing, Vol.63. Gronroos, C., 2001, Service Management and Marketing, First Edition, Maxwell MacMillan Publishing, Singapore. Hair, F., Joseph Jr; Robert Bush, P., David Ortinau J., 2000,  Marketing Research, Within a Changing Information Environment, MacGraw Hill. Hughes, Althur Middleton, 2003, The Customer Loyalty Solution, What Works (and what doesn’t) in Customer Loyalty Programs, MacGraw Hill. Kotler, Phillip and Amstrong, 2003, Marketing Management, The Millenium Edition, Prentice Hall. Kotler dan Keller, 2009, Marketing Management: Analysis, Planning, Implementation and Control, New Edition, Prentice Hall International Inc, New Jersey. Palmer, Adrian, 2001, Principles of Service Marketing, MacGraw Hill International, USA. Pandjaitan, Dorothy Rouly, 2005, Pengaruh Ekuitas Merek terhadap loyalitas pelanggan pada nasabah bukan PNS di Bank Lampung, Tesis, Fakultas Ekonomi Padjajaran. Riza A.N., Rukmana, 2005, “Pengaruh Tuntutan Pelanggan dan Kinerja Bauran Pemasaran Jasa terhadap Nilai Pelanggan serta Dampaknya pada Pengguna Jasa Telekomunikasi”, Jurnal Informasi dan Pemasaran, Vol VII No.21. Edisi April 2005. Rust, Roland. Antony Zahorik, 2000, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Retention and Market Share, Journal of Service Marketing, Vol. 13. No.2 Sirdeshmukh, Deepak, Jagdip Singh, and Barry Sabol, 2002, “Customer Trust, Value, and Loyalty in Relationship Exchange”, Journal of Marketing, Vol.66. Sugiono Aritonang, 2008, Pengaruh kinerja ekuitas merek dan Customer Relationship Management terhadap keunggulan bersaing dan dampaknya terhadap loyalitas pelanggan (survey pelanggan mobil di Jabodetabek), Fakultas Ekonomi Program Doktor Pascasarjana Universitas Padjajaran, Bandung. Zeithaml, A., Valerie A., Parasuraman A., Berry L., Leonard, 2010, Delevering Quality Service: Balancing Customer Perceptions and Expectations, The Free Press, New Jersey. Zeithaml, A., Valerie A., Mary Jo Bitner, 2010, Service Marketing, Integrating Customer Focus Across the Firm, MacGraw Hill.
Analisis Rasio Keuangan dan Free Cash Flow terhadap Investment Opportunity Set (IOS) dengan Pendekatan Siklus Usaha Studi Pada Emiten Sektor Manufaktur Setiawan, Rian; Hendrawan, Riko Hendrawan
Business and Management Review Vol 1, No 1 (2010): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Bakrie

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The objective of this research is to analyse influence of liquidity, profitability, activity, solvency ratios and free cash flow on investment opportunity set (IOS) in the phases of manufacturing firms’s life cycle. Samples of this research are manufacturing firms listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange which selected using purposive and random sampling. The size of sample  consists of 33 manufacturing firms selected by random as a representative selection of a population from firms that listed in Indonesia Stock Exchage during 2004-2008 consecutively and classified according to their life cycle’s phase (initial expansion, final exspansion and mature). The analysis method used is multiple liner regression. This research indicates that profitability and activity ratios have significant influence in the initial expansion phase on IOS. In the final expansions phase, profitability ratio and free cash flow have influence on IOS and in the mature phase, only liquidity ratio has influence on IOS. Other result indicated that IOS alter from postive coefficient to a negative coefficient in mature phase as a warning that firm must innovate in order to survive. Therefore, financial ratios and free cash flow can be used as manufacturing firm’s analysis tools at initial expansion, final expansion and mature phases. Keyword: liquidity, profitability, activity, solvency, free cash flow, investment opportunity set, manufacturing firms  
Business and Management Review Vol 1, No 1 (2010): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Bakrie

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Fundamental analysis is carried out through review of financial ratios of companies is one important factor influence on stock prices. This study aims to analyze and know the effect of variable Return On Assets (ROA), Return On Equity (ROE), Book Value (BV), Debt Equity Ratio (DER) and Beta to the stock price at the mining company in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) . From this research showed that the ROA has the highest sensitivity level of influence on stock prices, so any change in the level of ROA mining companies need to be carefully anticipated by each investor.   Keywords: ROA, ROE, BV, DER, Beta and  Stock  Price

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