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Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Nuklir Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology)
Focus of Publication in Indonesian Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology : Result of experiment in the field of nuclear science and technology and its applications in various fields. Acceptable topics include: Radioisotope, Radiopharmacy, Nuclear Medicine, Nuclear Radiation and its Measurement, Nuclear Physics and Reactors, Nuclear Instrumentation and Radioactive Waste including its applications in the fields of health, biology, industry, agriculture, metallurgy and environment
Articles 280 Documents
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Nuklir Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology) Vol 17, No 1 (2016): Februari 2016
Publisher : BATAN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (261.951 KB) | DOI: 10.17146/jstni.2016.17.1.2342


Penelitian karakterisasi partikulat udara ambien dan paparan partikulat terespirasi di sekitar kawasan industri aki bekas non formal Parung Panjang dilakukan sebagai tindak lanjut hasil penelitian sebelumnya tentang pencemaran Pb di kawasan Serpong. Pengambilan sampel partikulat udara ambien di Parung Panjang dilakukan menggunakan Gent sampler, sedang partikulat terespirasi di kawasan industri non formal parung panjang dan Sukarasa tangerang (kontrol) dikumpulkan menggunakan personal dust sampler, pada periode 2011 hingga 2012. Penentuan konsentrasi massa partikulat dilakukan secara gravimetri, sedang konsentrasi unsur menggunakan metode berbasis sinar-X. Hasil rerata konsentrasi massa udara ambien PM2,5 dan PM10 Parung Panjang masing-masing sebesar 27,3±13,7 dan 77,5±17,1 µg.m-3, sedang rerata konsentrasi partikulat terespirasi di kawasan industri non formal dan kontrol masing-masing sebesar 260±233 dan 82±38 µg.m-3. Rerata konsentrasi Pb pada PM2.5 dan PM2,5-10 masing-masing mencapai 45 dan 10%. Prosentase konsentrasi maksimum unsur Pb pada partikulat terespirasi kawasan Industri non formal dan kontrol, masing-masing mencapai 12,11% dan 0,27%. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi Pb pada partikulat tersespirasi di wilayah industri non formal secara signifikan mencapai puluhan kali dibandingkan di wilayah kontrol. Tingginya konsentrasi Pb di Parung panjang merupakan penanda utama yang berasal dari kegiatan pengolahan aki bekas serta merupakan salah satu sumber yang berkontribusi pada pencemaran Pb di wilayah Serpong
SPECTROPHOTOMETRIC DETERMINATION OF MOLYBDENUM CONTENT IN 99mTc SOLUTION VIA Mo-TGA-KSCN COMPLEXES FORMATION Muhamad Basit Febrian; Titin Sri Mulyati; Ade Suherman; Natalia Adventini; Yanuar Setiadi; Duyeh Setiawan; Azmairit Aziz
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Nuklir Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology) Vol 19, No 2 (2018): Agustus 2018
Publisher : BATAN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (435.814 KB) | DOI: 10.17146/jstni.2018.19.2.4109


SPECTROPHOTOMETRIC DETERMINATION OF MOLYBDENUM CONTENT IN 99mTc SOLUTION VIA Mo-TGA-KSCN COMPLEXES FORMATION. Quality of Technetium-99m solution is determined from its radiochemical, radionuclidic and chemical purity. One of the major concern about chemical purity of Tc-99m from irradiated natural molybdenum is its molybdenum content or Mo breaktrough. Spectrophotometric method is one of method that could be applied for Mo determination in Tc-99m solution. Molybdenum (V) could form a colored complexes with potassium thiocyanate (KSCN) but Molybdenum (VI) must be reduced before formed a complexes with KSCN. Thioglycolic Acid (TGA) was used as reducing agent to obtain reduced Mo (Mo(V)). A series of optimization process was carried out to find optimum condition of complex formation for analysis purposes. Optimized condition were 3 mL of 25% HCl was added into a volume of Mo sample, followed by 200 µL  of 10% TGA, 1 mL of 10% KSCN, and water addition up to 10 mL total volume. The method is linear over 2 ppm to 30 ppm Mo with regression coeffisient 0.9988±0.0007. The detection limit was 0.212 ppm Mo. Color of the complex has a stability of absorbance up to 120 minutes while stored at room temperature. No significant deviation occured when 1000 ppm of oxalic acid, methyl ethyl ketone and iron added into sample solution. This complexing method is suitable for spectrophotometric determination of molybdenum content in Tc-99m solution as a part of quality control process.
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Nuklir Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology) Vol 16, No 1 (2015): Februari 2015
Publisher : BATAN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2548.813 KB) | DOI: 10.17146/jstni.2015.16.1.2357


ABSTRAKVERIFIKASI PROGRAM PWR-FUEL DALAM MANAJEMEN BAHAN BAKAR PWR. Majemen bahan bakar dalam teras PWR tidak mudah karena jumlah perangkat bahan bakar dalam teras sebanyak 192 perangkat sehingga banyak kemungkinan penempatan bahan bakar dalam teras. Konfigurasi perangkat bahan bakar dalam teras harus tepat dan akurat sehingga reaktor beroperasi aman dan ekonomis. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan verifikasi program PWR-FUEL yang akan digunakan dalam manajemen bahan bakar PWR. Program PWR-FUEL didasarkan pada teori transport neutron dan diselesaikan dengan pendekatan metode difusi nodal banyak dimensi banyak kelompok dan metode difusi beda hingga (FDM). Tujuannya untuk memeriksa apakah program berfungsi dengan baik terutama untuk desain dan mana-jemen bahan bakar teras PWR. Verifikasi dilakukan dengan model pencarian teras setimbang pada tiga kondisi yaitu bebas boron, konsentrasi boron 1000 ppm dan konsentrasi boron kritis. Hasil perhitungan distribusi fraksi bakar rata-rata perangkat bahan bakar dan distribusi daya pada BOC dan EOC menunjukkan tren yang konsisten dimana perangkat bahan bakar dengan dengan daya yang tinggi pada BOC akan menghasilkan fraksi bakar yang tinggi pada EOC. Pada teras tanpa boron diperoleh faktor multiplikasi yang tinggi karena tidak adanya boron dalam teras dan efek produk fisi pada teras sekitar 3,8 %. Efek reaktivitas larutan boron 1000 ppm pada BOC dan EOC masing-masing 6,44 % dan 1,703 %. Distribusi fluks neutron dan kerapatan daya menggunakan metode NODAL dan FDM mempunyai hasil yang sama. Hasil verifikasi menunjukkan bahwa program PWR-FUEL berfungsi dengan baik terutama untuk desain dan pengolahaan bahan bakar dalam teras PWR. ABSTRACTTHE VERIFICATION OF PWR-FUEL CODE FOR PWR IN-CORE FUEL MANAGEMENT. In-core fuel management for PWR is not easy because of the number of fuel assemblies in the core as much as 192 assemblies so many possibilities for placement of the fuel in the core. Configuration of fuel assemblies in the core must be precise and accurate so that the reactor operates safely and economically. It is necessary for verification of PWR-FUEL code that will be used in-core fuel management for PWR. PWR-FUEL code based on neutron transport theory and solved with the approach of multi-dimensional nodal diffusion method many groups and diffusion finite difference method (FDM). The goal is to check whether the program works fine, especially for the design and in-core fuel management for PWR. Verification is done with equilibrium core search model at three conditions that boron free, 1000 ppm boron concentration and critical boron consentration. The result of the average burn up fuel assemblies distribution and power distribution at BOC and EOC showed a consistent trend where the fuel with high power at BOC will produce a high burn up in the EOC. On the core without boron is obtained a high multiplication factor because absence of boron in the core and the effect of fission products on the core around 3.8 %. Reactivity effect at 1000 ppm boron solution of BOC and EOC is  6.44% and 1.703 % respectively. Distribution neutron flux and power density using NODAL and FDM methods have the same result. The results show that the verification PWR-FUEL code work properly, especially for core design and in-core fuel management for PWR.
Cover dan Redaksi, Vol 18, No:2, 2017 - Agustus 2017 Muhamad Basit Febrian
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Nuklir Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology) Vol 18, No 2 (2017): Agustus 2017
Publisher : BATAN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (361.962 KB) | DOI: 10.17146/jstni.2017.18.2.3676


Cover dan Redaksi, Vol 17, No:2, 2016 - Agustus 2016 Muhamad Basit Febrian
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Nuklir Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology) Vol 17, No 2 (2016): Agustus 2016
Publisher : BATAN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (329.303 KB) | DOI: 10.17146/jstni.2016.17.2.3649


Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Nuklir Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology) Vol 17, No 2 (2016): Agustus 2016
Publisher : BATAN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (386.015 KB) | DOI: 10.17146/jstni.2016.17.2.2620


OPTIMASI PEMISAHAN RADIOISOTOP 161Tb HASIL IRADIASI BAHAN SASARAN GADOLINIUM OKSIDA DIPERKAYA ISOTOP 160Gd MENGGUNAKAN METODE KROMATOGRAFI EKSTRAKSI. Kanker merupakan salah satu penyebab utama kematian di seluruh dunia. Menurut WHO, jumlah penderita kanker terus meningkat setiap tahun dan 2/3 diantaranya berasal dari negara berkembang, termasuk Indonesia. Radioisotop Terbium-161 (161Tb) merupakan  pemancar-β- lemah yang memiliki Eβ- rata-rata sebesar 0,150 MeV dan waktu paro (T1/2) selama  6,9 hari, sehingga potensial untuk terapi kanker ukuran kecil. Di samping itu, 161Tb juga melepaskan elektron konversi internal dan elektron Auger yang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan terapi. Telah dilakukan optimasi pemisahan radiokimia 161Tb dari hasil iradiasi bahan sasaran Gd2O3 diperkaya isotop 160Gd dengan metode kromatografi ekstraksi menggunakan resin Ln. Radioisotop 161Tb diperoleh melalui reaksi inti 160Gd (n,γ) 161Tb di RSG-G.A.Siwabessy pada fluks neutron termal ~1014 selama ± 4 hari menggunakan sebanyak 5 mg bahan sasaran gadolinium oksida diperkaya isotop 160Gd (98,2%). Gadolinium oksida hasil iradiasi dilarutkan dalam larutan HCl 2N. Radioisotop 161Tb dipisahkan dari hasil iradiasi Gd2O3 diperkaya dengan metode kromatografi ekstraksi menggunakan sebanyak 1 dan 2 g resin Ln  dengan ukuran partikel  50 – 100 μm sebagai fase diam, serta larutan asam nitrat dengan konsentrasi 0,8N dan 3N sebagai fase gerak masing-masing untuk memisahkan isotop gadolinium dan terbium. Pada penelitian ini diperoleh  optimasi pemisahan 161Tb menggunakan 2 g resin Ln dengan yield sebesar 93,2 ± 2,1%, sedangkan Gd recovery diperoleh sebesar 98,11 ± 1,2%. Fraksi 161Tb hasil pemisahan  memiliki  kemurnian radionuklida  99,92 ± 0,5%. Produk akhir larutan radioisotop  161Tb yang diperoleh berada dalam bentuk  senyawa 161TbCl3 dengan kemurnian radiokimia sebesar 99,83 ± 0,2%.
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Nuklir Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology) Vol 16, No 1 (2015): Februari 2015
Publisher : BATAN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1835.935 KB) | DOI: 10.17146/jstni.2015.16.1.2364


ABSTRAK UJI PRAKLINIS 99mTc-KANAMISIN SEBAGAI RADIOFARMAKA UNTUK PENCITRA-AN INFEKSI. 99mTc-kanamisin merupakan salah satu radiofarmaka yang digunakan untuk mendiagnosis infeksi hingga ke bagian tubuh yang sangat dalam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai karakteristik praklinis 99mTc-kanamisin meliputi toksisitas, sterilitas, pirogenitas, dan biodistribusi. Uji toksisitas dilakukan pada 5 ekor mencit yang diinjeksi 99mTc-kanamisin secara intra vena ekor, dilanjutkan dengan pengamatan sampai dengan 24 jam setelah injeksi. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa 99mTc-kanamisin tidak bersifat toksik. Uji sterilitas dengan metode inokulasi 99mTc-kanamisin secara langsung pada medium nutrient agar dan tioglikolat cair menunjukkan bahwa 99mTc-kanamisin bersifat steril. Uji pirogenitas pada 3 ekor kelinci yang diinjeksi 99mTc-kanamisin secara intra vena pada telinga menunjukkan bahwa suhu total respon sebesar 2,9 oC, yang berarti 99mTc-kanamisin belum bebas pirogen. Biodistribusi 99mTc-kanamisin dilakukan pada mencit yang tidak diinfeksi dan yang diinfeksi dengan bakteri Escherichia coli dan Staphylococcus aureus secara intra-muskular pada 24 jam sebelum injeksi 99mTc-kanamisin. Beberapa sampel organ dan jaringan mencit diambil pada interval waktu 30, 60, dan 180 menit pasca injeksi 99mTc-kanamisin secara intravena melalui ekor mencit, menunjukkan bahwa 99mTc-kanamisin terakumulasi di dalam organ target yaitu otot paha kiri. Nilai rasio otot paha kiri terhadap otot paha kanan yang diperoleh sebesar 3,63 dan 5,64, masing-masing untuk E. coli dan S. aureus. Radiofarmaka 99mTc-kanamisin bersifat tidak toksik, steril, mengandung pirogen, terdistribusi di dalam tubuh mencit dengan baik, dan diekskresikan secara cepat dari dalam tubuh mencit melalui ginjal mulai 30 menit pasca injeksi, baik pada mencit yang diinfeksi bakteri maupun mencit yang tidak diinfeksi bakteri. ABSTRACT99mTc-KANAMYCIN PRECLINICAL TESTING AS A  RADIOPHARMACEUTICAL FOR INFECTION IMAGING. Infectious disease is the leading cause of death in worldwide, especially in developing countries such as Indonesia. Early detection and determination of the exact location of infection by imaging methods can facilitate treatment. 99mTc-kanamycin is one of the radiopharmaceuticals that widely used for such purpose. The aim of the study was to obtain the information on the preclinical characteristics of 99mTc-kanamycin including toxicity, sterility, pirogenicity, and biodistribution. Toxicity test conducted in 5 mice injected radiopharmaceutical 99mTc-kanamycin intra venous tail, showed that the radiopharmaceutical was not toxic for 24 hours after intravenous injection. Sterility testing of radiopharmaceutical 99mTc-kanamycin conducted with direct inoculation on Nutrient Agar and liquid Thioglicolat medium showed that the radiopharmaceutical was sterile. Pyrogenicity test conducted in 3 rabbits injected with the radiopharmaceutical 99mTc-kanamycin showed that the total temperature response was 2.9oC, that means that the radiopharmaceutical was not free from pyrogen. Biodistribution of 99mTc-kanamycin at intervals of 30, 60, and 180 minutes post intravenously injection through the tail of mice, infected with Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus intramuscularly 24 hours earlier, showed that 99mTc-kanamycin accumulates in the target organ of the left thigh muscle. The ratio values of left to right thigh muscle were 3.63 and 5.64 for  E. coli and S. aureus, respectively. Radiopharmaceutical 99mTc-kanamycin was not toxic, sterile, pyrogen, distributed in the body of mice, and were rapidly excreted from the body through the kidneys starting 30 minutes post injection, both in bacterials infected or without bacterials infected mice. ABSTRACT 99mTc-KANAMYCIN PRECLINICAL TESTING AS A RADIOPHARMACEUTICAL FOR INFECTION IMAGING. Infectious disease is the leading cause of death in worldwide, especially in developing countries such as Indonesia. Early detection and determination of the exact location of infection by imaging methods can facilitate treatment. 99mTc-kanamycin is one of the radiopharmaceuticals that widely used for such purpose. The aim of the study was to obtain the information on the preclinical characteristics of 99mTc-kanamycin including toxicity, sterility, pirogenicity, and biodistribution. Toxicity test conducted in 5 mice injected radiopharmaceutical 99mTc-kanamycin intra venous tail, showed that the radiopharmaceutical was not toxic for 24 hours after intravenous injection. Sterility testing of radiopharmaceutical 99mTc-kanamycin conducted with direct inoculation on Nutrient Agar and liquid Thioglicolat medium showed that the radiopharmaceutical was sterile. Pyrogenicity test conducted in 3 rabbits injected with the radiopharmaceutical 99mTc-kanamycin showed that the total temperature response was 2.9oC, that means that the radiopharmaceutical was not free from pyrogen. Biodistribution of 99mTc-kanamycin at intervals of 30, 60, and 180 minutes post intravenously injection through the tail of mice, infected with Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus intramuscularly 24 hours earlier, showed that 99mTc-kanamycin accumulates in the target organ of the left thigh muscle. The ratio values of left to right thigh muscle were 3.63 and 5.64 for E. coli and S. aureus, respectively. Radiopharmaceutical 99mTc-kanamycin was not toxic, sterile, pyrogen, distributed in the body of mice, and were rapidly excreted from the body through the kidneys starting 30 minutes post injection, both in bacterials infected or without bacterials infected mice.
SIMULATION OF OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS OF FASSIP-02 NATURAL CIRCULATION COOLING SYSTEM EXPERIMENTAL LOOP Dr.Anhar Riza Antariksawan; Surip Widodo; Mulya Juarsa; Dedy Haryanto; Mukhsinun Hadi Kusuma; Nandy Putra
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Nuklir Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology) Vol 19, No 1 (2018): Februari 2018
Publisher : BATAN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (490.664 KB) | DOI: 10.17146/jstni.2018.19.1.4036


The natural circulation is considered in the design of emergency passive core cooling system in a nuclear power plant. In that context, in order to investigate the characteristics of the natural circulation, FASSIP-02 experimental loop is designed. This paper simulates the various operational conditions with different condition of the heater power, the pipe insulation and the expansion tank's valve using RELAP5 code. The objective is to obtain the best operational conditions of FASSIP-02 once it is built. The simulation results show that the until 50,000 s the steady state condition could not be achieved yet when the heater power greater than 10 kW. The pipe insulation reduced the heat loss to the environment and in turn it causes faster increase of the water temperature inside the pipe. While, if the expansion tank's valve is closed during the operation, the pressure inside the loop would increase, faster when the heater power is higher. It is concluded that in all cases to avoid the saturation condition, the heater power should be maintained lower than 10 kW, especially when the loop pipe is insulated.
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Nuklir Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology) Vol 18, No 2 (2017): Agustus 2017
Publisher : BATAN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (466.127 KB) | DOI: 10.17146/jstni.2017.18.2.3575


ANALYSIS OF RADIATION SAFETY IN THE NPP SITE IN NORMAL OPERATION CONDITION. Construction of nuclear power plant (NPP) requires an evaluation of radiation safety which proves that operation of the NPP under normal operating condition and postulated abnormal conditions is safe. Analysis of radiation safety at the NPP site under normal operating condition is required to complete the documents of site analysis and safety analysis. This study is aimed to obtain radiation dose in the environment of the NPPs at Sebagin site in province of Bangka Belitung. The doses were calculated using PC-Cream code. It is assumed that there are three 1000-MWe PWR operating in Sebagin site. Input data required for PC-Cream simulation are routine sourceterm of three 1000MWe-PWRs, meteorological data, and agricultural and animal production, and population distribution. The meteorological data consist of stability frequency of weather for 16 sectors (wind direction) taken from local weather data for 1 year. The data of agricultural and livestock production and population distribution are also taken for 1 year for 16 sectors and 20 radial directions. The results show that the maximum dose from all types of radionuclides and all pathways accepted by adult public around Sebagin site is approximately 0.053 mSv/year to the north direction in the radius of 1 km. This dose is far below the dose limit value of 1 mSv/year or dose constraint of 0.3 mSv/year as public acceptance criteria (BAPETEN). It can be concluded that radiation doses are influenced by activity and type of nuclides sourceterm, reactor layout, meteorological condition, and environmental condition.
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Nuklir Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology) Vol 18, No 1 (2017): Februari 2017
Publisher : BATAN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (313.206 KB) | DOI: 10.17146/jstni.2017.18.1.3161


EKSTRAKSI EMULSI MEMBRANE CAIR Zr dan HF DALAM LARUTAN ASAM NITRAT DENGAN EKSTRAKTAN TOPO. Telah dilakukan ekstraksi larutan Zr yang mengandung Hf menggunakan  extraktan TOPO. Sebagai fasa air digunakan larutan campuran ZrO(NO3)2 dan HfO(NO3)2 yang mengandung Zr 10 gr/L dan Hf 500 mg/L, sedangkan ekstraktan atau fasa organik adalah TOPO dengan variasi konsentrasi yang diencerkan dengan kerosen. Emulgator Span-80 digunakan untuk membuat membuat larutan membrane emulsi.Fasa internal yang digunakan adalah asam nitrat 3M dan fasa eksternal yang digunakan adalah asam fosfat 5M. Parameter yang diteliti yaitu konsentrasi ekstraktan, kecepatan pengadukan, waktu pengadukan, dan perbandingan fasa internal dan fasa eksternal. Untuk analisis Zr dan Hf digunakan metode X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF). Dari hasil optimasi proses ekstraksi Zr dan Hf dengan membran emulsi  dengan menggunakan ekstraktan TOPO diperoleh kesimpulan sebagai berikut: waktu pembuatan fasa membran adalah dengan kecepatan pengadukan 8000 rpm, konsentrasi TOPO 5% dalam kerosen, konsentrasi internal asam nitrat 3M, konsentrasi asam fosfat 5M, waktu ekstraksi pengadukan 10 menit dengan kecepatan pengadukan tetap 500 rpm , dan perbandingan fasa membran dan fasa eksternal 1 : 1. Pada kondisi ini diperoleh faktor pisah (FP) Zr-Hf = 17,39.

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