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Historia: Jurnal Pendidik dan Peneliti Sejarah
ISSN : 26204789     EISSN : 26157993     DOI :
Focus and Scope 1. Learning History at school 2. Learning History in college 3. History education curriculum 4. Historical material (local, national, and world history) 5. History of education 6. Historical material in social studies
Articles 226 Documents
Historia: Jurnal Pendidik dan Peneliti Sejarah Vol 12, No 1 (2011): Nationalism and History Education
Publisher : Prodi. Pendidikan Sejarah FPIPS UPI dan APPS (Asosiasi peneliti dan Pendidik Sejarah)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (90.019 KB) | DOI: 10.17509/historia.v12i1.12126


Medan has grown really fast since the farm development in Deli, East Sumtara has begun in the end !9th century. The development contributed a great impact to the development of the area sorounding East Sumtra. The cities surrounding the plantation had developed fast. Medan is one of the cities that develeloped as the impact of the wide development of the Ducth’s colonial platation, followed by a great migration to that area from various nation. One of the most important development was Medan as a growing publishing center, both for book and mass media, such as magazine and news paper. The publishing figures came from various races, ethnics, and cultures, particularly from Aceh, Minangkabau, Java, Mandailing, and Batak. In addition, foreing publisher also existed, such as Europ, China, and India. Medan press development was good in the movements era, it considered as equal as Batavia, Surabaya, and Padang.
Historia: Jurnal Pendidik dan Peneliti Sejarah Vol 9, No 2 (2008): Perkembangan Islam di Indonesia
Publisher : Prodi. Pendidikan Sejarah FPIPS UPI dan APPS (Asosiasi peneliti dan Pendidik Sejarah)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (40.134 KB) | DOI: 10.17509/historia.v9i2.12175


The article is about the political movement of Islam before and after the 20th century, and its relation to the development of democracy in Indonesia. Before the 20th century, the pattern of Islam political movement was still communal in character. This social solidarity developed in social structure of agrarian society and, usually centred among charismatic leaders. The struggles against colonial government were led mostly by the local prominent figures such as in Aceh, in Central Java, and Padri War in West Sumatra. At the turn of the-20 century, the trait of Islamic movement began to change from communal form into associational and organic solidarity. Their leaders were not necessarily from local elites but they came from urban middle class. They applied modern organization practices. When in the past the relationship between the leaders and their followers was based on paternalistic type, then in the 20th century it changed in a more rational kind. The movement which was based on associational pattern made its activities expanded and left behind its former local model. In making each decision they mostly relied on democratic and deliberation ways. Hence the tradition of democracy and participation is eventually formed.
Historia: Jurnal Pendidik dan Peneliti Sejarah Vol 11, No 2 (2010): History Teaching
Publisher : Prodi. Pendidikan Sejarah FPIPS UPI dan APPS (Asosiasi peneliti dan Pendidik Sejarah)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (208.511 KB) | DOI: 10.17509/historia.v11i2.12328


Integration is a process to create national identity in a society which is differs in culture, social matter, location that live in a political unit. The concept of national integration is actually a broad concept. From sociological perspective, the process of understanding can be explained as integration, as in political integration resulted from the efforts in cooperating and uniting the parties that have followers with various ideological background. The national integration process happens as the result of the needs to strengthen the harmony and security for a sovereign country. Malaysia, however, has taken several concrete steps to bridge the diversity in ideology, politics, economy, and social matter, along with the efforts towards educational system. History education had been made as the main choice in Malaysia in order to realize the goal of teaching political value as well as its importance. History also plays a role in improving socialization and awareness towards politics within the young generation, as well as strengthening nationalism as an important element to build a good citizenship. History education should be able to foster national integration and national development. The awareness towards historical heritage is important to foster group identity that later may form the sense of belonging, love, empathy and loyalty. The development on history education in Malaysia shows that the subject of history has been made as a bridge in achieving the above goal (KPM, 2003) namely to foster the loyalty and identity as the citizen of Malaysia and as the member of the world society. Multicultural perspective is important to be delivered in history education so that every ethnic will be pround and respected. Multiculturality and diversity should be considered as a potential to foster diversity into national integration. History may also build an understanding and respect as well as explores other ethnic cultures as to find similarities that can be accepted nationally to build tolerant and to prevent clash among ethnics in Malaysia in the future time.
Historia: Jurnal Pendidik dan Peneliti Sejarah Vol 14, No 1 (2013): local wisdom
Publisher : Prodi. Pendidikan Sejarah FPIPS UPI dan APPS (Asosiasi peneliti dan Pendidik Sejarah)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (273.195 KB) | DOI: 10.17509/historia.v14i1.1918


The 2013 Curriculum on history learning is a contradictive combination between the major tradition and alternative tradition. The major tradition focused in morality inculcation, political history material, clarification teaching method, logical thinking, and morality assessment. Challenges in major tradition implementation are (1) value determination, (2) topics election, and (3) learning climate. Alternative tradition appeared as a critic for major tradition. Alternative tradition itself focused in historical skill, history knowledge, and historical method based on learning principle. The main challenges in alternative tradition implementation are mastery in science and learning methods. The major tradition creates attitude competency, included spiritual and social’s value and morality; and alternative tradition creates knowledge and skill competency.
Green History dalam Buku Teks Sejarah Hermana, Hena Gian
Historia: Jurnal Pendidik dan Peneliti Sejarah Vol 2, No 1 (2019): Historiografi Buku Teks Sejarah: dari nasionalisme hingga Ecopedagogy
Publisher : Prodi. Pendidikan Sejarah FPIPS UPI dan APPS (Asosiasi peneliti dan Pendidik Sejarah)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (124.083 KB) | DOI: 10.17509/historia.v2i1.12564


Buku teks Sejarah untuk SMA merupakan salah satu bentuk material yang digunakan untuk kepentingan pembelajaran di sekolah. Pembeljaran sejarah berfungsi untuk melestarikan memori kolektif dan nilai-nilai yang dianggap penting, salah satunya peduli lingkungan yang merupakan nilai penting dalam cara pandang ecocentris bagian dari green history. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap penggambaran dan representasi nilai green history dalam buku teks sejarah. Metode yang digunakan yaitu content analysis. Sumber data pada penelitian ini adalah buku teks Sejarah SMA kelas X berdasarkan kurikulum 2006 karya I Wayan Badrika yang diterbitkan oleh Erlangga. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa green history direpresentasikan dalam berbagai tema seperti kehidupan awal masyarakat Indonesia (masa berburu dan mengumpulkan makanan serta masa beternak dan bercocok tanam), dan peradaban kuno Asia-Afrika (Peradaban Sungai Shindu dan Gangga, Sungai Kuning, dan Sungai Eufrat dan Tigris). Green History perlu dipahami sebagai cara untuk mengembangkan pikiran peserta didik tentang pentingnya menjaga kelestarian lingkungan (understanding how nature sustains life) seperti pengambilan keputusan (decision making skills) di dalam melakukan berbagai tindakan di dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
The Cirebonan Theatrical Performing Art in the Middle of Globalization Exposure Supardan, Dadang
Historia: Jurnal Pendidik dan Peneliti Sejarah Vol 14, No 2 (2013): Pembelajaran sejarah berbasis budaya
Publisher : Prodi. Pendidikan Sejarah FPIPS UPI dan APPS (Asosiasi peneliti dan Pendidik Sejarah)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (292.976 KB) | DOI: 10.17509/historia.v14i2.2034


This study is based on the concern of solid negligence towards the fundamental values of the Cirebonan theatrical performing arts due to the globalization exposure that affects the contra development or marginality of traditional arts. The problem formulation developed in the research includes: (1) What is the origin of the Cirebonan play performing art in the coastal areas of the West Java border? (2) What are the purposes of the art to be performed in Cirebon, a region located in the coastal areas of West Java? (3) What steps in this theatrical performing arts are to be performed and enjoyed as ordinary folk art performances? (4) What is the philosophical value of is art so that it can be contributed to history education? (5) What is an effort to be made to improve the historical awareness of local people in enjoying these performing arts regardless of the threat of marginality caused by the globalization exposure? The method used in this research is a qualitative approach combined with historical and ethnographic methods. The research results are as follows: (1) The origins of Cirebonan theatrical play performing arts around 1943 0r 1944, during the Japanese occupation in Indonesia. The origin name was Reog Sepat, then became Tonil Cahya Widodo, later on it turned into a combination of Reog Sepat and Tonil Cahya Widodo. (2) The objectives of Cirebonan theatrical play performing arts include; entertainment, telling the chronicles of particular area development, providing exemplary behavior of a hero, as well as for the preaching media, and socialization of the government programs. (3) The stages of the learning implementation include the opening music (total), gimmick scene (surprised with stage tricks, such as fireworks), opening dance; the theatrical play performances; closing, with music and the theater leader epilogue. (4) The philosophical values used for history education blend cultural and spiritual characteristics, including (a) director of interference who is not dominant: the players are free to improvise as long they still stick in from the core story. (b) the diversity of players' everyday profession, such as rickshaw drivers, domestic workers, fishers, and farmers, (c) the canvas painter's involvement in the setting screen display on the stage for a story following the episode. (5) The efforts to preserve the Cirebonan theatrical performing art; both artists and the government have tried to preserve it, is not optimal because lesser Cirebonan theatrical group got a call to perform, as well as there, are no efforts to include it as the local content in the schools' curriculum
A History and Ideology in the Development of the Writing of History Textbooks for High School in Indonesia 1994-2013 Darmawan, Scopus ID: 57192940869, Wawan; Mulyana, Agus
Historia: Jurnal Pendidik dan Peneliti Sejarah Vol 3, No 1 (2020): Pendidikan Sejarah dan Sejarah Pendidikan
Publisher : Prodi. Pendidikan Sejarah FPIPS UPI dan APPS (Asosiasi peneliti dan Pendidik Sejarah)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (146.303 KB) | DOI: 10.17509/historia.v3i1.20991


This article reveals the results of research on the contents of history subjects in history textbooks for High School that issued in two different government, those are the New Order Government and Reformation Government, which are considered to contain ideological messages. History textbooks that flowed from the curriculum follows on government policies. That wasn’t surprising if the government changed, they will change the curriculum, and also change the content of text books, in this case includes the history text books. The change indicates that history text books cannot be separated from the interests of the government’s ideology. The aim of this research is wanting to reveal the forms of ideology that is present in the content of history text books. The method that used is critical discourse analysis to know the ideological discourse in history text books from two different government periods. The history text books that are examined based on the 1994 Curriculum and the 2013 Curriculum to indicate two curriculums results from two reigns. Based on the results of this research, it can be compared with the ideology of writing content of history text books in the New Order and Reformation period, there are includes communism and Pancasila, deceit democracy and freedom for democracy, militarism and anti-militarism, neoliberalism and anti-communism, liberalism and anti-liberalism. However, there is still a single narrative of the nation in the New Order that could not be replaced by the Reformation era.
Kiprah Pangeran Mohamad Noor Dalam Dinamika Politik Indonesia (1945-1967) Sjamsuddin, Helius
Historia: Jurnal Pendidik dan Peneliti Sejarah Vol 1, No 2 (2018): Buku Teks Sejarah dan Sejarah Indonesia
Publisher : Prodi. Pendidikan Sejarah FPIPS UPI dan APPS (Asosiasi peneliti dan Pendidik Sejarah)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (178.249 KB) | DOI: 10.17509/historia.v1i2.10698


Dalam diri P. M. Noor bergabung darah aristokrat karena ia bergelar Pangeran, teknokrat karena ia seorang lnsinyur, birokrat karena ia pemah menjabat jabatan Gubemur pertama Kalimantan (1945-1950), Wakil Menteri Perhubungan (1945-1946), Menteri Pekeriaan Umum dan Tenaga (1950-1959), politisi karena ia pernah menjabat berbagai jabatan politis kenegraan. Sebagai pemimpin ia juga seorang negarawan karena ia memikirkan melalui proyek-proyek pembangunannya kesejahteraan Negara, bangsa dan rakyat, baik sekarang maupun yang akan datang.  Perjalanan hidup lr. P.M. Noor merupakan pembelajaran yang berharga bagi kita semua. Segala aspek perjuangan dan pengabdiannya bagi Negara dan bangsa dapat menjadisuriteladan. Berkat kecerdasannya ide-ide besarnya jika bisa dilaksanakan sebagian apalagi jika seluruhnya akan menjadikan Negara dan bangsa ini makmur sejahtera. Tapi ia menyadari betul bahwa itu mustahil direalisasikan dalam satu atau dua generasi. Namun ia telah meninggalkan cetak-biru (blue print) bagi generasi penerus. Terserah kita mau mengikuti atau tidak. Pembangunan Negara dan bangsa harus selalu berlanjut-sebuah estafet panjang dan melelahkan. Maka bukan kebetulan jika pada akhir-akhir hayatnya ia rnemberikan pesan berselubung bahwa pekerjaan (gawi) belum usai (tuntung). Dan tidak akan pernah usai karena itulah dinamika kehidupan. Ada generasi-generasi  berikutnya yang akan terus melanjutkannya seperti mengalirnya kehidupan yang penuh dengan perjuangan dan pengabdian. Bisa diartikan pesan simbolik dari P.M. Noor, "Teruskan...Gawi kita balum tuntung." 
Historia: Jurnal Pendidik dan Peneliti Sejarah Vol 12, No 2 (2011): History Learning
Publisher : Prodi. Pendidikan Sejarah FPIPS UPI dan APPS (Asosiasi peneliti dan Pendidik Sejarah)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (742.311 KB) | DOI: 10.17509/historia.v12i2.12110


The development of social studies learning model is based on classic batik local cultural value for improving the identity of Junior High School Students in Surakarta. Generally, the research is aimed to construct social study based on classic batic local cultural value to improve nation identity through using post modernism thought that views understanding a curriculum as a praxis. Based on the construction, this research is able to empower the researcher, social studies teachers and students. In order to construct the transformative curriculum as the praxis, four elements are used richness, recursions, relations and rigor. The integration of classic batik cultural value in social studies learning is based on the combination of cooperative learning model and value clarification. Knowledge and understanding to local and national cultural values will be manifested to nation identity. This research uses research and development approaches based on three main stages introductory study, model development and model validation. The data collection uses observation as well as interview guidance and study devices evaluation sheet. Data analysis uses qualitative and quantitative techniques. The main conclusion of this research outcomes is that Social studies learning model based on the developed classic batik art and cultural values model has met the study model development principles and it has been proven to significantly improve competency and strengthen student character and identity if it is compared to conventional model
Historia: Jurnal Pendidik dan Peneliti Sejarah Vol 12, No 1 (2011): Nationalism and History Education
Publisher : Prodi. Pendidikan Sejarah FPIPS UPI dan APPS (Asosiasi peneliti dan Pendidik Sejarah)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (38.997 KB) | DOI: 10.17509/historia.v12i1.12121


Since the reformation happened to this country, publications on several main events, which were sometimes causing some resentment, have been appeared. They include a widespread corruption issue involving executive, legislative, judicative or private elements; a notorious issue of a house member caught up as he played his gadget to watch a porn video; as well as an issue of a ruined PSSI congress held on May 20, 2011.  Then, why don’t we, as a nation well known for its decency and friendliness, show our tolerance? What is wrong with us? As this question showed up to the ground, there were also excuses replying; we are not ready for democracy, our leaders are indecisive, our education system was so messy, and so on and so forth.To analyze this, we can refer to a certain past moments. Koesome Oetoyo, in ‘Pewarta Prijaji’, August 1900 explained that priyayi were those who worked as clerk, teacher, foreman, police agent, and etc. Koesome Oetoyo, in ‘Pewarta Prijaji’, August 1900 explained that priyayi were those who worked as clerk, teacher, foreman, police agent, etc. Accordingly, those involving in the aforementioned cases are priyayi, even a high class priyayi. This article focuses on study of modern elite society and national movement in Java since 1900-1942.

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