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Jurnal Rekayasa Sistem Industri
Core Subject : Engineering,
Data and Analytics Decision Analysis E-Business and E-Commerce Engineering Economy and Cost Analysis Human Factors Information Systems Intelligent Systems Manufacturing Systems Operations Research Production Planning and Control Project Management Quality Control and Management Reliability and Maintenance Engineering Safety and Risk Management Service Innovation and Management Supply Chain Management Systems Modeling and Simulation Technology and Knowledge Management
Articles 269 Documents
Human Reliability Assessment dengan Metode Human Error Assessment and Reduction Technique pada Operator Stasiun Shroud PT. X Safitri, Dian Mardi; Astriaty, Ayu Rachma; Rizani, Nataya C.
Jurnal Rekayasa Sistem Industri Vol 4, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sistem Industri

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Human realibility is a big tricky problem. Human failure rates depend on three main factors, namelyintrinsic, work environment, and stress. PT. X is a supplier for PT. LG Indonesia manufacturing productsmade from plastics. Human Realibility Assesment is conducted using HEART methods (Human ErrorAssessment and Reduction Technique). In the first phase, task analysis on operators’ activities is done usingHierarchical Task Analysis (HTA). The largest Human Error Probability was found when Operator No. 1did not insert the flash side carefully. The value of this probability is 0.53424. This factor is concluded as themain cause to shroud defectives, which results in customer penalyzing the company.
Implementasi Metode Six Sigma dan Internal Audit dalam Menjamin Kualitas Produk Pada PT X untuk Mengefisiensikan Biaya Kualitas Liansari, Gita Permata
Jurnal Rekayasa Sistem Industri Vol 4, No 2 (2015): Jurnal Rekayasa Sistem Industri
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sistem Industri

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PT X adalah perusahaan garment berskala internasional, dimana 80% produknya dikirim kebeberapa negara di benua Eropa. Loyalitas konsumen dalam hal ini salah satunya dibangkitkandengan menghasilkan produk yang berkualitas. Produk yang berkualitas adalah produk yangspesifikasinya memenuhi atau merepresentasikan kebutuhan dan keinginan konsumen. Olehsebab itu setiap perusahaan harus selalu menghasilkan produk yang berkualitas sehingga loyalitaskonsumennya dapat semakin meningkat dan jangkauan pasar perusahaan tersebut juga dapatsemakin meluas. Berdasarkan data tahun 2010 diketahui bahwa 80% produk cacat pada PT Xdisebabkan oleh cacat jahitan, diantaranya jahitan putus, jahitan loncat, dan jahitan longgar. Tujuanpenelitian ini adalah memberikan usulan perbaikan terhadap PT X dengan menerapkan metodeSix Sigma dan Konsep Internal Audit, dalam upaya menjamin kualitas produk yang dihasilkan danmengefisiensikan biaya kegagalan dalam produksi pada PT X. Internal audit merupakan faktorkritis untuk pencapaian kesuksesan dalam bisnis. Dalam internal audit, PT X dapat melakukanpengendalian proses, pengendalian dokumen, pengendalian peraturan, serta kebijakan perusahaan.Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh nilai DPMO (Defect per Million Opportunities)sebelum implementasiperbaikan adalah 6429 dengan nilai sigma adalah 3,987 s . Sedangkan nilai DPMO setelahimplementasi perbaikan adalah 2431 dan nilai sigma adalah 4,308 s . Penghematan yang diperolehperusahaan jika menerapkan usulan perbaikan diperkirakan Rp 117.775.525,90 atau setara denganmemproduksi 1.145 unit produk berkualitas.
Perancangan Model VMI (Vendor Managed Inventory) dengan Satu Pemasok dan Banyak Retailer yang Meminimasi Ongkos Total Rantai Pasok Yosefa, ~; Sitompul, Carles; Alfian, ~
Jurnal Rekayasa Sistem Industri Vol 4, No 2 (2015): Jurnal Rekayasa Sistem Industri
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sistem Industri

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pertumbuhan ekonomi yang terjadi di negara tersebut. Untuk memenangkan kompetisi, perusahaanperusahaanberlomba memperbaiki kinerja mereka. Salah satu cara yang dilakukan adalahmenerapkan sistem persediaan barang yang lebih efisien yaitu dengan menerapkan manajemen supplychain yang akan memberikan keuntungan bagi pihak supplier maupun pihak retailer. VMI (VendorManaged Inventory) merupakan salah satu metode dalam supply chain yang memberikan keuntunganbagi perusahaan melalui waktu replenishment yang singkat, perbaikan customer service level, total biayarantai pasok yang lebih kecil dibanding metode persediaan tradisional. Penelitianpenelitianyang sudah dilakukan saat ini baru sebatas model VMI satu supplier dengan satu retailer. Padahalpada kenyataannya satu supplier dapat berhubungan dengan satu atau lebih retailer atau bahkansebaliknya banyak supplier yang berhubungan dengan 1 retailer. Kondisi seperti ini menyebabkanperlunya pengembangan model yang melibatkan banyak retailer maupun supplier.Dalam penelitian ini, dilakukan pengembangan model VMI yang dibatasi pada kondisi satusupplier dengan banyak retailer. Dilakukan penentuan parameter, variabel keputusan, fungsi tujuandan koefisien pembatas untuk merancang model. Model yang dirancang kemudian diimplementasikanke dalam bahasa pemrograman AMPL dan solusinya didapatkan dengan penggunaansoftware NEOS. Datadata yang digunakan merupakan data ilustrasi. Setelah didapat hasil daripengimplementasian model, selanjutnya dibuat analisis berdasarkan hasil serta analisis sensitivitasuntuk model. Hasil penggunaan model VMI (Vendor Managed Inventory) yang dirancang kemudiandibandingkan dengan hasil penggunaan metode lain, yaitu Q System serta WagnerWithin Algorithm.
Rancangan Welding Fixture Pembuatan Produk Front Engine Mounting Mobil Suzuki Baleno Prassetiyo, Hendro; Rispianda, ~; Dewi, Puspita
Jurnal Rekayasa Sistem Industri Vol 4, No 2 (2015): Jurnal Rekayasa Sistem Industri
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sistem Industri

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Manufacture industry develops very rapidly, it could be seen from the various technology that is used inthe process of the production. This developments causes the increasing of consumers needs, so the businessmenof manufacture have to be able to increase the quality and quantity of the products that are produced. Oneof the way to increase it that is by using aids of productions which are Jig and Fixture. This paper is talkingabout the design of Welding Fixture which this kind of fixture is always used for welding processes. Theseaids are used for the welding process of front engine mounting cars products of Suzuki Baleno. The design ofwelding fixture is done to decrease the defects of the products caused by the less precise components placementwhen the welding process is underway. Moreover, the design is done to hasten the processes of loading andunloading (setup).
Penentuan Prioritas Perbaikan Kualitas Layanan TransJakarta dengan Menggunakan Metode IPA-PGCV Sukwadi, Ronald; Jufina, ~
Jurnal Rekayasa Sistem Industri Vol 4, No 2 (2015): Jurnal Rekayasa Sistem Industri
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sistem Industri

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TransJakarta was a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system in Jakarta. It was designed to provide Jakartacitizens with a fast public transportation system to help reduce rush hour traffic. After operating more thanone decade, many suggestions and critics were given related to service quality. IPA and PGCV methods wereapplied to determine which service attributes should be improved and their priorities. In this research, eightservice attributes were identified as critical attributes (on first quadrant of IPA diagram). The higher value ofPGCV index indicated the priority level of attributes. Based on its priority level, the order were 1) easinessof giving suggestions, 2) ticket queue, 3) easiness of complaints, 4) the facilities for passengers with specialneeds, 5) employees appearance, 6) transportation cost, 7) accessibility, and 8) the number of bus.
Sistem Informasi Pengukuran Efektivitas Produksi BerbasisWeb (Studi Kasus : PT. Beiersdorf Indonesia) Rakhmadani, Diovianto Putra; Wicaksono, Soetam Rizky
Jurnal Rekayasa Sistem Industri Vol 4, No 2 (2015): Jurnal Rekayasa Sistem Industri
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sistem Industri

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The effectiveness of the production is a must knowledge in a manufacture company, because it is closelylinked to the success level of a company, if effectiveness reaching high level, it will lead to be successful interms of meeting production targets. It is also happened at PT Beiersdorf Indonesia which requires method tomeasure the effectiveness of production in their companies, particularly in Elastoplast production division.PT Beiersdorf Indonesia requires certain method IPC computerized checklist which the system can giveinformation related to the evaluation of the effectiveness of production. Based upon these problems, it is clearlystated that they need to use innovation in Effectiveness Level Measurement Information System Production.This information system is designed to help the all involved employees the process, documenting, and directlycontrols the activity of production. in this study, by creating the new system will help the company to conductan evaluation of the production process.
Analisis dan Evaluasi Jabatan pada Perusahaan Tekstil Sukwadi, Ronald; Oktevany, Livia
Jurnal Rekayasa Sistem Industri Vol 5, No 1 (2016): Jurnal Rekayasa Sistem Industri
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sistem Industri

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This research presents job analysis and evaluation in order to design salary structure of a textile company. Preliminary interview, questionnaire, observation and focus group discussions were applied for job analysis. In addition, a point factor system and analytical hierarchy process methods were used for doing job evaluation. Job description and job specification and basic salary of each job were produced in this study. 
Perancangan Sistem Value Chain terhadap Prospek Pengumpulan E-Waste di Bank Sampah Kelvin, Stephanus; Kristina, Helena J.; Jobiliong, Eric
Jurnal Rekayasa Sistem Industri Vol 5, No 1 (2016): Jurnal Rekayasa Sistem Industri
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sistem Industri

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Electronic waste (e-waste) has become environmental issue in Indonesia. Several tons of e-waste was generated each year. Available landfills will not be sufficient to accommodate e-waste that people produce. Waste bank become one of many solutions to overcome this problem. Implementation of pilot project in waste bank is needed to see the prospects of e-waste collection in waste bank. Thus, the goal of this research is to design a value chain system for e-waste collection prospect in waste bank and system simulation as the foundation for implementing a pilot project. Simulations on 2 scenarios had been done to determine profitability of e-waste collection’s pilot project in waste bank. Based on simulation, it is known that there is profit generated from e-waste recycling process for 2 scenarios. Ranges of profit for 2 months are Rp. 7.963.879 - Rp. 40.447.047 for scenario 1 and Rp. 7.952.394 – 40.435.561 for scenario 2. If only PCB component that could be recycled, profit for 2 months still can be generated in the range Rp. 689.964 – Rp. 6.398.486 for scenario 1 and Rp. 678.478 – Rp. 6.387.000 for scenario 2. Thus, implementation of e-waste collection’s pilot project in waste bank is profitable.
Perancangan Sistem Penilaian Performansi Karyawan Pratiwi, Loren; Sitorus, Hotna Marina; Marthalia, Elizabeth
Jurnal Rekayasa Sistem Industri Vol 5, No 1 (2016): Jurnal Rekayasa Sistem Industri
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sistem Industri

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Company X is one of the bakery companies that has several branch shops in Bandung. Over thepast few years, the performance of its human resource was stagnant and undeveloped. Especially in theposition of cashiers and salespersons who serve the consumers. Without a good human resource performancemanagement, Company X will not be able to survive in the competition. One of the requirements of goodhuman resource management performance is a good performance appraisal system. Performance assessmentconducted by Company X is still generic, and involving the assessment criteria that are very common.Besides, this assessment is also used to measure all positions in the company. Sometimes, the assessmentprocess was very subjective, which often causes employees with different performance get the same value.This research aims to design a performance appraisal system for the position of cashier and salesperson atCompany X by using Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales (BARS). A performance appraisal system wasdesign started from the identification of assessment criteria and the determination of the scale of assessmentstandards, and ends with a form design and assessment procedures. The study also designed a feedbacksystem, in order to improve the performance of the cashiers and salespersons at Company X. The developedassessment system then tested in Company X to see how well the assessment able to distinguish employeesperformance, where employees with different performance obtain different values. Besides these trials alsoaccomplished the objective of the proposed system, where the same employees have the same value relativelydespite assessed by different people.
Perubahan Postur/Sikap Tubuh Pada Aktivitas Pewarnaan Batik (Colet) Setelah Dilakukan Perancangan Meja Batik Secara Ergonomi Untuk Mengurangi Keluhan Siswiyanti, Siswiyanti; Luthfianto, Saufik
Jurnal Rekayasa Sistem Industri Vol 5, No 1 (2016): Jurnal Rekayasa Sistem Industri
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sistem Industri

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The posture/body position of batik maker is conducted by kneeling on the ground (squatting) especially on the staining activity (smearing) that is placed on the floor. This body position causes the batik maker’s posture or position in doing the static work (motionless) approximately 3 hours per staining. It can cause a fatigue in static muscle load. In order to reduce static muscle load, the researchers tried to design the alternative tool to be a replacement of batik rest. The purpose of this research is to know the reduction level of muskuskeletal complaints, fatigue and how well the increase in productivity after the change of posture/staining position (smearing) on the floor becomes sitting position in a chair-table in Ergonomics. The research method is the similar subject experiment. Batik table design has an adjustable height and tilt and also can be rotated so that It facilitates the process of coloring (smearing). The Application of Ergonomics in Designing Batik table can show the reduction level of musculoskeletal complaints in batik coloring (smearing) up to 36.63%, the fatigue decrease around 16.73% and the increase of productivity around 68.18%. It indicates that the improvement of squatting position into a sitting position using a chair-table can reduce the complaints of the musculoskeletal system, fatigue and increase the productivity of batik worker.

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