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Jurnal Infinity
ISSN : 20896867     EISSN : 24609285     DOI : -
Core Subject : Education,
Infinity Journal published by STKIP Siliwangi Bandung (IKIP Siliwangi) and Indonesian Mathematics Educators' Society (IMES) publishes original research or theoretical papers about teaching and learning in a mathematics education study program on current science issues.
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Articles 241 Documents
Jurnal Infinity Vol 1, No 1 (2012): Volume 1 Number 1, Infinity
Publisher : IKIP Siliwangi and I-MES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (713.932 KB) | DOI: 10.22460/infinity.v1i1.p45-61


Problem-based learning in the context of mathematics learning is a math learning strategies in the classroom with activities solve mathematical problems so that students can construct mathematical knowledge by himself. In connection with the efforts to achieve the learning objectives of mathematics through problem-based learning, of course, requires students to use the potential optimally. Meanwhile, to create mathematical learning process with the use of students' potential optimally, then the emotional intelligence of the students need to be a concern. Emotional considerations in mathematics learning in particular may be a bit much help in receiving math, in the middle of contention that still believed by most students, that math is a difficult subject. Thus, the presence of emotional intelligence can be seen as aspects to consider, it can even be used as the basis for follow-problem-based learning process well so that the achievement of mathematics learning in their entirety.
Jurnal Infinity Vol 2, No 1 (2013): Volume 2 Number 1, Infinity
Publisher : IKIP Siliwangi and I-MES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (411.052 KB) | DOI: 10.22460/infinity.v2i1.p26-42


Makalah ini melaporkan temuan satu eksperimen dengan disain tes awal-tes akhir dan kelompok kontrol yang dilaksanakan dengan mengimplementasikan pendekatan induktif-deduktif disertai dengan strategi  Think-Pair-Square-Share untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pemahaman dan kemampuan berpikir krtis matematis siswa. Studi ini melibatkan 81 siswa kelas-11 dari satu SMA di Cimahi. Instrumen penelitian terdiri dari tes pemahaman matematis, tes berpikir kritis  matematis dan skala pendapat. Studi menemukan bahwa pendekatan induktif-deduktif disertai dengan strategi  Think-Pair-Square-Share  lebih unggul dalam meningkatkan kemampuan pemahaman dan berpikir kritis  matematis siswa daripada pembelajaran biasa. Kemampuan pemahaman dan kemampuan berpikir krtis matematis siswa yang mendapat pembelajaran dengan pendekatan induktif-deduktif disertai dengan strategi  Think-Pair-Square-Share  tergolong sedang dan kemampuan matematis  siswa yang memperoleh pembelajaran biasa tergolong kurang. Namun ditemukan tidak terdapat perbedaan disposisi matematis pada kedua kelas, dan diposisi matematis tersebut tergolong  sedang. Selain itu, studi juga menemukan terdapat asosiasi yang lemah antar kemampuan pemahaman, berpikir kritis, dan disposisi matematis. Namun siswa menunjukkan pendapat yang positif terhadap pembelajaran dengan pendekatan induktif-deduktif disertai  strategi Think-Pair-Square-Share. Kata Kunci    : pendekatan induktif-deduktif,  strategi Think-Pair-Square-Share, pemahaman matematis, berpikir kritis matematis, diposisi matematis   This paper presents the findings from a pretest-post test experimental control group design conducted by using inductive-deductive approach accompanied with Think-Pair-Square-Share strategy to investigate students’ mathematical understanding  and  critical thinking  abilities and students’ disposition toward teaching approach. The study involved  81 grade-11 students from a Senior High School in Cimahi. The instrumens were mathematical understanding  and mathematical critical thinking abilities tests, and an opinion scale. The study found that inductive-deductive approach accompany with  Think-Pair-Square-Share strategy was able to improve students’ mathematical understanding  and mathematical critical thinking  abilities better than conventional teaching. Mathematical understanding  and mathematical critical thinking  abilities of students taught by  inductive-deductive approach accompanied with Think-Pair-Square-Share strategy were classified as medium whereas those mathematical abilities of students taught by conventional approach were classified as  low. However, there was no difference in mathematical disposition between students taught by inductive-deductive approach accompany with Think-Pair-Square-Share strategy  and students taught by conventional teaching, and both mathematical disposition were classified as medium. The study also found that there were low association among  mathematical understanding, critical thinking, and disposition. Moreover, the study found that students performed positive disposition  toward  inductive-deductive approach accompany with  Think-Pair-Square-Share strategy. Key words     :  inductive-deductive approach, Think-Pair-Square-Share strategy, mathematical understanding, critical mathematical thinking, disposition
Jurnal Infinity Vol 1, No 2 (2012): Volume 1 Number 2, Infinity
Publisher : IKIP Siliwangi and I-MES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (568.019 KB) | DOI: 10.22460/infinity.v1i2.p178-185


Penelitian ini merupakan kuasi eksperimen berbentuk kelompok kontrol pretes-postes, dengan perlakuan pendekatan pembelajaran Think-Talk-Write (TTW) dan pembelajaran konvensional. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa peningkatan kemampuan komunikasi matematik siswa yang memperoleh pembelajaran dengan kooperatif Think-Talk-Write (TTW) lebih baik daripada siswa yang memperoleh pembelajaran dengan cara konvensional. Kata kunci : komunikasi matematik,  Think-Talk-Write (TTW)  This research is a form of quasi-experimental pretest-posttest in controlling group, which is using both of the cooperative learning approach of Think-Talk-Write (TTW) and the conventional learning. Based on the results of data analysis, it is concluded that the improvement of mathematical communication abilities of students who received cooperative learning with Think-Talk-Write (TTW) is better than the students who received the conventional learning. Keywords: mathematical communication, Think-Talk-Write (TTW)
Jurnal Infinity Vol 2, No 2 (2013): Volume 2 Number 2, Infinity
Publisher : IKIP Siliwangi and I-MES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (493.891 KB) | DOI: 10.22460/infinity.v2i2.p169-182


Makalah ini membahas tentang disposisi berpikir kreatif matematis, yang meliputi aspek-aspek perilaku kreativitas adalah: awareness and sensitivity to problems, memory, fluency, flexibility, originality, self-discipline and persistence, adaptability, intellectual playfulness, humor, nonconformity, tolerance for ambiguity, self confidence, skepticism, dan intelligence. Disposisi berpikir kreatif matematis siswa/mahasiswa terlihat masih rendah. Sikap ini terlihat kurangnya minat siswa/mahasiswa dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan matematika, seperti rendahnya rasa ingin tahu siswa/mahasiswa, kurang imajinatif, tidak berani mengambil resiko, dan lain-lain. Selain itu pentingnya disposisi berpikir kreatif matematis berkaitan dengan pentingnya penguasaan kompetensi matematika untuk kehidupan peserta didik, seperti yang terdapat pada standar kompetensi lulusan oleh pemerintah melalui Permen 23 tahun 2006. Tiga hal dasar yang menjadi pertanyaan dalam makalah ini yaitu: 1. Apa itu disposisi berpikir kreatif matematis? 2. Bagaimana Meningkatkan disposisi berpikir kreatif matematis siswa/mahasiswa?Kata Kunci : Disposisi Berpikir Kreatif Matematis, aksi, proses, objek, skema This paper discusses the creative mathematical thinking dispositions , which include behavioral aspects of creativity are : awareness and sensitivity to problems , memory , fluency , flexibility , originality , self - discipline and persistence , adaptability , intellectual playfulness , humor , nonconformity , tolerance for ambiguity , self confidence , skepticism , and intelligence . Disposition creative thinking mathematically pupil / student looks still low . This attitude is seen to lack of interest of students / student in solving mathematical problems , such as lack of curiosity of students / college students , less imaginative , did not dare to take risks , and others. Besides the importance of creative thinking dispositions mathematically related to the importance of mastering math competency for life learners , as well as on competency standards by the government through Candy 23 in 2006 . Three basic thing that is in question in this paper are: 1 . What is a creative mathematical thinking dispositions ? 2 . How to Improve students' mathematical dispositions creative thinking / student ?Key words : Disposition of Creative Thinking Mathematically , actions , processes , objects , schemes
PERANGKAT PEMBELAJARAN MATEMATIKA BERBASIS SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound) Muchamad Subali Noto
Jurnal Infinity Vol 3, No 1 (2014): Volume 3 Number 1, Infinity
Publisher : IKIP Siliwangi and I-MES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (435.384 KB) | DOI: 10.22460/infinity.v3i1.p18-32


ABSTRAKPengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran menggunakan  modifikasi model 4-D (menjadi 3D) Thiagarajan yaitu sebagai berikut: (1) pendefinisian, (2) perancangan, dan (3) pengembangan. Perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan adalah (1) Silabus, (2) Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP), (3) Modul. Data diperoleh melalui  lembar validasi, tes prestasi belajar. Data diolah dengan deskriptif, analisis uji banding sample t test. Proses pengembangan perangkat menghasilkan: 1. Perangkat pembelajaran adalah valid setelah melalui revisi berdasarkan penilaian para ahli dan teman sejawat. Hasil penilaian akhirnya diperoleh rata-rata nilai validitas Silabus 3.36, RPP 3.24, dan validitas Modul 3.23 (skor tertinggi 4) termasuk kriteria valid, 2. Implementasi perangkat pembelajaran menyatakan prestasi belajar siswa kelas uji coba perangkat dengan rata-rata 70.33 lebih baik dari pada prestasi belajar siswa pada kelas kontrol dengan rata-rata  60,60. Berdasarkan hasil perangkat valid dan pembelajaran efektif menunjukkan pengembangan perangkat tercapai.Kata Kunci    : perangkat pembelajaran, SMART  ABSTRACTDeveloping a teaching intruments using a modified model of 4-D (to 3D) Thiagarajan is as follows: (1) Definition, (2) Design, and (3) Development. Teaching instruments was developed (1) Syllabus, (2) Lesson Plan, (3) Module. Data obtained through the sheet validation, test learning achievement. The data were processed with descriptive and comparative analysis sample t test. Development process instruments resulted in: 1. Teaching instruments is valid after revision based on the assessment of experts and peers. Assessment results finally obtained an average value Syllabus validity 3,36; Lesson Plan 3,24; and validity module is 3,23 (highest score 4) include a valid criterion, 2. Implementation of the stated learning class student achievement test instruments with an average of 70,33 better than the learning achievement of students in the control class with an average of 60.60. Based on the results of a valid and effective teaching instruments shows the development achieved.Keywords      :  Teaching Instruments, SMART
Jurnal Infinity Vol 3, No 1 (2014): Volume 3 Number 1, Infinity
Publisher : IKIP Siliwangi and I-MES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (322.694 KB) | DOI: 10.22460/infinity.v3i1.p125-132


ABSTRAK                                         Matematika yang dianggap momok bagi siswa dapat menumbuhkan kecemasan saat siswa berhadapan dengannya. Studi tentang kecemasan ini menjadi salah satu faktor penting untuk dikaji. Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan dan pengaruh antara kecemasan matematika dengan kemampuan koneksi matematis. Data diolah menggunakan metode regresi-korelasi ganda menggunakan instrumen angket kecemasan matematika yang terbagi dalam tiga kriteria kecemasan matematika, tes kemampuan koneksi matematis berbentuk soal uraian. Hasil analisis menunjukkan hubungan negatif antara kecemasan matematika dengan kemampuan koneksi matematis. Koefisien regresi menunjukkan pengaruh negatif antara kecemasan matematika dengan kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa.Kata Kunci    : kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa, kecemasan matematika  ABSTRACTMathematics is considered a scourge for students to grow when students are dealing with anxiety. The study of anxiety has become one of the important factors to be studied. This study was to determine the relationship between math anxiety and influence the ability of mathematical connections. The data were processed using the method of multiple regression-correlation using math anxiety questionnaire instrument is divided into three criteria mathematics anxiety, test the ability to connect mathematical description of the form of matter. The analysis showed a negative relationship between math anxiety with mathematical connection capabilities. Regression coefficient indicates a negative influence between mathematics anxiety with mathematical connection ability students.Keywords      :  mathematical connection ability students, math anxiety
Jurnal Infinity Vol 3, No 1 (2014): Volume 3 Number 1, Infinity
Publisher : IKIP Siliwangi and I-MES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (521.876 KB) | DOI: 10.22460/infinity.v3i1.p33-58


ABSTRAK                                         Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dengan desain factorial disign, yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh metode discovery terhadap kemampuan analogi dan generalisasi matematis siswa SMK. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa SMK Al-Ikhsan Pamarican Kabupaten Ciamis Jawa Barat, dan pengambilan sampel penelitian dilakukan dengan teknik Cluster Random Sampling, yaitu dengan memilih siswa kelas X sebanyak dua kelas sebagai sampel dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian ini terdiri dari dua kelompok pembelajaran, yaitu pembelajaran dengan metode discovery dan pembelajaran dengan metode ekspositori. Kelas X.1 dijadikan sebagai kelompok eksperimen, sedangkan kelas X.2 dijadikan sebagai kelompok kontrol. Setiap kelompok terdiri dari 36 siswa yang terbagi kedalam tiga kemampuan siswa berbeda, yaitu siswa berkemampuan tinggi, siswa berkemampuan sedang dan siswa berkemampuan rendah kelasnya. Data penelitian dikumpulkan melalui tes, angket, observasi dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian ini adalah Peningkatan kemampuan analogi matematis siswa yang memperoleh pembelajaran dengan metode discovery lebih baik daripada siswa yang memperoleh metode pembelajaran dengan metode ekspositori. Kata Kunci    : pembelajaran dengan metode discovery, kemampuan analogi matematis  ABSTRACTThis research is disign factorial design, which aims to determine the effect on the ability analogy discovery method and SMK students' mathematical generalization. The study population was all students of SMK Al - Ikhsan Pamarican Kudat District of West Java, and sampling studies conducted by cluster random sampling technique, ie by selecting the class X as much as two classes as the sample in this study. The study consisted of two groups of learning, ie learning by discovery and learning method with expository method. X.1 class used as the experimental group, while the X.2 class used as the control group. Each group consisted of 36 students, divided into three different student abilities, ie high ability students, students and students capable of being low-ability class. Data were collected through tests, questionnaires, observations and interviews. The results of this study are the increased capability of mathematical analogy with the learning of students who obtain discovery method is better than the students who received learning method with expository method. Keywords :learning by discovery method, the ability of mathematical analogy
Jurnal Infinity Vol 3, No 1 (2014): Volume 3 Number 1, Infinity
Publisher : IKIP Siliwangi and I-MES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (518.904 KB) | DOI: 10.22460/infinity.v3i1.p59-80


ABSTRAK                                         Penelitian ini mengkaji dan menemukan bentuk tes formatif yang efektif yaitu dengan penggunaan bentuk tes formatif assosiasi  pilahan ganda dengan reaward dan punishment score pada pembelajaran matematika siswa SMA. Adapun objek penelitian yang akan dilakukan pada penelitian ini adalah SMA Provinsi DKI Jakarta. Sampel yang diambil adalah SMA N 16 Jakarta Barat dan SMA N 46 Jakarta Timur. Tes formatif adalah tes yang diberikan secara periodik dalam proses pembelajaran yang bertujuan untuk memantau perkembangan siswa. Selain itu, sebagai bentuk evaluasi pembelajaran tes formatif diberikan untuk mengetahui bagaimana umpan balik siswa dalam proses pembelajaran untuk perbaikan konteks pembelajaran di dalam kelas. Dari hasiil pengujian diperoleh p-value (Asymp Sig) kelas eksperimen adalah 0,355 > 0,05 = a, dan p-value (Asymp Sig) kelas kontrol adalah 0,031 < 0,05 = a, maka hipotesis H0  ditolak. Hal ini menunjukkan adanya pengaruh pemberian tes formatif  bentuk asosiasi pilihan ganda dengan reward score terhadap hasil belajar matematika siswa pada pokok bahasan turunan fungsi. Dengan demikian, tes formatif assosiasi  pilihan ganda dengan reward dan punishment score yang cocok dengan pembelajaran matematika SMA efektif diterapkan dalam proses pembelajaran terutama dalam evaluasi pembelajaran.Kata Kunci    : Tes Formatif assosiasi  pilahan ganda, reaward dan punishment score, Hasil Belajar  ABSTRACTThis study reviews and find effective forms of formative tests is to use a test double increments formative associations with reaward and punishment scores of high school students in learning mathematics. The object of the research to be conducted in this study were high school DKI Jakarta. Samples taken are SMAN 16 Jakarta, West Jakarta and East High School N 46. Formative test is a test that is administered periodically in the learning process that aims to monitor student progress. In addition, as a form of formative evaluation of learning tests are given to determine how the student feedback for improvement in the learning process in the classroom learning context. Hasiil obtained from testing the p-value (Asymp Sig) is an experimental class 0.355 > 0.05 = α, and the p-value (Sig Asymp) control class is 0.031 < 0.05 = α, then H0 is rejected. This shows the effect of giving formative test multiple choice form of association with reward math scores on learning outcomes of students on the subject of the derivative function. Thus, multiple-choice tests formative associations with reward and punishment score that matches the effective teaching high school mathematics implemented in the learning process, especially in the evaluation of learning.Keywords      :  association Formative Test double increments, reaward and punishment scores, Learning Outcomes
Jurnal Infinity Vol 3, No 1 (2014): Volume 3 Number 1, Infinity
Publisher : IKIP Siliwangi and I-MES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (675.853 KB) | DOI: 10.22460/infinity.v3i1.p81-100


ABSTRAK                                         Masalah pendidikan saat ini adalah masalah berpendidikan kelangsungan hidup masa depan. Jadi kegagalan dalam mencapai tujuan pendidikan dan pembelajaran matematika pada khususnya, juga akan memberikan kontribusi atau menentukan kelangsungan hidup bangsa ke depan. Selain menunjukkan belajar fakta matematika di sekolah belum dapat menuju ke arah tercapainya tujuan pendidikan. Menafsirkan hal tersebut, sikap yang benar adalah optimalisasi sikap profesional guru matematika, antara lain untuk mengembangkan pembelajaran melalui rencana pembelajaran dengan mempertimbangkan tujuan yang ingin dicapai atau sejalan dengan amanat kurikulum, bahan ajar, karakteristik peserta didik dan kemudian terintegrasi dengan makna belajar siswa sebagai kegiatan berpikir (cognition activities). Dan belajar membangun sifat siswa memahami konsep materi (konstruktivism) dari masalah yang diketahui siswa (kontekstual), solusi langkah-langkah panduan pada masalah terstruktur, selain guru intervensi interaktif dan rasa, yang memungkinkan setiap pembelajaran matematika telah selesai untuk masing-masing urutan bahan ajar yang dapat memberikan kepada setiap siswa untuk mencapai keterampilan matematika minimal sebagaimana diamanatkan oleh kurikulum pendidikan nasional. Kata Kunci    : tujuan pendidikan, pengembangan pembelajaran matematika  ABSTRACTThe problem of education today is the problem of educated future viability. So the failure in achieving the goals of education and learning of mathematics in particular, will also contribute to or determine the viability of the nation forward. Moreover showed learning math facts at school yet to even just towards the achievement of educational goals. Interpret this, the right attitude is the optimization of the professionalism of teachers of mathematics, among others, to develop learning through the lesson plan by considering the goals you want or be achieved or in line with the mandate of the curriculum, teaching materials, characteristic of the learner and then integrated with the meaning of student learning as the activity of thinking (activities cognition). And learning  the nature of students understanding of the concept of constructed material (constructivist) of the known issues students (contextual) guided steps solution on structured problems, in addition to the intervention teachers interactively and taste, allowing every mathematics learning has been completed for each sequence of teaching materials can deliver every student achieve minimal mathematical skills as mandated by the national education curriculum. Keywords             :               Educational goals, the development of learning mathematics.
Jurnal Infinity Vol 3, No 1 (2014): Volume 3 Number 1, Infinity
Publisher : IKIP Siliwangi and I-MES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (452.192 KB) | DOI: 10.22460/infinity.v3i1.p101-113


ABSTRAK                                         Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui: (1) ada tidaknya hubungan antara kemandirian belajar siswa dengan hasil belajar pada mapel matematika dengan menggunakan analisis korespondensi, (2)  ada tidaknya hubungan antara kemampuan awal siswa dengan hasil belajar pada mapel matematika dengan menggunakan analisis korespondensi.  Penelitian dilakukan di SMANSA Karanganyar kelas XII IPS 4 semester 1 pokok bahasan program linier dengan menggunakan analisis korespondensi. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan adalah metode angket dan metode dokumentasi, sedangkan metode penelitian yang digunakan metode penelitian deskriptif (Descriptive Research). Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif yang bersifat kuantitatif dan tipe data yang disajikan berupa tipe data kategorik. Dalam penelitian ini melibatkan 2 kriterium sebagai variabel bebas yaitu kemandirian belajar dan kemampuan awal dan 1 prediktor sebagai variabel terikat yaitu hasil belajar siswa kelas XII IPS 4 semester 1 pada matapelajaran Matematika. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah: (1) Kemandirian belajar tidak signifikan berhubungan dengan hasil belajar siswa kelas XII IPS 4 pada mapel Matematika SMANSA Karanganyar semester 1, namun hubungan antara keduanya cukup berarti. Dengan analisis korespondensi dapat ditelaah bahwa siswa dengan kemandirian belajar tinggi cenderung dekat dengan hasil belajar matematika yang memuaskan (nilai A), sedangkan  kemandirian belajar sedang cenderung dekat dengan hasil belajar B. (2) Kemampuan awal tidak signifikan berhubungan dengan hasil belajar siswa kelas XII IPS 4 pada mapel Matematika SMANSA Karanganyar semester 1, namun hubungan antara keduanya cukup berarti. Dengan analisis korespondensi dapat ditelaah bahwa kemampuan awal C (60-69) dekat dengan hasil belajar A, kemampuan awal B (70-79) dekat dengan hasil belajar A, kemudian B dan C.Kata Kunci    : Analisis, Hasil belajar, Korespondensi, Matematika  ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study was to determine : (1) the relationship between students' independent learning with learning outcomes in mathematics subjects using correspondence analysis, (2) the relationship between initial capaability of students with mathematics learning outcomes in each subject by using correspondence analysis. The study was conducted in Karanganyar SMANSA class XII IPS 4 semester 1 subject to the linear program using correspondence analysis. Data collection technique used in this study is the method of questionnaire and method of documentation, while the methods of research used descriptive research methods (Descriptive Research). This research is quantitative and descriptive data types are presented in the form of categorical data types. In this study involving 2 criterion as the independent variable and the independent learning ability as a predictor of early and 1 dependent variable is the result of students of class XII IPS 4 semesters 1 in Mathematics lesson. The results of this study are: (1) The independence of learning is not significantly related to student learning outcomes in the class XII IPS 4 maple SMANSA Karanganyar Mathematics 1st half , but the relationship between the two is quite significant . With correspondence analysis can be explored that students with high learning independence tend to be close to a satisfactory math learning outcomes (value A) , while learning independence are likely to close the learning outcomes B. (2) initial ability was not significantly related to student learning outcomes in the class XII IPS 4 maple SMANSA Karanganyar Mathematics 1st half, but the relationship between the two is quite significant. With correspondence analysis can be assessed that initial capability of C (60-69 ) is close to the results of a study , the initial capability of B ( 70-79 ) closer to learning outcomes A , then B and C.Keywords      :  Analysis, Learning outcomes, Correspondence, Mathematics

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