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Holy Rafika Dhona
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Jurnal Komunikasi
ISSN : 1907848x     EISSN : 25487647     DOI : -
Core Subject : Humanities, Art,
Journal Komunikasi is a peer-review journal published by Department of Communication Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta. We welcome all contributions on the following topics: media, journalism, strategic communication and all field related to communication studies. The article that uses critical theories/perspectives and encourages the spirit of empowerment would be more preferred.
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Articles 259 Documents
Arti Penting Sense of Crisis bagi Humas dan Pimpinan Perguruan Tinggi Narayana Mahendra Prastya
Jurnal Komunikasi Vol. 12 No. 2 (2018): VOLUME 12, NOMOR 2, APRIL 2018
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/komunikasi.vol12.iss2.art2


No organization is invulnerable towards crisis, including university and/or educational organization. This article aims to give recommendation about the involvement and collaboration between  public relations and the top management in university and/or educational organization, in order to face crisis situation. Crisis situation usually attract media to cover itu. It means, organization should serve the media well, in term giving the information and access to get information. In the other side, media relations activities that usually do by the universities is dominated by making good organization image. Therefore, university’s public relations seems find difficulties when must face the media in crisis situation. Crisis management is the main duty for public relations. But, public relations need support from the top mamangement. In particular situation, representatives from the top manamgement should appear in the media.  Keyword : crisis manamgement, media relations, public relations in educational organization
Strategi Konvergensi Radio Sebagai Upaya Perluasan Pasar Audience dan Iklan (Studi Kasus Pada Swaragama Fm (101.7 Fm), Geronimo Fm (106.1 Fm), Dan Prambors Radio (102.2 FM/95.8 FM)). Anindita Trinoviana
Jurnal Komunikasi Vol. 12 No. 1 (2017): VOLUME 12, NOMOR 1, OKTOBER 2017
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/komunikasi.vol12.iss1.art3


Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data melalui wawancara. Penelitian ini mewawancarai tiga radio yang aktif di media sosial di Yogyakarta, yakni Swaragama FM, Geronimo FM dan Prambors Radio. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah ketiga radio melakukan strategi yang sama untuk memperluas khayalak yakni branding, promosi, positioning, riset, dan memanfaatkan teknologi saat ini. Dari segi pemasang iklan, ketiga radio menawarkan paket pemasangan iklan di media sosial maupun on air yang disebut dengan bandling. Konvergensi telah mempengaruhi ketiga radio ini dengan meluasnya jangkauan khalayak hingga mancanegara, yakni Eropa, Amerika, Hongkong, Thailand dan Rusia. Begitu pun dengan pemasangan iklan dari brand nasional. Sehingga, hasil yang didapatkan oleh ketiga radio, yakni meningkatnya jumlah pendengar dan pemasang iklan di era konvergensi media saat ini yang berpengaruh terhadap sumber pendapatan ketiga radio. Kata Kunci: Konvergensi Media, Perluasan Pasar Audience, Radio
MEDIA DAN NYIA: (Analisis Wacana Kritis Pembangunan Bandara Baru New Yogyakarta International Airport dalam Pemberitaan Media Lokal di Yogyakarta) Kamil Alfi Arifin; Umar Basuki
Jurnal Komunikasi Vol. 13 No. 1 (2018): VOLUME 13 NO 1 OKTOBER 2018
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/komunikasi.vol13.iss1.art5


Polemik mengenai pembangunan bandara baru New Yogyakarta International Airport (NYIA)  di Temon, Kulonprogo, membuat publik mengalami polarisasi: sebagian mendukung, sebagian yang lain menolak. Media-media, harus diakui, ikut merefleksikan dan bahkan menjadi arena pertarungan wacana dari polemik yang sedang berlangsung. Dalam kajian analisis wacana kritis (critical discourse analysis), media selalu dianggap tidak pernah netral, karena selalu melayani “kepentingan” ideologis-ekonomis-politis tertentu. Oleh sebab itu, riset ini akan fokus menjawab pertanyaan: Bagaimana wacana mengenai pembangunan bandara baru NYIA dalam media lokal di Yogyakarta, Riset ini menemukan memproduksi wacana dukungan terhadap pembangunan NYIA dengan cara memposisikan narasumber yang pro-NYIA sebagai subjek pemberitaan. Dalam menyokong NYIA, juga tampak menggunakan pelbagai strategi pewacanaan tertentu, seperti nasionalisme dan pengorbanan untuk negara, serta menyerahnya WTT. Kata kunci: NYIA, dampak pembangunan, media massa, analisis wacana kritis
Perilaku Komunikasi Otaku dalam Interaksi Sosial (Studi Fenomenologi Pada Anggota Komunitas Jepang Soshonbu Bandung) Sakinah Biiznilla Yulian; Mohammad Syahriar Sugandi
Jurnal Komunikasi Vol. 13 No. 2 (2019): VOLUME 13 NO 2 APRIL 2019
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/komunikasi.vol13.iss2.art6


Otaku is a term referring to those who fond of Japanese pop culture like anime and manga. Because of some activities, negative views on Otaku developed in the society. This causes Otaku to tend to experience difficulties in interacting with non-Otaku, then they create or join groups or communities that are in accordance with their vision and mission towards Japanese popular culture. With this communities Otaku can interact openly without fear of misunderstanding. This study aims to reveal Otaku’s communication behavior in social interactions. This research method is qualitative research with a phenomenological approach and uses constructivism paradigm. Data collection techniques are carried out by interviews, observation and literatures. Based on the research result revealed that Otaku does some communication behavior in social interaction. In social interaction it produces an associative and dissociative process when Otaku interacting with both other Otaku and non-Otaku.  Keywords: Communication Behavior, Otaku, Social Interaction
Dinding dan Wajah Petani Ikonisitas Petani dalam Geneng Street Art Project Ali Minanto
Jurnal Komunikasi Vol. 11 No. 2 (2017): VOLUME 11, NOMOR 2, APRIL 2017
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/komunikasi.vol11.iss2.art4


Geneng Street Art Project (GSAP) adalah proyek street art yang dilakukan di Desa Geneng, Sewon, Bantul, Yogyakarta. Berbeda dengan street art yang dilakukan di kawasan urban yang berorientasi pada ‘perebutan ruang’ perkotaan, GSAP berusaha merekam persoalan-persoalan keseharian yang muncul di perdesaan terutama desa Geneng. Penelitian ini memeriksa bagaimana sosok petani dihadirkan oleh tiga perupa: Taring Padi, the Guerillas, dan Media Legal. Dengan menggunakan metode semiotika Pierceian, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa karya-karya GSAP merepresentasikan sosok dan kehidupan petani terutama dalam menghadapi perubahan spasial. Petani adalah subjek korban dari perubahan yang terjadi di Geneng; lahan mereka berkurang sehingga mereka beralih ke profesi yang lain. Hadirnya sosok petani secara ikonik dalam karya-karya GSAP, menunjukkan komitmen seniman senirupa kota ini dalam berpihak pada kelompok-kelompok marjinal.
Implementasi Kebijakan Keterbukaan Informasi Publik pada Dinas Kominfo Kota Tasikmalaya Tiara Indah; Puji Hariyanti
Jurnal Komunikasi Vol. 12 No. 2 (2018): VOLUME 12, NOMOR 2, APRIL 2018
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/komunikasi.vol12.iss2.art3


This study examined the implementation of public information disclosure policies carried out by the Office of Communications and Information Technology of Tasikmalaya. This research was conducted with a qualitative descriptive method. The data were taken through interviews and direct observation at the office and also on social media. This study found that the factors for successful policy implementation; ie Communication, Resource, Disposition and Bureaucratic Structure Factors are quite well fulfilled, while there are some problems; ie the lack of the number of public information service staff as the implementors of policy and of supporting facilities such as a professional camera.  Despite the insufficient number of staff, the implementor able to operate the website as well as social media as a means of disseminating public information. This became one of the keys of the successful implementation of the policy so that Tasikmalaya City Communications Department rewarded as 3rd best social media category in Media Public Relation Award November 2017. Keywords: Policy Implementation, Public Information, The Government city of
Fact-Checking Journalism sebagai Platform Kolaborasi Human and Machine pada Jurnalisme Digital Mufti Nurlatifah; Irwansyah Irwansyah
Jurnal Komunikasi Vol. 13 No. 2 (2019): VOLUME 13 NO 2 APRIL 2019
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/komunikasi.vol13.iss2.art1


Fact-checking journalism becomes a new trend in journalism studies. The peculiarities of fact-checking journalism are the collaborations which developed beyond boundaries of the editorial room and conventions  of journalism. Human and machine disruptions within fact-checking journalism are unavoidably developed into hypermedia organization. Collaboration is built amongst journalist, user, and digital media application in order to describe the whole factual context This paper reviews this phenomenon as main concept of hypermedia organization manifestation in fact-checking journalism. Keywords: digital journalism, fact-checking, hypermedia organization, collaboration 
Kredibilitas Portal Berita Online Dalam Pemberitaan Peristiwa Bom Sarinah Tahun 2016 (Analisis Isi Portal Berita dan Periode 14 Januari- 14 Februari 2016) Praptika Handiyani; Anang Hermawan
Jurnal Komunikasi Vol. 12 No. 1 (2017): VOLUME 12, NOMOR 1, OKTOBER 2017
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/komunikasi.vol12.iss1.art4


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan gambaran awal bagi masyarakat terkait kredibilitas berita yang disiarkan portal berita daring dan dalam insiden bom Sarinah periode 14 Januari sampai 14 Februari 2016. Penelitian dilakukan di portal berita daring media Detik .com dan dengan menggunakan analisis isi kuantitatif. Analisis kuantitatif digunakan untuk mengukur kredibilitas portal berita daring dengan teori objektivitas pemberitaan media massa yang diajukan oleh Denis McQuail. Dengan melihat dimensi faktualitas dan ketidakberpihakan melalui enam aspek di dalamnya seperti factualness, accuracy, kelengkapan, news value, balance dan neutrality. Berdasarkan hasil total skor enam aspek penelitian tersebut, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa nilai kredibilitas portal berita daring lebih tinggi daripada nilai kredibilitas di berita Bom Sarinah periode 14 Januari sampai 14 Februari 2016. Kata Kunci: bom sarinah, kredibilitas berita, media daring, analisis isi
OPTIMALISASI BIDAN DESA DALAM PENYEBARAN INFORMASI KESEHATAN BAGI MASYARAKAT DI KABUPATEN BANDUNG (Studi Kasus tentang Pemanfaatan Bidan Desa Dalam Penyebaran Informasi Kesehatan bagi Masyarakat di Kabupaten Bandung) Ditha Prasanti; Ikhsan Fuady; Sri Seti Indriani
Jurnal Komunikasi Vol. 13 No. 1 (2018): VOLUME 13 NO 1 OKTOBER 2018
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/komunikasi.vol13.iss1.art6


Village midwives are a very important source in the therapeutic communication process in rural areas. This communication process can be seen in the distribution of health information and health services provided by the local village apparatus. In this research location in Kertasari sub-district, Bandung district, the authors found one area that optimizes the role of village midwives in the dissemination of health information for the surrounding community, namely Tarumajaya village. This phenomenon is interesting to study because this condition is not necessarily found in all regions. Therefore, the author wants to explain the use of village midwives in the dissemination of health information for the community in the village of Tarumajaya. This study uses a qualitative approach to the case study method. The author also selected 4 informants who met the research criteria. The data collection techniques used are observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation studies from several literatures that are relevant to the research topic of the author. The results obtained showed that the use of village midwives in the dissemination of health information for the community in Tarumajaya village included: (1) The existence of village midwives in Tarumajaya Polindes as a credible source / communicator and very helpful in the process of distributing health information; (2) There are messages in the form of various health information delivered by village midwives through various health programs in the village; (3) The coordination of village midwives with other health workers in the nearest health center to facilitate the implementation of health programs; (4) Support from village officials in carrying out health programs; (5) Full trust given by the local community, in terms of being a communicant, to the village midwife, thus supporting the smooth process of disseminating existing health information. Keywords: Utilization, Village Midwives, Information, Health, Kertasari District,                         Bandung Regency 
Jurnal Komunikasi Vol. 13 No. 1 (2018): VOLUME 13 NO 1 OKTOBER 2018
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/komunikasi.vol13.iss1.art1


The development of communication and media technology changes spatial formations in human life. A local event becomes a global event in the media network. This condition gave rise to the field of study called by communication geography or media geography. This article is a theoretical review on this field from communication studies perspective. This paper described the growing assumption on the relationship between geography with communication studies. Moreover, this paper explained some basic assumptions of the field and proposed two alternatives the emerging sub-fields according to two scholars; Paul C. Adams and Andre Jansson. In the last, this paper recalled the importance of the field of communication geography in developing communication studies in Indonesia.Keyword : communication, media, communication geography, space/place

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