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Arjuna Subject : Ilmu Sosial - Hukum
Articles 375 Documents
Yustisia Vol 4, No 2: August 2015
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/yustisia.v4i2.8664


AbstractThe water power resource has a great role to support the activities in the fields of farming, clean water of urban and rural areas, industries, fish embankments, tourisms, electricity power, and flood and erosion controls. Based on the Law No 7 Year 2004 on the Water Power Resource, it has been given the usage right of water management widely to the privates to join to manage the water power resource, which, then, results the understanding of social function and economical function and raising the efforts of private enterprise and commercialization of the water power resource which inflicted a loss up on the public. Based on this consideration, the Constitution Court abrogated the validity of the Law of SDA (Water Power Resource) on the whole and put into effect the Law Number 11 Year 1974 on Irrigation and the Government Regulation Number 22 Year 1982 on the Water Regulation Management. The abrogation will cause impacts to the government (executive), the Corporation of Water Management, and Society. The State should fulfill the people’s right on water considering that the society’s access to water is one of the Basic Human Rights. The prominent priority authority on water should be given to BUMN and BUMD as the follow up of the right authorization by the State on water. The private element may be allowed to carry out to authorize on water with strictly specific requirements. The water usage should consider the function of environmental conservation. The direct impact is that the Government, in the near future, has no Law / Regulation protection to carry out the management of SDA (Water Power Resource) in the field, since all management regulations as the copy of the Law of the Resource of Water Power had also been abrogated. Therefore, the regulation has to be issued soon. The government should prepare the draft of the Government Regulation Planning based on the Law Number 11 Year 1974 and the Law Planning on the Water Power Resource (to substitute Law No 11 Year 1974). The three important substances that must be included are the conservations of water power resource, the usage of water power resource and the control of water damaging power. AbstrakSumberdaya air mempunyai peran cukup besar dalam menunjang kegiatan bidang pertanian, air bersih perkotaan dan pedesaan, industri, perikanan tambak, pariwisata, tenaga listrik, dan pengendalian banjir serta erosi. Berdasarkan UU No 7 tahun 2004 tentang Sumber Daya Air telah memberikan hak guna usaha air secara luas kepada swasta untuk ikut mengelola sumberdaya air, sehingga muncul pemahaman terhadap fungsi social dan fungsi ekonomi serta terjadinya usaha privatisasi dan komersialisasi sumberdaya air yang merugikan masyarakat. Atas pertimbangan ini, Mahkamah konstitusi membatalkan keberlakuan secara keseluruhan UU SDA dan diberlakukannya kembali Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 1974 tentang Pengairan dan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 22 Tahun 1982 Tentang Tata Pengaturan Air. Pembatalan UU SDA akan menimbulkan dampak bagi pemerintah (eksekutif), Badan Usaha pengelola Air, dan Masyarakat. Negara harus memenuhi hak rakyat atas air mengingat akses masyarakat terhadap air merupakan salah satu Hak Asasi Manusia. Prioritas utama penguasaan atas air diberikan kepada BUMN atau BUMD sebagai kelanjutan hak menguasai oleh Negara atas air. Unsur swasta masih dimungkinkan melakukan penguasaan atas air dengan syarat-syarat tertentu secara ketat. Pemanfaatan air harus mengingat kelestarian fungsi lingkungan hidup. Dampak langsung adalah bahwa pemerintah dalam waktu dekat tidak mempunyai paying hukum untuk melaksanakan pengelolaan SDA di lapangan,karena semua aturan pelaksanaan sebagai turunan dari UU SDA juga dibatalkan. Oleh karena itu aturan payung hukum harus segera diterbitkan. Pemerintah segera menyiapkan draf Rancangan Peraturan Pemerintah (RPP) yang berpijak pada UU Nomor 11 Tahun 1974 dan Rancangan Undang-Undang (RUU) tentang Sumber Daya Air (pengganti UU No 11 Tahun 1974). Tiga substansi penting yang harus dimuat yaitu konservasi sumberdaya air, pendayagunaan sumberdaya air dan pengendalian daya rusak air 
Yustisia Vol 2, No 1: April 2013
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/yustisia.v2i1.11056


AbstractThis research aims to depth evaluate about Corruption Eradication Act that is used to handle banking crimes either in government or private banks including felony and misuse authority in other banking sec- tors. Besides that, it is also to find kind of efforts that need to be executed in overcome infraction and felony that happen in banks (private or government) referred to Act Number 10 of 1998. This research method uses normative legal approach and sociological legal approach, and it is shown in diagnostic and prescriptive shapes. The data uses primary and secondary data that in primary data is acquired by having depth interview and in secondary data is obtained by having literature study. The data analysis uses tech- nique of interactive analysis and the result shows that the reason of Corruption Act is utilized in finishing banking crime cases and liability system by using strict liability and vicourius liability in proving institution’s mistakes are diversion liability and flawless liability. The liability principle in Corruption Act is vast in the same manner as stated in Article 20 Act Number 31 jo Act Number 21 of 2001, that are sanction pro- nouncement system in Corruption Act is flexible and varied counterattraction punishment; responsibility for the doer either in trial, assistance, and wicked conciliation; reversed authentication. Kind of efforts that should be done in taking in hand of banking infraction and felony are broaden criminal action forms; type of sanction and liability. Banking crimes are extraordinary crimes so there shall be reversed authentication to support easier authentication. Revised upon Act Number 10 of 1998 are from aspect of criminalization action, type of sanction, corporate’s liability and reversed authentication in order to effective Banking Act implementation and ward off banking infraction and felony either in private or government bank.Key words: banking crimes, corruption crimes.AbstrakTujuan penelitian mengkaji secara mendalam Undang-Undang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi untuk menangani tindak pidana bidang perbankan baik yang terjadi di Bank BUMN maupun swasta, serta penyalahgunaan wewenang dan kejahatan perbankan yang lain. Selain itu akan dikaji upaya-upaya yang seharusnya dilakukan agar UU No. 10 Tahun 1998 tentang Perbankan mampu mengatasi kejahatan dan pelanggaran yang terjadi di Bank BUMN maupun Bank Swasta dan kejahatan di bidang perbankan lainnya. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan ialah \endekatan yuridis normatif dan yuridis sosiologis. Bentuk penelitian ini adalah diagnostik dan preskriptip Data berupa data primer dan sekunder. Data primer diperoleh dengan cara wawancara mendalam, data sekunder diperolah melaui studi kepustakaan. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik analisis interaktif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa alasan Undang- Undang TIPIKOR digunakan untuk menyelesaiakan kasus-kasus tindak pidana perbankan, sistem pertanggungjawaban untuk membuktikan adanya kesalahan pada badan hukum menggunakan konsep strict liability dan vicourius liability, yaitu sistem pertanggungjawaban tanpa kesalahan dan pengalihan pertanggungjawaban. Prinsip pertanggungjawaban dalam Undang-Undang Tindak Pidana Korupsi sangat luas sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 20 UU No.31 Jo UU No.21 Tahu 2001 tentang Tindak Pidana Korupsi. Sistem penjatuhan sanksi dalam Undang-Undang Tindak Pidana Korupsi sangat fleksibel, jenis pidana tambahan sangat variatif. Diaturnya beban tanggungjawab bagi si pembuat percobaan, pembantuan dan permufakatan jahat dalam tindak pidana korupsi. Diaturnya beban pembuktian terbalik. Upaya yang harus dilakukan agar UU No.10 Tahun 1998 dapat mengatasi kejahatan dan pelanggaran di bidang perbankan yaitu, memperluas formulasi perbuatan pidna, jenis sanksi dan pertanggungjawaban pidana. Mengingat kejahatan di bidang perbankan merupakan exstra ordinary crimes, maka untuk memudahkan pembuktian harus diterapkan sistem pembuktian terbalik. Saran harus dilakukan perubahan/revisi terhadap substansi UU No. 10 Tahun 1998 Tentang Perbankan, baik dari aspek kriminalisasi perbuatan, jenis sanksi, sistem pertanggungjawaban terhadap korporasi, dan sistem pembuktian terbalik, agar Undang-Undang Perbankan dapat diterapkan secara efektif, dan dapat menanggulangi kejahatan dan pelanggaran perbankan baik yang terjadi di bank BUMN maupu bank swasta dan kejahatan perbankan lainnya.Kata kunci : Tindak Pidana Perbankan, Tindak Pidana Korupsi
Yustisia Vol 5, No 1: April 2016
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/yustisia.v5i1.8708


AbstractLaw enforcement practices in the field of taxation has not yet had a positive correlation between the examination of taxation and the increasing of state revenues from the taxpayer . The double standards applied by the Tax Directorate in addressing abuses of legislation in the field of taxation has often occured. Therefore, it is necessary cohesion between a tax assessment and an enforcementof law on the state revenue optimization. A Such efforts can be made through: firstly, it is necessary to drawn up the characteristics of the violations and irregularities a tax regulation. The perceptions differences between law enforcement officers typically associated classification of administrative violation , crime in the area of taxation , and corruption in the field of taxation. Thus the similarity mindset , understanding and commonality of action in following up on the alleged irregularities in the field of taxation are essentially needed , There is important to do as a first step.whether through administrative action or through the enforcement of criminal law.  Secondly, the integration between the principal tax debt settlement and the criminal justice process. There will be often two different things and seems “face to face” during the criminal proceedings and the principal tax debt settlement. When a taxpayer is processed through the criminal justice mechanisms and sanctions as well as  criminal fines , then at the same time officers issued a tax assessment as the basis of its tax debt collection . Whereas one of the basic elements in determining the losses in state revenues is actually the result of calculation of tax liabilities and tax audit As a result, the issuance of SKP conducted after the criminal justice process , which raises the number of “ tax debts hanging “. AbstrakPeraturan perundang-undangan dan berbagai praktik penegakan hukum di bidang perpajakan ternyata masih belum memiliki korelasi positif antara pemeriksaan di bidang perpajakan dengan peningkatan penerimaan negara dari wajib pajak. Standar ganda yang diterapkan Ditjen Pajak dalam menindaklanjuti pelanggaran peraturan perundang-undangan di bidang perpajakan seringkali terjadi. Oleh karena itu perlu diupayakan keterpaduan antara pemeriksaan pajak dan penegakan hukum di satu pihak dengan optimalisasi penerimaan negara. Upaya tersebut dapat dilakukan melalui pertama, diperlukan adanya pemetaan terhadap karakteristik pelanggaran dan penyimpangan di bidang perpajakan. Perbedaan persepsi antar aparat penegak hukum biasanya terkait klasifikasi pelanggaran administrasi, tindak pidana di bidang perpajakan, maupun korupsi di bidang perpajakan. Maka kesamaan pola pikir, pemahaman dan kesamaan tindakan dalam menindaklanjuti adanya dugaan penyimpangan di bidang perpajakan, apakah melalui tindakan administrasi ataukah melalui penegakan hukum pidana menjadi penting untuk dilakukan sebagai langkah awal. Kedua, adanya integrasi antara penyelesaian utang pokok pajak dengan proses peradilan pidana. Selama ini antara proses peradilan pidana dengan penyelesaian utang pokok pajak, merupakan dua hal yang terpisah dan terkadang berhadap-hadapan. Ketika seorang wajib pajak diproses melalui mekanisme peradilan pidana dan dikenakan sanksi pidana berikut denda, maka pada saat itu pula aparat Ditjen Pajak menerbitkan SKP sebagai dasar penagihan utang pajaknya. Padahal salah satu dasar dalam menentukan unsur kerugian pada pendapatan negara, sesungguhnya merupakan utang pajak hasil perhitungan dan pemeriksaan pajak. Akibatnya penerbitan SKP yang dilakukan setelah proses peradilan pidana, justru menimbulkan banyaknya “utang pajak menggantung”.
Yustisia Vol 7, No 2: August 2018
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/yustisia.v7i2.21668


This study aims to analyze the implementation of progressive tariffs on motorized vehicles in Papua Province based on Regional Legislation Number 4 of 2011 concerning Regional Taxes. The problem studied in this paper is how aspects of democracy and justice are applied in regional legislation in Papua Province. The study was conducted by using a normative juridical research method which is focused on studying the application of norms in positive law. The application of progressive tax on four-wheeled motorized vehicles in Papua Province required review as it contradicted aspects of democracy and justice as mandated by Law Number 28 of 2009 concerning regional taxes and Regional Retributions. The enactment of the law gave a mandate to the region to form and issue a regional legislation as a legal basis for local tax collection. Based on the mandate, Regional Legislation Number 4 of 2011 concerning Regional Taxes in Papua Province was formed. Thus, the application of the regional legislation has not fully appropriate yet due to the factual consideration that the limitation on the number of four-wheeled vehicles in Papua Province is not due as its density is still at the normal level.
Yustisia Vol 3, No 2: August 2014
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/yustisia.v3i2.11094


AbstractThe presence of Act No. 1 of 2013 on Micro Finance Institutions, have given rise to legal problems for financial enterprises of Cooperative, because cooperatives engaged in financial services governed by two kinds of regulation, namely cooperative legislation and regulation of microfinance institutions (MFIs). Dualism of laws has given rise to overlapping regulation, supervision and oversight by the relevant agencies, as well as the contradictions settings between one to another. The legal problems required solutions through harmonization and synchronization of laws pertaining to the MFI Cooperative.Keywords: Synchronization, Cooperatives, the Finance Institution MicroAbstrakKehadiran Undang Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 2013 tentang Lembaga Keuangan Mikro, telah memunculkan problem hukum bagi badan usaha Koperasi, karena Koperasi yang bergerak di bidang jasa keuangan diatur oleh dua macam regulasi, yaitu peraturan perundangan perkoperasian dan  peraturan Lembaga Keuangan Mikro (LKM). Adanya dualisme peraturan hukum ini telah menimbulkan tumpang-tindih pengaturan, pengawasan dan pembinaan oleh instansi terkait, serta adanya kontradiksi-kontradiksi pengaturannya di antara satu dengan lainnya. Problem hukum itu memerlukan pemecahannya melalui harmonisasi dan sinkronisasi peraturan perundangan yang berkaitan dengan LKM Koperasi.Kata Kunci: Sinkronisasi, Perkoperasian, Lembaga Keungan Mikro
Yustisia Vol 5, No 2: August 2016
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/yustisia.v5i2.8744


AbstractThe objective of this study is to investigate the nature of the social function principles of land rights within the theoretical and juridical perspective and its implementation in Indonesia. This research used the sociological or empirical research method to view the effectiveness of law in society. The result of research shows that the nature of social function principles of land rights theoretically is an acknowledgement of individual, social, and public interests in lands. The juridical basis of the social function principles of land rights refered to Article 6 of Law Number 5 of 1960 regarding Basic Regulations for Agrarian welfare. The social function principles are materialized in various law norms that are land reform, land consolidation, land redistribution, abandoned land controlling, and land provision for public interest. The government through the National Land Agency controls land affairs as to protect its citizens’ land rights. The implementation of the social function principles of land rights is also done through the community empowerment program, namely: Pokmasdartibnah (community groups which are aware of land affairs) established by the National Land Agency and participation through Consortium Agrarian Reform, which establishes Damara (Advanced Land Reform) villages. AbstrakArtikel  ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hakekat asas fungsi sosial atas tanah baik dalam tinjauan teori, yuridis, dan penerapannya di Indonesia. Penelitian hukum ini bersifat sosiologis atau empiris untuk melihat efektivitas hukum di masyarakat. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan, bahwa asas fungsi sosial hak atas tanah secara teori merupakan pengakuan atas kepentingan perorangan, kepentingan sosial dan kepentingan umum atas tanah. Landasan yuridis asas fungsi sosial hak atas tanah, didasarkan pada Pasal 6 Undang-Undang Nomor 5 tahun 1960 tentang Pokok-Pokok Agraria sebagai amanah konstitusi tentang pentingnya perlindungan tanah bagi sebesar-besar kemakmuran rakyat. Asas fungsi sosial hak atas tanah diwujudkan dalam berbagai norma hukum, tentang landreform, konsolidasi tanah, redistribusi tanah, penertiban tanah-tanah terlantar, dan pengadaan tanah untuk kepentingan umum. Pemerintah melalui BPN, melakukan pengendalian pertanahan untuk memberikan perlindungan hak-hak warga negara atas tanah. Penerapan asas fungsi sosial hak atas tanah juga dilakukan melalui program pemberdayaan masyarakat dengan membentuk Pokmasdartibnah (Kelompok Masyarakat Sadar Tertib Pertanahan) oleh BPN, dan adanya partisipasi Konsorsium Pembaharuan Agraria (KPA) membentuk Desa Maju Reforma Agraria (Damara).
Yustisia Vol 7, No 3: December 2018
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/yustisia.v7i3.21560


This study aims to analyze and formulate strategies for solving problems arising in the future towards the existence of natural attractions Pengempu Waterfall related to prevention of land use conversion in the tourist area of Pengempu Waterfall in the traditional village of Cau Belayu. Pengempu waterfall located in the area of Cau Belayu traditional village, Tabanan Regency, Bali Province is a new natural tourism area in the region. Besides having natural beauty that can be used as a tourist place, the Pengempu waterfall area is also a sacred area by Hindus to perform prayer activities, meditation and activities related to the spiritual. To preserve the existence of the Pengempu waterfall area so that it is not damaged by the negative impacts caused by tourism activities in the area, it is necessary to have customary law to protect the area of Pengempu waterfalls, because the existence of customary law by Balinese is very important for traditional life in Bali to organize the physical condition of the region and managing the social conditions of the community. The legal approach used in this study is an approach to the concept of legal pluralism. From the results of research that has been carried out, it was found that the existence of customary law to protect the area of Pengempu waterfall to touch the beliefs of the surrounding community in managing the Pengempu waterfall area to maintain the Pengempu waterfall area so that its sustainability has sufficiently dominant power.
Yustisia Vol 6, No 1: April 2017
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/yustisia.v6i1.11518


This article analyzes the evaluation of the policy of management of State Goods Electronically in Sebelas Maret University of Surakarta. The scope of the Management of the State Property includes : Planning, procurement up to asset management obtained from the procurement (State Property). This is in line with government efforts to improve public services with e-government development electronic base that is used in the case of planning that is making RAB (Budget Plan) in the form of HPS (Own Price Estimated), TOR (Term of Reference) or determination of IKU (Unit Performance Indicator), IKA (Budget Performance Indicator) or MAK (activity budget item). In the process of procurement using e-procurement system also in the management of asset/BMN procurement result using the Application System of SIMAK BMN. Evaluation of the Policy done by looking at the 4 elements as follows:1) To measure the effects Based on the research methodology used; 2) Effects Emphasize on an outcomes of Efficiency, honesty, morals attached to rules or standards; 3) Comparation between the effects and goals emphasizes on the use of clear criteria In assessing how a policy has been properly implemented, 4) Giving contribution to make future decision-making and future policy improvements as the social purpose of the evaluation. 
Yustisia Vol 5, No 3: December 2016
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/yustisia.v5i3.8800


AbstractDevelopments in the field of capital markets encourage the emergence of various corporate actions to obtain benefits such as a public company. One of the emerging corporate actions which have been done is Backdoor Listing. Regulations in the capital market is generally allowed backdoor listing. Backdoor Listing procedure are often executed in Indonesia are as follows: (1) The acquisition of control of a public company by private company through the rights issue (2) the acquisition of private company by an public company that has an affiliate relationship with the private company into standby purchaser/ new controllers. Study fulfillment of the Good Corporate Governance principles in the backdoor listing procedure is known that this procedure is still not met the Principles of Transparency, Accountability, as well as fairness and equity. It is needed to establish the rules of providing transparency obligation to assess the feasibility of a new public company controller. 
Yustisia Vol 3, No 3: December 2014
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/yustisia.v3i3.29558


Politic of law is a result of social, political, and cultural dynamics that is life and increase. It is not merely a value-free policy formulation, but the product of a process of interests between groups within a country, in addition to the influence of history, philosophy, and the characteristics of life embraced. Likewise Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI), each phase of the history of national life have generated legal policy as a result of the intersection of social, political, cultural and even economic interests played by the various political components of the nation. Conceptual disputes, exchange of interests, and the various dynamics that in the terminology of sociological studies interpreted as a championship make   a domination and hegemony of discourse so that produce the national policy. This article describes a sketch of the history of politic of law of Indonesia in relation to the Islamic sharia from pre-proclamation of independence periodof Indonesia Republic to the post-reform. Inexplaining the reason, this paper uses the symbolic power championship theoretical framework developed by sociologist Pierre Boudieu. In the theory, Pierre Boudieu mention that the sphere of social life is a struggle between the modals of the group to control a discourse. In order to win the champion often the violence occurred. Depend on the domination of doxa (symbolic power), the faction of political power dominate the policy, character and style of social life was, of course, including the legal sphere. In the span of the history of Indonesia, determination of political factors in control of politic of national laws related to Islamic sharia is very powerful. Even Islamic shariah in several phases be used as a tool of government to control the social dynamics for the interests of power.

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