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Mengurai Kerancuan Istilah Strategi dan Metode Pembelajaran
Fanani, Ahwan
Nadwa Vol 8, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, UIN Walisongo, Semarang
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This paper attempts to describe confused term of strategy and method learning. The key term in the field of education, especially in aspect learning, are ap-proach, model, strategy, method, and technology. The five words have a concep-tual distinction and two other terms cause confusion, i.e.: strategies and meth-ods. Diversity and confusion of these terms occur both in learning practice and in the study of the theory. This study shows that the existence of the phenomenon of the use of the strategies and methods term that are relatively loose and even they are used interchangeable. There is no agreement in the literature that exam-ined on applicative relationship between the two terms above. It was further confirmed that both terms have the same meaning field.Keyword: learning, strategy, method, confusion
Pengembangan Model Perencanaan Himpunan Data dan Aplikasi Instrumentasi Berbasis Pola Tujuh Belas Plus
Kusuma, Indra
NADWA Vol 8, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : NADWA
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This paper describes the development of a set of data and planning models based instrumentation applications seventeen plus patterns in BK teachers SMP / MTs in Bondowoso. The results of this study indicate that counselling activity plan-ning model using the approach pattern seventeen plus becomes very necessary. B.K. teachers in SMP/MTs of Bondowoso still do not have a wide range of data that should be held for the provision of counselling services. The teachers feel it is important to have variety of data sets and instrumentation applications for the smooth running of counselling services (score = 3.23). The evaluation of the implementation of set of data and applications instrument was still very low (score = 1.14). The planning model development activities and application in-strumentation data set found that B.K. teachers desperately need (score = 4.28). The assessment model development planning activities data set and instrumenta-tion applications that are promoted rated excellent (score = 4.47).Keywords: planning, data set, application instrumentation
Revolusi Gaya Belajar untuk Fungsi Otak
Waluyo, M. Edy
NADWA Vol 8, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : NADWA
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This paper elaborate on an attempt to maximize the function of brain as a form of learning revolution. Learn properly is not an issue of whether or not a student pass the test. The meaning of learn is broader than a success of passing the ex-ams. This is certainly related to the fun learning during the process of maximiz-ing the ability to achieve success. Each student has a different learning styles depending on his/her character. There are four different models of learning that has been known today, ie sketch, sound, tactics, and movement. Students who have studied the model using the sketch tends to be easier to understand the in-formation that they see. While those who have learned how to use the sound tends to be easier to capture verbal information from the teacher. Students who have a tendency to learn with tactics models require a touch of emotion. The kinesthetic learning models require movement in the learning process so that children learn more successfully.Keyword: learning, model of learning, successful learning
Integrasi Pendidikan Anti Narkoba dalam Pendidikan Agama Islam dan Budi Pekerti Kurikulum 2013
Machali, Imam
NADWA Vol 8, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : NADWA
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This article describe the antidrug education and the integration of anti-drug education in the curriculum of Islamic religious and moral education of the year 2013. The results showed that the antidrug education began in elementary, jun-ior and senior high school that includes knowledge about drugs and the dangers, increase self-esteem, and the formation of assertiveness. Integration of anti-drug education in the curriculum of Islamic religious education and moral includes three aspects, namely: knowledge (cognitive), attitudes and behaviours (affec-tive), and skills (psychomotor). Implementation of antidrug education at school level using integrative-inclusive strategy. Anti-drug education learning man-agement can be integrated in all subjects, both religious and secular.Keyword: antidrug education, curriculum 2013
Teori Pendidikan Keluarga dan Tanggung Jawab Orang Tua dalam Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini
Jailani, M. Syahran
NADWA Vol 8, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : NADWA
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This paper describes the responsibilities of parents in early childhood education. From the review of the literature it is known that the family environment be-comes a major place of a child to education. Father and mother in the family becomes the first educators in the process of development of a childs life. Par-ents do not just build a relationship and do various family for reproductive pur-poses, continue descent, and establish affection. The main task of the family is to create buildings and atmosphere of family education process so that the next generation of intelligent and noble generation as a solid footing in the tread life and the journey of human children. The fact is supported by the findings of the theories that support the importance of family education as the first basic educa-tion of children.
Akhlak Mulia dalam Pandangan Masyarakat
Mustopa, Mustopa
NADWA Vol 8, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : NADWA
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This paper elaborate on views of the community on a noble character. Categori-zation of noble character is different in view of the public. This study used a qualitative approach which is the data derived from the literature and society. The results of this study indicate that the noble character in view of the public looks through oral and actions and it is always behaved by someone, and it is not temporary. Normative morality is embedded in the inner nature of the soul that gives rise to act with ease. Morals reflected in a person in relation to God and the community. It was influenced by heredity, environment, and both formal and non-formal education. Individually, moral goodness cause calmness and serenity in a person and make it easier to interact socially with the community.
Sekolah Alam: Paradigma Baru Pendidikan Islam Humanis
Rohinah, Rohinah
NADWA Vol 8, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : NADWA
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This paper describes a new paradigm of Islamic education in the perspective of humanism based on nature school model. This school model has three specific aspects, namely: natural as learning space, nature as media and teaching mate-rials, and natural as learning objects. It is a creativity in building a humanist paradigm of Islamic education. The education system emphasizes awareness to encourage the process of dialogue between teachers and students. Dialogical process can bring an attitude of humility and affection that is open to criticism from the learners. Learners are required critical and questioned again about the unknown by the teacher. This kind of learning led to a harmonious communica-tion between all parties. School of Natural allow the emergence of awareness. This school gives the freedom to create, explore and discover potential, and find the knowledge based on experiences from the world of reality.
Desain Pengembangan Kurikulum Integratif
Zainiyati, Husniyatus Salamah
NADWA Vol 8, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : NADWA
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Implementation of an integrated curriculum in UIN Maliki seeks to provide basic competencies of Islamic sciences as a characteristic of UIN, as well as the foun-dation for the development of fields of study are developed on existing majors. Study program tali>m al-afka>r al-Isla>miyyah and tali>m al-Qurâa>n not only dis-cuss the matter as Fiqh, Sufism, Aqeedah, but the study needs to be developed by taking the material Quran and Hadith relating to the development of science and technology. Basic Islamic knowledge can be used for students or faculty development studies field according to the respective department. The program not only as a prerequisite studies program at UIN Islamic subjects, but can be used to support other subjects. Mahad tradition intended to form the character of students and develop Islamic culture on campus.
Problem dan Solusi Studi Mahasiswa Semester Tua
Raharjo, Raharjo
NADWA Vol 8, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : NADWA
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This paper describes the problems of old-semester students in completing their study at the Faculty of Science of Islamic Education and Teaching (FITK) IAIN Walisongo Semarang. The study of exploratory qualitative approach involves 20 students from all courses taken by purposive random sampling with the tech-nique of questionnaires, interviews and documentations. The results are: (1) The problems faced by elderly semester students is a matter of academic and non-academic, namely working part time, participating organizations, teaching and unwarranted. (2) The problems are handled by the leaders of the faculty in-volved: (a) anticipatory since the beginning of their study and academic orienta-tion; (b) preventing for their study by the lecturer as supervisor; and (c) curating towards the end of the study by the head of the faculty. These steps are per-formed in order to provide opportunities for students to be able to pass and not threatened to drop out.
Hadis-Hadis tentang Peserta Didik
Siahaan, Amiruddin;
Hidayah, Nur
Nadwa Vol 8, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Nadwa
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This article explains that learners should earnestly seek knowledge or perse-verance in either theology or science. In addition, if the students have gained knowledge, then that knowledge should be employed well and teaches it to others. Meanwhile, science is only acquired by learning. Learner is one com-ponent input in the education system, which is further processed in the educa-tional process, so that it becomes a qualified human in accordance with the national education goals. A student has a very important role in education. It was described in many traditions (hadis) associated with virtue, character, and requirements of the learners. These hadis will be explained later in this article and will be takhrij to determine the position of these traditions.