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Pembangunan Intelektualitas dan Kualitas Diri Perempuan sebagai Kekuatan untuk Menjadi Pemimpin dalam Era Globalisasi Manurung, Rosida Tiurma
Zenit Vol 1, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Zenit

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Can Indonesian women become a leader? To be a leader, one needs to be responsible, decisive,  ready to take risks,  consistent,  physically  fit, and able to manage his/her subordinates. Generally speaking, such qualities are rarely found in women. In fact, women are more dominated by their emotion, anxieties, unwillingness to take risks, and less knowledgable than men.  To became a leader, a woman must equip herself with optimal intellect and self improvement. If a woman can show brilliant intelligence and pleasing personality, she can become a leader. The author is interested  in  researching on the improvement  of  Indonesian women’s intellectual and personal qualities in the hope that these research tips, steps, or effort to enhance a wo,an’s dignity can be beneficial to women in Indonesia.   Keywords: intellectual improvement, self improvement , the power of women as leaders
Penerapan Taguchi Parameter Design dalam Penentuan Level Faktor Produksi Batako untuk Memaksimumkan Kekuatan Tekan (Studi Kasus di Balai Besar Keramik) Wawolumaja, Rudy; Faurika, Ridani
Zenit Vol 1, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Zenit

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According to preliminary research conducted at Balai Besar Keramik, it is found out that “Batako Padalarang” products  available in the market are still below the Indonesian National Standard requirement (SNI 03.2113.91). This research  is conducted to obtain optimum process parameters to meet  the  requirements of Indonesian National Standard. The method  used is Taguchi Parameter Design to fulfill the criteria for compression strength of Indonesian National Standard. From the analysis of Taguchi method, we get to know that the factors and level that affect the batako’s strength of compressive significantly are factor A (forming pressure) with level 2 (4  ton),  factor B (material composition) with level 1 (1 : 3), factor C (texture of tras) with level 1 (0,3 mm), factor D (mixing time) with level 2 (10 minutes), factor E (water percentage) with level 2 (15%), and factor F (curing time)  with level 3 (28 days). And from the confirmation experiment we get percentage of increase after using Taguchi method amounting to 72.75% and the decrease of loss 92.82%. Keywords : Taguchi, batako, loss fuction
Pembangunan Daya Saing Akademik Mahasiswa dalam Era Global dengan Peningkatan Kemampuan Menulis Abstrak Berbahasa Inggris ., Yugianingrum
Zenit Vol 1, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Zenit

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To meet global challenges, Indonesian students have to be prepared to become researchers that will exist in international  scholarly communication, at least by publishing their research in international journals. This paper reports the results of a survey on the knowledge required by undergraduate  students of a medical faculty to write a research paper, specially its abstract, in English. The paper reviews a selection of students’ written questions concerning the knowledge for writing an abstract in English and provides the answers with some information about abstract writing according to international conventions. The results show that the students’ questions are about ways of a) writing a good abstract, b) distinguishing an abstract from an introduction, c) using English correctly in an abstract, d) evaluating a research paper from its abstract, e) choosing the key words, and f) writing a structured abstract. It is recommended that the students should gain more information about  English for academic writing to facilitate their abstract  writing as well as to improve their capacity to compete in the international research paper publication.  Keywords: global challenges, research paper abstract, medical students
Peran Implementasi Manajemen Rantai Pasokan dalam Perekonomian Era Global (Studi pada Perusahaan Manufaktur di Indonesia) Anatan, Lina
Zenit Vol 1, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Zenit

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Supply chain management is one of  the economic decisions that uses a strategic tool to achieve competitiveness and sustainability in the global economy era. The focus of this study investigate the moderating role of supply chain uncertainty (supplier uncertainty, process uncertainty, demand uncertainty) on the relationship of supply chain management practices and supply chain management performance. Data are collected through mailed questionnaire. The total questionnaires are 500 sent to CEOs firms in Indonesia. Seventy three of useable questionnaires returned yielding the response rate of 14,60%. Through the simple regression the analysis and moderated regression analysis, three hypotheses are supported and one hypothesis is not supported. It means that supply chain management practices have significant effects on supply chain performance, and supply chain uncertainty has a role as moderating variable between the relationship of supply chain management practices and supply chain performance.      Keywords: Supply Chain Management practices, supply chain uncertainty, supply chain performance. 
Pembangunan Minat Berkarier sebagai Auditor dengan Pengukuran Persepsi Mahasiswa terhadap Lingkungan Kerja Auditor Secara Global (Survei pada Mahasiswa Akuntansi Universitas Kristen Maranatha Bandung) ., Rapina
Zenit Vol 1, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Zenit

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Transformations and alterations are brought about by the Indonesian government, from practices related to accounting methods to the establishment of the professional body and the Public Accountant Compartment. A great number of cases happening to the profession of public accountants cause the decreasing trust of the public to the profession of an auditor. This research discusses how the influence of accounting student’s perception about the job atmosphere of an auditor to his job choice as an auditor. The influence of studen’ts perception can be judged from job duties and responsibilities; advancement training and superviso;, and personal concern. This research uses doubled linier regression  method to 50 respondents by using SPSS Pogram  17.0. The influence of accounting student’s  perception about the job  atmosphere of an auditor covers 36.6%, where the value has quite a big influence  over a job choice as an auditor and there is a strong relationship between the two variables, namely 67.2%. Keywords:  students perception about auditor, the job choice as an auditor,  job duties and responsibilities
Undang-undang ITE sebagai Sarana Pencegahan Bisnis Curang Melalui Sarana eCommerce dalam Era Globalisasi Hartono, Octavianus
Zenit Vol 1, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Zenit

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Development in the field of information technology is very beneficialfor the growth of the economy of a country, but it also brings negative effects, such as online fraud. Moreover, consumers who do not take care of all their personal if this happens, the consumer’s property, either meterial or concept/ idea will be missing or damaged data and their personal accounts  can  be abused by responsible people. The development of information technology which  indeed gives a lot of positive effects for the world economy should be regulated in such a way so as not to cause negative effects for the parties using these facilities.  Keywords: globalization, economic development, business cheating
Pengaruh Analisis Faktor Muat Trans Pakuan Bogor Koridor Terminal Bubulak-Cidangiang Terhadap Keseimbangan Supply and Demand Prahardian, Novandi; Susilo, Hartanto
Zenit Vol 1, No 3 (2012)
Publisher : Zenit

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With a total area of 111.73 km and a population that continues to grow every year, the city of Bogor in need of adequate transportation facilities to meet the need for public transportation. In this case, the integrity of the science of transportation are necessary to achieve a balance of supply and demand. Therefore, it need for additional supply in the form of transportation facilities of Trans Pakuan Bogor to meet the needs of the surrounding community. Trans Pakuan Bogor is a kind of Bus Rapid Transit which operate in Bogor City. Since 2007, Trans Pakuan had operated and during the operation range of time there are a lot of obstacle in it. 4th years since Trans Pakuan operated, occupant quantity, service quality and operation,it’s possible to change. Therefore, this examination is done to detect effectiveness from Trans Pakuan Bogor in corridor Terminal Bubulak-Cidangiang with load factor as the indicator. This examination aim  determines load factor values and analyzed route characteristics of Trans Pakuan Bogor based on  load factor values change, especially for corridor Terminal Bubulak-Cidangiang. Beside be first corridor and longtime operate, this corridor is the scope from this examination. Based on analyzed result, route characteristics of Trans Pakuan has same trend  for Terminal Bubulak-Cidangiang direction, at the morning peak hour and also at afternoon peak hour. But this matter not applicable for direction on contrary, that is Cidangiang-Terminal Bubulak direction, the route characteristics has different trend between morning peak hour and afternoon peak hour.  Keywords: Bus Rapid Transit, load factor, Trans Pakuan, Supply and Demand.  
Analisis Pengaruh Tingkat Kepuasan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan yang Dimoderasi oleh Motivasi (Studi Kasus di Hotel Cihampelas 2, Bandung) Gozaly, Jimmy; Anatasia, Novita
Zenit Vol 1, No 3 (2012)
Publisher : Zenit

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This study was conducted in the Cihampelas Hotel 2 Bandung, which has propose to minimize the level of employee’s absence and to improve the service level of Cihampelas Hotel 2 by knowing the level of job satisfaction which is owned by Cihampelas Hotel 2’s employee, employee’s job motivation, and influence both of that towards employee’s job performance. The study variables such as job satisfaction as independent variable, job performance as dependent variable, and job motivation as moderat variable. Census sampling was used in this study because all of Cihampelas Hotel 2’s employee at low management amounting to 25 employee became respondents in this study. Based on the processing by descriptive statistics and by multiple linear regression, the result showed that 13 sub variables influented employee’s job performance. The correlation value for all sub variables was 92,3% and the determination coefficients was 85,1%.  Some proposals that could be prioritized by Cihampelas Hotel 2 such as the company may appreciate the employee’s work, company should determine the break time carefully, company can give the warning to employee that are less effective at work, and company may give the opportunity and the trustworthy to employee to work independently.  Keywords:  Job satisfaction, job motivation, job performance, multiple linear regression
Poets Loyalty to Poetic Convention Angkasa, Peter
Zenit Vol 1, No 3 (2012)
Publisher : Zenit

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Karya ilmiah ini merupakan hasil dari studi pustaka tentang inovasi dalam penulisan puisi. Dalam  tulisan ini penulis membandingkan para penyair yang menjunjung tinggi bentuk-bentuk sajak yang setia pada kaidah-kaidah konvensionil dengan penyair-penyair  yang ‘melanggar’ kaidah-kaidah konvensionil dalam penulisan sajak. Di  sini penulis menggambarkan usaha-usaha yang dilakukan oleh para penyair pada zaman awal penciptaan sajak di Inggris di mana para penyair sangat menjunjung tinggi unsur rime dalam sajak-sajak mereka. Dengan berjalannya waktu, ada beberapa penyair yang tidak lagi menghiraukan bunyi atau rime yang enak didengar baik rime yang ada di awal,  di tengah, maupun di akhir bait. Mereka justru berinovasi, yaitu dengan menulis sajak-sajak yang ‘memanjakan’ mata dan tidak lagi mempedulikan telinga. Salah satu penyair inovatif yang karya-karyanya dijadikan sebagai sumber utama pembahasan dalam makalah ini adalah sajak-sajak Edward Estlin Cummings. Penyair ini dijadikan sebagai fokus dari tulisan ini karena dia adalah penyair  yang paling banyak ‘melanggar’ tata cara dalam menulis sajak-sajaknya. Apakah kita harus menyanjungnya sebagai penyair yang paling inovatif  sangat tergantung pada konsep kita tentang sebuah sajak; apakah sebuah sajak itu adalah sebuah tulisan yang harus dibaca dengan bersuara dan didengarkan dengan enak atau sebuah tulisan yang hanya bermakna bila dipandang dan dinikmati tanpa suara seperti halnya sebuah gambar atau lukisan?  Keywords::  poems, convention, innovation, poetic devices, ear, eye, rhyme, metre, shape  
Faktor-Faktor Penentu Produktivitas Penelitian Dosen sebagai Implementasi Integritas Profesi Margaretha, Meily; Saragih, Susanti
Zenit Vol 1, No 3 (2012)
Publisher : Zenit

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This research tried to test the influence of individual attributes (age, gender, academic rank and job tenure); the influence of personal motivational factors that drive academic research (intrinsic and extrinsic factors); the influence of university attributes (organizational support) towards research productivity of lectures in Indonesia. Data were collected through questionnaires to 135 lecturers from private and public universities in Indonesia. From seven hypotheses tested in this research, only the fourth hypothesis was supported. Implications managerial that can be applied in this research are improving organizational culture and climate that support research productivity in the university with the attention to investment factors or extrinsic factors; consumption factors or intrinsic factor; organizational supports such as amount of assistant from students helping lecturers in the research, procedures for propose the research and the total amount needed for the research, the availability of literatures in the library, and the adjustable teaching load for lecturers.  Keywords:  research productivity, consumption factors, investment factors, organizational support 

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