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AGRIEKONOMIKA, terbit dua kali dalam setahun yaitu pada April dan Oktober yang memuat naskah hasil pemikiran dan hasil penelitian bidang sosial, ekonomi dan kebijakan pertanian dalam arti umum.
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Publisher : Program Studi Agribisnis Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Trunojoyo Madura.

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Sebagian penduduk mengkonsumsibuah-buahandan sayuranlebih rendahdari yang direkomendasikan olehOrganisasi Pangan dan Pertanian(FAO). Pada tahun 2005, tingkatkonsumsi sayurdi Indonesia hanya35.30 kg/kapita/tahun. Kemudian pada tahun 2006, konsumsi sayuransedikit menurunmenjadi 34.06kg/kapita/tahun. Berdasarkan hasil kajian Badan Litbang  Pertanian, Kementerian Pertanian pada Maret 2013 lalu, tingkat konsumsi buah per kapita hanya 34,55 kg/tahun, sedangkan tingkat konsumsi sayuran per kapita 40,35 kg/tahun. Jika dibandingkan dengan konsumsi buah dan sayur per kapita warga Singapura dan Vietnam melebihi 100 kg/tahun. Konsumsi sayuranperlu ditingkatkanuntuk mengurangi ketergantungan terhadap beras.Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam rangka mempromosikan peningkatan konsumsi sayur bagi siswa melalui model kebun sayur sekolah. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMK Negeri Plosoklaten selama 2012. Sepuluh jenis sayuran ditanam di lahan seluas  36 m2. Polatanamdiatursedemikian rupa sehinggasayuran dapatdipanenhampir setiap hari. Siswaterlibat dalampemeliharaantanaman sayuran sebagai latihan bercocok tanam sayur. Setiappanensayurandirekap dankandungangizinyadihitung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa total panen berbagai macam sayuran ialah 249.6 kg, yang setara dengan683.8 gram per hari. Jika sebuah keluarga memilikiempatanggota, masing-masing orang akanmengkonsumsisayur171g per hari. Hal ini memenuhi43% darirekomendasi WHOuntuk konsumsibuah-buahandan sayuran. Dengan kata lain, konsumsi sayuran telah mencapai 85%. Dengan demikian, sayurandi lahan seluas 36 m2 telah mampu memenuhikonsumsi sayur sehari-hari. Hal ini menunjukkan pemenuhanasupangizi harianuntuk beberapavitamin danmikro-nutrisi. Kata kunci: diversifikasi konsumsi, kebun sayur sekolah, kandungan giziAccording to Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture,Indonesian people consume horticultural products especially fruits and vegetables, are still lower than that of recommended by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Vegetable consumption level inIndonesia 2005 was 35.30 kg/capita/year. In 2006, the consumption of vegetables slightly declined to34.06 kg/capita/year. Based onthe results ofthe studyin March 2013 conducted by IAARD, The Ministry of Agricultureknown that level offruitconsumptionpercapita is only34.55kg/year, while consumption of vegetables thepercapita is40.35kg/year. It is lower compared to fruit and vegetable consumptionpercapitafor the citizens ofSingaporeandVietnam that areexceeded100kg/year.Vegetable consumption has to be increased  and rice consumption has to reduce. This study is aimed to make aneffort to increase vegetable consumption via school garden model.The research wasconductedatSMKPloso Klatenduring2012. Ten kinds of vegetables were sequentially grown in about a space of 36 m2land. The cropping pattern was arranged in such away so that the vegetables can be harvested almost every day. Students were involved in maintenance of vegetable crops in order to familiarize them with the crops. Every harvest of vegetables, the nutritional contents of the vegetable were calculated and recorded. The results showed that every day  the students can harvest about 249.6kgof mixed vegetables, which is equivalent to 683.8g/day. Ifafamily has 4members,each personwill consumevegetableabout 171 g/day. This fulfills43% of WHO recommendation forconsumption of fruits and vegetables. In other words, it has been fulfilled85%ofvegetable intake recommendation. Thus, vegetables garden on a piece of36m2land is ableto meetdaily consumption. This also has meet daily nutritional intake for several essential vitamins and micro-nutrients. Keywords: consumption diversification, vegetables, school garden, nutritional intake
PENGEMBANGAN DESA WISATA RUMAH DOME BERBASIS AGROINDUSTRI PANGAN LOKAL (Kajian Diversifikasi Ketela Pohon di Desa Wisata Rumah Dome Prambanan) Wuri Ani, Susi
Publisher : Program Studi Agribisnis Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Trunojoyo Madura.

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ABSTRAKPangan merupakan kebutuhan utama dalam kehidupan manusia. Pemenuhan kebutuhan pangan baik dari segi jumlah, mutu, gizi maupun keamanan berkaitan dengan Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM). Kualitas konsumsi pangan dan gizi masyarakat menentukan SDM masyarakat tersebut. Agroindustri pangan lokal merupakan kegiatan yang memberdayakan sumberdaya lokal (indigenous resources). Seluruh potensi lokal dimanfaatkan untuk menguatkan agroindustri pangan lokal. Penduduk di kawasan wisata Rumah Dome belum mampu mengolah bahan pangan lokal. Kegiatan ini bertujuan membentuk kelompok usaha produktif Ibu-Ibu PKK di Rumah Dome untuk dapat meningkatkan nilai ekonomis pangan lokal (ketela pohon). Hal yang dilakukan adalah memberikan pelatihan pengolahan ketela pohon menjadi ceriping singkong berbagai rasa, keripik belut daun singkong, membuat brownies berbahan tepung ketela, mengemas produk dengan brand Rumah Dome dan memberikan pelatihan pembukuan sederhana. Dengan kegiatan ini diharapkan akan tumbuh kelompok usaha produktif sehingga dapat mengangkat citra wisata Rumah Dome dan meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat di Rumah Dome.   Kata kunci : kelompok usaha, brownies singkong, Rumah Dome DEVELOPMENT OF DOME HOUSE TOUR VILLAGE BASEDLOCAL FOOD AGROINDUSTRY(Cassava Diversification Studies in Tour Village of Prambanan Dome House) ABSTRACTFood is a major necessity in human life. Food needs are important for human resource (HR) both in terms of quantity and quality. Quality of food consumption and nutrition communities determine the HR community. Local food agroindustry is an activity that empowers local resources (indigenous resources). The whole potential of local food used to strengthen local agroindustry. Residents in the tourist area of Dome House have not been able to process local food. This activity aims to establish productive business of woman group (PKK) in Dome House to increase the economic value of local food (cassava). The activities are training for production process, packaging with Dome House’s brand and simple accounting management.  The cassava processing training are: (1) making variety flavors of cassava chips; (2) producing eel chips from cassava leaves and (3) making brownies from cassava flour. These activities are expected to grow productive business groups that can raise the image of Dome House tour and increase the income of Dome House household. Keywords : Business of Woman Group (PKK) , Cassava, Training, Dome House, Local Food Agroindustry
Publisher : Program Studi Agribisnis Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Trunojoyo Madura.

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The value of imports of fruit in Indonesia also continued to increase, and in the reality import of the fruit is not least of which is a tropical fruit that can be grown in this country and has been cultivated on a massive scale by farmers, one of them  is mango of  Arumanis. On the other hand, consumer behavior tend to be very complex and is influenced by emotions, motives and attitudes.For the reason the understanding of concerning behavior of consumer become relevant because the information generated has aspects to like to (a) devise a strategy development, production and marketing of the product, (b) compile policy of public related to protection of consumer and producer and (c) continue with new ideas to producers to not merely sell products and to consumers to be more careful and prudent in making decisions.Research location is three metropolis  including especial consumer of horticulture product that is Jakarta (DKI), Bandung ( West Java) and Padang ( West Sumatra). Responden of consumer survey is selected household consumer at random. Amount of consumer responder in] third the town is West Java = 123 people; Glorious DKI = 110 West Sumatra and people = 106 people, become totally = 339 people.The main analytical tool used is descriptive statistics, cross tabulation, chi square test and the Kruskal Walls to determine the relationship of various product attributes and socio-economic conditions through the use of SPSS statistical program. The results showed the majority of respondents have age between 30-49 years or are of childbearing age, with the majority of education above high school and is a housewife who works.Somewhat different characteristics occurred in Padang where housewives mostly working (70.8%), education <SLTA which  a little (1.9%) and > SLTA large enough (61.3%), while in Bandung partially big housewife does not work (53.7%). Taste is an indicator of the most dominant in the purchase arumanis mango, flesh color followed. The first criterion is the most preferred by consumers in the city of Jakarta and Padang having arumanis mango scent, 4biji/kg fruit size, price Rp. 4,000-Rp. 6.999/kg, was the order of the two is the fragrant aroma of mango Arumanis, 2biji/kg  fruit size, price Rp. 4000 to Rp. 6.999/kg, is for the city of Bandung was the first order is preferred by consumers that have a mango Arumanis fragrant aroma, fruit size 2biji/kg, price Rp. 4,000-Rp. 6.999/kg and order both mango Arumanis having fragrant aroma, fruit size 4biji/kg, price Rp. 4,000-Rp. 6.999/kg
Publisher : Program Studi Agribisnis Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Trunojoyo Madura.

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Saat ini untuk memenuhi kebutuhan simplisia tanaman obat diarahkan dari hasil budidaya, sehingga memerlukan bibit yang berkualitas baik dan seragam dalam waktu yang bersamaan Akan dilakukan penelitian upaya pembibitan tanaman sarang semut (Myrmecodia pendans) dengan pemberian IBA dan BAP melalui kultur jaringan. Penelitian ini dilakukan mengingat perlu dikembangkan dan dibudidayakan tanaman sarang semut yang bermutu sebagai bahan baku pembuatan obat. Teknik kultur jaringan memiliki kelebihan karena tidak dipengaruhi oleh iklim dengan waktu produksi relatif cepat, bebas kontaminasi mikroba dan tidak memerlukan lahan yang luas. Penelitian dilakukan dilaboratorium kultur jaringan Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Obat dan Obat Tradisional Tawangmangu. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menambahkan zat pengatur tumbuh IBA dan BAP masing-masing dengan konsentrasi 0, 2, 4 dan 6 mg/l. Masa inkubasi 2 bulan diperoleh hasil pertumbuhan terbaik diperoleh pada penambahan IBA dan BAP masing – maing 2 mg/l yaitu dengan jumlah daun 2, jumlah akar 2  dan panjang akar 4 mm.
AKSESIBILITAS PETANI TERHADAP LEMBAGA KEUANGAN (Studi Kasus Pada Petani di Desa Sidodadi Kecamatan Sukosewu Kabupaten Bojonegoro) Supanggih1, Dhianon
Publisher : Program Studi Agribisnis Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Trunojoyo Madura.

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 ABSTRAKPenelitian ini dilakukan di Desa Sidodadi Kecamatan Sukosewu Bojonegoro. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui aksesibilitas petani Desa Sidodadi terhadap lembaga keuangan dan pola perilaku petani dalam akses modal usahatani. Lokasi ditentukan secara purposive, sementara untuk pengambilan sampel menggunakan stratified random sampling. Data dianalisis secara kualitatif dengan metode interakitif terdiri dari reduksi data, display data, penarikan kesimpulan.  Hasil dari penelitian menyatakan bahwa petani melakukan akses modal ke Bank BRI, KSP Mitra Usaha, Kelompok Tani, Toko pertanian. Alasan utama peminjaman modal karena masih kurangnya modal pribadi, biaya hidup tinggi, masih tergantung terhadap sektor pertanian. Kendala akses modal yaitu masih belum merata jangkauan kredit ke pedesaan, sumber daya manusia yang belum memadahi. Pola perilaku yang tercipta dari petani adalah pemilik lahan luas dan sedang mayoritas memilih KSP Mitra Usaha dan BRI. Pemilik lahan sempit memilih KSP Mitra Usaha, Kelompok Tani, toko pertanian.Kata kunci: aksesibilitas, petani, pola perilaku petani, lembaga keuangan ACCESSIBILITY OF FARMER TO THE FINANCIAL INSTITUTION(Case Study of Farmer in Sidodadi Village Sukosewu Sub-DistrictBojonegoro Regency) ABSTRACTThis research was conducted in the Sidodadi village, Sukosewu, Bojonegoro districts. The purpose of the study was to determine the accessibility of Sidodadi’s farmer against financial institutions and behavior patterns of farmers in farming capital access. The location chosen purposively, while for sampling method using stratified random sampling. Data were analyzed qualitatively with an interactive method consist of data reduction, data dispaly, making conclusions. The results of the study illustrates that farmers capital access to BRI, KSP Mitra Usaha, farmer groups, farm shop. The main reason of capital lending are insufficient private capital of farmer, high cost of living, it is still dependent on agriculture. Constraint of capital access are still not spread of reach into rural credit, incapable human resources. Behavior patterns which created are large area owner and middle owners majority chose KSP Mitra Usaha and BRI. small area owner selecting KSP Mitra Usaha, farmer groups, farm shop.Keywords: accessibility, farmers,  financial institutions.
Publisher : Program Studi Agribisnis Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Trunojoyo Madura.

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The experiment was conducted in the village of Lesong Daya, Batumarmar District andSub Market Waru Pamekasan. The purpose of this study is to know the marketing channels andmarketing margins of onions in the village of Lesong Daya Batumarmar District and know themarket integration at the level of onion farmers in the village and at the level of traders in theWaru Market, Lesong Daya Batumarmar Pamekasan. The sampling method in this researchused Snowball Sampling. While the analysis method used were the marketing margin andmarket integration analysis. The results showed that there are two marketing channels onion inthe Village of Lesong Daya, Batumarmar District and based on analysis of marketing margins,farmers share, as well as the distribution margin shows that when farmers sell onion in dryconditions on marketing channel pattern I is more efficient than other marketing channel. Basedon the analysis of price, strong integrated market in both the short term and long term based onthe integration of the average monthly price of onion from January 2012 to April 2013.Keywords: Marketing Channels, Marketing Margins, Market Integration
KAJIAN PEMASARAN RUMPUT LAUT (Eucheuma Cottoni) (Studi Kasus Desa Tanjung, Pademawu, Pamekasan) Maftuhah, -; Zuhriyah, Amanatuz
Publisher : Program Studi Agribisnis Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Trunojoyo Madura.

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Pamekasan, have great potential for the development of seaweed farming. The aims of this study are to know: marketing channels and marketing margins. The method of sampling was done by using incidental sampling and snowball sampling. Mean while, the methods of collecting data through observations, distributing questionnaires, interviews, library research and documentation.     Data analysis using analysis of R/C ratio to determine the feasibility of the business and margin analysis to determine the efficiency of marketing. The results showed that a). seaweed farming are viable with R/C ratio 1.151 for the wet sales and 1.77 for the dry sales. B) there are two seaweed marketing channels, first: farmers – middlemen – plant collectors – factories, second: farmers – plant collectors – factories. The analysis of marketing margins, showed that marketing channels of wet seaweed was inefficient, while marketing channels of dried seaweed was efficient.
Publisher : Program Studi Agribisnis Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Trunojoyo Madura.

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Pekalongan Regency seawaters is one of potential demersal fish distribution area. If resources utilization are uncontrol, the resources will be threatened by fishing effort increase. Information about potency and utilization rate should be known. This research purposes were to analyze potency of demersal fish, biological and economic aspects of demersal fish utilization in Pekalongan Regency seawaters that analyzed Catch per Unit Effort (CPUE), Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY), Maximum Economic Yield (MEY), dan Open Access Equilibrium (OAE).This research conducted in Februari-April 2011. Research method was explorative survey. Sampling method was using purposive sampling with 36 samples obtained. Data that used in this research were primary and secondary data. Data analysis method used swept area and bioeconomic method – Gordon-Schaefer Model.This study showed that the demersal fish potency in Pekalongan Regency Seawaters was 36.16 metric tons. The average Catch per Unit Effort (CPUE) rate for 2001-2010 in Pekalongan Regency Seawaters was 0,055 metric tons/trip. The optimum catch (Copt) of the Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) was 880 metric tons per year with optimum effort (Eopt) 17.237 trip per year. The optimum catch (Copt) of the Maximum Economic Yield (MEY) was 735 metric tons per year with optimum effort (Eopt) was 10.236 trip per year. The optimum catch (Copt) of the Open Access Equilibrium (OAE) was 849 metric tons per year with optimum effort (Eopt) was 20.472 trip per year. The demersal fish resource utilization rate during the last 10 years in Pekalongan Regency has an average rating of 117%, which means that the demersal fish resource utilization rate was overfishing.
Publisher : Program Studi Agribisnis Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Trunojoyo Madura.

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Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui besarnya pendapatan usaha sapi perah, serta untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kontribusi pendapatan usaha sapi perah. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah survai. Penentuan responden dilakukan secara random sampling. Responden yang diambil sebanyak 90 orang. Metode pengumpulan data yaitu metode observasi dan wawancara langsung kepada peternak. Metode analisis data secara deskriptif dan statistik. Analisis statistik menggunakan One Sample T-test dan regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukan rata-rata produksi susu tiap peternak adalah 8,5 liter/hari/ekor. Total waktu kerja usaha sapi perah pertahun adalah 193,28 HKP. Rata-rata total biaya sebesar Rp. 17.378.913,00/tahun. Rata-rata besarnya pendapatan keluarga sebesar Rp. 23.808.082,00 /tahun. Usaha sapi perah memberikan kontribusi sebesar 46,61%, usaha tanaman pertanian 32,22% dan usaha non pertanian 21,17%. Hasil analisis statistik menggunakan one sample T-test sig. = 0,000 (P ≤ 0,05). Hasil uji secara serempak menunjukan bahwa kontribusi pendapatan usaha sapi perah dipengaruhi oleh pendapatan usaha tanaman pertanian, kontribusi pendapatan usaha non usahatani, pengalaman beternak, curahan waktu usaha sapi perah, umur  sedangkan secara parsial kontribusi pendapatan usaha sapi perah dipengaruhi oleh kontribusi usaha tanaman pertanian (P ≤ 0,01), kontribusi pendapatan usaha non usahatani (P ≤  0,01), pengalaman beternak (P ≤ 0,01), curahan waktu usaha sapi perah (P ≤ 0,05), umur (P ≤ 0,05) dan nilai R2 0,712.Kata kunci : Pendapatan, kontribusi, rumah tanggaABSTRACTThe purpose of this study was to find out the dairy farming income, and to determine the factors affecting the contribution of income. The study was conducted using survey methods. Ninety respondents as member of Gapoktan Banyu Aji were chosen randomly. Observation and interview methods were using with a structured questionnaire to collect the data. Data analyzed by descriptive and multiple regression. The results showed that the average milk production per farmer was 8.5 liters / day / head. Total time allocation to effort dairy cow per year was 193.28 HKP. Average total cost of IDR 17,378,913.00 per year. The average of the family income was IDR 23,808,082.00 per year, the revenue contributions from dairy farming, crops and non-farm business amounted to 46.61%,  32.22%  and 21.17%, respectively. Revenue contribution of dairy cows is significantly influenced by crop revenues, the contribution of non-farm business income, experience, the time allocation to the dairy farming, and age of the farmer. While the partial effect,  influenced by the crop revenues  with a coefficient of -0.24, the contribution of non-farm business income with a coefficient of -0.2,  experience and age of the farmer with coefficients of 0.05 and 0 , 37, respectively.Keywords: contributions, earnings, dairy, household
PENGEMBANGAN DESA WISATA RUMAH DOME BERBASIS AGROINDUSTRI PANGAN LOKAL (Kajian Diversifikasi Ketela Pohon di Desa Wisata Rumah Dome Prambanan) Wuri Ani, Susi
Publisher : Program Studi Agribisnis Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Trunojoyo Madura.

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ABSTRAKPangan merupakan kebutuhan utama dalam kehidupan manusia. Pemenuhan kebutuhan pangan baik dari segi jumlah, mutu, gizi maupun keamanan berkaitan dengan Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM). Kualitas konsumsi pangan dan gizi masyarakat menentukan SDM masyarakat tersebut. Agroindustri pangan lokal merupakan kegiatan yang memberdayakan sumberdaya lokal (indigenous resources). Seluruh potensi lokal dimanfaatkan untuk menguatkan agroindustri pangan lokal. Penduduk di kawasan wisata Rumah Dome belum mampu mengolah bahan pangan lokal. Kegiatan ini bertujuan membentuk kelompok usaha produktif Ibu-Ibu PKK di Rumah Dome untuk dapat meningkatkan nilai ekonomis pangan lokal (ketela pohon). Hal yang dilakukan adalah memberikan pelatihan pengolahan ketela pohon menjadi ceriping singkong berbagai rasa, keripik belut daun singkong, membuat brownies berbahan tepung ketela, mengemas produk dengan brand Rumah Dome dan memberikan pelatihan pembukuan sederhana. Dengan kegiatan ini diharapkan akan tumbuh kelompok usaha produktif sehingga dapat mengangkat citra wisata Rumah Dome dan meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat di Rumah Dome.   Kata kunci : kelompok usaha, brownies singkong, Rumah Dome DEVELOPMENT OF DOME HOUSE TOUR VILLAGE BASEDLOCAL FOOD AGROINDUSTRY(Cassava Diversification Studies in Tour Village of Prambanan Dome House) ABSTRACTFood is a major necessity in human life. Food needs are important for human resource (HR) both in terms of quantity and quality. Quality of food consumption and nutrition communities determine the HR community. Local food agroindustry is an activity that empowers local resources (indigenous resources). The whole potential of local food used to strengthen local agroindustry. Residents in the tourist area of Dome House have not been able to process local food. This activity aims to establish productive business of woman group (PKK) in Dome House to increase the economic value of local food (cassava). The activities are training for production process, packaging with Dome House’s brand and simple accounting management.  The cassava processing training are: (1) making variety flavors of cassava chips; (2) producing eel chips from cassava leaves and (3) making brownies from cassava flour. These activities are expected to grow productive business groups that can raise the image of Dome House tour and increase the income of Dome House household. Keywords : Business of Woman Group (PKK) , Cassava, Training, Dome House, Local Food Agroindustry

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