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Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies
ISSN : 20891490     EISSN : 2406825X     DOI : -
Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies (IJIMS): This journal should coverage Islam both as a textual tradition with its own historical integrity and as a social reality which was dynamic and constantly changing. The journal also aims at bridging the gap between the textual and contextual approaches to Islamic Studies; and solving the dichotomy between ‘orthodox’ and ‘heterodox’ Islam. So, the journal invites the intersection of several disciplines and scholars. In other words, its contributors borrowed from a range of disciplines, including the humanities and social sciences.
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Articles 202 Documents
Distributive principles of economic justice: an Islamic perspective Baedhawy, Zakiyuddin
Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies Vol 2, No 2 (2012): Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies
Publisher : State Institute of Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga

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Poverty and impoverishment in the world currently continue to increase as aresult of distributive justice systems and its principles that became the basis ofcontemporary economics did not succeed in allocating and distributing resourcesjustly. Based on this problem, this study aimed at describing the Islamic responseto the problem of distributive injustice, and how necessarily the state played arole in upholding distributive justice. Through the thematic-induction method andthe synthetic analysis, the study finds out several findings as follows. Firstly,Islam formulated three principles of distributive justice as follows: 1) the Distributionof natural and the environmental resources was in the framework of participation;2) the Redistribution of the wealth and the income were joint responsibilityof ascertaining social security, the increase in the capacity and the authorityfor them who were disadvantage; and 3) the Role of the state was certaintythat was complementary for the ethical market in order to guarantees the senseof justice and the achievement of public welfare. Secondly, according to Islam,the process of the redistribution of the wealth and the income aimed at givingsocial security on the fulfillment of basic needs for the poor; strove for the increasein the capacity through education and skills; and increased the poor’sbargaining position through their participation in decision making that was linkedwith their interests and the control on its implementation. Thirdly, the intention of establishing justice was to gain both individual and public welfare and the happiness(al-fala>h}).Kemiskinan dan pemiskinan di dunia kontemporer terus meningkat sebagai akibatsistem keadilan distributif dan prinsip-prinsipnya yang menjadi basis ekonomisaat ini tidak berhasil dalam mengalokasikan dan memeratakan sumber dayasecara adil. Berdasarkan masalah ini, kajian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskanrespon Islam atas problem ketidakadilan distributif, dan bagaimana seharusnyanegara ambil peranan dalam menegakkan keadilan distributif. Melalui metodeinduksi-tematik dan analisis sintetik, kajian ini menemukan beberapa hal pentingantara lain. Pertama, Islam telah merumuskan tiga prinsip keadilan distributifsebagai berikut: 1) pemerataan sumber daya alam dan lingkungan dalamkerangka partisipasi; 2) redistribusi kekayaan dan pendapatan dalam rangkamemastikan keamanan sosial, dan meningkatkan kapasitas dan otoritas bagimereka yang kurang/tidak beruntung; dan 3) peran negara merupakan pelengkapbagi pasar yang etis dengan maksud untuk menjamin rasa keadilan dantercapainya kesejahteraan publik. Kedua, menurut Islam, proses redistribusikekayaan dan pendapatan bertujuan untuk memberikan jaminan sosial bagipemenuhan kebutuhan orang miskin; untuk meningkatkan kapasitas merekamelalui pendidikan dan pelatihan; dan meningkatkan posisi tawar kaum miskinmelalui partisipasi dalam pengambilan keputusan yang berkaitan langsung dengankepentingan mereka, serta kendali atas pelaksanaan keputusan tersebut. Ketiga,maksud penegakkan keadilan ialah untuk mewujudkan kesejahteraan sekaliguskebahagiaan individu dan publik.
Human responsibility towards environment in the Quran Wahyudi, Deni
Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies Vol 2, No 2 (2012): Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies
Publisher : State Institute of Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga

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The research aims to describe the view of Islam about human relation with theenvironment according to the verses related to the duties and functions of thehuman being. This is interesting issue in the middle of allegations that the religionand the human perspective is one of the roots of the ecological crises thathappen in the world. By doing research on verses on the concept of humanbeing, concept of the environment and interaction between human theenvirontment, wil be drawn islamic teachings on relationship between humanbeing and the environment. The research will figure out comprehensive islamicconcept on the functions and duties of human being toward environment. Islambelieves that man and nature are interdependent and has an obligation to maintainthe balance of nature as manifestation of the faith and at the same time ashis mission as ‘abdulla>h and successor of god (khali>fatulla>h) the earth.Kajian dalam artikel ini bertujuan untuk menguraikan pandangan Islam mengenaiinteraksi manusia dengan lingkungan hidup menurut ayat-ayat terkait tugas danfungsi manusia. Isu ini menarik di tengah tuduhan bahwa agama dan cara pandangmanusia merupakan salah satu akar dari berbagai krisis ekologis yang dihadapioleh dunia. Dengan melakukan kajian terhadap ayat-ayat fungsi dan tugas manusia,pengertian lingkungan hidup dan interaksi antara manusia dan lingkuangannyaakan tergambar ajaran islam tentang hubungan antara manusia dengan lingkungan hidup. Dengan menguraikan ayat-ayat yang membahas fungsi dantugas manusia serta ayat yang terkait lingkungan hidup akan tergambar bahwaIslam memiliki pandangan yang komprehensif mengenai hubungan mansuia danlingkungan hidup dan tugas-tugasnya. Islam memandang bahwa manusia danalam merupakan satu kesatuan dan saling tergantung serta memiliki kewajibanuntuk menjaga keseimbangan sebagai manifestasi dari keimanan seorang hambasebagai ‘abdulla>h dan khalifah di muka bumi.
Islamic eco-cosmology in Ikhwan al-Safa’s view Darras, Muhammad Abdullah
Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies Vol 2, No 1 (2012): Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies
Publisher : State Institute of Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga

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This research aims to describe the root cause of ecological crisis happening atthe moment in terms of the cosmological-metaphysical views, by doing researchon the thoughts of a classical Muslim philosophical scientist group in 10th centuryAD called Ikhwan al-Safa’. To the author, Ikhwan al-Safa’ has a clear idea inviewing the universe holistically and intact as it is. Actually, this non-reductiveview was the typical main feature of medieval Islamic classical thought. However,the main reason of choosing the works of Ikhwan al-Safa’, especially their magnumopus Rasa>’il Ikhwa>n al-S{afa’> , in the research is that Ikhwan al-Safa’ has puta lot of attention on the “wisdom of universe” in the ontological and epistemologicalstructure of knowledge that were developed in their work. With the mainconcepts such Love of Universe and Soul of Universe, Ikhwan al-Safa’ have givena holistic vision about the wisdom of the universe and the wisdom of the environmentitself.Pengkajian dalam artikel ini bertujuan untuk menguraikan akar masalah terjadinyakrisis ekologi yang terjadi saat ini dengan berangkat dari titik pijak berdasarkanperspektif kosmologis-metafisik. Yakni dengan melakukan penelitian terhadappemikiran kosmologi kelompok keilmuan-filosofis muslim klasik abad ke-10 Myang bernama Ikhwan al-Safa’. Bagi penulis, Ikhwan al-Safa’ memiliki pemikiranyang jernih dalam melihat alam semesta. Yakni melihat alam secara holistik dan utuh sebagaimana adanya. Sebenarnya pandangan khas yang non-reduktif inimenjadi ciri utama pemikiran klasik Islam abad pertengahan. Namun pemilihanpenelitian terhadap pemikiran Ikhwan al-Safa’ –terutama dalam karya magnumopusnyaRasa>’il Ikhwa>n al-S{afa>’ ini, lebih disebabkan karena kelompok ini bagipenulis, telah menaruh perhatian yang sangat kuat terhadap “kearifan alam”dalam struktur ontologis dan epistemologis keilmuan yang dikembangkan dalamkarya mereka. Dengan menguraikan beberapa konsep utama dalam kosmologiIkhwan al-Safa’, seperti alam sebagai sebuah kesatuan, jiwa semesta, dan cintasemesta, kita akan melihat bagaimana Ikhwan al-Safa’ memberikan sebuah visiholistik mengenai kearifan alam semesta dan kearifan lingkungan itu sendiri.
al-Shahaba wa Muwaqif al-Shi`a al-Ithna `Ash`ariya al-Salbiya Tujahuhum:`Ard wa Rudud Muslih, Muhammad Kholid
Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies Vol 2, No 2 (2012): Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies
Publisher : State Institute of Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga

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Dalam pandangan Ahli Sunnah para sahabat memiliki tempat yang pentingdan strategis dalam Islam; karena melalui mereka seluruh ajaran Islam yangdibawa oleh Rasulullah sampai kepada umatnya, Para Sahabat yangmenyaksikan secara langsung turunnya waktyu dengan penjelasan danpenjabaran serta penerapannya, juga menjadi bagian terpenting dari matarantai tranmisi ilmu dan wahyu dalam Islam. Karena itulah para Sahabatmenempati posisi penting di hati Ahli Sunnah. Hal ini berbeda secara totaldengan sikap Syi’ah 12 Imam; karena pengaruh doktrin Imamah yangdiyakini sebagai salah satu rukun Islam, Syi’ah 12 Imam memiliki sikapnegatif terhadap sahabat. Dengan metodolog diskriptif analisis kritismakalah ini mencoba untuk mengurai sikap Syi’ah 12 terhadap Imam
Ahmadiyah, conflicts, and violence in contemporary Indonesia Mariani, Nina
Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies Vol 3, No 1 (2013): Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies
Publisher : State Institute of Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga

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This article examines conflicts and violence experienced by Ahmadiyah commu-nity in Indonesia after reformasi era. In spite of diversities among Muslims inIndonesia, Ahmadiyah (Jemaat Ahmadiyah Indonesia) has been experiencing someforms of violence both from other Muslims and government. The number ofviolence has risen dramatically after the issuing second fatwa from Majelis UlamaIndonesia in 2005 and the Joint Ministerial Decree (SKB) on Ahmadiyah. Thoseforms of violence are issuing decree on banning Ahmadiyah, sealing the mosquesand banning of doing religious activities, and mobbing the mosques and houses,including killing. Furthermore, this paper argues that Indonesia’s goverment doesnot take its responsibility to protect its people particularly from minorities groups,even some local governments also do violence towards Ahmadiyah community.Artikel  ini  membahas  konflik  dan  kekerasan  yang  dialami  oleh  komunitasAhmadiyah di Indonesia setelah masa reformasi. Walaupun Muslim di Indonesiasangat beragam, Jemaat Ahmadiyah Indonesia mengalami beberapa bentukkekerasn baik dari Muslim yang lain maupun dari pemerintah. Jumlah kekerasnayang menimpa mereka meningkat tajam setelah dikeluarkannya fatwa sesat keduadari MUI pada tahun 2005 dan Surat Keputusan Bersama (SKB) tiga menteri mengenai Ahmadiyah. Berbagai bentuk kekerasan yang menimpa mereka yaitupengeluaran peraturan pelarangan keberadaan Jemaat Ahmadiyah di berbagaiprovinsi, penyegelan masjid dan pelarangan melakukan aktifitas keagamaan,penyerangan  masjid-  masjid  dan  rumah-rumah  warga  Ahmadiyah,  bahkanpembunuhan.  Selain  itu,  pemerintah  pusat  sepertinya  tidak  melaksanakankewajibannya untuk melindungi warganya, terutama dari kalangan minoritasbahkan beberapa pemerintah lokal justru melakukan kekerasan terhadap wargaAhmadiyah di daerahnya.
Institutionalising diasporic Islam: multiculturalism, secularism and the integration of Muslim immigrants in Britain Wardana, Amika
Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies Vol 3, No 1 (2013): Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies
Publisher : State Institute of Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga

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The integration of Muslim immigrants in Western countries especially Britain hasattracted wider attention both from academia, policymakers and public in gen-eral. Their different religion (i.e. Islam) has been regarded as the crucial factorsin the process contextualised by the socio-political circumstances of the hostsociety and the existence transnational link to the home country encouragingthem to reproduce and transplant their ethno-religious tradition in diaspora. Thearticle addresses the interplay between, on the one hand, the strong and weak-ness of the politics of multiculturalism and the secularisation and desecularisationof British society, and on the other, the institutionalisation of Islam in Britain amidstthe persistent internal divisions and fragmentations of minority Muslim immi-grant communities. As the result, Muslim immigrants have set up an ethno-reli-gious integration trajectory through their own established socio-religious institu-tions and associations in parallel with the host country social and political ones.Integrasi  imigran  Muslim  di  negara-negara  Barat  khususnya  Inggris  telahmemeroleh perhatian luas baik dari kalangan akademisi, pembuat kebijakan dan publik pada umumnya. Keragaman agama mereka (termasuk Islam) dipandangsebagai faktor penting dalam proses yang dikontekstualisasi oleh lingkungan sosio-politik masyarakat setempat dan hubungan transnasional yang ada dengan negaraasal yang mendorong mereka mereproduksi dan mentransplantasi tradisi etno-religi mereka di diaspora. Artikel ini memaparkan hubungan saling pengaruhantara  kekuatan  dan  kelemahan  politik  multikulturalisme  di  satu  sisi,  daninstitusionalisasi Islam di Inggris yang melahirkan pembagian dan fragmentasiinternal di kalangan komunitas imigran Muslim minoritas di sisi lain. Akibatnya,imigran Muslim telah membangun peta integrasi etno-religi melalui lembaga-lembaga dan asosiasi-asosiasi sosio-religi mereka yang sudah mapan paraleldengan lembaga dan asosiasi social dan politik negara setempat.
Intra-Quranic connections in Sunni and Shi‘i tafsirs: a meeting point or another area of contestation? Rohman, Izza
Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies Vol 3, No 1 (2013): Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies
Publisher : State Institute of Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga

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This study seeks to shed light on how a celebrated interpretive approach to theQuran considered to be most objective is taken by interpreters from differenttheological settings. It takes a closer look at how the principle of tafsi>r al-Qur’a>nbi al-Qur’a>n (interpretation of the Quran by the Quran) is employed by al-Shanqitiin his Ad}wa>’ al-Baya>n and al-Tabataba’i in his al-Mi>za>n, taking their interpretationof ahl al-bayt as a main case in point. Noticing how their differences in this issuecan be associated with their respective Sunni and Shi‘i backgrounds, this studyfinds a number of areas where both modern exegetes – and other exegetes mostlikely – might be influenced by any creeping theological preference in their pur-suit of objectivity and openness to the text.Kajian ini bermaksud menelaah bagaimana sebuah pendekatan penafsiran al-Qur’an yang dianggap paling objektif diterapkan oleh para mufasir dari latarbelakang aliran teologi yang berbeda. Bagaimana prinsip menafsirkan al-Qur’andengan al-Qur’an diaplikasikan oleh al-Shanqiti dalam tafsirnya, Ad}wa>’ al-Baya>n,dan al-Tabataba’i dalam tafsirnya, al-Mi>za>n, dilihat lebih saksama terutama denganmengambil contoh penafsiran mereka tentang ahlulbait. Mencermati bagaimana perbedaan mereka dalam menafsirkan cakupan ahlul bait bisa dikaitkan denganlatar belakang Sunni dan Syiah mereka, kajian ini menemukan sejumlah ranah dimana kedua mufasir modern ini – dan sepertinya juga mufasir yang lain – bisasaja  dipengaruhi  oleh  kecenderungan  teologis  ketika  mencoba  menjagaobjektivitas dan keterbukaan terhadap teks al-Qur’an.
Religious practices in trauma coping Razali, Khairil
Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies Vol 3, No 1 (2013): Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies
Publisher : State Institute of Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga

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Disasters happen in Indonesia current days bring the country into a very disaster-prone country in the Ring of Fire cataclysm. Mega event devastating 2004 tsu-nami in Aceh Province and Nias have serious consequences for vulnerable groupsof parents and children. This paper examines the presence of children in anycatastrophic events, especially related to the psychological impact as well asadequate treatments to reduce and eliminate the prolonged psychological trauma.The 2004 tsunami in Aceh and a number of other natural catastrophic disastershave strengthened the effects of traumatic for children in Aceh and elsewhere inIndonesia. A series of earthquakes has built a-sustainable traumatic attitudeswithin children. This qualitative study learned from children from children cen-ters in Aceh towards their coping strategies and roles of religious practices. Inconclusion that it should be a concern to establish social support systems forchildren to lessen the impact in the future.Bencana yang terjadi di Indonesia dewasa ini menjadikan negara yang sangatrawan bencana dalam Ring of Fire bencana alam. Peristiwa mega dahsyat Tsu-nami 2004 di Provinsi Aceh dan Nias telah berdampak serius bagi kelompok rentanyaitu orang tua dan anak-anak. Tulisan ini mengkaji tentang keberadaan anak-anak dalam setiap peristiwa bencana terutama terkait dengan dampak psikologisbagi  mereka  serta  penanganan  yang  memadai  untuk  mengurangi  danmenghilangkan trauma psikis yang berkepanjangan.Bencana  tsunami  2004  dan  sejumlah  peristiwa  bencana  alam  lainnya  telahmemperkuat dampak-dampak traumatis bagi anak-anak di Aceh dan tempat-tempat lain di Indonesia. Serangkaian gempa bumi telah membangun sikaptraumatis yang berkesinambungan dalam diri anak-anak. Hal ini perlu menjadiperhatian dari sistim dukungan social sekitar anak-anak untuk mengurangi dampaktersebut di masa yang akan datang.
Examining Jakarta office mosques: Islamic teaching practices and views of Islamic ideological issues Al-Makassary, Ridwan
Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies Vol 3, No 1 (2013): Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies
Publisher : State Institute of Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga

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This paper discusses Islamic teaching practices and perceptions of mosque stake-holders concerning the ideological issues of: a democratic system of governmentversus formal implementation of Islamic sharia; gender equality; jihad, and plu-ralism in the Jakarta office mosques. After describing the research findings, thepaper concludes that the phenomenon of neo-fundamentalism (in Olivier Roy’swords) is growing and developing in office mosques. This can be seen in thedominance of literal and scripturalist Islamic interpretations, the importance givento implementing Islamic sharia and the rejection of democracy, a hatred of Jewsand Christians and the emergence of Muslim youth actors in Islamic neo-fundamentalism. Other findings concern the influence of the Tarbiyah movement, anoffshoot of the Ikhwanul Muslimin (Muslim Brotherhood), which is being felt inthe office mosques studied. Learning about Islamist understandings will allow usto check its development, which may destroy the friendly, peaceful face of Islam.Paper  ini  mendiskusikan  praktik  pengajaran  Islam  dan  persepsi  pemangkukepentingan  masjid  berkaitan  dengan  isu-isu  ideologis:  sebuah  sistempemerintahan demokratik versus implementasi formal syari’at Islam; kesetaraanjender; jihad, dan pluralism di masjid perkantoran Jakarta. Setelah deskripsitemuan  penelitian,  paper  ini  menyimpulkan  bahwa  fenomena  neo-fundamentalisme (meminjam Olivier Roy) sedang tumbuh dan berkembang dimasjid-masjid perkantoran. Ini terlihat dari dominannya intepretasi skripturaldan literal, pentingnya menerima pelaksanaan formal syari’at Islam, kebencianterhadap Yahudi dan Kristen dan kebangkitan aktor-aktor muda fundamentalismeIslam. Temuan lain terkait dengan gerakan Tarbiyah, sebuah anak ideologi IkhwanulMuslimin (Muslim Brotherhood), yang cukup kental ditemukan di masjid yangditeliti.  Mengkaji  pemahaman  Islam  akan  memungkinkan  kita  mengawasiperkembangannya, yang mungkin menghancurkan wajah Islam yang ramah dandamai.
The portrait of gender justice and injustice in the Islamic teaching text-book and Muhammadiyah teachers’ responses Nurwanto, Nurwanto
Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies Vol 3, No 1 (2013): Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies
Publisher : State Institute of Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga

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The paper investigates the textbook on Islamic teaching officially published forMuhammadiyah Senior Secondary Schools. It examines whether the textbookpromotes gender justice or injustice. In addition, how the teachers think aboutthe gender discourse is also explored. The study seems important to carry out bytaking account of whether the trend of gender discourses which has taken placefor some decades in the public is substantially accommodated in the Muhammadiyahschools’ curriculum. Moreover, the teachers’ responses to the existing genderissues as included in the textbook may be crucial to shape since they are transla-tors of the text offered. To clarify this issue, the paper uses content analysis ofthe textbook and analyses the result of interview with several Muhammadiyahsenior secondary schools’ teachers in Yogyakarta. The result of this study showsthat even if the content of the official textbook generally emphasizes genderjustice, in some cases, it promotes gender injustice and stereotypes. The expla-nation of men’s social roles in the whole Muslims’ history tends to be widelyexplored whereas that of the possibility of women’s roles is paid less attention.On the other hand, in other parts of the textbook, there is an explanation of  the The paper investigates the textbook on Islamic teaching officially published forMuhammadiyah Senior Secondary Schools. It examines whether the textbookpromotes gender justice or injustice. In addition, how the teachers think aboutthe gender discourse is also explored. The study seems important to carry out bytaking account of whether the trend of gender discourses which has taken placefor some decades in the public is substantially accommodated in the Muhammadiyahschools’ curriculum. Moreover, the teachers’ responses to the existing genderissues as included in the textbook may be crucial to shape since they are transla-tors of the text offered. To clarify this issue, the paper uses content analysis ofthe textbook and analyses the result of interview with several Muhammadiyahsenior secondary schools’ teachers in Yogyakarta. The result of this study showsthat even if the content of the official textbook generally emphasizes genderjustice, in some cases, it promotes gender injustice and stereotypes. The expla-nation of men’s social roles in the whole Muslims’ history tends to be widelyexplored whereas that of the possibility of women’s roles is paid less attention.On the other hand, in other parts of the textbook, there is an explanation of  theIJIMS, Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies, Volume 3, Number 1, June  2012: 149-173150importance of democratic attitudes for Muslims in the framework of societal re-lations. In the sense, the elaboration of the possibility of men and women toparticipate in the public is theologically explained. With regard to the teachers’responses, the writing indicates that they generally agree with the notion of theneed for women and men to share and possibly contribute in the public as longas the women in particular do not deny their domestic roles. They seem trying toexamine the content of the textbook ranging from rational up to theological con-siderations. To conclude, the textbook  contains gender justice and injustice ori-entations which have been responded variously by the teachers.Kajian ini menelaah buku teks tentang ajaran Islam yang resmi diterbitkan untukSekolah Menengah Atas Muhammadiyah. Kajian ini menguji apakah buku tekstersebut mempromosikan keadilan atau ketidakadilan gender. Di samping itu,kajian ini mengeksplorasi bagaimana para guru berpikir mengenai wacana gen-der. Kajian ini penting untuk mempertimbangkan apakah kecenderungan wacanagender yang telah terjadi beberapa dekade ini secara substantif diakomodasioleh kurikulum sekolah-sekolah Muhammadiyah. Lebih jauh, respon para guruterhadap persoalan-persoalan gender yang ada sebagaimana termuat dalambuku teks menjadi penting karena mereka merupaka para penerjemah dari bukuteks tersebut. Untuk mencapai itu semua, kajian ini menggunakan analisis isiatas buku teks dan menelaah hasil wawancara dengan beberapa guru SekolahMenengah Atas Muhammadiyah di Yogyakarta. Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan bahwameskipun secara umum muatan buku teks resmi menekankan keadilan gender,dalam beberapa hal, juga mempromosikan ketidakadilan gender dan prasangka.Penjelasan  mengenai  peran  sosial  lelaki  dalam  keseluruhan  sejarah  Muslimcenderung memperoleh paparan luas, sementara peran sosial perempuan kurangmemperoleh perhatian. Di sisi lain, sebagian buku teks juga menjelaskan tentangpentingnya sikap demokratis bagi Muslim dalam kerangka hubungan-hubungansosial. Dalam  hal ini, elaborasi mengenai peluang lelaki dan perempuan untukberpartisipasi  dalam  ruang  publik  telah  dijelaskan  secara  teologis.  Denganmemperhatikan respon paraguru, kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa mereka umumnyasepakat dengan paham mengenai erlunya perempuan dan lelaki berbagi danmungkin berkontribusi  dalam ruang publik sejauh perempuan tidak menolakperan domestik mereka. Mereka agaknya mencoba menguji muatan buku teksmelalui pertimbangan rasional hingga teologis. Akhrinya, buku teks bermuatan orientasi keadilan ketidakadilan gender yang telah direspon secara berbeda olehpara guru.

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