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Al-Tahrir: Jurnal Pemikiran Islam
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Core Subject : Religion, Education,
Al-Tahrir: Jurnal Pemikiran Islam is published by IAIN Ponorogo twice a year in May and November on the development of Islamic thought and have accredited Sinta 2 based on decree of Direktur Jenderal Penguatan Riset Dan Pengembangan Kementerian Riset, Teknologi, Dan Pendidikan Tinggi Republik Indonesia Number: 34/E/Kpt/2018, Date 10 December 2018. Al-Tahrir: Jurnal Pemikiran Islam invites enthusiasts studies Islamic thought to contribute articles in accordance with scientific standards. Editors reserve the right to revise without changing the content and purpose of writing.
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Articles 250 Documents
ISLAMIC DISRUPTION: How Digital Platform Changes Religious Pattern of Muslim Society in Contemporary Indonesia Zainuddin Syarif; Abd Hannan
AL-TAHRIR Vol 22, No 1 (2022): Islamic Studies
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/altahrir.v22i1.3730


This study discusses the phenomenon of Islamic disruption among contemporary Muslims in Indonesia. There are three research questions discussed in this study; How is the existence of Muslim netizens in Indonesia today? What are the religious dynamics that occur among Muslim netizens in Indonesia? How does the disruption of Islam affect their religious patterns and behavior? By conducting an in-depth analysis based on the perspective of postmodern sociological theory, this study found three findings; First, contemporary Indonesian Muslims are Muslim netizens who have a high dependence on technology and information media with digital platforms. Second, the Islamic disruptions among native Muslims occur in two aspects, namely the aspect of worship marked by a shift in religious behavior from traditional rituals to modern rituals. Next is the education aspect, shifting the Muslim netizen's religious learning tradition which is no longer centered in the conventional space, but shifts to a digital-based virtual space. Third, religious disruption affects the religious culture of Muslim netizens through three elements; speed, surprise, and finally a sudden shift.
Hukum Islam dalam Pergumulan Politik Hukum Nasional Era Reformasi M. Shohibul Itmam
AL-TAHRIR Vol 13, No 2 (2013): Hukum Islam
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/al-tahrir.v13i2.17


Abstract: This paper describes the existence of Islamic Law in the plurality of national law amidst the process of the tug of political struggle of national law in reform era. This discussion is focused on the following; first, the struggle of religion, law and politics in Indonesia; second, the development of Indonesian law and politics of law in reform era; third, the opportunities and challenges of Islamic law in the middle of the plurality of national law in reform era. This paper was as a result of library research using legal normative status, historical, and sociological point of view. The result of this study was that the struggle of religion, law and politics in Indonesia was as a process of symbiosis mutualism. Every religion has the same rights in a democratic frame of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution and the government is as its regulator. The development of law and political law of the reform era indicated that the presence of political sciencetific engineering of Dutch law had resulted in positive law in Indonesia which had not met the legal awareness of the community. In fact, the opportunities and challenges of Islamic law in the middle of the plurality of national law of reform era are formulated in three aspects. Politically, the weak parliamentary support in the National Legislation Program  PROLEGNAS) affects the existence of Islamic law. Philosophically, the internal conflict in the understanding of Islamic law sometimes marginalize Islamic law itself. And sociologically, only few values of Islamic law are absorbed in a national scale.
Tasawuf Sebagai Basis Tasamuh Said Aqiel Siradj
AL-TAHRIR Vol 13, No 1 (2013): Tasawuf
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/al-tahrir.v13i1.8


Abstract: This article tries to analyze the articulation of tasa>muh} as any form of recognition of difference. Tasa>muh} can exist if there is recognition of the diversity of thought. Therefore, the existence of tasamuh can be meaningful if it is present in a pluralistic reality. On the other hand, the articulation of tasa>muh} can also be presented from the values of sufism, namely by putting the reality of God as a mirror of life. Phenomena of the universe is the God’s manifestation. Therefore, all the phenomena of nature is already acknowledged its existence by God, because He created it. Then, when the articulation Tasamuh presented through this understanding, then it can be a social capital in order to build a more moderate social order.
Pengaruh Filsafat terhadap Heterodoksi Teologi Islam Iswahyudi Iswahyudi
AL-TAHRIR Vol 17, No 1 (2017): Islam Ortodoksi-Heterodoksi
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/altahrir.v17i1.883


Abstract: This article elaborates philosophy that runs into Islamic theology. Islamic theology could not be separated from all outer side. Those were not derived from revelation. Theological orthodoxy argued that each argument of divinity was taken from the revelation. They also consider that others were fault. Then those were categorized into heterodox. Heterodox was killed cruelly for instance al-H}alla>j, Suhrawardi, Siti Jenar. This acrticle describes critical approach and the data were analyzed through philosophical analysis. The article concludes that mostly, theological heterodoxy was inspired by philosophy such Plato, Aristotle and Plotinus. These philosophers delivered some convincing and satisfying arguments about God. Philosophy that characteristically has radical, comprehensive, systematic, independent and speculative delivering the basic insights of orthodox. Philosophy had given theological heterodoxy basis in some aspects such God is impersonal, non-spatial relation between God and creatures, and incretions view of the universe. Finally, this article assumes that heterodox point of view is useful to establish the principle of dissensus truth (mostly disagreement) in the plural-paced life.الملخص: تبحث هذه المقالة فى التفكير الفلسفي الذي يؤثر على العقيدة الإسلامية. العقيدة الإسلامية كنتيجة الفكرة لا يمكن فصلها عن جميع المؤثرات الخارجية لا يستمد جميع مصادرها من الوحي. فرقة دينية أرثوذكسية تستند حجته على الوحي الألوهية تنظر على أن الفكرة التي تخرج من المصادر الأخرى خاطئة. وهذا يؤدي إلى النظر أن الفرقة الألوهية أخرى (هيتيرودوكس) تعتبر مجموعة مبتدعة وهي منحرفة. وحكمت فرقة دينية أرثوذكسية على فرقة هيتيرودوكسية بالقتل، وهذا كما وقع على الحلاج وشهراوردي وستي جنار. من خلال المنهج الوصفي النقدي والتحليل الفلسفي، يخلص الكاتب إلى أن الفكرات العديدة من فرقة هيتيرودوكسية لاهوتية تؤثر من فلسفة أفلاطون وأرسطو وأفلوطين. وقد أعطت الفلسفة أساس هيتيرودوكسية لاهوتية في بعض النواحي، ومن بعض رأيهم أن الله هو شخصي، وكانت العلاقة بين الله والخلق غير المكانية، والنظرة غير الإبداعات فى الكون.  وهذا الرأي مفيد لترسيخ مبدأ الحقيقة التي لا توافق الأغلبية في حياة متعددة.Abstrak: Artikel ini akan mengelaborasi pemikiran filsafat yang masuk ke dalam teologi Islam. Sebagai hasil pemikiran, teologi Islam tidak bisa dilepaskan dari pengaruh luar yang tidak semuanya murni bersumber dari wahyu. Kelompok ortodoksi teologis, sebagai kelompok yang menganggap setiap argumen ketuhanan diambil dari wahyu, menganggap pemikiran dari sumber lain dianggap sebagai kesalahan. Para pengusung argumen ketuhanan lain tersebut kemudian dianggap sebagai kelompok heterodoks, yaitu kelompok yang menyimpang. Dengan kejam, kelompok ortodoks menghukum kelompok heterodoks dengan pembunuhan, al-H{alla>j, Suhrawardi, Siti Jenar adalah beberapa kasus yang bisa diberikan. Melalui pendekatan diskriptif kritis dan analisis filosofis, penulis berkesimpulan bahwa heterodoksi teologis banyak diinspirasi oleh filsafat, baik dari Plato, Aristoteles maupun Plotinus. Para filsuf ini memberi argumen yang meyakinkan dan memuaskan akal pikiran tentang Tuhan. Filsafat yang memiliki watak radikal, menyeluruh, sistematis, bebas dan spekulatif mempertanyakan pandangan-pandangan dasar ortodoksi. Filsafat telah memberi basis heterodoksi teologis dalam beberapa hal, yaitu pandangan bahwa Tuhan bersifat impersonal, relasi non spasial antara Tuhan dengan makhluk dan pandangan non kreasi semesta. Akhirnya, artikel ini menyimpulkan bahwa heterodoks ini berguna untuk membangun prinsip kebenaran disensus (kebenaran yang tidak harus disepakati oleh mayoritas) dalam kehidupan yang serba plural.
Pendidikan Konselor Religius Najlatun Naqiyah
AL-TAHRIR Vol 11, No 2 (2011): Pendidikan Islam
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/al-tahrir.v11i2.40


The presentation of religious and spiritual issues is a common occurance in counselling. Are counselors competent to address this issue? This paper will address this issue. An exploration of the ways religion coming up in counseling will be discussed along with suggestions for its practices. The discussion will pay attention on the issue of educational counselor and the preparation for counselors to meet the spiritual and religious needs of their clients. In this paper this writer brings out discussion on counseling and its relation to religion through an attempt of rereading literatures in order to provide understanding as to how religion could be understood in the light of counseling. This paper also brings into focus the personality of counselor, and anything concerned to the relation of counseling and the religiousity of client. Issues of ethic for counseling in treating a religious client will be discussed as well. Thus, the discussion of religion and educational counselor will answer the question as to where it would lead to? In the lattest discussion of this paper, this writer’s suggestion on developing a subject of counseling and guidance in any universities offering Islamic Studies and on treatment of religious clients with religious approachment will be dealt with. From this point, this writer brings about a suggestion to the university.
AL-TAHRIR Vol 14, No 2 (2014): Resolusi Konflik Berbasis Multikulturalisme dalam Islam
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/al-tahrir.v14i2.78


Scholars have formulated theories on conflict and designed its resolution on the basis of their expertise. They may come from various disciples and backgrounds, such as economics, law, sociology and even religion. In the context of Islamic religion, Muslim scholars use the verses of the Qur’an regarding conflict and extract their meanings through exegetical thematic method. This method offers explanation of conflict resolution from the Qur’anic perspectives concerning the verses on multiculturalism. But how are the multicultural verses understood?  This article elaborates Hamka’s model of exegesis on multicultural verses in his work of Tafsir al-Azhar on conflict resolution. It shows that the Qur’anic verses not only have resolution principles but also give instructions on how to apply them. The terms used by the Qur’an include al-ta‘aruf, al-arham and al-taqwa.  These concepts promote mediation that is applicable in various contexts of conflict such as in family, society, custom and law. Multiculturalism verses in Hamka’s model also offers phases of conflict resolutions, beginning from clarification to planning and mediation control. His offer, at least, stimulates Muslims’ awareness about Islamic unity and human unity.
AL-TAHRIR Vol 15, No 2 (2015): Transformasi Perempuan dalam Masyarakat Islam
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/al-tahrir.v15i2.272


Abstract: Although there are speculation about the phenomenon of the emerging of the veil or hijab in various styles are none other than a phenomenon of commercialized or commodified religion, but this article assumes this phenomenon in another perspective. This paper viewed positively that many newer hijab models not only provided a number of alternative style of Muslim women’s dress, but also has changed the way how people view the hijab in a wider scale has transformed the self-concept as modern Muslim women. As a community that aims to raise the image and socially promoting hijab, Hijabers Community Bandung has contributed in transforming the self-concept of Muslim women. Hijab which was originally seen as something that prevents them from looking attractive has undergone significant changes. By wearing particular hijab model, they remain fashionable without having to leave liability. Likewise, hijab has psychically transformed them into more polite person and experience the spiritual growth. Meanwhile socially, hijab has been positively transforming the quality of their social interactions. الملخص: إذا كان هناك من الإختلاف حول ظاهرة العديد من نموذج الناشئة من النقاب أو الحجاب هذه الأيام ليست سوى تسويق أو تسليع في الدين، ولكن هذه المادة نرى  في هذه الظاهرة بنظر إيجابية في هذه الكتابة أن عدد من النماذج الجديدة الحجاب ليس فقط وقد أعطى عدد من بدائل أسلوب المسلمين في اللباس، ولكن أيضا قد تغير طريقة وجهات نظر المجتمع عن الحجاب على نطاق أوسع حول مفهوم أنفسهم بأنها مسلمة حديثة. كما  انه مجتمع واحد الذي تهدف لرفع الصور وتشجيع الحجاب اجتماعيا، ساهمت المتحجبات من باندونغ في تحويل مفهوم شخصيات المسلمات . واعتبر الحجاب الذى كان شيء يمنعهم من النظر الجاذبية شهدت تغيرات كبيرة. بإرتداء الحجاب بشكل محدد، تبقى المألوف دون الحاجة إلى ترك الوجبات. وكذالك، نفسيا، كان الحجاب تحول إلى النمو الروحي أكثر تهذيبا والخبرة الشخصية. وفي الوقت نفسه اجتماعيا، كان الحجاب تحول إيجابا على نوعية التفاعلات الاجتماعية.Abstrak: Meskipun beberapa pihak berspekulasi bahwa fenomena maraknya model jilbab atau hijab belakangan ini tidak lain merupakan fenomena komersialisasi atau komodifikasi agama, namun tulisan ini melihat fenomena ini dalam perspektif yang lain. Dengan menggunakan studi kasus, tulisan ini melihat secara positif bahwa model-model baru hijab tidak hanya telah memberikan sejumlah alternatif gaya berbusana muslimah, tetapi juga telah mengubah cara pandang masyarakat tentang jilbab yang dalam skala lebih luas telah mentransformasi konsep diri mereka sebagai muslimah modern. Sebagai salah satu komunitas yang bertujuan untuk mengangkat citra hijab secara sosial, Hijabers Community Bandung memiliki andil dalam mentransformasi konsep diri seorang muslimah. Hijab yang pada awalnya dipandang sebagai sesuatu yang menghalangi mereka untuk berpenampilan menarik telah mengalami perubahan signifikan. Dengan mengenakan hijab model tertentu, justru mereka tetap modis tanpa harus meninggalkan kewajiban. Demikian juga secara psikis, hijab telah mentransformasi mereka menjadi pribadi yang lebih santun dan mengalami peningkatan kualitas spiritual. Sementara itu secara sosial, hijab telah mentransformasi secara positif kualitas pergaulan sosial mereka.Keywords: Hijab, Konsep diri, Transformasi, Hijabers Community Bandung.
CRYPTOCURRENCY AS MONEY: Islamic Monetary System Perspective Luhur Prasetiyo; Unun Roudlotul Janah
AL-TAHRIR Vol 22, No 1 (2022): Islamic Studies
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/altahrir.v22i1.3617


The existence of cryptocurrencies that have emerged and developed since the last decade is still a debate, both in terms of function, regulation and compliance with Islamic economic principles. Different countries give different attitudes towards cryptocurrencies. Some countries accept its existence, while some other countries reject it. This is inseparable from the question that arises whether cryptocurrencies function as money or commodities. In addition, the absence of an official institution that is responsible for and regulates the circulation of cryptocurrencies and no underlying assets is also another problem. This article aims to see how cryptocurrencies are positioned based on their nature, characteristics and functions using an Islamic finance point of view. The results of the study indicate that cryptocurrencies currently carry out more functions as a store of value that are not in accordance with the Islamic financial system. In addition, the use of cryptocurrencies as money and means of payment carries a fairly large risk. This violates the principle of property protection in the maqasid al-shari'ah view.
Discourse on the Authority of Sunnah and Hadith in the Perspective of Daniel W. Brown Maulana Iban Salda; Syamsul Rijal; Abdul Mugni; Taslim HM. Yasin
AL-TAHRIR Vol 22, No 1 (2022): Islamic Studies
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/altahrir.v22i1.3858


Islam in Western thought has a very bad brand image and relative image. One Orientalist named Daniel W. Brown criticized the hadith and sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad for their nonconformity with textual and contextual passages. The study aimed to find out specifically about Brown's understanding of Hadith and Sunnah, factors that influenced Brown in criticizing both. The method approach chosen in this study is the qualitative method, while the data used is sourced from literature studies in the form of works written by Brown himself and other people's works on Brown's work and thoughts. The results of the study mentioned that Brown is an orientalist who is an expert in the field of historians who explore and study hadith and Sunnah using data, and the propositions of the Qur'an and hadith. Brown criticized the Sunnah and hadith not for personal gain or by order, but he criticized them because he was an expert in history. Brown mentioned found two tendencies of understanding the content in hadith, namely, the restriction of traditionalist and modern scriptures.
Mainstreaming Strategies of Religious Moderation in Madrasah Miftahur Rohman; Muhammad Akmansyah; Mukhibat Mukhibat
AL-TAHRIR Vol 22, No 1 (2022): Islamic Studies
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/altahrir.v22i1.3806


The mainstreaming of the values of religious moderation has been carried out by madrasas in Indonesia long before it became a priority program of the Ministry of Religion which was initiated by the former Minister of Religion, Lukman Hakim Syaifuddin. MA Bustanul 'Ulum and MA Roudlotul Huda Central Lampung are Islamic educational institutions that are pretty old in Central Lampung, which seem to have some uniqueness from the education system that contains efforts sow the values of religious moderation. Therefore, using a purposive sampling technique, researchers are interested in conducting research in both madrasas, which aims to identify the characteristics of the madrasa curriculum, analyze the leadership role of the madrasa principal, and find out the teacher's example in internalizing the values of religious moderation in madrasas. Research data were collected through observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation techniques which were then analyzed using Miles and Hubberman qualitative analysis: data reduction, data presentation, and verification. The study results conclude that the curriculum's characteristics are integrated curriculum with Islamic boarding schools that are implemented with a socio-religious approach, apply multicultural leadership, and exemplify intra-religious cultural dialogue with students. This qualitative research ultimately has limitations considering that the results of this study do not reflect the characteristics of madrasas in general. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct more comprehensive research to determine the mainstreaming of religious moderation values in madrasas.