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Jurnal Ilmu Ushuluddin Vol 12, No 1 (2013): Jurnal Ilmu Ushuluddin
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Humaniora IAIN Antasari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18592/jiu.v12i1.104


Borrowing the definition used by Binyamin Abrahamov for discussion of theology: Rationality is treating any issues by using reason, but whitout giving priority reason. Thus, if it is associated with the interpretation means interpreting the Quran by using reasoning or ijtihad, but without making it as the main point. The use of reason in addition to a history that is valid in the interpretation of the Quran is a necessity. This is caused by the editors who sometimes use the Quran itself ambiguous pronunciation (musytarak / ambiguous) meaning there is even the opposite, or use a word with a specific meaning. However, the interpretation of rationality is limited in scope to understand the meaning or spelling or sentence structure verses (read: the discourse of) the Quran. Not including the use of analogy in legal dig no texts or texts in the Quran.
Jurnal Ilmu Ushuluddin Vol 12, No 1 (2013): Jurnal Ilmu Ushuluddin
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Humaniora IAIN Antasari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18592/jiu.v12i1.125


Historically, the process of tadwîn was through by the phases of a long and complex historical and colored many controversies. The controversy intensified when considering stream factor in it. Three traditional currents in Islam, Ahl al - Sunnah wa al - Jamaah, Shiites, and Kharijites, proved to have a history of their own tadwîn traditions were different from each other. Concurrently with the tadwîn process of hadith, the scholars also put its methodological tools. Methodological tools that in turn give effect to other disciplines, including Islamic historiography. This study tried to discover more about the dynamics that occured in the tadwîn tradition process and to what extent it impacted to the Islamic historiography. Through the method of historical - comparative historical or combined with Usul al - hadîts, this study revealead that the hadith tadwîn basically been going on since the period of the Prophet and continued in subsequent periods until finally composed " Six Major Hadith Compilation " among the Ahl al - Sunnah wa al - Jamaah and the " Four Major Hadith Compilation " ( al -Kutub al - Arbaah ) among Shiites. The study also showed that tadwîn of hadith clearly had a contribution which was not only limited to providing abundant material for writing the history of Islam in the form of biography (sirah) and military raids or attacks (maghâziy), but more importantly also about resource gathering methods, method of source criticism, and methods of preparation work of Islamic history
Jurnal Ilmu Ushuluddin Vol 12, No 2 (2013): Jurnal Ilmu Ushuluddin
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Humaniora IAIN Antasari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18592/jiu.v12i2.289


Thought -oriented feminism Indonesia with a Western perspective characteristic rational, materialistic and quantitative had been implicated in the occurrence of friction with the values in the eastern -oriented society that upholds harmonitas the characteristics, the spirituality, and the quality. Murata thought was based on Eastern perspective needed to be studied and received great attention, not only as an answer to the problems faced by the dominance of western orientation, but also as a counterweight to the tendency that the biassed too. Murata thought used the mystic Taoism and Islam, seeing the gender relations as relations dualist - complementary, relations two seemingly contradictory qualities, but it was one unit. The relationships found in all reality, include: people, nature and the God. Opposition of masculinity and femininity was not in the sense of separateness, but rather in the sense of unity, equality and reciprocity.
Jurnal Ilmu Ushuluddin Vol 9, No 1 (2010): Jurnal Ilmu Ushuluddin
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Humaniora IAIN Antasari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18592/jiu.v12i1.274


In this exposure, the author proposed about KH Muhammad Zaini Abdul Ghani, the study on charisma and social role and Kharisma of KH Muhammad Zaini Abd. Ghani also supported by the ability to master the classical Islamic sciences. He was able to explain the concepts and to construct elaborate religious in simple language. Therefore, when listening to the description of his talk was easy to understand, understood and grown the love (awe) to him. Feelings of love and admiration were also growing in the hearts of thousands of his disciples. Therefore, a lot of people who liked to tell his karamah - Karamah, although teachers themselves said, Karamah not very important for ones piety, but the consistency in doing good, more better than a thousand Karamah. Once passed away into Rahmatullah, the tomb of K.H. Muhammad Zaini Abd. Ghani always visited by the public until now. Hundreds of people come every day from various parts of this city. This shows that his charisma is not lost when the person dies .
Jurnal Ilmu Ushuluddin Vol 12, No 1 (2013): Jurnal Ilmu Ushuluddin
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Humaniora IAIN Antasari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18592/jiu.v12i1.286


One school of Kalam/Islamic theology that once flourished in antiquity was Mutazila flow. Flow pattern known as rational and liberal thought that was growing and evolving so rapidly and peaked in the Abbasid era in particular Khalifah Al- Mamun because of the support and protection of the khalifah. But then, the glory and the gold period did not last long, it eventually flew into decline. It was caused by a variety of factors, most importantly; they had done violence coercion and even torture of a number of scholars in the event of al - mihnah when imposing the concept of "Al-Quran beings". The violence was bad for the flow Mutazila antagonizing people. They were followed also by the beginning of a new stream of traditional and more moderate, Asharite. This stream got a lot of sympathy among the people. The Mutazila flow was progressively weaker and eventually disappear from the Islamic world.
Jurnal Ilmu Ushuluddin Vol 12, No 1 (2013): Jurnal Ilmu Ushuluddin
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Humaniora IAIN Antasari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18592/jiu.v12i1.287


Islamic theology with theosentric paradigm was considered as something that must be shifted because the theology could not solve the contemporary problems that faced by Islam. During this time, classical theology considered stuck in the problems that are too “soar” and do not “touch” humanitarian problems such as poverty, corruption and oppression. Therefore, some Islamic thinkers such as Hasan Hanafi, Asghar Ali Engineer, and Nurcholis Madjid offered an alternative theology which is counted more “grounded”. Theology with this paradigm commonly referred to anthropocentric view.
Jurnal Ilmu Ushuluddin Vol 12, No 1 (2013): Jurnal Ilmu Ushuluddin
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Humaniora IAIN Antasari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18592/jiu.v12i1.288


The writing was concern on Ibn Rusyd’s theology thought. This was interesting to be discussed because that Ibn Rusyd was not only a theologian but also a philosopher and jurist of Islam. Based on this fact, then the question arises; first, whether ibn rusyd’s theology was different from the other figures that only theologians alone. Second, whether his philosophical and jurisprudential view affected his theology thought. The result of this writing showed that Ibn Rusyd had unique theology thought which his philosophical and jurisprudential view affected his theology so that his theology was more rational but it was not too liberal because of his jurisprudential view.
Jurnal Ilmu Ushuluddin Vol 12, No 2 (2013): Jurnal Ilmu Ushuluddin
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Humaniora IAIN Antasari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18592/jiu.v12i2.532


One of the important issues facing the global and human was the environmental issue. This paper discussed a solution to this global crisis from the perspective of al-Qur`an about theology environment (eco - theology). By applying a thematic approach (mawdhûî) in the study of Tafseer al-Qur`an, this paper came to an important conclusion. First, in view of universe al-Qur`an was referred to as evidence of Gods creation creativity. Nature was also created as a sign of his power. Therefore, the universe was created had a purpose (bil hikmah) (bi al-haq), not in vain (falsehood). Second, al-Qur`an taught theological principles in the maintenance of nature, namely that the Earth was only inherited theological promised by His servants the righteous course, the relationship management of nature (taskhîr) with a value of tawhid, the need to pay attention to the balance of the cosmos and the principle economic in nature management, the necessity of the earth "prospered" (i`mar), and the prohibition of destructive nature. Third, al-Qur`an stated that people who did not believe “keberhikmahan” universe, theologically, was a disbeliever , because at the same time he believed the futility of Gods creation, so the implications are more far in the denial of moral obligation (moral imperative) and blindness spiritual (spiritual blindness). The commentators understood the "kufr ecological" implied a denial of the divinity of God Almighty and the denial of the resurrection in the afterlife.
الأحاديث الضعيفة في فضائل السور Inawati, Inawati
Jurnal Ilmu Ushuluddin Vol 11, No 2 (2012): Jurnal Ilmu Ushuluddin
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Humaniora IAIN Antasari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18592/jiu.v11i2.741


The quality of a hadith can be seen through sanad or matan. It also can be found onhadith that speaks about the primacy of surah in the Quran for example: 1.The primacyof reading once of the surah yasin like reading Quran tne times, it because of Yasin is theheart of the Quran. 2. The virtue of surah al waqiah when it is read every night, wouldnot poverty stricken. 3. Surah Arrahman as the bride of the Quran. 4. Surah alBaqarah as the highest of the Quran. After it was researched and examined by thehadith scholars, it is going controversies among the narrators of hadith, so it weakening ofthe hadith. The problem is the law to practice with the weak hadith. Some scholars arguethat it can be used as proof, but with strict conditions sufficient conditions, namely: 1. Theweakness of hadith is not too severe. 2. There is another argument that is essential for aweak hadith. 3. Practice is not intended as instructions from these traditions, but on thebasis of intended ikhtiyath (prudent)
Memahami Narasi Kisah al-Qur’an dengan Narrative Criticism (Studi atas Kajian A.H. Johns) Nadhiroh, Wardatun
Jurnal Ilmu Ushuluddin Vol 12, No 2 (2013): Jurnal Ilmu Ushuluddin
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Humaniora IAIN Antasari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18592/jiu.v12i2.690


The Qur’an had various styles and modes in making up God’s word, one of which was the narrative one. There were many narrative verses in the Qur’an -including verses telling stories of His prophets- to which most of Muslim scholars unfortunately did not devote their attention. A.H. Johns, a professor of ANU, was one of a few scholars who focused his study on narrative criticism that was actually one of branches of literary criticism. Unlike historical criticism which tended to investigate the origins of a text and what lied behind it, literary criticism gave much attention to interpretive acts of a text itself. Using this method of interpretation, and relying on his belief that the Qur’an must be understood as a both a process and an event, Johns explored possible meanings the verses imply by making connection between the verse under discussion and other verses in the same pericope and in the whole Sura. Through this method of interpretation, Johns succeeded in discovering many novel meanings of narrative verses of the Qur’an not found out by using any other method. This work wanted to elaborate much on Johns’ study and showed some fortune and possibilities in using this method in understanding the meaning of the Qur’an, especially of its narrative verses.