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Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar
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Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar (JTIDP) published by Indonesian Center for Estate Crops Research and Development is a peer-reviewed and open access journal that publishes significant and important research from area of agricultural science on industrial and beverage crops.
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Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 2, No 2 (2011): Buletin Riset Tanaman Rempah Dan Aneka Tanaman Industri
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

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Management of insects associated with cashew plant. Several kinds of insects associated with cashew plant. These insects are grouped intophytophagous insects, natural enemies (parasitoids and predators) and pollinators. Phytophagous Insects such as Helopeltis s pp., Sanurus indecora,Placoderus ferrugineus, Anastrepha fraterculus, and Cricula trifenestrata were reported become a constraint on the production of cashew in Indonesiaand several other countries. The natural enemies are egg parasitoid like Mesocomis orientalis, Trichogramma sp. and Aphanomerus sp, pupaeparasitoid like Brachymeria sp. and Tetrastichus sp. and adult parasitoids from family Epipyropidae, while predators like ants, Chilomenes lunataSphodromantis lineola, Tarachodes afzelii, and Amorphoscelis sp. In addition to natural enemies, the presence of insect pollinators such as Apismellifera and Centris tarsata are very important considering cashew require insect assistances for the formation of fruit. Knowledge of the complexassociations between insects and cashews need to know to their management strategies in the fields. Phytophagous insect management are directed toefforts at suppression their population by maximizing the role of natural enemies. Cashew ecosystem manipulation techniques s uch as management ofwild vegetation, pruning, and intercropping can be developed to encourage the role of natural enemies better. The technique is als o expected to attractpollinating insects visiting the cashew crop. In addition, actions that could disrupt the natural life such as the use of insecticides should be reduced.Insecticides are used only if the role of natural enemies was less successful and populations of phytophagous insects are at the level of adverse. Periodicmonitoring of insects associated with cashew nuts to be an important key to making subsequent decisions.
Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 2, No 2 (2011): Buletin Riset Tanaman Rempah Dan Aneka Tanaman Industri
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

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The Cashew cluster industry development in East Java. Industrial cluster approach as an development strategy has been adoptednationally and continues to be strengthened in recent years. National Development Programme of 2003 mandated the cluster appr oach in thedevelopment of small and medium industries. Presidential Regulation No. 07 of 2005 states that national industrial development focused onstrengthening and growth of the ten priority industrial clusters. The research is aimed to formulated strategy of cashew ind ustry cluster developmentin East Java. The data used are primary and secondary data, analyzed using Porters Diamond. The research was conducted in S umenep, Sampang,and Bangkalan, using the survey in March - April 2011. Data analysis was conducted descriptively using Porters Diamond Model. The resultsshowed that the cashew industry cluster in East Java has not been going well as expected. The linkage between upstream and downstream industriesare still weak, so is the quality of the products produced. Classical problems which have obstructed the development of the cashew industry in thisregion are crop productivity, product quality, regulatory and policy difficult to implement, still can not fully overcome. De terminant factor is the keyto successful development of industrial clusters is the availability of raw cashew nuts, infrastructure, government policy, the interaction betweenplayers in the industry, the availability of supporting institutions, upstream and downstream industries, product demand cond itions and theavailability of foreign investors. Therefore, the handling can not be done spatially, must be supported by all sides and done in an integrated way.Cashew cluster industry development strategy needs to be done by improving government policy (regulation of markets for industrial products cashew,cashew export tax implementation, mandatory SNI nut products, improvement of the domestic market); strengthening the upstream and downstreamindustries (productivity and quality of cashew, increase the ability of the cashew processing industry); and optimization of the interaction between thecore industry by supporting industry and other related institutions (farmers cashew, cashew industry, food industry and beverage, industrialequipment & machinery, exporters, traders, government agencies, research and development institutes, associations industry, transportation andfinancial services/banking).
Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 2, No 2 (2011): Buletin Riset Tanaman Rempah Dan Aneka Tanaman Industri
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

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White and brown root rot fungus in cashew and the controling strategy. The development of cashew (Anacardium occidentale) has agreat opportunity, because the national contribution of cashew is still relatively small in world markets. Center prodcuction of the crop in of cashewin eastern Indonesia such as Southeast Sulawesi, South Sulawesi, NTB and NTT. In increasing productivity of cashew crop in Indonesia, there aresymptoms of white and brown roots diseases which can cause the death of cashew plant. White Root Rot Fungus (WRF) is caused by Rigidophoruslignosus and Rigidophorus microporus, whereas Brown Root Rot Fungus (BRF) is caused by Phellinus noxius. The symptoms of both diseases arerizomorf in roots and base of the stem, when they attack on the advanced stage, leaves become yellow, fall, dried, canopy only branches andsubsequent plant death. WRF and BRF can survive in soil for many years and is a source of infection for healthy cashew. Transmission of the diseasethrough contact with the roots of diseased plants and healthy plants. Control WRF and BRF recommended in an integrated manner, i.e. resistantvarieties, technical culture, biological agents, mechanical and chemical.
Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 2, No 2 (2011): Buletin Riset Tanaman Rempah Dan Aneka Tanaman Industri
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

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Evaluation of resistancies of ten accessions of cashew to fusarium root rot disease. Cashew is a commodity that has an important role in improving the welfare of farmers, especially in areas with dry climates and poor nutrients. One obstacle in the development of cashew nut is the presence of Fusarium  attacks that can shut down the plant in the nursery. Research evaluation of resistancies of ten accessions of cashew against Fusarium root rot disease, which aimed to get the accessions that resistant to Fusarium root rotdisease has been conducted in the Laboratory and Greenhouse of Indonesian Spices and Industrial Crops Rresearch Institute (ISICRI) January to December 2009. Research using completely randomized design with 10 treatments and three replications. Treatments were the type of accsession namely Arsyad Labone, Sri Lanka,JT-21, Laode Head, Laode Gani, Sleman Red, Nigeria, Laode Kase, JN 26, NDR-31. The result obtained one cashew accessions highly resistant namely JN-26, and two accessions that resistant that is Laode Gani, and Sleman Red with root rot disease incidence of each 0; 6.67, and 9.52% at the age of two months after inoculation.
Peningkatan Produksi dan Pengembangan Kakao ( Theobroma cacao L. ) di Indonesia Rubiyo, Rubiyo; Siswanto, Siswanto
Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 3, No 1 (2012): Buletin Riset Tanaman Rempah Dan Aneka Tanaman Industri
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

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Indonesia dikenal sebagai negara pengekspor biji kakao terpenting di dunia. Tahun 2010 Indonesia menduduki posisi sebagai pengekspor biji kakao terbesar ketiga dunia dengan produksi biji kering 550.000 ton. Pada tahun tersebut dari luas 1.651.539 ha areal kakao, sekitar 1.555.596 ha atau 94% adalah kakao rakyat. Hal ini mengindikasikan peran penting kakao baik sebagai sumber lapangan kerja maupun pendapatan bagi petani. Di samping itu, areal dan produksi kakao Indonesia meningkat pesat pada dekade terakhir, dengan laju 5,99% per tahun. Namun demikian, seiring dengan semakin luasnya daerah pengembangan kakao, akhir-akhir ini produksi dan produktivitas kakao di Indonesia terus mengalami penurunan yang sangat berarti. Selain tingkat produktivitas yang lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan potensi klon atau bahan tanam yang ada, aspek mutu juga mengalami penurunan. Menurunnya mutu dan daya hasil tersebut dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor antara lain serangan organisme pengganggu tanaman seperti infeksi penyakit dan serangan hama penggerek buah kakao (PBK), bahan tanam kakao yang diusahakan, penanganan pasca panen, dan sistem usahatani. Teknologi yang tersedia untuk mendukung peningkatan produksi dan pengembangan kakao antara lain bahan tanaman unggul, informasi kesesuaian lahan, teknologi perbanyakan bahan tanaman, teknologi pengendalian hama dan penyakit utama, teknologi sambung samping dan sambung pucuk, teknologi pengolahan hasil dan teknologi pengembangan industri kakao. Bahan tanaman unggul memegang peranan yang sangat penting dalam usahatani kakao di Indonesia. Saat ini telah dihasilkan beberapa  klon unggul kakao dengan produktivitas di atas 2 ton/ha/th, beberapa di antaranya juga mempunyai sifat tahan terhadap hama dan penyakit utama kakao. Pengendalian hama dan penyakit tersebut, saat ini telah diimplementasikan model pengendalian secara terpadu yang melibatkan komponen bahan tanam unggul resisten terhadap hama dan penyakit, teknologi budidaya serta kriteria lahan yang sesuai untuk tanaman kakao. Produktivitas dan mutu hasil kakao sangat ditentukan oleh kualitas bahan tanam. Salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan produktivitas dan mutu hasil kakao dapat dilakukan dengan teknik klonalisasi dengan cara sambung samping. Teknik sambung samping telah terbukti mampu memperbaiki produktivitas dan mutu kakao rakyat. Teknologi sambung samping telah diadopsi oleh para petani pekebun khususnya untuk merehabilitasi tanaman tua dan tanaman kurang produktif. Selain itu, teknologi pengolahan hasil dan pengembangan industri hilir juga telah banyak tersedia antara lain teknologi fermentasi, teknologi pengolahan limbah, dan teknologi diversifikasi produk. Agar usahatani kakao dapat berkembang sesuai dengan yang diharapkan, ke depan diperlukan upaya untuk meningkatkan produktivitas dan pengembangan penanganan hasil dan produk kakao di Indonesia. Improvement and Development Production of Cocoa in IndonesiaABTRACT Indonesia is known as important exporting country of the worlds cocoa beans. In 2010 Indonesia is the third largest world exporter of cocoa beans with production estimated 550,000 tons of dry beans. From1,651,596 ha in Indonesia, approximately 1,555,539 ha or 94% is managed by smallholders. This indicates an important role of cocoa both as a source of employment and income for farmers. In addition, the acreage and production of cocoa Indonesia increased rapidly in the last decade, a rate of 5,99% per year. Cocoa crop is non-oil export commodity which is very important in the estate sub-sector. Aside from being a source of state divisa, cocoa trees in Indonesia is a source of income and employment to estate farmers. Along with the vast development of new cocoa areas in Indonesia, the recent production and productivity of cocoa in Indonesia continues to a significant decline. In addition to a smaller level of productivity compared to the clone or plant material potency, the quality aspect also decreased. The decline in the quality and yield are influenced by many factors, among others, the attacks of infectious diseases and pests such as cocoa fruit borer Conophomorpha cramerella, plant materials, post harvest and farming systems. Technology available to support increased production and development of cocoa among other superior cacao plant materials, information, suitability of land for cocoa, the technology of plant propagation materials, technology major pest and disease control, side-grafting technology and continued shoots, processing technology and technological development of the cocoa industry. Superior cocoa plant material plays a very important role in cocoa farms in Indonesia. At present it has produced some excellent cocoa clones with productivity above 2 tons/ha/yr, some of which also have properties resistant to pests and major diseases of cocoa. To control pests and diseases have now implemented an integrated control model that involves components of superior planting materials that are resistant to pests and diseases, cultivation technology, and the criteria for suitable land for cocoa plants. Productivity and quality of cocoa is largely determined by the quality of planting material. One effort to improve cocoa productivity and quality results can be done with the clonalisasion technique by side-grafting. Side-grafting technique has been shown to improve cocoa productivity and quality of the people. Side-grafting technology has adopted by farmers to rehabilitate crop planters, especially older and less productive plants. Besides processing technology and the development of downstream industries have also been widely available among other  fermentation technology, processing technology and waste  product diversification technology. In order cocoa farming can be developed in the future, the next necessary efforts is to improve product development and processing of cocoa.
Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 2, No 2 (2011): Buletin Riset Tanaman Rempah Dan Aneka Tanaman Industri
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

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Economic value added of cashew processing in Indonesia. Cashew is one of the commodities that have significance for Indonesia’s economy.Besides the country foreign exchange earner and source of income of farmers, cashew nuts contribute for land conservation. In Indonesia, cashew mostlycultivated by smallholders. The main problem is the low productivity of Indonesian cashew crop and quality of products. The development of thecashew processing industry faced with the constraint of continuity of availability of raw materials. This is because cashew harvest season is generallyonly four months (July-October) per year. Indonesia cashew exports still largely in the raw form, especially to India and Vietnam which is a majorproducer of cashew in the world market. The dominant raw form of cashew export is not benefeting farmers, processing industry and the government(central and local). The loss potential lost opportunity to obtain economic value added, the amount of Rp 1.8 to 2.9 trillion per year. Opportunitycomes from the processing of cashew nuts and CNSL. This product price is stabilize, the market outlook is still very open, both domestic andinternational markets. Demand for exports and growing domestic market, it should be an incentive for farmers, processing industry, and government toexploit its full potential. Besides the increase farmers income, this step will open new employment opportunities in rural as well as opportunitiesincrease foreign exchange. This potential will only materialize if the processing performed by the industry to involve farmers as partners.
Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 2, No 2 (2011): Buletin Riset Tanaman Rempah Dan Aneka Tanaman Industri
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

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Effectivity and efficiency of DNA isolation and purification technique on cashew plant. Cashew well known as a potential industrial plant to be expanded due to of kernel price and cashew can also be used as conservation plant. As a potential plant, so needed informationmore detail including the molecular information. There are many techniques to conduct DNA isolation depend on kind of plants or plant tissue thatwill be used. The experiment had been conducted at Molecular Biology Laboratory of Indonesian Center for Agricultural Biotec hnology and GeneticResources Research and Development (BB BIOGEN), Bogor on May-July 2011. Young leaf of cashew used as genetic materials which is took fromexperimental station Cikampek, Indonesian Spice and Industrial Crops Research Institute (BALITTRI). While some chemicals were used as the other material. The activities following step: DNA extraction and purification, measurement of DNA concentration and amplification of DNA. Deletion ofresistor enzyme-polysacharide, especially for perennial plant. DNA isolation can be done by breaking down of cell wall, cell membrane and nuclearmembrane. The aim of this experiment was to find the effectivity and efficiency technique of DNA isolation and purification so can be reducing costand time consuming while working in the laboratory. The results shows that conscientiousness of DNA isolation and purification denotes an importantstep to obtain clean and contaminant free of DNA, so banding pattern will be clear. In this technique did not used polypinilpolypirolidone (PVPP)and mercapto-ethanol such as antioxidant, liquid nitrogen, neither over night storage of leaf extraction before used for purification which is often used for perennial plant. In addional, the results shows that band pattern of DNA was very thick and clear, therefore, this techni que can be used for DNA isolation on cashew.
Pemanfaatan Teknik Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA ( RAPD ) Untuk Pengelompokan Secara Genetik Plasma Nutfah Jambu Mete (Annacardium occidentale L.) Randriani, Enny; Tresniawati, Cici; Syafaruddin, Syafaruddin
Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 3, No 1 (2012): Buletin Riset Tanaman Rempah Dan Aneka Tanaman Industri
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

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Budidaya jambu mete di Indonesia selama ini belum menggunakan varietas unggul sehingga mengakibatkan rendahnya produksi, yaitu sekitar 493 kg/ha/tahun. Peningkatan genetik terkendala oleh kurangnya informasi tentang variabilitas genetik jambu mete. Dalam merakit suatu varietas unggul diperlukan variabilitas genetik yang luas dari plasma nutfah yang tersedia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui tingkat kekerabatan dan keragaman genetik koleksi plasma nutfah jambu mete berdasarkan profil pita DNA menggunakan teknik RAPD. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Biologi Molekuler BB-Biogen, Bogor mulai bulan Mei-November 2010. Materi genetik yang digunakan adalah JN26, Oniki1, Oniki2, Oniki3, Kodi4, NDR31, Nigeria P9, Nigeria P2, JN7, Srilanka, Mojokerto, Pamotan, Karimun, Larantuka, BO2, SM9, JT21 dengan menggunakan 25 primer. Adapun kegiatannya meliputi pengumpulan materi koleksi plasma nutfah jambu mete (17 aksesi). Dilanjutkan kegiatan di Laboratorium dengan tahapan-tahapan kegiatan, seperti ekstraksi dan purifikasi DNA, loading dan running produk PCR dan analisis RAPD serta analisis data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dari dua puluh lima primer PCR-RAPD yang digunakan untuk mengamplifikasi sebanyak 17 sampel jambu mete, terdapat 24 primer yang memberikan pita DNA, 21 di antaranya polimorfisme dan tiga primer menunjukkan monomorfis. Hasil analisis kekerabatan 17 sampel jambu mete dengan program NTSys 2.1 menunjukkan bahwa terdapat variasi genetik yang cukup tinggi. Pada koefisien 88%, 17 jambu mete tersebut mengelompok menjadi lima, kelompok yang pertama terdiri dari delapan individu (Oniki1, Kodi4, JN26, NDR31, Srilanka, Mojokerto, Karimun, dan JT21), kelompok dua terdiri dari lima individu (Nigeria P9, B02, Nigeria P2, JN7, Pamotan), kelompok tiga terdiri dua individu (SM9, dan Larantuka), kelompok empat  terdiri dari satu individu (Oniki3), dan kelompok lima terdiri dari satu individu (Oniki2). Use of Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) Technique on grouping cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) germplasmABSTRACT Many cashew plantations in Indonesia do not use superior variety. As a result, national cashew production is only 493 kg/ha/year. Genetic improvement is limited by the lack of information of genetic variability of germplasm. Wide genetic variability in cashew germplasms is necessary to produce superior variety. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the genetic variation and relationship of among cashew germplasms based on band pattern of DNA by using RAPD technique. The experiment was conducted at Molecular Biology Laboratory of BB-Biogen, Bogor since May till November 2009. Genetic materials used were JN26, Oniki1, Oniki2, Oniki3, Kodi4, NDR31, Nigeria P9, Nigeria P2, JN7, Srilanka, Mojokerto, Pamotan, Karimun, Larantuka, BO2, SM9, and JT21 by using 25 primers. The activity consisted of collecting of cashew germplasm (17 accessions), followed with laboratory activities such as: DNA extraction and purification, loading and running of PCR product, RAPD and data analysis. Results shows that 25 primers used were 24 primers shown DNA band pattern 21 of which there are polymorphism and 3 the monomorphism. Germplasm collection of cashew has wide variation. At 88% coefficient, 17 accessions of cashew were divided into five clusters. The first cluster  consisted of 8 individuals (Oniki 1, Kodi4, JN26, NDR31, Srilanka, Mojokerto, Karimun, dan JT 21), the second cluster of five individuals (Nigeria P9, B02, Nigeria P2, JN7, Pamotan ), third cluster two individuals (SM9 and Larantuka), the fourth cluster of one individual (Oniki3) and the fifth cluster consisted of one individual (Oniki2).  
Potensi Bakteri Kitinolitik untuk Pengendalian Penyakit Busuk Pangkal Batang Lada ( Phytophthora capsici) Harni, Rita; Amaria, Widi
Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 3, No 1 (2012): Buletin Riset Tanaman Rempah Dan Aneka Tanaman Industri
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

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Salah satu kendala dalam peningkatan produktivitas lada adalah adanya serangan penyakit busuk pangkal batang  yang disebabkan oleh Phytophthora capsici, akibat infeksi patogen ini dapat menurunkan hasil lada 10-15% setiap tahunnya. Penelitian potensi bakteri kitinolitik untuk mengendalikan penyakit busuk pangkal batang lada telah dilakukan di Laboratorium dan Rumah Kaca Kelompok Peneliti Proteksi Tanaman Balai Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Aneka Tanaman Industri dari bulan Juni-November 2011. Bakteri kitinolitik yang digunakan merupakan isolat terbaik hasil seleksi bakteri kitinolitik di laboratorium. Isolat diisolasi dari beberapa tanaman yaitu lada, bintaro dan kelapa sawit. Isolat yang digunakan adalah: LP4, BP2, LB12, LB19, LB20, LB31, LL5, LL18, dan E10. Sebagai pembanding digunakan isolat bakteri kitinolitik TT2 yang sudah teruji keefektifannya. Penelitian terdiri dari 3  kegiatan yaitu (1) Analisis ekspresi kitinase, (2) Uji Antagonis bakteri kitinolitik terhadap P. capsici in vitro, dan (3) Pengujian isolat bakteri kitinolitik  terhadap P. capsici pada tanaman lada di rumah  kaca. Hasil penelitian diperoleh 4 isolat dengan aktivitas kitinase tinggi yaitu BP2, LB19, LL5, dan LL18, sedangkan 6 isolat lainnya mempunyai aktivitas kitinase rendah sampai sedang. Kemampuan antagonis ke-10 isolat bakteri kitinolitik terhadap P. capsici memperlihatkan daya antagonis yang sama yaitu 64,4-85,6%, tetapi pengaruhnya terhadap P. capsici di rumah kaca diperoleh 3 isolat  (E10, BP2, LP4) yang potensial menekan penyakit BPB lada dengan intensitas serangan 34,33-43,97%, sedangkan pada kontrol 73,37%. Beberapa isolat bakteri kitinase dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan tanaman lada di banding dengan kontrol. Potential of chytinolytic bacteria to control Phytophthora capsici (foot rot disease) on black pepperABSTRACTOne of many problems in increasing productivity of black pepper is foot rot disease caused by Phytophthora capsici. This pathogen infection may reduce 10-15% of yields each year. A study on potential chitinolytic bacteria to control foot rot disease of black pepper was carried out at Laboratory and Greenhouse of Plant Protection, Indonesian Research Institute for Spice and Industrial Crops, from June to November 2011. Chitinolytic bacterial isolates used is the best ones of some selected chitinolytic bacteria. The isolates were isolated from different plants, namely black pepper, bintaro and palm oil. In these experiments isolates used were LP4, BP2, LB12, LB19, LB20, LB31, LL5, LL18, and E10, while its control was chitinolytic bacterial isolate TT2, an isolate having high effectiveness. The study consist of three activities: (1) Analysis of chitinase expression, (2) Test antagonists of chitinolytic bacteria against P. capsici in vitro (3) Testing of chitinolytic bacteria isolates against P. capsici on black pepper in greenhouse. Results have identified 4 isolates (BP2, LB19, LL5, and LL18) having high in chitinase expression, whereas six other isolates have low to medium in chitinase expression. Antagonistic ability against P. capsici from all isolates (10 isolates) showed the same inhibitory ranging from 64.4 to 85.6%, but its effect against P. capsici at greenhouse was obtained 3 isolates (E10, BP2, LP4) which have suppressive potential to foot rot disease of black pepper with attacks intensity of 34.33 to 43.97% level, while that of control was 73.37%. The ten isolates also increased better growth of black pepper compared with the control.
Pengaruh Komposisi Media terhadap Pembentukan Kalus Embriogenesis Somatik Kopi Arabika ( Coffea arabica ) Ibrahim, Meynarti Sari dewi; Sudarsono, Sudarsono; Rubiyo, Rubiyo; Syafaruddin, Syafaruddin
Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 3, No 1 (2012): Buletin Riset Tanaman Rempah Dan Aneka Tanaman Industri
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

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Induksi embrio somatik pada kopi arabika (Coffea arabica) dengan menggunakan beberapa zat pengatur tumbuh (ZPT) telah berhasil dilakukan. Pengaruh komposisi media terutama kombinasi antara jenis ZPT yang berbeda dan tanggap genotipe tanaman dilaporkan sangat bervariasi. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengkaji pengaruh pemberian 2,4-D dan kinetin dalam proses pembentukan dan pertumbuhan kalus embriogenik asal daun. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan (Puslitbangbun) Agustus 2011 sampai Januari 2012. Bahan tanaman yang digunakan adalah daun dari kopi arabika varietas Sigarar Utang yang merupakan tanaman koleksi Balai Penelitian Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar (Balittri). Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan 5 ulangan, masing-masing ulangan terdiri dari 5 eksplan. Peubah yang diamati, meliputi persentasi kalus yang terbentuk, morfologi kalus, berat basah kalus, dan jumlah globular. Hasil menunjukkan semua perlakuan dapat membentuk kalus, pertambahan berat eksplan tertinggi diperoleh pada media kombinasi 2,4-D 1 mg/l atau 2 mg/l dan kinetin 1 sampai 4 mg/l. Embrio somatik terbanyak diperoleh pada media yang diberi 2,4-D 0,5 mg/l dan kinetin 1 mg/l. Selain kalus, massa proembrio dan embrio, juga terbentuk akar adventif yang jumlahnya tidak nyata antar perlakuan.  The Effect of Composition Media to Callus Formation of Somaticembryogenesis of Arabica Coffee (Coffea arabica)ABSTRACT Induction of somatic embryos with plant growth regulators (PGR) has successfully performed in arabica coffee. However, the influence of media composition combined with different PGR, explants and genotype of plants is widely various in response yields. The objective of this study was to examine the effects of 2,4-D and kinetine in process of formation and growth of embryogenic callus developed from leaves of arabica coffee. The studiy was carried out at a laboratory of Indonesian Research Center for Estate Crops (Puslitbangbun) from August 2011 to January 2012. Plant materials used are coffee leaves var. Sigarar Utang taken from a germplasm collection of the crop grown at Pakuwon Research Station, Indonesian Research Institute for Industry Crops (Balittri) located at Sukabumi, West Java. A completely randomized design with 5 replications and plot size of five explants was used. Parameters observed are percentage of callus formation, morphology of the callus, fresh weight of callus, and number of globular. Results show that all treatments examined are able to form callus. The highest increase in weight of explants was obtained from the media treated with 2,4-D (conc. of 1mg/l or 2 mg/l) and kinetin (conc. of 1 to 4 mg/l). While, the most number of somatic embryo formed was obtained from those of treated with 2,4-D 0.5 mg/l and kinetin 1 mg/l. In addition to callus formation, proembryo mass, embryo and adventive roots were also formed in spite of not significant between different the treatments.

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All Issue Vol 9, No 1 (2022): Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 8, No 3 (2021): Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 8, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 8, No 1 (2021): Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 7, No 3 (2020): Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 7, No 2 (2020): Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 7, No 1 (2020): Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 6, No 3 (2019): Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 6, No 2 (2019): Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 6, No 1 (2019): Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 5, No 3 (2018): Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 5, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 5, No 1 (2018): Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 4, No 3 (2017): Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 4, No 2 (2017): Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 4, No 1 (2017): Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 3, No 3 (2016): Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 3, No 2 (2016): Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 3, No 1 (2016): Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 2, No 3 (2015): Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 2, No 2 (2015): Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 2, No 1 (2015): Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 1, No 3 (2014): Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 1, No 3 (2014): Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 1, No 2 (2014): Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 1, No 2 (2014): Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 1, No 1 (2014): Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 1, No 1 (2014): Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 4, No 3 (2013): Buletin Riset Tanaman Rempah dan Aneka Tanaman Industri Vol 4, No 3 (2013): Buletin Riset Tanaman Rempah dan Aneka Tanaman Industri Vol 4, No 2 (2013): Buletin Riset Tanaman Rempah dan Aneka Tanaman Industri Vol 4, No 2 (2013): Buletin Riset Tanaman Rempah dan Aneka Tanaman Industri Vol 4, No 1 (2013): Buletin Riset Tanaman Rempah dan Aneka Tanaman Industri Vol 4, No 1 (2013): Buletin Riset Tanaman Rempah dan Aneka Tanaman Industri Vol 3, No 3 (2012): Buletin Riset Tanaman Rempah Dan Aneka Tanaman Industri Vol 3, No 3 (2012): Buletin Riset Tanaman Rempah Dan Aneka Tanaman Industri Vol 3, No 2 (2012): Buletin Riset Tanaman Rempah Dan Aneka Tanaman Industri Vol 3, No 2 (2012): Buletin Riset Tanaman Rempah Dan Aneka Tanaman Industri Vol 3, No 1 (2012): Buletin Riset Tanaman Rempah Dan Aneka Tanaman Industri Vol 3, No 1 (2012): Buletin Riset Tanaman Rempah Dan Aneka Tanaman Industri Vol 2, No 3 (2011): Buletin Riset Tanaman Rempah dan Aneka Tanaman Industri Vol 2, No 2 (2011): Buletin Riset Tanaman Rempah Dan Aneka Tanaman Industri Vol 2, No 2 (2011): Buletin Riset Tanaman Rempah Dan Aneka Tanaman Industri More Issue