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Achievement Oriented Culture : The Effective Performance Assessment System for Organization Moerkardjono, Sukma Rani
Noetic Psychology Vol. 4 No. 2 Juli-Desember 2014
Publisher : Noetic Psychology

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AbstractPerformance assessment plays important roles in company, both its employees and organization.   Organization implementing    Achivement Oriented Culture will develop clear performance assessment that ones performance effectivity will be clearly showed by mean of performance assessment system. The effective assessment system must be able to measure the level of individual, organizational, and motivational  performances. Based on the fact in national banking organization implementing  performance assesment systems of result based and competency based combinations. The doubt of performance assesment system implementation is due to reward inconsistency so it will be affecting to the result of performance assessment and other factors such as incentive, employees motivation, and companys profit.  This research is a case study in nasional banking organization. The method of data collection is done by deep interview and management data showing reward inconsistency on performane assessment.The study is to find the causes of ratescute for the result of employee performance assessment. The recomendation is the improvement of performance assessment system. Keywords : achivement oriented culture, result-based performance assessment competency-based performance assessment, performance appraisal system
Perbedaan Hardiness antara Anak Jalanan yang Mengikuti dan Tidak Mengikuti Program Sahabat Anak Christina, Arlita; Sandra, Lidia
Noetic Psychology Vol. 2 No. 2 Juli-Desember 2012
Publisher : Noetic Psychology

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AbstractThe aim of this research was to found the hardiness differences between children on the street who participate in Sahabat Anak program with children whom not participate. Using purposive sampling methods, 60 children around 11-15 years old selected became participant in this research.  Data collected using Disposition Resilience Scale and analyzed using t-test independent sample. The result found F score = 0,256 with significance level 0,165. Based on this result can be conclude tahat there was no significant difference between children on the street who  participate in Sahabat Anak program with children whom not participate. The inmpication of this study showed that children on the street has the ability to deal with problems in their daily life which need to be improved.  Keyword  : Children on the street, Hardiness, Sahabat Anak 
Noetic Psychology VOL. 17 NO. 1 JULI - DESEMBER 2015
Publisher : Noetic Psychology

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Abstrak. Pendekatan intervensi berbasis komunitas telah terbukti efektif, baik dari segi finansial maupun waktu, untuk digunakan sebagai intervensi psikologis/ kesehatan. Namun, di samping berbagai kelebihannya, beberapa kritik juga melekat pada pendekatan ini. Makalah ini bertujuan merangkum penggunaan pendekatan intervensi berbasis komunitas dalam berbagai penelitian untuk mengungkapkan keberhasilan dan kegagalan pendekatan ini. Selain itu, tinjauan ini juga disiapkan untuk membantu peneliti Indonesia yang memiliki akses terbatas ke jurnal internasional untuk lebih memahami intervensi berbasis komunitas. Bagian diskusi membahas isu penting yang harus dipertimbangkan jika peneliti ingin menerapkan pendekatan ini.Kata kunci: intervensi, komunitas, tinjauan literatur
Hubungan antara Dukungan Sosial Rekan Kerja dan Komitmen Karier pada Guru SMA Swasta Umum Binaan DISDIKPORA Kota Salatiga Ariani, Dwi Setya; Wijono, Sutarto; Setiawan, Adi
Noetic Psychology Vol. 4 No. 2 Juli-Desember 2014
Publisher : Noetic Psychology

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Abstract The purpose of this research is to verify the correlation between Coworker Support and Career Commitment. There are two scales used in this research, i.e. Coworker Support Scale by Lane (2004) and Career Commitment Scale by Carson & Bedeian (1994). The participants of this research are 60 teachers of private high-school in Salatiga, Indonesia. Data analysis uses SPSS 16 Program. Statistic’s method to be used is pearson product moment correlation test. The result of statistic test shows that there is significant correlation between Coworker Support and Career Commitment. Key words: Coworker Support, Career Commitment, teachers at private high-school in Salatiga, Indonesia.
Noetic Psychology VOL. 17 NO. 1 JANUARI - JUNI 2017
Publisher : Noetic Psychology

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Abstract. The aim of this research is to measure the relationship between job stress and job satisfaction of employees in the company X. Company X is one of companies that engages in entertainment/media. The hypotheses of this research were there is a negative relationship between job stress and job satisfaction. Subjects of this research consisted of 103 people using snowball sampling. Job stress was measured by four aspects such as physiological measurement, self-report assessment, measurement of personal life and measuring personal compatibility with the environment based theories of Hans Selye. Employee job satisfaction is measured based on six aspects consist of the work itself, salary, promotion, working group, supervision and environmental conditions based theories of Luthans. The scale of job stress was 30 item statement with reliability coefficient of 0.734. Job satisfaction scale were 30 items statement with a reliability coefficient of 0.855. The statistical method used in the research were the Pearson Product Moment Correlation. The results showed r = -0.645 with p <0.05. This indicated that the lower of job stress level increase job satisfaction level.Keywords: entertainment company, job stress, job satisfaction
Hubungan Motivasi Akademik dengan Prestasi Belajar Siswa SMA X di Jakarta Barat Gunadi, Chintia Leo; Gunawan, William
Noetic Psychology Vol. 4 No. 1 Januari-Juni 2014
Publisher : Noetic Psychology

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Abstrak  Academic Motivation is an important factor for students. Having a good academic motivation will enhance student achievement. There were contradictory result on the relationship between academic motivation and student achievement. This research aims to explore the relation between academic motivation and student achievement. Using purposive sampling, 180 high school student in Jakarta area were chosen as subject. Academic motivation was measured using LOMOT (Lowo Academic Motivation) dimension of SMALSI (School Motivation and Learning Styles Inventory), while student achievement measured using school grade by the end of the semester. The result showed that there were a relationship (r=0,301; p<0,05) between academic motivation and academic achievement in high school student.Kata Kunci : academic motivation, academic achievement, high school student
Noetic Psychology VOL. 17 NO. 1 JANUARI - JUNI 2017
Publisher : Noetic Psychology

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Abstract. This research is aimed to explain factors that build resilience towards two cancer volunteers who have lost their children and to describe the process that the cancer volunteers went through to be resilient. Resilience factors are derived from a theory that was developed by Reivich and Shatte (2002). It consisted of emotion regulation, impulse control, optimism, causal analysis, empathy, self-efficacy, and reaching out. The process to be resilient was measured by analyzing the subjects’ life events. The result showed that participants were resilient. The process described a systematical journey about the subjects’ life events, especially childhood achievements and losing or inconvenience experiences that were contributing to the resilience that the participants already had till now.Keywords: cancer, loss, volunteer resilience
Intervensi Harapan terhadap Burnout pada Perangkat Desa Penyintas Lahar Dingin Merapi Sokang, Yasinta Astin
Noetic Psychology VOL. 17 NO. 1 JANUARI - JUNI 2013
Publisher : Noetic Psychology

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Abstrak. Letusan gunung merapi di Yogyakarta membawa berbagai kerugian, demikian juga banjir lahar dingin yang terjadi setelahnya. Perangkat desa adalah kelompok yang mengalami kecemasan berkepanjangan dengan beban kerja meningkat setelah bencana tersebut sehingga mengalami burnout. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui efektivitas Intervensi Harapan untuk menurunkan burnout pada perangkat desa penyintas lahar dingin Merapi. Desain untreated control group design with dependent pretest and posttest dilakukan pada tujuh orang perangkat desa di Kelurahan Sirahan, Magelang. Pengukuran burnout dilakukan dengan menggunakan skala modifikasi Maslach Burnout Inventory (r = 0.918). Analisis kuantitatif menggunakan uji Mann-Whitney, sedangkan analisis kualitatif dilakukan dengan analisis narasi berdasarkan data selama proses intervensi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Intervensi Harapan tidak efektif untuk menurunkan burnout pada perangkat desa penyintas lahar dingin Merapi (Z =-0.065; p>0.05). Meski penemuan ini mengindikasikan ketidakefektifan Intervensi Harapan untuk menurunkan burnout pada perangkat desa penyintas lahar dingin Merapi, namun penelitian lebih lanjut dibutuhkan untuk mengkonfirmasi hal tersebut. Kata kunci: burnout, Intervensi Harapan, penyintas 
Beyond Test and Tell Neault, Roberta
Noetic Psychology Vol. 4 No. 2 Juli-Desember 2014
Publisher : Noetic Psychology

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AbstrakPerkembangan karier pada manusia merupakan salah satu kajian psikologi yang perlu diperhatikan, Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan tiga model kerangka teori perkembangan karier yang sesuai dengan konteks Indonesiaantara lain : silkus karier (Career Flow), roda karier (the Wheel), dan keterikatan karier (Career Engagement). Teori karier yang disampaikan ini dapat menjadi landasan untuk mengembangkan penelitian dan intervensi lebih lanjut dalam bidang karier khususnya yang berkenaan dengan konteks sekolah dan pekerjaan maupun transisi antara sekolah menuju pekerjaan. Kata kunci : silkus karier (Career Flow), roda karier (the Wheel), dan keterikatan karier (Career Engagement). 
Hubungan antara Emotional Abuse oleh Orang Tua dengan Self Esteem pada Remaja Panggabean, Maria Elena; Hidayat, Briggita Sherly
Noetic Psychology Vol. 2 No. 2 Juli-Desember 2012
Publisher : Noetic Psychology

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AbstractEmotional abuse from parent was the most common type of abuse among children. It was also the most destructive effect to the children.Children who suffered from emotional abuse tend to have lower self esteem and lower self image. This research aimed to found the realtion between parental emotional abuse with teenager self esteem. Quantitative approach will be used in this research.  Using purposive sampling method, 100 university student from West Jakarta were chosen as participant in this research. Data collected using emotional abuse scale and self esteem scale. The result of this research analyzed using pearson product moment with r = -.0401, p < .001. Based on this fionding, can be concluded that there was a striong and significant corelation between parental emotional abuse and teenager self esteem.  Keywords : emotional abuse, self esteem, teenagerÂÂ