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PALASTREN Vol 4, No 1 (2011): Jurnal Palastren (Januari - Juni)
Publisher : PALASTREN

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Subsistence and cultural conditions of patriarchy that has very close relations, make women in rural and urban chained. Women in this situation should bear the double burden; domestic work and the public. This article reveals the condition of subsistence and the double burden that occurs in women in rural and urban women. The women have different ways and strategies to cope with subsistence conditions of themselves and their households. Women in rural areas use a patron-client strategy, while those in urban use the poverty-sharing strategy. Keywords : Subsisten, Patriarkhy, and Involusi
PALASTREN Vol 4, No 1 (2011): Jurnal Palastren (Januari - Juni)
Publisher : PALASTREN

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Gender gap in Kudus still occurs primarily in female farm workers and family farmers. The example of gender inequality is that they experience a double burden, wage discrimination, and marginalization of the access to capital and information about agricultural technology. Meanwhile, the farmer’s daughters suffer discrimination because they have to quit school to help parents work at home or manage the farm. To solve this problem, women legislators express the need for special education in accordance with the environmental potential of women farmers, empowerment of women in economic and religious sector, and utilization of PKK as a means of distributing information, so they have more ability and have a better bargaining position Keywords: Woman legislator; Gender gap; Agricultural
MODEL BARU PERAN PUBLIK PEREMPUAN DI PESANTREN Studi Kasus di Muslimah Center di Pesantren Daarut Tauhid Bandung Ulyani, Farida
PALASTREN Vol 5, No 2 (2012): Jurnal Palastren (Juli - Desember)
Publisher : PALASTREN

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Men and women are different, but this should not make a reason for discrimination in providing space for self- actualization, including in matters of dakwah. So that was happening in the gait of women in a Muslimah center (MC) Pesantren Daarut Tauhiid (DT) Bandung. This study explains why women in the MC community could get up in boarding school DT helped to empower women through missionary activities and how the patterns of empowerment is done. The research also elaborates the pesantren- based feminist movement. Interpretative phenomenological approach to research and interpret the cultural phenomenon that is found in the female community in the MC. The findings were: (1) The presence of MC in boarding DT has given color and pattern in the sociology of urban schools that have provided public space for Muslim women to actualize themselves through propaganda and women’s empowerment, (2) The rise of the women’s movement which was institutionalized in the MC could not be separated from key figure of Aa Gym that originally gave a special role to his wife, Teh Ninih and santriwati (Islamic women students) to participate in the pursuit of social propaganda to women who have penetrated the patriarchal culture, (3) the pattern of movement on problem based Islamic preaching especially on strengthening the economic family. In women community of MC has sought to empower the people with their own perspective or borrow Vandana-Shifa referred to the women’s way of knowing (1997). Keywords: Dakwah culture, Muslimah Center, Women empowerment
PALASTREN Vol 3, No 1 (2010): Jurnal Palastren (Januari - Juni)
Publisher : PALASTREN

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The position of gender in the spotlight from all walks of academia and the community in many different perceptions and response. When you hear the name of misguided perceptions of gender emerge to focus on the demand the degrees on behalf of the rights of women. Women of Indonesia has a very important position throughout the course of history. Gait of women on the stage of history no doubt. See the results of Kartini’s struggle, the idea he was about the emancipation of women has always been a spirit of Indonesia to increase the degree of life, subculture liberalisme, cultural absolutism, and many hit the normative foundations of values and religious norms. Though the name of gender does not mean discussing matters relating to women only. Gender is intended as a division of the nature, role, position and duties of men and women set by the community based on norms, customs, and public confidence in various aspects of life including the practice of education. Education as one of the sectors of development involved gender mainstreaming implementation in national and regional levels. Then the most easily done by the center to address the issue of gender studies from various circles about the gender issue of gender into the awareness of personal and collective consciousness that is yet to enter the sphere of education and science as a vessel to help the implementation of socialization efforts for gender mainstreaming. Keywords: Education, gender mainstreaming, gender studies.
PALASTREN Vol 4, No 2 (2011): Jurnal Palastren (Juli - Desember)
Publisher : PALASTREN

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This study examines problems of seasonal harvesting rice women workers (Paddaros) in Pinrang and the solving strategies. The problems are the low survival rate with a relatively large number of families, the low health level, the low education level, the lack oflearning opportunities, the limitation of knowledge and skills and lags infarming, and the lack ofa positive attitude towards progress because of custom, religion, and living habits. The first strategy to overcome the problems is promoting gender equality in access to productive resources and sources of income. The second one is minimizing personal burden on the women’s domestic roles besides reproductive and social roles. The last one is providing gender-appropriate social protection in terms of public works and lab or programs. Keywords: Paddaros, Strengthening economyof women, gender inequality
PALASTREN Vol 5, No 1 (2012): Jurnal Palastren (Januari - Juni)
Publisher : PALASTREN

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Yaman, sebuah Negara yang sedikit lebih besar dari Suriah, Yunani, dan Nepal jika digabungkan, dan menukik ke arah Semenanjung Aden. Negeri yang merupakan wilayah kekuasaan Ratu Sheba, seorang wanita perkasa dan cantik yang menggelorakan hati Raja Sulaiman dan meninggalkan tanda pada halaman- halaman suci Injil dan al-Qur’an. Negeri misterius tempat kaum laki- lakinya tak pernah muncul tanpa belati diselipkan dengan bangga dipinggang. Sementara kaum wanitanya menyembunyikan pesona mereka di balik cadar hitam tebal. Sebuah tempat dimana kapal- kapal dagang lintas benua saling berpapasan. Negara yang kini sedang bergejolak situasi sosial politiknya ini ternyata menyimpan sebuah cerita yang mengejutkan sekaligus memberi harapan bagi kita semua.
PALASTREN Vol 5, No 1 (2012): Jurnal Palastren (Januari - Juni)
Publisher : PALASTREN

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Discrimination against women in Indonesia is still a lot going on. In fact, the government has ratified the CEDAW (Convention On The Elimination of All Forms Dis crimination Against Women) through Law No. 7 of 1984. This paper attempts to explain that the budget could be used as one of the state media to solve the problem of discrimination against women, because one function of the budget is the distribution of resources resul ting in equalization of marginal groups. One model that could be a solution to budgeting is a gender budget because it permits gender-specific budget for women Keywords: Women, Discrimination, and Budget
PALASTREN Vol 3, No 2 (2010): Jurnal Palastren (Juli - Desember)
Publisher : PALASTREN

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This research covers how is the political life of Samin women. It also tries to answer what are factors which influence them to implement the traditional beliefs in their political life. The researcher uses some alternative models to undertake this research, such as ethnomethodology, ethnography, grounded, and phenomenology. The data are analyzed by using qualitative approach to understand the social activities of Samin women in Kudus in terms of general election. It is found that Samin women are very active in their political life. Their activeness are influenced by some factors such as: from theirselves, from their husbands and f­rom the Samin leaders. Keywords: Political act, Samin’s women, Election.
MENELAAH ULANG HUKUM ABORSI (Perspektif Hukum Islam dan Hukum Positif) Suhendra, Ahmad
PALASTREN Vol 5, No 2 (2012): Jurnal Palastren (Juli - Desember)
Publisher : PALASTREN

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Kontroversi aborsi di Indonesia masih belum menemukan titik terang, apalagi memberikan solusi yang tepat terhadap problem masyarakat yang sudah semakin kompleks. Apabila menengok hukum positif di Indonesia, setiap orang dilarang melakukan aborsi. Larangan aborsi tertera dalam Pasal 75 ayat (1) UU No. 36 Tahun 2009 tentang Kesehatan. Berdasarkan Regulasi ini, maka terdapat kecenderungan mempidanakan tindakan aborsi, sehingga marak terjadi aborsi ilegal (illegal abortus atau Abortus Provocatus Criminali) yang tidak aman. Akibat pemidanaan aborsi, maka para pasien yang tidak ingin terkena hukuman akibat melanggar hukum, terpaksa merelakan mempertaruhkan nyawanya hanya untuk melakukan aborsi yang tidak aman. Negara, dalam hal ini, belum memberikan solusi yang tepat dan proporsional dalam menyikapi permasalahan aborsi. Permasalahan aborsi saat ini semakin berkembang, karena menyangkut kesehatan reproduksi. Permasalahan ini ditambah dengan, ketika ditelisik ulang, undang-undang itu masih terdapat kerancuan yang menimbulkan multitafsir. Begitu juga, ketika menengok hukum Islam (fiqh) klasik, pada dasarnya tindakan pengguguran janin ini dilarang. Hal ini disebabkan, para ulama hukum Islam (fiqh) memandang tindakan aborsi sebagai kejahatan kemanusiaan, karena mengacu pada QS. al-Baqarah ayat, yang menerangkan bahwa manusia senantiasa tidak terjerumus ke dalam kerusakan dan kehancuran, sehingga manusia harus menjaga kehidupan. Ayat lain, yang biasanya menjadi dasar pengharaman aborsi, adalah QS. Al-An’am: 151, yang melarang untuk membunuh anak-anak kita karena takut miskin. Walaupun terdapat beberapa perbedaan pendapat di kalangan para ulama fiqh itu sendiri. Di sisi lain, Angka Kematian Ibu (AKI) di Indonesia masih tergolong tinggi di dunia. Bahkan, yang lebih memprihatinkan, AKI di Indonesia mencapai angka tertinggi di ASEAN. Banyak yang melakukan aborsi secara sembunyi-sembunyi dan tidak aman menjadi salah satu penyebab AKI di Indonesia sangat tinggi mencapai 228/100.000 kelahiran hidup. Hal ini yang belum terjawab secara proporsional oleh hukum Islam klasik dan hukum positif di Indonesia. Aborsi bagi sebagian orang merupakan tindakan yang tidak bermoral, karena melakukan kejahatan dengan membunuh janin. Negara turut bercampur tangan dengan melarang perbuatan aborsi. Begitu juga dengan legitimasi hukum Islam (fiqh) yang mengharamkan tindakan aborsi. Pertanyaan yang perlu diajukan adalah bagaimana hukum Islam memberikan solusi, tidak hanya benar, tetapi juga tepat (proporsional) untuk masalah-masalah sosial di era globalisasi saat ini?
Pekerja Rumah Tangga (PRT) Liku Kehidupan dan Perspektif Islam Tentangnya Listiana, Anisa
PALASTREN Vol 3, No 1 (2010): Jurnal Palastren (Januari - Juni)
Publisher : PALASTREN

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ABSTRACT: A domestic Worker (PRT) is anyone who works within the scope of the household either male or female,young or old,even a child. Actually, they have given a huge contribution to their family in Indonesia, and donated incomefor the country. But on top of legal documents, they are not recognized by the Labor Law as an appropriate form of formal employment that deserve to be given protection by the existinglaws and regulations. In the Islamic perspective, women and men are required to work in accordance with the potential and capacity in order to obtain a decent living or to meet family needs. Al Quran does not mention a specific job for a certain gender. Women and men can work inside or outside the home. Working as a domestic worker is not lower than otherprofessions as long as conducted by and for the good purpose. Keywords: Domestic Workers (PRT), Islamic Perspectives.

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