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QIJIS (Qudus International Journal Of Islamic Studies)
ISSN : 23551895     EISSN : 24769304     DOI : -
Core Subject : Religion, Education,
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Articles 294 Documents
QIJIS Vol 4, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/qijis.v4i1.1578


Various multidimensional crises that exist in Indonesia which is recognized or not is the part of cultural problem, one of the reasons is the diversity of the cultures that exist in our society. The diversity of culture should not be the cause of the existence of discrimination, injustice, suspicion and a variety of human rights violations, but being the power to build a community sense. The multiculturalism thought that exists in Indonesia resting on Islam as a source of thought. With the implementation of multicultural education, teachers are expected to be able to encourage learners to have an awareness and understanding to always uphold the values of justice, democracy, humanity and pluralism in the association in the middle of the national reality that is full of diversity.
QIJIS Vol 1, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/qijis.v1i1.172


This Undergraduate thesis tried to discuss about conflict resolution in the case of southern Thailand which are Pattani, Yala, and Narathiwat, known as an escalating and brutal conflict and long history of insurgency, the crisis has been conducted primarily on the basis of Malay ethnic nationalism with religion and politics as an additional factors. The violence has already had important political consequences in the failure of Prime Minister Thaksin’s government. The government tries to solve the problem and lunched a strategy based on increased public participation, economic development, apologizing for the past misdeeds of the security services, ending the blacklisting of Muslim and opens a dialogue with insurgents, but the violence remains. In this research, the writer use an extensive of relevant published materials such as books, journals, reports, newsletters, official website and other sources o a wide variety of topics related with the subject of the topic. Keywords: Pattani, Yala, and Narathiwat. Conflict resolution. Malay ethnic
Qur’anic Scientism in Bediuzzaman Said Nursi’s Risala Bhat, Ali Muhammad
QIJIS Vol 5, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/qijis.v5i1.1856


One of the prominent factor leading to the continuing decline of the Muslim Ummah is rivalry between scientific mind and traditional mind-set. The modern Muslim intellectuals are fascinated by scientific developments in the West and discouraged by the inability of Ummah. The process of re-emergence as developed community is imbedded in re-Islamization of scientific knowledge. The rise of Muslim Ummah is tied with integration of Shari’ah based knowledge and scientific knowledge. The focus of the Muslim intellectual pursuits must once again gravitate towards these two fountains of true knowledge. To achieve this goal, Said Nursi a versatile personality, a true representative of Islam came with all-inclusive ideas for integration of both the knowledge’s. He advocates the Qur’anic Scientism and discussed faith based research (iman tahqiqi) relying on positive action (jihad Manaavi) in Risal-i Nur. In this paper an Attempt has been made to acme the Qur’anic Scientism in Risal-i- Nur, to prove Qur’anic Scientism highly applicable while as Said Nursi as admirably a true representative of Qur’anic Message in the modern era.
ANALYZING NOUN PHRASE AS AN ENGLISH READING COMPREHENSIVE STRATEGY: Contributing for Understanding English Islamic Text in English Reading Course of STAIN Kudus Sophya, Ida Vera
QIJIS Vol 2, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/qijis.v2i2.1546


Reading comprehension is one of the objectives of English teaching as general English courses in STAIN Kudus. This is in line with the syllabus determined by all of faculties of STAIN Kudus. It states that English which is focus on reading comprehension is oriented to enable students to comprehend English written text. The researcher finds that the students of STAIN Kudus have difficulties in getting the message of the English reading text. They still think Indonesian patterns when they are understanding English text. Structure is one of fundamental building blocks in understanding the English reading text. A text consists of more than one sentence. The first step in understanding a sentence is to locate subject and predicate. Phrase is a group of words that have function as Subject (S), Predicate (P), and Object (O) in the sentence. Therefore, one of the ways to understand a text is mastering how to analyze phrases.
QIJIS Vol 1, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/qijis.v1i2.186


Most researchers have concluded that religiosity is a strong belief ofthe individual in carrying out the religious orders properly. It can bealso the basis for applying the values of religion as a whole to achievehappiness in this world and hereafter. Meanwhile, religiosity also makesa positive contribution in the advancement and development of sociallife. In the view of Islam, religiosity provides individuals an importantrole in implementing the commitment to run all the basic principles ofIslam. One of the commitments in the Islamic religiosity is an obligationto redistribute wealth in the form of Zakah, to purify the wealth andalso create fairness in the distribution of wealth and income. We haveunderstood that the distribution of Zakah has two important dimensions,the first relating to compliance in carrying out the commands of Allah(Hablumminallah) and the second creates a sense of fairness andconcern among fellow Muslims (Hablumminannas). Specifically in thesocial dimension (Hablumminannas), the distribution of Zakah can bean important factor in the process of social and economic developmentof society. Therefore, in this paper we seeks to describe how religiosity can contribute to development, focusing especially on the role of Islamic religiosity in the development of Zakah institutions to improvethe welfare of Muslims. Keywords: Religiosity, Religious, Islamic Religiosity, zakah, social,economic, and development
QIJIS Vol 3, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/qijis.v3i1.1603


New Historicism and cultural history have opened up the new approaches to writing histories. However, the last decade national and transnational literary histories have continued to take different approaches, by typical new national literary histories have distinguished the teleology of grand narratives by revised the linear ways into specific subjects and certain conception. In the following discussion, I shall describe how ‘new’ perspective of moral and ideological on history of literary criticism reacted to the crisis of history writing, by appearing the writing of the history of Islamic literary criticism—especially to perceiving the historical writing proposed by M.A.R. Habib, A History of Literary Criticism (2005).
القواعد الخمسة الكبرى في باب العبادات من كتاب إعانة الطالبين للسيد البكري Munawaroh, Lathifah
QIJIS Vol 5, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/qijis.v5i2.2306


ملخصإن لدراسة القواعد الفقهية أهمية كثيرة. وقال الزركشي مؤكدا لأهمية القواعد الفقهية: "وهذه قواعد تضبط للفقيه أصول المذهب وتطلعه من مآخذ الفقه على نهاية المطلب وتنظم عقده المنثور في سلك وتستخرج له ما يدخل تحت سلك". (الزركشي. 1985: ج 1 ص 65). .يقول السيوطي  بعد أن بين أهمية الفقه موضحا أهمية القواعد الفقهية: "...ولقد نوعوا هذا الفقه فنونا وأنواعا وتطاولوا في استنباطه يدا وباعا وكان من أجل أنواعه : معرفة نظائر الفروع وأشباهها، وضم المفردات إلى أخواتها وإشكالها...". (السيوطي. 1990: 4). بهذا يتبين أن للقواعد أهمية كثيرة في تيسير الفقه الإسلامي حيث تجمع الفروع الكثيرة وتجمع شتاتها في سلك واحد تحت قاعدة واحدة. وفي فهم القواعد الفقهية تيسير على المفتين والفقهاء وطلاب العلم ضبط الفقه بأحكامه، لأن حفظ جزيئات وفروع أمر في غاية الصعوبة، أما حفظ القواعد ففيه يسر. وكذلك دراسة القواعد الفقهية تكون لدى الباحث والطالب ملكة فقهية تجعله قادرا على التخريج لمعرفة الأحكام الشرعية، وذلك لان القواعد الفقهية وسيلة لاستحضار الأحكام. ومن هنا تكمن أهمية البحث حول القواعد الفقهية. كما أن هذا البحث يتناول القواعد الفقهية التي استخدمها مؤلف كتاب إعانة الطالبين في باب العبادات: الصلاة والصيام والزكاة والحج. فالكتاب مهم في المذهب الشافعي، كما أن الكتاب منتشر بشكل واسع وقاموا بتدريسه في المعاهد الإسلامية في إندونيسيا. فالقواعد الفقهية الخمسة تعتبر من القواعد الفقهية في غاية الأهمية لما تشمل في كثير من أبواب الفقه بل وفي كلها. وهذه القواعد الفقهية الخمسة قيل عنها: إن الفقه كله مبني عليها، وهي: الأمور بمقاصدها، اليقين لا يزول بالشك، المشقة تجلب التيسير، الضرر يزال، وقاعدة العادة محكمة.  
QIJIS Vol 3, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/qijis.v3i2.1585


Education is the foundation of Islam, knowledge acquisition is one of the sublime spiritual merits of the learned over the ignorant. Education prepares an individual to adjust well in the society and to develop a high sense of responsibility to self and to the society. It enables a person to think critically and constructively. English is one of the language being taught in Indonesia. It is become a main foreign language which take an important role for education in Indonesia. English education can be accepted in Indonesia by means of some challenges. And recently it gain an important status in Islamic university in Indonesia. It could cover the modernization and islamization goals in Islamic university in Indonesia.
QIJIS Vol 1, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/qijis.v1i1.177


Unity in Diversity as Indonesian motto turns into a saying which unifies the nation. Indonesia proudly presents many islands, races, ethnic groups, cultures, and also traditional languages. This symbolizes multiculturalism that has survived in the motherland. Generally, an Indonesian applies traditional and Indonesian languages in daily life and learns English at school or course. Some have practiced other foreign languages such as Arabic as well since it becomes the language of Al-Qur’an. However, English is usually taught as the compulsory subject in every level of disciplines. English belongs to any states of the world. In learning Islam, human being needs to learn and use English. Most references of Islamic studies are written particularly in Arabic and globally in English. Dealing with this issue, a teacher, in this case an Islamic religion teacher as a figure who educates students, should learn Islamic terms in bilingual versions beside his/her own competence. The teacher is expected to have not only multi-skills but also multicultural education. Having diverse students from multiethnic society probably occurs. Afterward, multicultural education nowadays is being a part of the school curriculum and made a compulsory school subject. It offers the prospect for both the teacher and students to learn inclusion materials that contain fundamental principles, such as democracy, humanism, and pluralism or inclusive religious values. All of those principles could be handed in Islamic Education Material Development Based Multicultural in order to build an inclusive religion at school. The materials are as follows (Salamah, 2011): First, the material of the Koran, in determining the choice of verses. Second, the jurisprudence material, can be extended to study fiqh siyasa (government). Third, the material character of the studies focus on the good-bad behavior against God, Apostle, fellow humans, ourselves, as well as the environment, critical to laying the foundations of nationhood. Lastly, SKI material, material that is rooted in historical fact and reality. Furthermore, a kind of TV program is also possibly to be a medium to introduce multicultural education to children. They as one of cartoon mania on TV, for instance, know how to enjoy watching their favorite cartoon series (Upin & Ipin) while unconsciously learning the multicultural education in their early ages. Otherwise, Darwis Dance (collaboration of a Turkish dance and Javanese Gamelans) grows to be one more alternative approach in learning Islam and multicultural education. Keywords: Multicultural education, Islamic Religion Teachers, Bilingual Islamic Studies
Islamic Values in The Tradition of Samin Community at East Java Oktafia, Renny; Mawardi, Imron
QIJIS Vol 5, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/qijis.v5i1.2027


Samin culture is one of the few sub-cultures that exist in East Java. Samin community in East Java settled in the district of Bojonegoro. In popular culture Samin contains a lot of wisdom values that is in accordance with the values of Islamic culture. The values of cultural wisdom Samin community's need to be excavated and preserved, in order to improve the livelihood of the people, which in turn will create a civilization that is safe, peaceful, just and prosperous nation's development objectives.In traditional Islam can be used as a guide in shaping the law syar'i. Terms used in Islam to the local traditions referred to as' urf. U'rf can be used as legal guidelines syar'i for 'urf is not contrary to the Qur'an and Hadith. Given the synergy between local culture and Islamic culture, the life activities undertaken by the community remain in accordance with the teachings of religion, but the local culture is preserved continuity.

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