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Persona: Jurnal Psikologi Indonesia
ISSN : 23015985     EISSN : 26155168     DOI : -
Persona: Jurnal Psikologi Indonesia is a peer-reviewed journal, published by Faculty of Psychology Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya. Persona Journal was first published in 2012. At first this journal was published three times a year. Starting in 2017 this journal is only published twice a year, in June and December
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Articles 241 Documents
Overprotective, Percaya Diri dan Kemandirian Anak Sutanto, Lisda
Persona:Jurnal Psikologi Indonesia Vol 2 No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Faculty of Psychology Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30996/persona.v2i1.51


Abstract. This research aims to find out the relationships among over protect-tive and self-confidence with autonomy. The study involved 118 sixth grade elementary school children age 12 to 13 years to complete self-report of auto-nomy, overprotective and self-confidence. The results of data measurements were analyzed with multiple regression. The results of analysis showed: 1) there is a significant relationship between overprotective and self-confidence with autonomy, 2) there was no correlation between over protective with auto-nomy, and 3) there is a positive and significant relationship between the self-confidence and autonomy. The research findings are discussed in the context of child development. Keywords: overprotective, self-confidence, autonomy
Hubungan Antara Persepsi Keharmonisan Keluarga dan Konformitas Teman Sebaya Dengan Kenakalan Remaja Ainiyah Hariz, Siti
Persona:Jurnal Psikologi Indonesia Vol 2 No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Faculty of Psychology Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30996/persona.v2i1.57


Abstract, Research aim  to know  correlation of between  perception toward family harmony and peer group with juvenile delinquency. Subject research is student of first class SMK 45 in Surabaya as much 91 people. The scales used as the data collects instrument are juvenile delinquency scales, Family harmony perception scales, and peer group scales. Use Scale Likert model which consists of 5 alternative options, while the data analysis method used is regresi analysis.The hypothesis result show that there is relationship between family toward harmony and peer group with juvenile delinquency.Keywords: Perception toward family harmony, peer group, juvenile delinquency
Pola Asuh Demokratis, Kepercayaan Diri dan Kemandirian Mahasiswa Baru Asiyah, Nur
Persona:Jurnal Psikologi Indonesia Vol 2 No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Faculty of Psychology Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30996/persona.v2i2.98


Abstract. The purpose of this research was to examine the relation between democratic-parenting and self confidence with independent new college student. The subject of the study were 131 new  college student of faculty preaching the state islamic institute sunan ampel surabaya. Data were collected by scale of democratic-parenting, self confidence and independent scale. The data analysis used multiple regression analysis showed that the democratic-parenting anda self confidence have a significant relation with independent new  college student. The result of correlation analysis between either democratic-parenting or self confidence with independent showed a positive correlation signifycantly. Variables of democratic parenting and self confidence give effecttive contribution toward independent new college student about 51,3%.Key words : Democratic-Parenting, Self Confidence, Independent New College Student.
Pola Asuh Otoriter, Kontrol Diri Dan Perilaku Seks Bebas Remaja SMK Yuniar Angelina, Dika
Persona:Jurnal Psikologi Indonesia Vol 2 No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Faculty of Psychology Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30996/persona.v2i2.106


Abstract. This study aims to find the relationship between authoritarian parenting, self-control and sexual behavior in adolescents SMK free. The subjects were 109 students of class XI majoring in Computer Engineering and Networks SMKN 1 Slahung Ponorogo. Data collection tool used is scale free sex, authoritarian parenting scale and the scale of self-control. The third scale models a likert scale consisting of five alternative answers. While the data analysis method used is regression analysis. The analysis showed that the variables jointly authoritarian parenting and self-control did not correlate with variable free sex teen. Effective contribution of variable authoritarian parenting and self-control together to give effect by 03,2% against the free sex teen. 97,0% so there are other variables that influence the behavior of free sex teen than two variables X are investigated.Keywords : authoritarian parenting, self-control and free sex teen
Konsep-Diri, Kecerdasan Emosi Dan Efikasi-Diri Yapono, Farid
Persona:Jurnal Psikologi Indonesia Vol 2 No 3 (2013)
Publisher : Faculty of Psychology Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30996/persona.v2i3.136


Abstract. The research discusses the relationship of self-concept and emotional intelligence with self-efficacy. The study involved 100 students universities on Jombang East Java to complete scales of Global Self-efficacy (GS-E), self-concept and emotional intelligence. The data results of measurements were analyzed with multiple regression. The analysis showed: 1) there is a positive relationship between self-concept and emotional intelligence with self-efficacy, 2) there was no relationship between self-concept with self-efficacy, and 3) there is positive correlation between emotional inteligence with self-efficacy. Good development of emotional intelligence would increased of self-efficacy. The research findings are discussed in the perspective of developmental tasks of end adolescent.Keywords: self-efficacy, self-concept, emotional intelligence
Hubungan Antara Dukungan Sosial Dan Kualitas Attachment Pada Ibu Dengan Resiliensi Remaja Quasi Broken Home Di SMP Negeri 3 Babat Cahyaning Tyas, Alif Dian
Persona:Jurnal Psikologi Indonesia Vol 2 No 3 (2013)
Publisher : Faculty of Psychology Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30996/persona.v2i3.157


Abstract, This study aimed to determine the correlation between social support and quality of attachment in mothers with adolescent resilience quasi broken home in SMP Negeri 3 Babat. The subjects were students of SMP Negeri 3 Babat many as 107 people. Sampling using purposive sampling. Data collection instrument used in this study is resilience scale, the scale of social support and quality of attachment scale that refers to making according to Likert scale. Results of data analysis using regression. Anareg get results F = 325.846 with p = 0.00 (p <0,01). Variables of social support and quality of attachment to mother simultaneously and significantly correlated with resilience. Partially, found the value of t Regression between social support with resilience = 10 528, and partial r = 0.718, p = 0.00 (p <0.01), this means that there is a significant positive relationship between social support with resilience. Partial test also found the value of the variable t Regression between attachment quality with resilience = 9.380, and partial r = 0.677, p = 0.000 (p <0.01), this means that there is a significant positive relationship between quality of attachment with resilience. The results showed that the third hypothesis is accepted. Effective contribution of social support variables and quality of attachment towards resilience is at 86.2% (R square =0.862). Keywords: Social Support, Quality of Attachment to Mother, Adolescent Resilience Quasi Broken Home in SMP Negeri 3 Babat.
Persona:Jurnal Psikologi Indonesia Vol 1 No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Faculty of Psychology Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30996/persona.v1i1.12


Abstract,  Experimental study examines the moral-themed stories to foster empathy on adolescence. Research subjects 205 early adolescents, 103 adolescents (56 males, 47 females) selected as the experimental group, and 102 (61 male, 41 female) were selected as the control group. Sixteen given moral-themed stories twice a week. Experiments using the One Group Post-test Design. Control is done by banning adolescence on the experimental group discuss, or lend anything to do with the course of the experiment. Reinforcement is done by discussion and question and answer, draw conclusions in the form of wisdom, and benefits in daily life; Any story, story teller lend sheets to adolescence groups of experiments to be read again at home to make it more understandable. After the eighth week end of the experiment, measurements of empathy were taken with the Davis Interpersonal Relativity Index (IRI). Experimental results showed: 1) Empathy fantasy of experimental was higher than the control group; 2) Average of empathy at all aspects no differ between the experimental and the control group; 3) Average of perspective taking empathy on girls was higher than boys; 4) Average on all aspects of empathy did not differ between boys and girls. Themed story can only cultivate the moral character of fantasy empathy. Moral themed stories will make adolescent lost in fictional stories and imagine themselves in the same situation as fictional characters. The findings are discussed in terms of their implications for early adolescent in context. Key words: Themed strory moral, emphaty, early adolescence
Persepsi terhadap Kualitas Layanan, Kepuasan dan Loyalitas Konsumen Zahra, Syarifa
Persona:Jurnal Psikologi Indonesia Vol 1 No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Faculty of Psychology Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30996/persona.v1i2.37


Abstract. The present study attempted to find out the relationship between customers’ perception towards quality of services and customer satisfaction with their loyalty. To collect the data, researcher assigned about 100 customers of Prodia as the subjects of the research who undertook their laboratory check up at the Clinic of Prodia Malang. All data were analyzed by using regression technique and then partial correlation analysis. The results of regression analysis showed that there was a significant relationship between customers’ perception towards quality of services and customers’ satisfaction towards customers’ loyalty). Meanwhile, the result of partial correlation analysis indicated that there was a positive correlation between qualities of services and customers’ loyalty.  However, there was no correlation between customers’ satisfaction and loyalty of customers. The contribution given by customers’ perception towards quality of services and customer satisfaction with costumers’ loyalty is 59,8%.Keywords:  Perception on quality of services, Customers, Satisfaction, Loyalty.
Kecerderdasan Emosi, Kecerdasan Spiritual dan Perilaku Prososial Santri Pondok Pesantren Nasyrul Ulum Pamekasan Sabiq, Zamzami
Persona:Jurnal Psikologi Indonesia Vol 1 No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Faculty of Psychology Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30996/persona.v1i2.21


Abstract. The purpose of this research was to examine the relations between emotional intelligent and spiritual intelligent with pro-social behavior. The subjects of the study were 175 students of Pondok Pesantren Nasyrul Ulum Pamekasan, consist of 96 boys and 79 girls. Data were collected by scales of emotional intelligent, spiritual intelligent, and pro-social behavior. The data analysis used  multiple regression analysis and then correlations. Results of multiple regression analysis showed that the emotional intelligent and spiri-tual intelligent have a significant relation with prosocial behavior. The result of correlation analyses between either emotional intelligence or spiri-tual intelligence with prosocial behavior showed a positive correlation signify-cantly. Variables of emotional intelligent and spiritual intelligent give effect-tive contribution toward prosocial behavior about 55,1%. Key words: pro-social behavior, emotional intelligent, spiritual intelligent
Membangun Karakter Pribadi Menuju Sukses Suharnan, '
Persona:Jurnal Psikologi Indonesia Vol 2 No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Faculty of Psychology Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30996/persona.v2i1.53


Abstract. Many people want to achieve success. Unfortunately, in reality success is never achieved overnight. To become successful, a person needs some qualities of personal characteristics as well as human capital for success. There for, this article intends to discuss what is success, the personality characteristics of successful people, and how developing these qualities toward success in our carrier and life.Keywords: success, characteristics of successful person, self-development

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