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Jurnal Annida memuat hasil-hasil penelitian, baik kajian kepustakaan maupun kajian lapangan. Fokus utama Annida adalah: 1. Pemikiran Islam berkaitan dengan isu-isu kontemporer, Islam moderat, HAM, gender, dan demokrasi dalam Al-Quran dan Hadis 2. Sosial keagamaan: kajian gerakan-gerakan keagamaan, aliran-aliran keagamaan, dan aliran kepercayaan 3. Integrasi Islam, sains, teknologi dan seni
Articles 160 Documents
KENISCAYAAN REVOLUSI ISLAM (Menggagas Ulang Doktrin Teologi Revolusi Islam Hasan Hanafi) Haris Riadi
An-Nida' Vol 37, No 2 (2012): July - December 2012
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyrakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/an-nida.v37i2.322


Rethinking of Hasan Hanafi for theological doctrine on Islamic revolutionTheological revolution was initiated by Hasan Hanafi as a new model on Islamic principle doctrine known as “Tauhid”. He explains the principle and causes of losing spirit of Muslim world on tauhid and a dualistic worldview. Dualistic worldview is reflected in the repressive character of those who believe in one power and deny the other side. So, Hasan Hanafi tried to position the unity as a way of looking to overcome the crisis experienced by the Muslims and restore its civilization identity. To grow and return to the spirit of unity to revolution to Hasan Hanafi, the need to reconstruct the understanding of the main doctrines of Islam and in accordance with its development as done its predecessors. Since without doing the reconstruction of tawhid, the unity will remain bound by the normative understanding of the transcendent, only discuss the substance and nature of the gods itself. Thus, reconstruction is done so that unity can come down as human resistance force language other than Allah. But, before doing that task first of all need to trace the historical development of Islamic theology and naming by looking at the themes and discussions on theology. Then, critique it in order to formulate a revolutionary new theology as an offer of an alternative solution to the problem of humanity.
An-Nida' Vol 41, No 2 (2017): July - December
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyrakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/an-nida.v41i2.4657


In this era of globalization at the present time, there are many ways we can do to carry out da'wah. Unlike when humans have not known whose name technology. Now mushroomed social media accounts that can be owned by someone. Not only that beautiful writings and verses can be heard all over the world. As we know that every believing Muslim is obliged to carry out da'wah despite one verse. The people who mepunyai science is supposed to menyebrkan knowledge he has. So that science is not only in him.Da'wah is a worship for every Muslim who believes, giving da'wah is part of alms, if the message of dakwah is not ignored by mad'u its not an important issue already convey. Even if the message of dakwah that we conveyed to his heart means alhamdulillah and if it can change his behavior from the bad then change to the good means we both get blessing.Abstract In this era of globalization at the present time, there are many ways we can do to carry out da'wah. Unlike when humans have not known whose name technology. Now mushroomed social media accounts that can be owned by someone. Not only that beautiful writings and verses can be heard all over the world. As we know that every believing Muslim is obliged to carry out da'wah despite one verse. The people who mepunyai science is supposed to menyebrkan knowledge he has. So that science is not only in him.Da'wah is a worship for every Muslim who believes, giving da'wah is part of alms, if the message of dakwah is not ignored by mad'u its not an important issue already convey. Even if the message of dakwah that we conveyed to his heart means alhamdulillah and if it can change his behavior from the bad then change to the good means we both get blessing.
Perjuangan Minoritas Muslim dan Perkembangan Pemikiran Tasawuf di China M. Arrafe Abduh
An-Nida' Vol 38, No 1 (2013): January - June 2013
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyrakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/an-nida.v38i1.328


Congregation (menhuan) Naqsyabandiyah in China, there are also followers in Indonesia, the Chinese of martial arts martial arts long before the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644 AD). Kung Fu Kick Muslim Hui people Tan Tui, Zhaquan, Baijiquan, Qishiquan, Piquaquan and Shiba and respiratory system.In the era of the Yuan dynasty (1279-1368 AD) and the Ming dynasty (1368-1644 AD), Their mastery of Confucianism is a consequence of the policies implemented in the early shinisme power Ming Dynasty. In addition to not reject traditional Chinese ancestral culture, understanding of Confucianism, because they want to attract the sympathy of the Chinese Muslims and the Islamic world in order to easily establish diplomatic and economic relations.
An-Nida' Vol 42, No 1 (2018): January - June
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyrakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/an-nida.v42i1.9339


The journals published in the practice of Sufi tributes produce many of these karamahs, which are answered free from the fortune of those who studied Sufi weaving experts to get forty karama included in the Sairu al-Salikin Li Babi Ihya'ulumuddin Book published by Shaykh Abdurrahman al-Kalantani who commented the book of Ihya al-'Ulumuddin by Imam al-Ghozali in volume three of the tenth chapter and the closing chapter. The rest is told beforehand that they too love wealth and charity donors, love the splendor of life, love to show off wealth, arrogant and endless, fortunately lucky people who are not deluded by the temptations of world life; they are the ones who change the Sufi tariqat who get forty lectures from Allah Ta'ala, twenty in the world and twenty in the hereafter. How to calculate the deeds done by Sufi experts who produce a lot of karamah. Sources of data in this study are library sources, data collection steps, ranging from data collection or collection, data verification, data interpretation and finally obtained. In analyzing the truth, the study tested using the cross check method. The results showed that many people were deluded into world life; will live wretched in the world and the hereafter otherwise people who are not trapped in world life and practice charity twenty in the world and twenty in the hereafter. Furthermore, also believe in arrogant drugs and enjoy showing off wealth by examining yourself what is boasted about, because this is material that comes from the soil and will be returned to the soil filled with dirt in every hole in the limbs and whatever we have eaten the rest of other people's parts and will stay for someone else. 
Pemikiran Tasawuf Said Nursi dalam Pemberdayaan Politik (Al-Tamkin Al-Siyasi) Masyarakat Muslim Turki (Studi Atas Kitab Al-Matsnawi An-Nuri) Suhayib Suhayib
An-Nida' Vol 38, No 1 (2013): January - June 2013
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyrakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/an-nida.v38i1.333


substitute for the word congregation.
An-Nida' Vol 42, No 2 (2018): July - December
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyrakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/an-nida.v42i2.9362


Good environmental management, is the only opportunity and choice for humans to be able to exist and live on this earth. Massive environmental damage in various parts of the world has brought about many  disasters.     And it is no exception in Indonesia that disasters that come and go, such as earthquakes, floods, landslides, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions and others, can be concluded due to damage to environmental balance.  In Islamic perspective (Al-Qur'an), Allah has long explained to humans some principles that must be implemented in interacting with the environment, so that humans are protected from di sasters and disasters.   In this case, humans must not only understand the balance and regularity of the ecosystem (environment), as Allah has created, but also must preserve  ecosystems (environment), in accordance with the law of balance, and this is part of the task of human as khalifah   on earth.
Eksistensi Perempuan di Era Demokrasi Perspektif Al-Qur'an dan Hadits Nurhasanah Nurhasanah
An-Nida' Vol 38, No 2 (2013): July - December 2013
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyrakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/an-nida.v38i2.339


Controversy hits female involvement at various responsible positions in an era democratizes to be still happening. Because that happening spar available sentence and traditions like what does forbidden glimpse involvement femaling to gets action at democratizes era as responsible position of public or politics responsible position. Amongst those is al Ahzab’s letter about instructions to sentence 33 females for stays on the house and Bukhari’s Hadith is about the history of female leadership. ‘s sentences al-Qur ‘an and the Prophet’s said. If understood by comprehensively’s style and contextual actually does not block female existence in various and also responsible positions at age democratizes the which have no absolute authority.
Offiside Kesetaraan Gender (Kritik Terhadap Liberasi Kesetaraan Gender Perspektif Al-Qur'an) Afriadi Putra; Khairunnas Jamal; Nasrul Fatah
An-Nida' Vol 43, No 1 (2019): January - June
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyrakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/an-nida.v43i1.12313


Kesetaraan gender menjadi kajian yang menarik terutama seiring dengan kehidupan modern. Pengarusutamaan kajian tentang gender yang digagas para pemerhatinya pada akhirnya bermuara pada kesetaraan tanpa batas (liberation of gender equality). Untuk membentengi hal itu perlu kiranya kajian yang berangkat dari sudut pandang Al-Qur’an sebagai pedoman utama dan menjadi pijakan kritis terhadap liberasi kesetaraan tersebut. Hasil dari penelitian ini menyimpulkan; Pertama, Al-Qur’an menegaskan bahwa perempuan ditempatkan pada posisi yang mulia, terhormat dan setara dengan laki-laki. Al-Qur’an sangat menentang keras adanya perlakuan buruk dan dikriminatif terhadap perempuan. Kedua, Al-Qur’an memandang bahwa kesetaraan perempuan dengan laki-laki terletak pada hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan hak-hak kemanusiaan dan ibadah. Namun pada fungsi-fungsi tertentu perempuan tidak dapat disamakan dengan laki-laki, seperti mengurus rumah tangga dan fungsi biologisnya. Dengan demikian kesetaraan yang diangkat oleh Al-Qur’an didasarkan pada aspek-aspek keadilan dan keseuaian dengan fitrah perempuan dan laki-laki.
An-Nida' Vol 39, No 1 (2014): Januari - Juni 2014
Publisher : Lembaga penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyrakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/an-nida.v39i1.863


Gagasan dekonstruksi adalah pandangan hidup dan filsafat Barat, menurut Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas, dekonstruksi bersumber dari tiga faham yaitu pandangan hidup sekuler atau humanisme, faham Filsafat, faham yang menerima pengalaman kesengsaraan hidup sebagai satu kepercayaan yang mutlak. Ternyata dalam kenyataannya M.Quraish Shihab mengambil dari kitab Perjanjian Lama (kejadian VI:16) bahtera itu dilukiskan bertingkat-tingkat. Abu Hayyan juga mengatakan hal yang sama dan tidak menyebutkan dari mana sumber pengambilannya, beliau (Abu Hayyan) menyatakan bahawa tingkat paling bawah dari bahtera Nabi Nuh a.s itu adalah untuk binatang buas, yang bahagian tengah untuk tempat penyimpanan makanan dan minuman, dan tingkat paling atas adalah tempat Nabi Nuh a.s beserta pengikut-pengikut beliau. Keberadaan Israiliyat dalam kitab-kitab tafsir Al-Quran, menurunkan kewibawaan satu kitab tafsir, karena telah terjadi di percampur bauran kebenaran dan kebatilan, fakta yang benar dengan yang bohong, cerita yang benar dengan dongeng semata
Politik Islam di Malaysia; Studi tentang Partai Al-Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS) di Kelantan Syamruddin Nasution; Abd. Ghofur
An-Nida' Vol 43, No 2 (2019): Juli - Desember
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyrakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/an-nida.v43i2.12321


Kelantan merupakan salah satu dari 13 negara bagian di Malaysia, perjuangan penerapan syariat Islam  di Kelantan telah berjalan sejak lahirnya PAS tahun 1951. Namun otonomi atau kewenangan dalam penerapan syariat Islam yang dicita-citakan oleh PAS mengalami banyak hambatan karena bertentangan dengan UU Federal dan Akta Mahkamah Syariah. Dalam UU Federal tidak menganut azas negara Islam dan tidak menginginkan tegaknya hukum Islam berseberangan produk hukum di negeri kelantan. Akhirnya perbenturan diantara aturan pemerintah federal dan negara bagian tersebut, menjadikan peraturan negara bagian terpaksa dibatalkan pemerintah ferderal. Tulisan ini menjelaskan berbagai Upaya-upaya dalam penerapan syariat Islam yang dilakukan PAS di eksekutif, legislatif dan Majlis Syuro yang tiada henti dengan terus menyempurnakan produk hukumnya baik dalam bentuk Enakmen Jenayah Syariah Kelantan 1993  tentang hukum hudud, Qishas dan Tazir,serta peraturan-peraturan daerah (perda) melarang berbagai kemaksiatan.

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