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Menara Riau: Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Pengembangan Masyarakat Islam
ISSN : 20858833     EISSN : 27976963     DOI :
Menara Riau: Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Pengembangan Masyarakat Islam (Print ISSN: 2085-8833 | Online ISSN: 2797-6963), merupakan jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau sejak tahun 2004. Jurnal Menara Riau ini semula merupakan jurnal yang berada di bawah Lembaga Pengabdian Masyarakat dan hanya memuat hasil riset ilmiah dosen dalam pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Namun sejak terjadinya peleburan Lembaga Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPM) ke dalam Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM), maka jurnal Menara Riau fokus mempublikasikan hasil kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dengan berbagai pendekatan dari berbagai disiplin ilmu baik agama, sosial humaniora, maupun sains dan teknologi. Mulai terbitan tahun 2020 Menara Riau diterbitkan dua kali setahun (April dan Oktober)
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 73 Documents
Sosialisasi Bahaya Media Sosial sebagai Modus Perdagangan Orang pada Remaja di Jatinangor Benazir Bona Pratamawaty; Evie Ariadne Shinta Dewi; Putri Limilia
MENARA RIAU Vol 15, No 2 (2021): Oktober 2021
Publisher : Lembaga penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyrakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (602.007 KB) | DOI: 10.24014/menara.v15i2.13968


In the period of January to April 2021, 234 children were found to be the victims of the children trafficking and 60% of them were recruited through the social media. Children and young adults were told that they will be hired as employee and earn sophisticated salary while in fact they were tricked into sexual exploitation. Pandemic and high internet penetration results in increasing internet use for children and young adults. Hence, both children and young adults are prone to the human trafficking practices. Therefore, it is urgent to conduct socialization and education towards children and young adults regarding the high risks of social media use as the recruitment tools for human trafficking perpetrators. This community service aimed to increasing knowledge and rising awareness of the young adults in Jatinangor with regard to the threat of social media as the human trafficking modus of practices. The data collection comprised of online survey before and after the socialization. Because of the pandemic, the socialization took place online or known as Webinar. The webinar was divided into three session which consisted of polling session (pre-test), talks and discussion session, then post-test session. The objectives of this webinar were to socialize, educate, and develop social awareness with regard to the human trafficking threats. The online survey results were analyzed using quantitative descriptive technique. The results indicate that after the webinar the participant succeed in gaining knowledge and understanding of the human trafficking recruitment modus and how the social media used as one of the modus.
The Role of Interpersonal Communication Between Teachers and High School’s Students in Overcome Bullying Behavior Mardhiyyah Mardhiyyah; Ghazali Ama La Nora; MA. Theresa Bringas Nardo
MENARA RIAU Vol 15, No 2 (2021): Oktober 2021
Publisher : Lembaga penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyrakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2127.074 KB) | DOI: 10.24014/menara.v15i2.13936


Bullying is aggressive behavior or action that involves an imbalance of power that is detrimental to others. Most bullying occurs at school and a lot of data can prove that schools are the biggest contributors to bullying behavior.  The output of this community services is  Being able to provide an understanding of the importance of creating conditions and a good and comfortable school atmosphere for students to avoid bullying behavior at school. This community services held  with lecture method accompanied by an explanation and interactive discussion involving all participants. The implementation of this Community Service is going well and smoothly. The success factor of this Community Service activities at MAN 10 Jakarta is the enthusiasm of participants in receiving material and communicative material delivery by the Speakers. While the obstacle in this activity is the unavailability of credible resource persons and the limited time to carry out the Activity.
Program Konseling Karir “Man Jadda Wajada” Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Penetapan Keputusan Karir Pada Remaja SMA di Panti Asuhan Eka Fitriyani; Rita Susanti
MENARA RIAU Vol 16, No 1 (2022): April 2022
Publisher : Lembaga penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyrakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/menara.v16i1.13975


Orphanage youth generally have difficulty in determining academic or occupational majors, when they are able to decide, the problem that arises is not understanding enough of the choices that have been made Career counseling is a means that can play a role in ensuring individuals make career decisions, and help fulfill the requirements that must be met. possessed in fulfilling career development tasks. Career counseling services are one of the areas of guidance that try to help individuals in solving career or work problems to adjust as well as possible for their future. This service is a continuation of the future orientation training program in the field of work for adolescents at the Pekanbaru orphanage. Career counseling services are provided to high school students who live in orphanages. The number of participants in this service is 11 teenagers. The results of the analysis of the difference test before and after on the ability to determine career decisions show a Z value of 2.666 with a significance of 0.008 (p <0.05), meaning that there is a change in the ability to make career decisions before and after giving career counseling. 
Pelatihan Berbasis Skill Rajutan Konektor Masker Terhadap Ibu-ibu Rumah Tangga Terdampak Covid-19 di Desa Tarai Bangun Aslati Aslati; Silawati Silawati; Muhlasin Muhlasin
MENARA RIAU Vol 16, No 1 (2022): April 2022
Publisher : Lembaga penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyrakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/menara.v16i1.15521


The Covid-19 pandemic has an impact on all aspects of people's lives, especially the economic impact. This condition is most affected by the household sector of mothers. Therefore, it is necessary to hold community service in the form of practical training by providing skills with the aim that certain skills can generate the family economy. The mentoring approach method uses a Socio-Economic approach, namely providing productive technical skills. The results of the mentoring activity in the form of training were 20 participants consisting of housewives and teenagers. The service team brought in one training instructor. The event started with providing counseling and motivational materials by one of the service teams, followed by the practice of making knitted mask connectors and the media had been prepared in advance. Participants were divided into two sessions, namely morning before noon and afternoon until afternoon. At the end of the activity, participants can produce knitted mask connectors that can be used alone and of course these skills can be of economic value in helping the family economy.
Kalibrasi Arah Kiblat Masjid Al Jumu’ah Pondok Pesantren Karomatul Qur’an Tanjungpinang Angkat, M. Arbisora; Hidayatullah, Rizki Pradana; Sari, Afna Fitria; Saniah, Mahfuzah
MENARA RIAU Vol 16, No 1 (2022): April 2022
Publisher : Lembaga penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyrakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/menara.v16i1.14886


Currently determination the qibla direction is very easy to do, like using the compass from smartphone, but the results shown isn’t always accurate. Compass from one smartphone to another can show different numbers because of the area and surrounding objects, such as iron and magnetic deviation. Many mosques deviate from their qibla direction after calibrating the qibla direction. This happened because at the beginning of measuring the qibla direction of the mosque using the compass, like was happened to Al Jumu'ah Mosque. The purpose of community dedication is to correct the qibla direction of Al Jumu'ah Mosque in order to strengthen the belief in the worship of Karomatul Qur'an Islamic Boarding School Tanjungpinang’s residents. The method uses a consultative approach where community problems and needs are handled in collaboration with universities. After calibrating the qibla direction using the Theodolite, it’s obtained that the azimuth kiblat of Al Jumu'ah Mosque is 293o 06’ 19.49”, be discovered deviation amount 00o 05’ 00”.
Literasi Keuangan Pasar Modal Bagi Mahasiswa Anna Nurlita; Aras Aira; Irdayanti Irdayanti; Yessi Nesneri
MENARA RIAU Vol 16, No 1 (2022): April 2022
Publisher : Lembaga penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyrakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/menara.v16i1.16410


This PKM aims to increase students' knowledge about investing in the capital market, increase the number of investors in Uin Suska Riau, find out what factors influence students' lack of interest in investing in the capital market. PKM was held in the form of a webinar and attended by 39 participants from Uin Suska Riau and Riau University. The results achieved after the PKM implementation were an increase in students' knowledge and understanding of financial literacy in the Capital Market, seen from the number of students' interest in becoming investors in the Capital Market increased after the Webinar was held. The reason for students who have not become Capital Market investors is because they think that being an investor requires large funds and must have a fixed income, besides not understanding stock trading, it is also one of the factors for the lack of interest in investing in the capital market.
Pelatihan Jurnalistik Warga Bagi Pemuda Karang Taruna Endri Listiani; Wiki Angga Wiksana
MENARA RIAU Vol 16, No 1 (2022): April 2022
Publisher : Lembaga penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyrakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/menara.v16i1.13838


Media news content, often seems to be separated from the public interest or public interest. The public interest has not yet become mainstream in the editorial work routine. Until finally, citizen journalism emerged as a complement to public journalism which so far has often only been a tool for the interests of certain groups. Through this model of citizen journalism, it is hoped that public apathy can be replaced with full participation. Moreover, coupled with very rapid technological advances, it accelerates the development of citizen journalism because it facilitates citizen participation. To prepare this citizen journalism, it is necessary to prepare the community's ability in basic journalistic skills. Until their writing becomes fit for consumption. Therefore, this citizen journalism training was held, especially at the youth organization in desa Lamajang, kec. Pangalengan, kabupaten Bandung, who had an interest in developing writing skills and a desire to develop their village. Improving the ability of youth who will become the next generation is a must. To maximize citizen journalism, preparing young people who are media literate is an asset. Being a very valuable asset, this young man has the provision of qualified media skills.
Peran Komunikasi Pemasaran dalam UMKM : Pembelajaran untuk Pemberdayaan UMKM Kelompok Wanita Tani di Pedesaan Nurlela Nurlela; Ine Anggraini
MENARA RIAU Vol 16, No 2 (2022): Oktober 2022
Publisher : Lembaga penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyrakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/menara.v16i2.19427


Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM) memiliki peran yang sangat penting dalam perekonomian lokal maupun nasional. UMKM berperan dalam penyerapan tenaga kerja, mengatasi kemiskinan, dan pendistribusian hasil-hasil pembangunan. UMKM biasanya berproduksi dalam skala kecil dan memerlukan perhatian dalam pemasaran produk yang dihasilkan. Komunikasi pemasaran dapat menjadi strategi bagi setiap UMKM untuk belajar mengenalkan produk yang dihasilkan kepada pihak lain atau khalayak ramai sehingga memiliki pemahaman dan maksud yang sama terhadap produk serta merek yang dijual. Berbagai jenis bauran komunikasi pemasaran dapat dipilih dan disesuaikan dengan jenis produk dan fasilitas yang dimiliki. Setiap UMKM selain fokus dalam menghasilkan produk yang berdaya saing, juga harus dapat memasarkan apa yang mereka hasilkan. Pada tahap awal, setiap UMKM harus dapat membaca kebutuhan pasar berkaitan dengan riset pasar, sehingga mereka dapat menghasilkan produk sesuai dengan segmen pasar yang dituju. Selanjutnya UMKM dapat menggunakan sarana komunikasi yang dimiliki dan bergabung dengan sentra UMKM sesuai jenis usaha yang dimiliki. Dengan menggunakan komunikasi pemasaran yang baik, maka akan berdampak pada kemajuan usaha yang dilakukan dan UMKM akan tumbuh menjadi UMKM yang berdaya saing. 
Pemanfaatan Limbah Botol Plastik Dalam Mendukung Budidaya Kerang Hijau Susanti Sundari; Putri Endah Suwarni; Burhan Nudin; Andri Oktivendra; Hinfa Mosshananza; Yuli Evadianti
MENARA RIAU Vol 16, No 2 (2022): Oktober 2022
Publisher : Lembaga penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyrakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/menara.v16i2.19187


Green mussel fishermen in Umbul Asem village use waste plastic bottles as floats for green mussel cultivation using the longline method. Due to the need for these used bottles in large quantities, fishermen usually buy them for IDR 6,000/kg from the community. Form a service team consisting of lecturers, students, Matala, and UTB campus cleaners to collect used plastic bottles from the campus environment to be given to partners to reduce partner expenses in production costs to increase business profits as a benefit of this activity while also reducing waste. The service method used is participatory fishing village community development, a continuation of the previous program there. This activity went well according to the target, and the partners felt it helped. And activities to reduce waste and care for the environment and society will be continued by creating waste banks in the campus environment.
Penyuluhan Program Keluarga Berencana (KB) Terhadap Pasangan Usia Subur Guna Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Keluarga Pivit Septiary Chandra; Abdiana Ilosa; Nur Alhidayatillah; Julis Suriani; Rohayati Rohayati; Betty Syandra
MENARA RIAU Vol 16, No 2 (2022): Oktober 2022
Publisher : Lembaga penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyrakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/menara.v16i2.19340


Population growth in Riau Province experiencing a growth of 1.40 percent will have an impact on family welfare in terms of the order of life from social, economic, cultural and political aspects so that there is a need for upanya planning and population control through the Family Planning (KB) program for Couples of Childbearing Age (PUS) in a family to create a prosperous family. For this reason, the UIN SUSKA Riau service team carried out counseling activities to the community in order to increase insight and concern for the community to realize a prosperous family through the family planning program. This activity is carried out by the method of lectures and discussions. The results of this service activity are that some communities of couples of childbearing age in PKK Group, RT.06 / RW.01 Dusun 1 Tarai Bangun Village, Mining District, Kampar Regency have not yet fulfilled the meaning and benefits of this family planning program. With some bad assumptions in this program, especially in the use of contraceptives that are part of the birth control program. After being given the material, the community began to understand and be enthusiastic about exploring the family planning program and realizing a prosperous family.