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Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya untuk penyebarluasan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan oleh para peneliti dari dalam dan luar Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya. Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian terbit tiga kali dalam setahun, memuat tulisan hasil penelitian yang termasuk dalam lingkup disiplin ilmu pengetahuan yang terkait dengan Ilmu-ilmu Teknologi Pertanian guna menunjang pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi serta pembangunan nasional.
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Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian Vol 22, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jtp.2021.022.02.6


ABSTRAKPemilihan program digesti sampel dengan microwave penting dilakukan untuk memperoleh hasil destruksi yang sempurna. Kesempurnaan destruksi sampel menentukan keberterimaan parameter verifikasi metode yaitu akurasi, presisi, linearitas dan sensitivitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memilih metode destruksi microwave dalam penetapan total arsenik dalam MP-ASI menggunakan AAS-HVG. Evaluasi dilakukan terhadap parameter verifikasi metode dan perbandingan dua program microwave dilakukan dengan uji t. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa program destruksi microwave pertama (P1) lebih baik daripada program microwave pembanding (P2) yang menghasilkan rata-rata recovery 84,79% hingga 104,57% untuk sampel bermatriks makanan dan 64,43% untuk sampel air. Presisi metode terpilih menghasilkan rata-rata RSD 6,63% hingga 13,41% untuk sampel bermatriks dan 4,66% untuk sampel air. Linearitas metode pada program terpilih menunjukkan R: 0,997 dengan koefisien variasi regresi Vx0: 4,24%, sedangkan batas deteksi dan batas kuantifikasi sebagai parameter sensitivitas berturut-turut 0,04 ng/g dan 0,12 ng/g untuk sampel bermatriks serta 0,01 ng/ml dan 0,02 ng/ml untuk sampel air. Metode penetapan kadar total arsenik dengan program microwave terpilih memenuhi syarat keberterimaan menurut uji verifikasi metode.ABSTRACT  It is important to choose a sample digestion program with microwave to obtain the best digestion results. The sample digestion may determine the acceptability of the method verification parameters, namely accuracy, precision, linearity and sensitivity. The aim of this study was to select a microwave digestion method in determining the total arsenic in complementary foods using HVG-AAS. The evaluation was carried out on the parameter verification method and the comparison of the two microwave programs was carried out using the t test. The results showed that the first microwave digestion program (P1) was better than the comparator microwave program (P2) which resulted in an average recovery of 84.79% to 104.57% for matrix samples and 64,43% for water samples. The precision of the selected method resulted in an average RSD of 6.63% to 13.41% for food matrix samples and 4.66% for water samples. The linearity of the method in the selected program shows R: 0.997 with a regression coefficient of variation Vx0: 4.24%, while the limit of detection and limit of quantification as sensitivity parameters are 0.04 ng/g and 0.12 ng/g for matrix samples respectively 0.01 ng/ml and 0.02 ng/ml for water samples. The method for determining the total arsenic concentration using the selected microwave program met the acceptability requirements according to the method verification test.
Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian Vol 22, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (326.836 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jtp.2021.022.02.2


ABSTRAK Kepala ikan kakap merah merupakan limbah terbanyak yang dihasilkan dari industri fillet ikan kakap merah. Minyak ikan hasil ekstraksi dari limbah kepala ikan kakap merah mengandung asam lemak omega 3, omega 6 dan omega 9, namun bersifat kurang stabil dan mudah rusak akibat proses oksidasi. Stabilitas minyak ikan selama penyimpanan dapat ditingkatkan melalui proses mikroenkapsulasi dengan metode spray drying. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh proporsi bahan penyalut yang berbeda terhadap karakteristik mikrokapsul minyak ikan yang dihasilkan. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok dengan faktor perlakuan proporsi bahan penyalut yang terdiri dari 6 level. Analisis statistik pada data hasil penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan software SPSS 20 (α= 5%). Mikrokapsul dengan karakteristik terbaik dihasilkan dari perlakuan perbandingan antara bahan penyalut dekstrin dan gum arab 2:3, dengan rendemen 17,75%, kadar air 11,32% (bb), kadar lemak 15,65%, ukuran 1653,08 µm dan berwarna putih kekuningan. Selain itu, proses mikroenkapsulasi dengan bahan penyalut dekstrin dan gum arab (2:3) juga menunjukkan bahwa dapat mempertahankan kandungan asam lemak dengan jumlah omega 3 sebesar 14,17%, omega 6 sebesar 4,35% dan omega 9 sebesar 12,53%.ABSTRACT Red snapper head is the most waste generated from the red snapper fillet industry. Fish oil extracted from red snapper head waste contains omega-3, omega-6, and omega-9 fatty acids but is less stable and easily damaged due to the oxidation process. The stability of fish oil during storage can be increased through the spray drying method's microencapsulation process. This study aims to examine the effect of different proportions of coating materials on the characteristics of the fish oil microcapsules produced. The study used a randomized block design with a treatment factor of the ratio of coating material consisting of 6 levels. Statistical analysis of research data was carried out using SPSS 20 software (α = 5%). Microcapsules with the best characteristics were produced from the comparison treatment between dextrin and gum arabic coating materials 2:3, with a yield of 17.75%, water content 11.32% (bb), fat content 15.65%, size 1653.08 m, and colored yellowish white. In addition, the microencapsulation process with dextrin and gum arabic coating materials (2:3) also showed that it could maintain the fatty acid content with the amount of omega-3 by 14.17%, omega-6 by 4.35%, and omega-9 by 12.53%.
Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian Vol 22, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (266.18 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jtp.2021.022.02.7


                                              ABSTRAK Belimbing wuluh dapat dimanfaatkan menjadi sari buah dengan metode ekstraksi osmosis. Namun, warna sari buah belimbing wuluh kurang menarik sehingga perlu ditambahkan pewarna alami yang berasal dari bunga Mexican petunia yang mengandung antosianin. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh proporsi buah : bunga dan lama osmosis untuk mendapatkan sari buah belimbing wuluh yang baik secara fisik, kimia dan organoleptik. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) Faktorial. Faktor I yaitu proporsi buah:bunga (25:1); (25:2); (25:3) dan faktor II yaitu lama osmosis (6, 12, dan 18 jam) dengan 3 kali ulangan. Perlakuan terbaik dilakukan menggunakan metode pembobotan (Zeleny). Perlakuan terbaik ada pada sari buah belimbing wuluh dengan proporsi buah : bunga (25:1) dan lama osmosis 12 jam dengan vitamin C 16,35 mg/ml; antioksidan 57,99 ppm; total gula 9,63%; nilai kecerahan (L*) 48,0 dan nilai kemerahan 14,6. Hasil organoleptik untuk perlakuan terbaik adalah kesukaan warna 2,85 (agak suka); kesukaan rasa 3,075 (agak suka); tingkat kesukaan aroma 2,83 (agak suka); dan tingkat kesukaan kenampakan 2,95 (agak suka)                                                    ABSTRACT Belimbing Wuluh is a fruit that has not been fully utilized, so it is necessary to process belimbing wuluh into fruit juice using osmotic extraction. The color of belimbing wuluh juice is less attractive, so Mexican petunia flowers is needed to be added as natural colorant because of anthocyanin content. The purpose of this study are to determine the effect of fruit proportion: flowers and duration of optimal osmotic in order to produce belimbing wuluh juice with good quality. The design experiment used in this research was Randomized Block Design (RAK) Factorial. Factor I is the addition of fruit proportion: flowers (25:1); (25:2); (25:3) and factor II is osmotic time (6, 12, and 18 hours). The best treatment was done using the weighting method (Zeleny).The best belimbing wuluh fruit juice had vitamin C 16,35 mg / ml; antioxidant 57.99 ppm; total sugar 9.63%; brightness value (L*) of 48,0 and redness value of 14.6. The organoleptic results for the best treatment were color preference 2.85 (slightly like); taste preference 3,075 (slightly like); aroma preference level 2.83 (slightly like); and the level of preference for the appearance is 2.95 (slightly like)
Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian Vol 22, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jtp.2021.022.02.3


ABSTRAK Jagung merupakan salah satu komoditas pertanian yang berpotensi besar untuk dikembangkan secara komersial. Cookies yang dibuat dari 100% tepung jagung mengakibatkan penerimaan konsumen yang menurun karena tekstur cookies yang keras. Kekerasan pada cookies dari jagung dapat pula disebabkan oleh kemampuan pati dalam mengikat air dan lemak yang rendah serta struktur pati yang kompak. Salah satu metode modifikasi pati yang digunakan untuk memperbaiki sifat pati adalah asetilasi. Persyaratan derajat asetilasi pada pati yang dapat digunakan untuk menjadi produk olahan adalah 0,01-0,2. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendapatkan rekayasa proses asetilasi untuk mendapatkan derajat substitusi 0,2 dan mengetahui perubahan karakteristik fisikokimia, hidrofobisitas dan kristalinitas pada pati dengan derajat substitusi 0,2. Jagung varietas Bisi-18 yang digunakan untuk penelitian berasal dari Kabupaten Bantul, Yogyakarta. Tahapan penelitian meliputi ekstraksi pati jagung dan modifikasi asetilasi dengan Rancangan Acak Kelompok. Faktor 1 adalah konsentrasi asetat anhidrat (2,4,6%) dan faktor 2 adalah waktu reaksi (5,10,15 menit). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses asetilasi terjadi pada pH 8-8,4; suhu reaksi 28-30oC selama 15 menit dengan konsentrasi asetat anhidrat 4% (v/w) menghasilkan pati terasetilasi dengan derajat subtitusi 0,2. Pati jagung tersebut mengalami perubahan karakteristik yaitu lebih hidrofob dan kristalinitas menurun. Pati terasetilasi dengan derajat substitusi 0,2 berpotensi untuk dijadikan bahan baku kue kering seperti cookies.ABSTRACT Corn is one of the agricultural commodities with great potential to be developed commercially. Cookies from 100% corn flour resulted in reduced consumer acceptance, caused by hard cookies. The hardness of the cookies from corn can also be caused by the low ability of starch to binding water and fat, and the compact structure of starch. One of the starch modification methods used to improve starch properties is acetylation. The degree of acetylation in starch that can be used to be a processed product is 0.01-0.2. The aims of this study were obtaining an acetylation process to obtain a degree of substitution of 0.2 and to determine the changes in the characteristics of physicochemical, hydrophobicity, and crystallinity of starch with a degree of substitution of 0.2. Corn variety Bisi-18 used for research comes from Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta. The research stages included extraction of corn starch and modification of acetylation with a randomized block design. The first factor was the concentration of acetate anhydrous (2,4,6%) and the second factor was the reaction time (5,10,15 minutes). The results showed that the acetylation process occurred at pH 8-8.4; reaction temperature is 28-30oC for 15 minutes with  4% (v/w) acetate anhydrous to produce degree of substitution 0,2 acetylated corn starch. The characteristic of degree of substitution 0,2 acetylated corn starch is more hydrophobic and decreased crystallinity compared to natural starch. Acetylated starch with degree of substitution 0,2 has potential to be used as raw material for pastries such as cookies.
IMPROVING EDIBLE FILM QUALITY USING MODIFIED WATER YAM (Dioscorea alata L) STARCH Ulyarti; Indriyani; Rahayu Suseno; Siti Nursela; Hesti Megawati; Irma Rahmayani; Nazarudin
Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian Vol. 23 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (807.168 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jtp.2022.023.02.1


             The existed edible films made of water yam starch tend to have a low quality which is indicated by high WVTR value and low mechanical strength. Addition of modified starch can decrease the WVTR value and improve the mechanical properties. The purpose of this study is to obtain the ratio of starch paste volume to ethanol volume which produces modified water yam starch and to improve the quality of the edible film by adding modified water yam starch. This research was conducted in 2 stages, which are the modification of water yam starch using the precipitation method and the making of edible films using several levels of modified water yam starch concentration. The first stage of the study was designed to produce modified starch using the treatment of the ratio of starch paste volume to ethanol volume. There are 5 treatment ratios used, which were 1:5, 1:7.5, 1:10, 1:12.5, and 1:15. The results showed that the different ratios of starch paste volume to ethanol volume resulted in different sizes of modified starches. The ethanol volume ratio of 1:5 resulted in a granular starch with the most damage in its morphology, and the smallest particle size detected was 1.135x1.767 µ, with the yield of modified starch was 80.5%. The addition of modified water yam starch of as much as 20%, which was modified using a ratio of paste volume to ethanol volume of 1:5, succeeded in improving the quality of the edible film of water yam starch by reducing the value of the water vapor transmission rate and increasing the compressive compressive strength.
Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian Vol. 23 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (412.915 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jtp.2022.023.02.3


            Baby Java orange is one sweet orange variant with a high pectin content on its skin. Pectin and starch are examples of the main ingredients in making edible films. Besides its economical price, corn starch is also commonly used in preparing edible films as the biopolymer material that can produce a matrix used for the edible film preparation process. The addition of glycerol plasticizers can improve the structure of the film. This study aimed to determine the effect of pectin concentration of Baby Java orange peel and glycerol on the physicochemical characteristics of the resulting edible film and determine the formulation with the highest value in the manufacture of the edible film according to the Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS). This study used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with two factors. The first factor is Baby Java skin pectin concentration (15%, 25%, and 35% %b b/b starch), while the second factor is glycerol concentration (10%, 20%, and 30% v/v). The edible films were then analyzed for their moisture content, thickness, solubility, color, tensile strength, and water vapor permeability. The results show that the concentration of pectin and glycerol with the addition of corn starch significantly affects the parameters of moisture content, solubility, thickness, tensile strength, color, and water vapor permeability tests. The optimum formulation in the preparation of edible films according to JIS was the formulation with the addition of 15% pectin and 20% glycerol, which resulted in 6.24% of moisture content, 76.57% solubility, 0.25 mm thickness, 0.50 MPa tensile strength, 54.98 lightness, 3.66 blueness, -1.48 appearances and 1.42 water vapor permeability
Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian Vol. 23 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (382.555 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jtp.2022.023.02.5


            Lerak (Sapindus rarak DC.) is one of the fruits with a main active compound called saponin. Saponins function as natural surfactants with foaming and emulsifying properties. Lerak in Indonesia is widely used as a traditional detergent. Using lerak essence as a detergent, batik washing can be done well without fading colors and is more environmentally friendly. Lerak essence can be applied as an additional component in preparing solid laundry soap. Adding lerak essence is to replace the anionic surfactant Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS). Therefore, the risk of pollution can be lowered, as well as keep batik cloth from easily fading out. This study was conducted using Randomized Block Design (RBD) with two factors, including the concentration of lerak essence (10%, 7.5%, and 5%) and NaOH molecules (0.5 mol and 0.375 mol). This study aimed to analyze the effect of variation in lerak essence concentration and NaOH molecular on the physicochemical properties of solid laundry soap. The results showed that the higher the concentration of lerak essence and NaOH molecules, the more it reduces the water content in solid laundry soap. Concentrations of 10% lerak essence and 0.5 mol NaOH molecules have the highest value for foam stability and the lowest value for moisture content. Among the tensile strength, pH, brightness level and yellowness level, the highest value was in the concentration of 7.5% lerak essence and 0.5 mol NaOH molecules. Treatments of the variation of lerak essence concentrations significantly affect pH, while the treatment of NaOH molecular variation significantly affects pH, tensile strength, foam stability, brightness level (L*) and yellowness level (b*)
Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian Vol. 23 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (379.653 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jtp.2022.023.02.4


            Kabau, Jengkol, Petai dan Lamtoro merupakan komoditas polong-polongan indigenous Indonesia yang telah banyak dibudidayakan dan dikonsumsi sejak zaman dahulu, berkembang lama dan dikenal masyarakat di suatu daerah tertentu di Indonesia. Banyaknya kandungan gizi pada komoditas ini sehingga dapat dimanfaatkan menjadi produk baru seperti tepung. Tepung merupakan salah satu produk dengan kadar air rendah sehingga dapat bertahan lama apabila disimpan pada suhu ruang. Namun, tepung merupakan bahan pangan yang mempunyai kemampuan menyerap dan melepaskan sebagian air selama penyimpanan yang dapat menyebabkan terjadinya perubahan mutu tepung. Oleh sebab itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan permodelan kurva ISL yang tepat serta pendugaan umur simpan pada tepung Kabau, Jengkol, Petai dan Lamtoro dengan proses perebusan sebagai pengolahan pendahuluan. Ruang lingkup pengujian yaitu penentuan kadar air setimbang dengan menggunakan metode gravimetri statis. Penentuan model dan ketepatan kurva ISL, serta perhitungan pendugaan umur simpan sampel menggunakan persamaan Labuza (1982). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa GAB merupakan permodelan kurva yang hampir tepat dalam menggambarkan pola penyerapan uap air sampel. Perhitungan pendugaan umur simpan sampel bahan segar memiliki umur simpan lebih panjang dibandingkan sampel dengan perebusan. Hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai acuan untuk pengembangan produk awetan dari keempat komoditas yang digunakan. Pembuatan produk awetan dapat memudahkan konsumen untuk tetap mengkonsumsi komoditas ini ketika terjadi kelangkaan bahan.                                                                                                      Kabau, Jengkol, Petai and Lamtoro are indigenous Indonesian legume commodities have been widely cultivated and consumed since ancient times, have been growing for a long time and are known to the public in certain areas. The high nutritional content of this commodity can be process to a new product such as flour. Flour is a product with low moisture content so it can last a long time when stored at room temperature. However, flour is a product that has the ability to absorb and release moisture content during storage which can cause changes in flour quality. Therefore, this study aims to determine the appropriate ISL curve modelling and estimate the shelf life of Kabau, Jengkol, Petai and Lamtoro flours by pre-boiled processing. The scope of the test is to determine the equilibrium moisture content using the oven method. Determination of the model and the accuracy of the ISL curve and the calculation of the estimated shelf life of the sample using the Labuza equation (1982). The results showed that GAB is a curve model that almost accurately describes the sample's water vapour absorption pattern. Calculation of the estimated shelf life of samples with fresh ingredients has a longer shelf life than samples with pre-boiled treatment. The results of this study can be used as a reference for the development of preserved products from the four commodities used. The manufacture of preserved products can make it easier for consumers to continue to consume this commodity when there is a shortage of materials.
EFEK PENGOLAHAN KONVENSIONAL PADA KANDUNGAN GIZI DAN ANTI GIZI BIJI PETAI (Parkia speciosa Hassk.) Putri Maharani; Umar Santoso; Yasmin Aulia Rachma; Aprilia Fitriani; Supriyadi Supriyadi
Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian Vol. 23 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (402.789 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jtp.2022.023.02.6


            Biji Petai (Parkia speciosa Hassk.) merupakan komoditas kacang-kacangan khas Indonesia dengan kandungan protein yang tinggi. Namun, biji Petai juga dikenal mengandung senyawa antigizi asam fitat, tanin dan tripsin inhibitor yang dapat menurunkan nilai cerna protein. Proses pengolahan konvensional kukus selama 10 menit, rebus selama 8 menit, dan goreng selama 2 menit dilakukan untuk menurunkan senyawa antigizi dan meningkatkan kecernaan protein biji Petai. Biji Petai yang digunakan untuk analisis adalah biji Petai bubuk yang telah dikeringkan menggunakan freeze dryer. Efek proses pengolahan divaluasi senyawa gizi, antigizi, dan nilai cerna protein in vitro. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh proses pengolahan kukus, rebus, dan goreng terhadap senyawa gizi (kadar air, protein, lemak, abu, dan karbohidrat), antigizi (asam fitat, tanin, serta tripsin inhibitor), dan kecernaan protein in vitro pada Petai. Penelitian dilakukan dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap Satu Faktor, yaitu jenis proses pengolahan. Data diolah dengan One Way ANOVA menggunakan aplikasi SPSS 2.1 dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95%, kemudian dilanjutkan uji Duncan apabila terdapat beda nyata. Diperoleh hasil bahwa ketiga proses pengolahan tersebut signifikan menurunkan konsentrasi senyawa antigizi asam fitat, tanin, serta tripsin inhibitor. Proses perebusan merupakan proses pengolahan terbaik yang dapat menurunkan senyawa antigizi asam fitat sebesar 75%, tanin sebesar 49%, dan tripsin inhibitor sebesar 70%. Proses pengolahan kukus dan rebus secara signifikan meningkatkan nilai cerna protein in vitro, yaitu masing-masing sebanyak 0,84% dan 2,55%. Temuan ini dapat dijadikan referensi proses pengolahan bagi konsumen biji Petai di Indonesia untuk mendapatkan manfaat asupan protein dari biji Petai dengan maksimal.                                              Petai seeds (Parkia speciosa Hassk) are a typical Indonesian legume commodity with high protein content. However, Petai seeds are also known to contain anti-nutritional compounds phytic acid, tannins, and trypsin inhibitors that can reduce protein digestibility. The conventional processing process was steamed for 10 min, boiled for 8 min, and fried for 2 min to reduce antioxidant compounds and increase the protein digestibility of Petai seeds. Petai seeds used for analysis are powdered Petai seeds that have been dried using a freeze dryer. The effects of the processing were evaluated for nutritional compounds, antinutrients, and protein digestibility values ​​in vitro. This study aims to determine the effect of steamed, boiled, and fried processing on nutritional compounds (water content, protein, fat, ash, and carbohydrates), antinutrients (phytic acid, tannins, and trypsin inhibitors), and protein digestibility in vitro in Petai. The research was conducted with a one-factor completely randomized design, namely the type of processing. The data was processed by One Way ANOVA using the SPSS 2.1 application with a 95% confidence level, then continued with Duncan's test if there was a significant difference. The results showed that the three processing processes significantly reduced the concentration of anti-nutritional compounds phytic acid, tannins, and trypsin inhibitors. The boiling process is the best processing process that can reduce the antioxidant compounds of phytic acid by 75%, tannins by 49%, and trypsin inhibitors by 70%. Steamed and boiled processing significantly increased the protein digestibility in vitro, which were 0.84% ​​and 2.55%, respectively. This finding can be used as a reference for the processing process for consumers of Petai seeds in Indonesia to get the maximum benefit of protein intake from Petai seeds
Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian Vol. 23 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (625.501 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jtp.2022.023.02.2


           Buah tomat adalah buah yang rentan mengalami kerusakan. Untuk mengatasi kerugian akibat kerusakan, maka buah tomat dapat diolah menjadi bubuk. Salah satu kelebihan bentuk bubuk adalah mudah untuk diaplikasikan pada berbagai olahan pangan. Pembuatan bubuk tomat memerlukan proses pengeringan. Untuk membantu proses pengeringan berlangsung cepat dan dapat mempertahankan komponen aktif di dalamnya, maka diperlukan penyalut atau enkapsulan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meneliti pengaruh jenis enkapsulan Natrium Carboxymethyl Cellulose (Na-CMC) dan maltodekstrin serta perbedaan konsentrasinya terhadap sifat fisikokimia bubuk tomat yang dihasilkan. Pada penelitian ini parameter yang diinvestigasi adalah kadar air, higroskopisitas, kadar fenol, aktivitas antioksidan, warna, dan nilai pH. Untuk analisis statistik, dilakukan uji ANOVA pada α = 5% dan uji lanjutan Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT). Dari hasil investigasi, diketahui jenis enkapsulan yang bebeda berpengaruh nyata terhadap seluruh parameter. Perbedaan konsentrasi Na-CMC (2,5%; 5%; 7,5%) berpengaruh pada rentang kadar air yang dihasilkan yaitu 1,43-3,17%, higroskopisitas (19,35-20,65%), kadar fenol (203,18-613,41 mg GAE/kg bahan), aktivitas antioksidan (43,42-87,27% penangkapan radikal/RSA), dan warna yaitu lightness (48,1-55,7); chroma (22,5-25,8); ⁰hue (39,9-40,7), serta pH (5,70-6,18). Sementara itu untuk maltodekstrin, perbedaan konsentrasi (6%, 12%, 18%) menghasilkan rentang kadar air 3,40-4,54%, higroskopisitas 18,55-19,16%, kadar fenol 345,23-795,23 mg GAE/kg bahan, aktivitas antioksidan 57,33-88,67% penangkapan radikal/RSA, warna yaitu lightness 52,1-58,6; chroma 28,7-45,8; ⁰hue 41,3-47,8, serta pH 5,30-5,55                                                                            Tomato is a fruit susceptible to damage resulting in a postharvest loss. Tomatoes can be processed into powder to reduce the potential risk of damage. One of the advantages of the powder form is that it is easy to be applied to various food products. The production of tomato powder requires a drying process. A coating or encapsulation is needed to improve the drying process's efficiency and protect its active components. This study aimed to examine the effect of the encapsulant types of Sodium Carboxymethyl Cellulose (Na-CMC) and maltodextrin and their concentration variation on the physicochemical properties of the tomato powder. This study investigated moisture content, hygroscopicity, phenol content, antioxidant activity, color, and pH value. For statistical analysis, the ANOVA test was performed at = 5% and continued with Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT). The investigation results show that the different encapsulants have a significant effect on all parameters. The difference in the concentration of Na-CMC (2.5%; 5%; 7.5%) has an effect on the moisture content (1.43-3.17%), hygroscopicity (19.35-20.65%), phenol content (203.18-613.41 mg GAE/kg material), antioxidant activity (43.42-87.27% radical scavenging/RSA), and color which are lightness (48.1-55.7), chroma (22.5 -25.8), and hue (39.9-40.7), and also pH (5.70-6.18). Meanwhile for maltodextrin, the difference in concentration (6%, 12%, 18%) resulted in a moisture content range of 3.40-4.54%, hygroscopicity 18.55-19.16%, phenol content 345.23-795.23 mg GAE/kg sample, antioxidant activity 57.33-88.67% radical scavenging/RSA, colors, which are lightness 52.1-58.6; chroma 28.7-45.8; hue 41.3-47.8, and also pH 5.30-5.55.    

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