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Jurnal Optimasi Sistem Industri
Published by Universitas Andalas
ISSN : 20884842     EISSN : 24428795     DOI : -
Jurnal Optimasi Sistem Industri (JOSI) is a peer-reviewed journal that is published periodically (April and October) by the Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Andalas, Padang.
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Articles 248 Documents
Evaluasi Shift Kerja dan Penentuan Waktu Standar PT X Berdasarkan Beban Kerja Trisna Mesra; Lusi Susanti; Hilma Raimona Zadry
Jurnal Optimasi Sistem Industri Vol. 15 No. 1 (2016): Published in March 2016
Publisher : The Industrial Engineering Department of Engineering Faculty at Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (521.635 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/josi.v15.n1.p16-32.2016


PT. X is one of the companies located in Dumai Industrial Region, produces fertilizer. This company has three production plants. The production capacity of the first plant is 450 tons/day, the second plant produces 750 tons/day and the third plant produces 700 tons/day.  PT. X is supported by 2 sub companies, they are PT. A and PT. B. PT. A operates 5 bagging lines and PT. B operates 3 bagging lines. The fertilizer bagging process has three steps where each step has its own work station: putting the labeled sack to the hook followed by filling the sack with fertilizer, installing the tie cable, and sewing the fertilizer filled sack. From the initial survey, it was found that the processing time is not optimal to reach production target. PT. A and B have to set 24 working hours per day to run the target resulting on frequent over time, excessive fatigue and the negative impact of physically and mentally for the workers. Author’s hypothesis is the current condition has been one of the reasons for a decline of the production output. Therefore, the purposes of the research are to find the impact of current working hours and shift work pattern on the physical and psychological response of the workers and to calculate the standard time required to complete one cycle of bagging process. This standard time is very crucial to determine production target thus determine the optimal working hours and shift rotation. Measuring of heart rate are collecting results of a questionnaire of NASA-TLX are the parameters used to evaluate the physical and psychological response of workers. Two workers from different group worker, different shift work, from PT. A and PT. B were selected as samples to evaluate their heart rate pattern. The questioner spread out to all workers. Time standard was determined by observing and taking data of   40 bagging cycles for each shift work.The results show that shift work affecting the physiological response of workers in PT. B in the category between moderate to extreme especially for working element of arranging fertilizer sack to the pallet. This result was found for the two group workers. Frequent short rests between times are required to provide quick recovery for the workers and reduce excessive fatigue. Average standard time complete one bagging cycle was 0.12 minutes and 0.13 minutes for PT. A and PT. B, respectively. These standard times can be used to set the production output target for the two companies. Last, short rotation shift work with an additional number of workers is recommended for the shift pattern.
Usulan Strategi Pengembangan Industri Pengolahan Kelapa Skala IKM di Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir Khairul Ihwan; Nilda Tri Putri; Jonrinaldi Jonrinaldi
Jurnal Optimasi Sistem Industri Vol. 14 No. 2 (2015): Published in 1st October 2015
Publisher : The Industrial Engineering Department of Engineering Faculty at Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (774.283 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/josi.v14.n2.p227-237.2015


The majority of the population in Indragiri Hilir (Inhil) already rely on palm plantations as the main income. They have already sold in the form of coconut oil and copra round with a relatively low price and is unable to provide a decent life. It is increasing because of the low level of productivity of coconut plantations and commercial systems that are less profitable for farmers. While in other areas of the coconut is a commodity that can be processed into a wide range of high-value products with simple technologies that can be done by small and medium industries. So, we need development strategies IKM-scale oil processing industry which is able to increase the income of coconut farmers in the district of Inhil. Based on the results of research conducted by the method of SWOT analysis produced 23 alternative strategies of the development of the SME scale oil processing industry in Kabupaten Inhil ie three strategies from SO, nine strategies from WO, seven strategies from ST, four strategies from WT. Based on the results of the weighting using Analytical Network Process (ANP) on any alternative strategy, Strategy SO-2 namely "Guaranteeing the purchase of products manufactured by the community or the SME by the government and the government must provide the processing industry continued to improve the quality standards that prompted the market to products produced by the community/SME "is a priority under the development strategy of IKM-scale oil processing industry in the District Inhil. 
Pengendalian Kualitas Kemasan Plastik Pouch Menggunakan Statistical Procces Control (SPC) di PT Incasi Raya Padang Rendy Kaban
Jurnal Optimasi Sistem Industri Vol. 13 No. 1 (2014): Published in 1st April 2014
Publisher : The Industrial Engineering Department of Engineering Faculty at Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (807.476 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/josi.v13.n1.p518-547.2014


PT Incasi Raya is one of the major companies in Indonesia which produce edible oils. One of the stages in the production activities are packaging products. Used packaging made of plastic material, with the capacity and different type. Plastic pouch is one of the few types of packaging used in the packaging of edible oils. Quality packaging affects the distribution of production to the consumer. If the packaging is damaged, then the product can not be distributed to consumers. Therefore, the quality of the packaging must be kept for the successful marketing of the product. One way to implement a quality control methods Statistical Processing Control (SPC). The data used in this study is a secondary data provided by the company. Data collected is the number of production reject every month in packaging activities. The data processing of the data collection that is making control map p. The results of data processing show that many reject the production of packaging that are outside the control limits. Data that are outside the control limits indicates there is a problem in the quality control of the company. Of all types of packaging, only one or two months of production reject packs that are in the control limits. This suggests that the dominant packaging reject each month of production is outside the control limits. Reject the production was analyzed using a causal diagram. Factors influencing the presence reject packaging production is based on the analysis of human, machine, environment, materials, and methods within the company. After analyzing of the causal diagram, the data is revision. Making a map of the proposed p controls the data that has been revised is the end result of the data processing is done. Quality control companies are advised to be on the boundary control such as control map p recommended.Keyword : Reject Production, Packaging, Control Limits, Plastik, Edible OilsAbstrakPT Incasi Raya merupakan salah satu perusahaan besar di Indonesia yang memproduksi minyak goreng. Salah satu hal tahapan dalam kegiatan produksinya adalah pengemasan produk. Kemasan yang digunakan terbuat dari bahan plastik, dengan kapasitas dan jenis yang berbeda-beda. Plastik pouch merupakan salah satu dari beberapa jenis kemasan yang digunakan dalam pengemasan minyak goreng. Kualitas kemasan sangat berpengaruh terhadap pendistribusian hasil produksi kepada konsumen. Apabila kemasan mengalami kerusakan, maka produk tersebut tidak dapat didistribusikan kepada konsumen. Oleh karena itu, kualitas dari kemasan harus dijaga untuk keberhasilan pemasaran produk. Salah satu cara pengendalian kualitas menerapkan metode Statistical Processing Control (SPC). Data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah data sekunder yang diberikan oleh perusahaan. Data yang dikumpulkan adalah jumlah reject produksi setiap bulan dalam kegiatan pengemasan. Pengolahan data dilakukan dari pengumpulan data yaitu pembuatan peta kontrol p. Hasil pengolahan data menunjukkan bahwa banyak kemasan reject produksi yang berada diluar batas kontrol. Data yang berada diluar batas kontrol menandakan terdapat masalah pada pengendalian kualitas perusahaan. Dari semua jenis kemasan, hanya satu atau dua bulan saja jumlah kemasan reject produksi yang berada dalam batas kontrol. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa dominan tiap bulannya kemasan reject produksi berada diluar batas kontrol. Terjadinya reject produksi dianalisis menggunakan diagram sebab akibat. Faktorfaktor yang mempengaruhi adanya kemasan reject produksi berdasarkan analisis adalah manusia, mesin, lingkungan, material, dan metode dalam perusahaan. Setelah dilakukan analisis dengan diagram sebab akibat, dilakukan revisi data. Pembuatan peta kontrol p usulan dari data yang telah direvisi merupakan hasil akhir dari pengolahan data yang dilakukan. Pengendalian kualitas perusahaan disarankan berada pada batas kendali seperti peta kontrol p usulan.Kata Kunci : Reject Produksi, Kemasan, Batas Kontrol, Plastik, Minyak Goreng
Strategi Inovasi Industri Kecil Suku Cadang di Kota Padang Dina Rahmayanti; Widya Marcelena
Jurnal Optimasi Sistem Industri Vol. 11 No. 2 (2012): Published in 1st October 2012
Publisher : The Industrial Engineering Department of Engineering Faculty at Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1109.25 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/josi.v11.n2.p265-278.2012


Small and medium enterprises in Indonesia gave big contributions to create job opportunities for community and increased Gross Domestic Product. Unfortunately, the current SMEs did not get any respect from the government. This is evidenced by many problems that happened with SMEs in Indonesia. Agency Statistic Center conducted survey in 2009 and 2010 and identified causes of the problems are availability of raw materials, financial problem, marketing, fuel or energy, transportation, skills, payment and many others. Formulation of the problems is how to design indicators of innovation that can be used to make policy strategies to solve the problems. The objective of research is to recommend some innovation indicators for spare part in Padang and use the indicators to make innovation policies. Method to determine the ability innovation of spare parts industries is Quality Function Deployment (QFD). The first stage is identify consumer needs. Consumer needs obtained from literatures and interviewed of stakeholders. Then, calculated based on customer importance ratings to obtain critical and non critical indicators. Indicators will be presented into the House of Quality (HOQ). The results of HOQ are determined some strategies by using SWOT analysis. This research result obtained 25 innovation indicators of technology that is divided into three aspects such as technology aspects, design and product quality aspects. Strategy formulation from SWOT analysis result some strategies with 4 categories and among of them are SO strategy (4 strategies), WO strategy (5 strategies), ST strategy (4 strategies), and WT strategy (3 strategies). Besides that, strategy architecture will present strategy implementation for 10 years and completed with some people that have participation to make this strategy implementation successful.Keywords: Indicator, small industries, innovation, strategy, production technology
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Logistik Rachmad Hidayat
Jurnal Optimasi Sistem Industri Vol. 13 No. 2 (2014): Published in 1st October 2014
Publisher : The Industrial Engineering Department of Engineering Faculty at Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1510.424 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/josi.v13.n2.p707-724.2014


The purpose of this study to design a logistics management information system, which is able to overcome the problem of delay in sending information data items. This information system is designed to be easier to manage enterprise data, and makes all job become more effective and efficient. One of the conveniences one would be given through this information system is in search for an information about an item because all the data items will be recorded for inclusion into the database so that the information search an item will be easy and fast.Keywords: Information system, logistic, effective, efficient, databaseAbstrakTujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk merancang sistem informasi manajemen logistik yang mampu untuk mengatasi permasalahan keterlambatan dalam pengiriman item-item data informasi. Sistem informasi ini dirancang untuk mempermudah manajemen data perusahaan dan menjadikan semua pekerjaan lebih efektif dan efisien. Salah satu kemudahan yang ditawarkan oleh sistem informasi ini ada dalam hal pencarian informasi terkait sebuah item karena semua data item akan disimpan untuk penyertaannya dalam database sehingga pencarian informasi menjadi lebih mudah dan cepat.Keywords: Sistem informasi, logistik, efektif, efisien, database
Analisis Pengukuran Produktivitas Perusahaan Alsintan CV. Cherry Sarana Agro Prima Fithri; Regina Yulinda Sari
Jurnal Optimasi Sistem Industri Vol. 14 No. 1 (2015): Published in 1st April 2015
Publisher : The Industrial Engineering Department of Engineering Faculty at Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (774.336 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/josi.v14.n1.p138-155.2015


CV Cherry Sarana Agro is a manufacturing company, which produces agricultural machinery. In reality, company evaluatesits work and performance based on level of profits. In order to maintain the company's performance, it is necessary to measures the productivity of company to see how effective the performance of this company. So it can be determined what is needed in order to improve the performance of the company and also can increase profits. Measuring the productivity can be seen from the financial data that obtained from the company. Then based on data processing, show this company's productivity levels decreased during the period of measurement and it means company requires efforts to increase the efficient use of inputs. It is necessary for company to increase its productivity for the future. This improvement was made by taking into account the partial productivity as inputs that affect the profitability of the company on an ongoing basis.  
Analisis Kepuasan Konsumen Terhadap Kualitas Pelayanan dan Harga Produk pada Supermarket dengan Menggunakan Metode Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) Melfa Yola; Duwi Budianto
Jurnal Optimasi Sistem Industri Vol. 12 No. 1 (2013): Published in 1st April 2013
Publisher : The Industrial Engineering Department of Engineering Faculty at Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (212.676 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/josi.v12.n1.p301-309.2013


Currently, the number of retail companies grow rapidly. This condition make high level competition between retailing in Indonesia and each of company need to have effective strategy to survive in retail business. Beside, a number of big company also take opportunity to expand retail business, not only into big size category (e.q. Hypermarket) but also into small size such as mini market. It can be big challenges for Small Medium Enterprise to handle this situation. The Objective of this paper is to explain the priority of importance factors of customer satisfaction in a supermarket, as a strategy for company to survive in retail business. Data is collected by spreading questioner to 385 respondents, and processed by using Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) to compare between customer's expectations and company's perfomances. There are 11 factors that company must pay attention and it is shown in Cartesian DiagramKeywords: Supermarket, customer satisfaction analysis, Importance Performance Analysis
Identifikasi Risiko Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja pada Pekerja Pengumpul Sampah Manual di Jakarta Selatan Dino Rimantho
Jurnal Optimasi Sistem Industri Vol. 14 No. 1 (2015): Published in 1st April 2015
Publisher : The Industrial Engineering Department of Engineering Faculty at Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (802.344 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/josi.v14.n1.p1-15.2015


Waste collection is one of the activities that should be performed on the waste management process. This activity can pose a potentially high risk given the dangers that may arise while direct contact with the garbage and activities conducted. This study aims to identify potential risks to the health and safety of workers garbage collector. The survey uses a structured questionnaire distributed to 25 the refuse collector randomly selected in Srengseng SawahJagakarsa, South Jakarta. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data collected. The garbage collectors who agreed on the use of personal protective equipment at work is approximately 64% or around 16 respondents. Musculoskeletal disorders suffered by respondents is around 19 people or roughly 76%. The Respondents who suffered puncture wounds as a result of did not use gloves were 23 respondents or approximately 92%. Wrist and lower back are the most common musculoskeletal disorder that affects approximately 23 respondents. Generally, workers require personal protective equipment in order to prevent and reduce accidents. Improvement measures should be always be done such as healthy behavior, use of personal protective equipment and the development of working methods based on ergonomic principles. 
Perencanaan & Penjadwalan Distribusi Pakaian Jadi dengan Metode Distribution Resource Planning Syarif Hidayat; Nunung Nurhasanah; Anela Septieni Zulkifli
Jurnal Optimasi Sistem Industri Vol. 12 No. 2 (2013): Published in 1st October 2013
Publisher : The Industrial Engineering Department of Engineering Faculty at Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (406.609 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/josi.v12.n2.p343-351.2013


The tight competition in the business world nowadays, especially after the signing of AFTA and ACFTA agreements calls for an increased competitiveness of domestic industries especially the garment industries. High quality products, competitive prices and the availability of products in the ever changing fashion market are the key factors to win the competition.Distribution is one of the important activities as it is directly related to fulfilling customer needs. Right products must be available in the right quantity and right condition and at the right time. Product availability in the market should be strong to prevent lost sales. However, a high service level means high inventory costs. Companies need tool to manage their inventory.This research proposes the planning and scheduling of distribution at XYZ using the Distribution Resource Planning (DRP) for product X102 for five selected distributors (Surabaya, Bogor, Pekalongan, Sidoarjo and Probolinggo) using the Exponential Comparison Method (ECM). The DRP results show that XYZ must issue production orders in the 3rd, 5th, 7th periods for X102 in the amount of 150 units. In addition to the DRP, to help the company controls the inventory level, the researchers developed a model of Excess Stock Management system using Dev C++.Keywords: Garment industry, Exponential Comparison Method, Distribution Resource Planning
Pembuatan Knowledge Management pada External Cylindrical Grinding Ikhwan Arief; Muhammad Arieaman Fikri
Jurnal Optimasi Sistem Industri Vol. 15 No. 1 (2016): Published in March 2016
Publisher : The Industrial Engineering Department of Engineering Faculty at Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (754.589 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/josi.v15.n1.p47-61.2016


Knowledge management is a process that helps an organization or company in identifying, selecting, preparing, distributing and sending important information and expertise part of an organization or a company to change the behavior or attitude that is not in place. Grinding processes are usually based on the experiences of people who have are experts in their work (tacit knowledge) that will be collected and converted into explicit knowledge so that the information can be maintained and easily accessible.The design began by analyzing the external cylindrical grinding systems and translate them into Unified Modelling Language (UML) which was followed by the design of database and computer software, and test the software. The application software is web-based and can be accessed by multiple users. The application will help the operator in determining parameters with given option of parameter recommendation. The system gives recommendations based on the tacit knowledge that has been gathered into explicit knowledge. The output of the application is a list of selected parameters and report cases. Report data in the case will be used to set up the machine.

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