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Andina Dwifatma
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Jurnal InterAct
ISSN : 22524630     EISSN : 26141442     DOI : -
Core Subject : Education,
The articles and themes presented in the journal have the goal to increase the understanding of the importance of communication and in developing new concepts to provide solutions in implementing communication science in Indonesia.
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Articles 99 Documents
Evaluation On Behavior Change Communication Program Campaign On Hiv And Aids Prevention Among Key Affected Population (Case Study: Information Education Communication, HIV Counseling Test Brochure for Jakarta’s Female Sex Workers) Novita Sari; Nia Sarinastiti
Jurnal InterAct Vol 5, No 1 (2016): Jurnal InterAct
Publisher : Atma Jaya Indonesia Catholic University, Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (110.182 KB) | DOI: 10.36388/ia.v5i1.767


The background of this research is based on the limited qualitative evaluation of HIV prevention campaign conducted by the Indonesia National AIDS Commission. This thesis demonstrates the importance of conducting an evaluation in any communication campaigns. Drawing on P-Process framework and Steps to Behavioral Change, this study examines the impact of HIV Counseling &Testing brochure towards female sex workers in Jakarta province. Five elements are administered to evaluate the expected changes: knowledge, approval, intention, practice, and advocacy. In addition, the element feedback is aimed to accommodate considerations. The research applied qualitative approach, study case method and in-depth interviews towards nine sources to gather information. The result of this research suggests that despite of the positive acceptance from the key affected population, Indonesia National AIDS Commission requires strengthening planning management, development, and testing communication materials.
Posisi Media Cetak di Tengah Perkembangan Media Online di Indonesia Satria Kusuma
Jurnal InterAct Vol 5, No 1 (2016): Jurnal InterAct
Publisher : Atma Jaya Indonesia Catholic University, Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (266.338 KB) | DOI: 10.36388/ia.v5i1.772


Currently, there are dozens and even hundreds of print media in the United States which are waiting for their turn to be closed. Popular newspapers such as The Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal printed edition are now distributed for free in most of the town centers in the United States. In Indonesia, Sinar Harapan newspaper closed its doors on January 1, 2016, following the dailies, Soccer, National Journal, and editorial magazines such as Prospects, and Fortune. Even though newspaper readership continues to decline in Indonesia, it does not necessarily make the printed media entirely switch to online media. In order to survive, the conventional media should be able to maintain credibility and trust in presenting the information. Credibility and public trust can only be built by the spirit of professionalism of journalists who adhere to the ethics of journalism which presents the factual and properly verified information. This is a strong bid for the print media to survive. The media industry especially newspapers need to make changes to survive. Strategic change is important to be done to make the newspaper remain in existence. Newspapers should be able to define its base on its medium. The newspapers should not just be a paper. The strength and value do not only come at the control of content and distribution.
Jurnal InterAct Vol 1, No 1 (2012): Jurnal InterAct
Publisher : Atma Jaya Indonesia Catholic University, Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (461.732 KB) | DOI: 10.36388/ia.v1i1.640


Sebuah kampanye persuasif merupakan suatuupaya yang terkelola, berkelanjutan untuk mempengaruhikelompok-kelompok kepentingan atau organisasiorganisasitertentu melalui serial pesan-pesan. Beberapakampanye berorientasi pada produk, yang lain pada citra,dan bahkan berorientasi pada isu-isu khas. Pada kategorikampanye terakhir, komunikasi bertujuan untuk merubahperilaku, atau bertujuan mendapatkan hati dan benakpublik tertentu. Topik ini memberikan pengantar umum tentangperencanaan sebuah kampanye melalui model yangmengutamakan pada penentuan tujuan, penelitian danpengembangan, strategi dasar, mobilisasi, legitimasi,promosi, dan aktivasi. Bahasan mengenai evalusasijuga dipaparkan untuk, Diharapkan artikel ini dapatmemberikan kepada pembaca dapat memiliki kemampuanuntuk menganalisa kampanye persuasif dan merencanakandan mengelola kampanye sederhana secara sendiri.
Komunikasi Pascapembelian untuk Menjaga Kepercayaan Konsumen (Keterlibatan Konsumen Tinggi dalam Pembelian Produk Smartphone) Erna M Susilowardhani
Jurnal InterAct Vol 1, No 2 (2012): Jurnal InterAct
Publisher : Atma Jaya Indonesia Catholic University, Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (244.665 KB) | DOI: 10.36388/ia.v1i2.712


Sales orientation is not the only indication of a successful product. Another important factor is the orientation to the consumer. Moreover, consumers are increasingly aware of their need and also more critical with the products they need. Therefore, manufacturers need to find ways to be able to offer products that meet the expectations of the consumers so that consumers feel satisfi ed. Maintaining consumer confidence in the product being offered is absolutely done by the manufacturer. Even more, there is a need to understand the purchase decision-making process of the consumers, especially for high price products. In this article, the author focuses on the study of smartphone products. The author does not focus on a single brand, but in general of smartphone products.  This article describes how important a post-purchase communication and how long will it take to conduct a post-purchase communication in maintaining consumer confidence. Consumers will believe in the productivity they are satisfied. Not just related to the value of the product, but also satisfied with the services to consumers. Not only the services at the time of purchase but also post-purchase. Of course, with confidence and satisfaction achieved by the consumers, will make consumers become loyal with the product.
Komunikasi Politik di Komunitas Virtual Satria Kusuma
Jurnal InterAct Vol 3, No 1 (2014): Jurnal InterAct
Publisher : Atma Jaya Indonesia Catholic University, Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (408.782 KB) | DOI: 10.36388/ia.v3i1.717


Political communication is aesthetic especially the mass-mediated political communication. By exploiting political communication’s aesthetic properties similar to a game, political leaders use the channel to generate a movement of people by using political symbolism. One of the mass channels is the Internet which elevates individuals out of the isolation created by the walls of the old media-especially when these walls are reinforced in the context of urban culture. In the information society, people increasingly interact with computer screens developing face-to-screen relationships rather than face-to-face. The 'Age of Internet' is identical with the opportunity to build virtual communities in which we participate with people from all over the world. Computer-mediated communication in the traditional type of decision-making activities such as voting characterizes the type of participatory democracy. This review summarizes that Indonesia, which is ranked the world's fifth with the highest number of Twitter accounts and become the country with the highest Twitter penetration rates in the world, has the highest potential target of the presidential candidates in Indonesia. The majority of Twitter users in Indonesia are 16-20 years old, comprising one-third of the 187 million voters in the 2014 presidential election. 
Sentralisasi Siaran Televisi dan Pengingkaran Hak Masyarakat Atas Informasi Ade Armando
Jurnal InterAct Vol 3, No 2 (2014): Jurnal InterAct
Publisher : Atma Jaya Indonesia Catholic University, Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (808.177 KB) | DOI: 10.36388/ia.v3i2.722


Due to the centralistic broadcasting system, current commercial television stations cannot play a role to empower communities in the process of democratization at the local level.   On one hand, the commercial stations that broadcast nationally in Jakarta tend to show Indonesia through a Jakarta perspective. On the other hand, local news footages are predominantly negative events that have no relevance and insignificant to the problems of local communities. It then becomes a serious problem given the ongoing decentralization in Indonesia today. At the local level, people also need a means of social control so that political power does not concentrate in the hands of authorities in Jakarta. The concern is that there would be misused benefits that are contrary to the welfare of society. The Broadcasting Act 2002 was an effort to break these centralizing tendencies, which mandates the implementation of networked television broadcast system.
Seruan Boikot Starbucks: Kampanye Negatif Atau Kampanye Hitam? Dini Safitri
Jurnal InterAct Vol 4, No 1 (2015): Jurnal InterAct
Publisher : Atma Jaya Indonesia Catholic University, Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (327.791 KB) | DOI: 10.36388/ia.v4i1.727


This study aims to determine the rejection of negative campaigning against Starbucks. A message, “A cup of Starbucks, Worth A drop of blood of Palestine and Lebanon”, circulated from one person to another and then connected to the rest of the world. The message is then denied by the CEO of Starbucks, Howard Schultz, who said that the rumor that Starbucks or Howard provides financial assistance to the government of Israel or the Israeli army is false. But denial is not fully dampening the negative opinion that had already been circulated previously. The method used in this study is a discourse analysis. This study is limited only to explore the case in Indonesia. The unit of analysis is a message in the form of negative campaigning rejection Starbucks, which circulated widely in the community, through a variety of media and community. According to the informant, they are doing it, as a form of solidarity, for the Palestinian people, especially Palestinian children. In addition, they are also trying to find an alternative to other coffee drinks. They tried to turn coffee shops with locally produced coffee. Indonesia is a coffee producing countries, and some regions have their own specialty coffee.
Communication and the Empowerment of Powerless Civil Society Alois A Nugroho
Jurnal InterAct Vol 1, No 1 (2012): Jurnal InterAct
Publisher : Atma Jaya Indonesia Catholic University, Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (364.608 KB) | DOI: 10.36388/ia.v1i1.732


Masyarakat sipil, atau lebih dikenal sebagai civil society, dianggap oleh pihak negara merupakan golongan masyarakat yang bukan  kategori warga masyarakat dan oleh pasar dianggap bukan pembeli, namun melebihi kategori yang ada. Pandangan para ilmuwan menunjukkan peran penting masyarakat sipil dan keandalan komunikasi merupakan faktor penting dalam mengungkapkan pendapat dan mempengaruhi. Peranan masyarakat sipil di negara-negara maju menunjukan kemampuan mereka untuk mempangaruhi kebijakan. Akan tetapi di Indonesia, kapasitas yang dimiliki belum dapat membantu masyarakat sepenuhnya, sehingga perlu diadakan assesmen bagaimana memberdayakan masyarakat sipil.
The Prism Look at the Rhetoric of Apologia: Lessons from the Apologetic Speeches of Tiger Woods and Chris Brown Desideria Murti
Jurnal InterAct Vol 2, No 1 (2013): Jurnal InterAct
Publisher : Atma Jaya Indonesia Catholic University, Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (579.802 KB) | DOI: 10.36388/ia.v2i1.737


This article is a rhetorical criticism of two apologetic speeches from two celebrities. Chris Brown and Tiger Woods articulated their apology to public through visual media during crisis situation. To restore their image, avoid lawsuits, and stabilize trust to their apologetic stakeholders, their speeches were codified under visual composition, structure of speeches, offense identification, and the moment of silence. I used Black’s prism analysis to criticize the complexity of apologetic address of celebrity. Result, rhetoric of apologia exercised a negotiation process of identity and it indicated the authenticity of the speakers,   avoidance of   interruption,   prevention of ambivalence, engraving the audience emotion, and sustaining their personal objectives. The article concluded by answering what kind of various constellation tactics in saying “sorry.”
Employee Relations dan Corporate Reputation Belajar dari Google Isabella Astrid Siahaya
Jurnal InterAct Vol 2, No 1 (2013): Jurnal InterAct
Publisher : Atma Jaya Indonesia Catholic University, Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1860.937 KB) | DOI: 10.36388/ia.v2i1.742


Nowadays companies highly acknowledge the significant role of employee to improve company’s performance. As important as it is, in Indonesia, companies are publicize actively their relationship with their employees. An Indonesia’s leading newspaper ran an article covering companies that provide attractive facilities that employees can use  in their  office. Also described  is how  every company tries to make their employees feel comfortable at work, treat them well and make them happy which at the end contribute to increase productivity. This article, particularly, discusses about how employee relation is used to build and improve company’s reputation.

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