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eUREKA : Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Kimia
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Focus and Scope of this journal are : Chemical Engineering including : bioenergy processing, environmental engineering, natural resource management, Heat and Mass Transfer, Chemical Reaction, Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry, Designing tools and chemical processes, Chemical industry process, Computing and modeling (simulation) process, Particle and nano technology, membrane technology, esessential oil technology, and phytopharmaca, etc. Civil Engineering including : technology of construction materials, transportation system, environmental layout, concrete and wood structures, steel construction, bridge and dam construction, management of water resources and Hydrology, earthquake engineering, sanitation systems and urban drainage. eUREKA is published twice a year on Juni and December by Engineering Faculty of Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang
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Articles 160 Documents
Perencanaan Dinding Penahan Tanah Type Gravitasi di Perumahan De Salvia Kelurahan Tanjungrejo Kecamatan Sukun Kota Malang Zhohirin, Zhohirin; Suhudi, Suhudi; Sulistyani, Kiki Frida
eUREKA : Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Kimia Vol 2, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang

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ABSTRACT Soil as construction material as well as the foundation of a construction land or structures such as dams, embankments, retaining walls, buildings and bridges. In every construction requires a specific requirement in terms of both strength and economically. This study aimed to analyze and plan for a stable retaining wall on the stability of the shift, the overthrow and the carrying capacity by using Gravity Type On Housing Da Salvia District Sukun Malang City. Calculation of earth pressure calculated using Rankine theory. Stability Analysis Results Retaining Walls with Gravity Type Dimensions: Width top (B1) 0.30 m, base width (B2) 2.00 m and a total height (H + D) 6.00 m, which then did not secure the stability of the overthrow ( 0.4 1.5). Results Budget Plan (RAB) in the calculation of total fees earned USD 241.774.018, the cost of any work (m3) Rp 1.557.170,116, job retention costs (m) USD 4.395.891,236 Keywords ; Analysis ; Dimensional ; Gravity Type Retaining Walls.
eUREKA : Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Kimia Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang

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Hard coat function to accept and propagate traffic burden without generating damage meaning at construction walke itself. hard Construction materials of road; street that is limber ossifying (pavement flexibel), and stiff ossifying (pavement rigid) aimed at the effort exploiting of local material and adapted for by the condition of area where ossification construction will be executed. In this research use methodologies examination of marshall to analyse the nature of from gratuity cavity in mixture (VIM), gratuity cavity loaded asphalt (VFB), gratuity cavity among aggregate mineral (VMA), stability, Flow and Marshall Quatient. Making of object test counted 6, 3 object test for the mixture of asphalt using white stone and 3 object test for the mixture of asphalt using black stone with rate pave 5,5%. This research is done in Technique Civil University laboratory of Tribhuwana Tunggadewi. Step Execution cover inspection of asphalt of AC 60 / 70, inspection of harsh aggregate (black stone and white stone), inspection of smooth aggregate (black stone and white stone), inspection of filler, making of object test and examination of Marshall. Harsh aggregate which used by stone break of the size aggregate which is filter of No.8 (2,36 mm), smooth aggregate geting away filter of No.8 (2,36 mm) filter of No. 200 (0,075 mm), while for the materials of filler which get away filter of No. 200 (0,075 mm). Of the aggregate combination obtained by harsh aggregate faction equal to 52,5%, smooth aggregate faction equal to 40,5%, and filler equal to 7,0%. Result of characteristic performance test of Marshall: Stability average value (black stone aggregate 605,967 kg white stone aggregate 251,833 kg), average value of Flow (black stone aggregate 2,65 mm white stone aggregate 2,74 mm), average value of VIM (black stone aggregate 15,033% and white stone aggregate 20,277%), average value of VMA (black stone aggregate 25,687% and white stone aggregate 30,137%), average value of VFB (black stone aggregate 41,547% and white stone aggregate 32,728%), and average value of Marshall Quotient (black stone aggregate 226,598 kg/mm and white stone aggregate 84,794 kg/mm). Keywords : Marshall, White Stone, Stability, Flow, Marshall Quotient. ABSTRAK Lapisan perkerasan berfungsi untuk menerima dan menyebarkan beban lalu lintas tanpa menimbulkan kerusakan yang berarti pada konstruksi jalan itu sendiri. Bahan konstruksi perkerasan jalan yaitu perkerasan lentur (flexibel pavement) , dan perkerasan kaku (rigid pavement) diarahkan pada usaha pemanfaatan material setempat dan disesuaikan dengan kondisi daerah dimana konstruksi pengerasan akan dilaksanakan. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi pengujian marshall untuk menganalisa sifat-sifat dari persen rongga dalam campuran (VIM), persen rongga terisi aspal (VFB), persen rongga diantara mineral agregat (VMA), stabilitas (Stability), kelelehan (Flow) dan Marshall Quatient . Pembuatan benda uji sebanyak 6 buah, 3 benda uji untuk campuran aspal yang menggunakan batu putih dan 3 benda uji untuk campuran aspal yang menggunakan batu hitam (batu kali/batu gunung) dengan kadar aspal 5,5%. Penelitian ini dilakukan di laboratorium Teknik Sipil Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi, Malang. Tahapan pelaksanaan meliputi pemeriksaan aspal AC 60/70, pemeriksaan agregat kasar (batu hitam dan batu putih), pemeriksaan agregat halus (batu hitam dan batu putih), pemeriksaan filler, pembuatan benda uji dan pengujian Marshall. Agregat kasar yang digunakan batu pecah dengan ukuran agregat yang tertahan saringan No.8 (2,36 mm), agregat halus yang lolos saringan No.8 (2,36 mm) tertahan saringan No. 200 (0,075 mm), sedangkan untuk bahan pengisi yang lolos saringan No. 200 (0,075 mm). Dari kombinasi agregat tersebut diperoleh fraksi agregat kasar sebesar 52,5%, fraksi agregat halus sebesar 40,5%, dan filler sebesar 7,0%. Hasil uji kinerja karakteristik Marshall didapat: nilai rerata Stabilitas (agregat batu hitam 605,967 kg dan agregat batu putih 251,833 kg), nilai rerata Flow (agregat batu hitam 2,65 mm dan agregat batu putih 2,74 mm), nilai rerata VIM (agregat batu hitam 15,033% dan agregat batu putih 20,277%), nilai rerata VMA(agregat batu hitam 25,687% dan agregat batu putih 30,137%), nilai rerata VFB (agregat batu hitam 41,547% dan agregat batu putih 32,728%), dan nilai rerata Marshall Quotient (agregat batu hitam 226,598 kg/mm dan agregat batu putih 84,794 kg/mm). Kata kunci : Marshall, Batu Putih, Stabilitas, Flow, Marshall Quotient.
eUREKA : Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Kimia Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang

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The distillation process in general is simple. The process will degrade the quality of the oil produced. This is because the method of destillation or longtime of destillation does not fulfilling the standards. It is necessary methods do research to obtain quality oil that fulfilling standards. This study aims to determine the effect of weight of raw materials and long refining the yield of lemongrass oil. This research method uses steam distillation systems. The results showed that the wet weight and length of the refining effect on the yield of lemongrass oil is to the base of the steam at 4 hours after dripping on the different variables obtained mass 5 kg is obtained 18.5 ml, 30.8 ml of 10 kg was obtained, and 15 kg gained 40.8 ml while at the end of the rod to the mass of 5 kg was obtained 4 ml, 10 kg kg obtained 12.3 ml, 18.75 ml and 15 kg was obtained. The results of the study at 6 hours after the drip at the base of the stem is a mass of 5 kg gained 7.7 ml, mass of 10 kg gained 26.5 ml, 15 kg and the mass of 40 ml obtained at the end of the rod while the mass of 5 kg obtained 7,5 ml, 10 kg mass is obtained 7 ml, and a mass of 15 kg obtained 21.5 ml. The optimal longtime of destillation at the base of the stem 4 hours while the rod tip takes longer time is 6 hours. Keywords: essential oil, lemongrass oil, steam destillation ABSTRAK Proses destilasi pada umumnya dilakukan secara sederhana. Proses tersebut bisa menurunkan kualitas minyak yang dihasilkan. Hal ini disebabkan karena cara penyulingannya ataupun lama penyulingannya tidak memenuhi standar. Untuk itu diperlukan metode dengan melakukan penelitian untuk mendapatkan kualitas minyak yang memenuhi standar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh berat basah bahan baku dan lama penyulingan terhadap rendemen minyak sereh. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan sistem destilasi uap. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berat basah dan lama penyulingan berpengaruh terhadap rendemen minyak sereh yaitu untuk bagian pangkal batang pada waktu 4 jam setelah menetes pada variabel massa yang berbeda didapatkan massa 5 kg diperoleh 18,5 ml, 10 kg diperoleh 30,8 ml, dan 15 kg diperoleh 40,8 ml sedangkan pada bagian ujung batang untuk massa 5 kg diperoleh 4 ml, 10 kg diperoleh 12,3 ml, dan 15 kg diperoleh 18,75 ml. Hasil penelitian pada waktu 6 jam setelah menetes pada bagian pangkal batang yaitu massa 5 kg didapatkan 7,7 ml , massa 10 kg didapatkan 26,5 ml, dan massa 15 kg didapatkan 40 ml sedangkan pada bagian ujung batang pada massa 5 kg didapatkan 7,5 ml, massa 10 kg didapatkan 7 ml, dan massa 15 kg didapatkan 21,5 ml. Lama penyulingan optimal pada bagian pangkal batang 4 jam sedangkan bagian ujung batang membutuhkan waktu lebih lama yaitu 6 jam. Kata kunci : minyak atsiri, minyak sereh, destilasi uap
eUREKA : Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Kimia Vol 1, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang

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Retaining wall is an important component of the main building structure for building highways and other environmental related contoured land or land that has a different elevation. Briefly retaining wall is a wall built to restrain land mass above the structure or building made. Type retaining wall used in this study is a gravity type retaining wall, The purpose of this study to determine the condition of the soil, causing the collapse of the retaining wall, analyze the planning retaining wall and determine the stability of the retaining wall on the street segment Malang Kediri STA 12 Km In the village Mulyorejo. Type retaining wall planned to use the back side of the retaining wall skewed because of this type in accordance with the height of the river. Retaining wall dimensions b = 5m,h = 8 m, stable against: the soil bearing capacity = 114.255> qa = 89.404 (secure), Steady against the wall shear = 1.66> 1.5 (secure) stable against the wall bolsters style = 2.05> 1.5 (secure). Keywords: Strong safety factor of soil bearing, sliding and rolling.
Pengkayaan Biochar Tongkol Jagung, Sekam Padi dan Pupuk Kandang Kotoran Ayam dengan Penambahan Asam Nitrat (HNo3) Hidayati, Lailata; Martika, Martika; Iskandar, Taufik; Proborini, Wahyu Diah
eUREKA : Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Kimia Vol 2, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang

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ABSTRAK Pupuk biochar adalah pupuk yang berasal dari limbah biomassa (tongkol jagung dan sekam padi) atau limbah peternakan (pupuk kandang kotoran ayam) yang berbentuk padat dan diperkaya dengan penambahan unsur nitrogen yang bermanfaat untuk memperbaiki sifat fisik, kimia dan biologi tanah serta memperkaya unsur hara di dalamnya. Peran penting pupuk biochar lainnya adalah untuk menyuburkan tanaman, meningkatkan hasil produksi serta memberikan klorofil pada tanaman. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menambah kadar nitrogen yang hilang saat proses penguapan dalam alat reaktor pirolisis. Proses pirolisis pada penelitian ini menggunakan seleksi proses slow pirolisis dengan suhu 5000C selama 4 jam di dalam alat reaktor. Unsur nitrogen yang hilang perlu ditambahkan asam nitrat untuk memperkaya unsur nitrogen pada biochar. Hasil analisa dari penelitian ini menggunakan metode Kjeldhal. Metode Kjeldhal merupakan metode yang digunakan untuk menentukan kadar nitrogen pada makanan atau non makanan. Data terbaik pada penelitian ini terdapat pada bahan pupuk kandang kotoran ayam dengan konsentrasi asam nitrat 25% selama 3 hari yaitu sebanyak 3,36% N. Kata kunci : pupuk biochar; proses pirolisis; asam nitrat; dan metode Kjeldahl. ABSTRACT Biochar Fertilizer is a fertilizer derived from biomass waste (corncob and rice husk) or livestock waste (chicken manure) which is solid and enriched with the addition of nitrogen elements that are useful to improve the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil and enrich the nutrients in it. Another important role of biochar fertilizers is to fertilize crops, increase production yields and provide chlorophyll in plants. The purpose of this study was to add the nitrogen lost during the evaporation process in the pyrolysis reactor device. The pyrolysis process in this study used the selection of slow pyrolysis process with temperature of 5000C for 4 hours in the reactor. The missing nitrogen element needs to be added nitric acid to enrich the nitrogen element in biochar. Result of analysis from this research use Kjeldhal method. The Kjeldhal method is the method used to determine the nitrogen content in food or non-food. The best data in this research is found in chicken manure manure material with a concentration of 25% nitric acid for 3 days ie 3.36% N. Keywords : biochar fertilizer; pyrolysis process; nitric acid; and kjeldahl method.
eUREKA : Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Kimia Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang

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Each residential area development will have an impact on the environment and surrounding areas, one of which impact traffic. Housing Bulan Terang Utama, a housing unit located in the suburbs, the number of 3,000 units, on a land area of 200 hectares, the housing for the people of middle-prioritized, is also among the middle and above. This housing development should pay attention to road conditions and where the access to housing, so that the capacity of the existing road network will be exceeded, as the number of traffic generation and attraction due to the existence of such housing. Each residential area development will have an impact on the environment and surrounding areas, one of which impact traffic. Housing Bulan Terang Utama, a housing unit located in the suburbs, the number of 3,000 units, on a land area of 200 hectares, the housing for the people of middle-prioritized, is also among the middle and above. This housing development should pay attention to road conditions and where the access to housing, so that the capacity of the existing road network will be exceeded, as the number of traffic generation and attraction due to the existence of such housing. This study attempts to assess a housing development Bulan Terang Utama affecting traffic congestion, so as to know how big the impact on roads Ki Ageng Gribig. Currently the traffic impacts that occur as a result of the housing Bulan Terang Utama Key by using comparative data is not affecting the performance of the road itself. The magnitude of the maximum trip generation that occurs is 8.2%, with an average speed of vehicles on the road each Ki Ageng Gribik is 30.449 km / h, the degree of saturation is 1.27 with a traffic volume of 3661.67 SMP / h, the level of service Ki Ageng Gribik road included in the E-class level of service, speed of flow is unstable sometimes stalled, demand is approaching capacity of the road (ie 2089.044). Keywords: Housing, Traffic Impact, Road Service Levels. ABSTRAK Setiap pengembangan kawasan permukiman akan menimbulkan dampak bagi lingkungan dan sekitarnya, salah satunya dampak lalu lintas. Perumahan Bulan Terang Utama, merupakan unit perumahan yang berada pada kawasan pinggir kota, dengan jumlah 3.000 unit, pada lahan seluas 200 hektar, perumahan tersebut diprioritaskan bagi rakyat menengah kebawah, juga kalangan menegah ke atas. Pengembangan perumahan ini harus memperhatikan kondisi dan keberadaan jalan akses ke lokasi perumahan, sehingga kapasitas jaringan jalan yang ada akan terlampaui, seiring dengan pertambahan bangkitan dan tarikan lalu lintas akibat keberadaan perumahan tersebut. Akses jalan dari dan menuju lokasi perumahan Bulan Terang Utama dihubungkan oleh jalan Ki Ageng Gribig, yang merupakan jalan utama, sebagai akses lalu lintas masyarakat sekitar Kecamatan Kedungkandang, dari dan ke tengah kota, sehingga pembangunan kawasan perumahan tersebut membutuhkan akses transportasi yang memadai. Penelitian ini mencoba untuk mengkaji suatu pembangunan perumahan Bulan Terang Utama yang berdampak terhadap kemacetan lalu lintas, sehingga dapat diketahui seberapa besar dampak terhadap ruas jalan Ki Ageng Gribig. Saat ini dampak lalu lintas yang terjadi akibat adanya perumahan Bulan Terang Utama dengan menggunakan data pembanding adalah tidak mempengaruhi dari kinerja jalan itu sendiri. Besarnya bangkitan perjalanan maksimal yang terjadi adalah 8,2 %, dengan kecepatan rata-rata tiap kendaraan pada jalan Ki Ageng Gribik adalah 30,449 km/jam, derajat kejenuhannya adalah 1,27 dengan volume lalu lintas sebesar 3661,67 SMP/jam, tingkat pelayanan jalan Ki Ageng Gribik termasuk dalam tingkat pelayanan jalan kelas E, Arus tidak stabil kecepatan terkadang terhenti, permintaan sudah mendekati kapasitas jalan (yaitu 2089,044). Kata Kunci: Perumahan, Dampak Lalu Lintas, Tingkat Pelayanan Jalan.
Perencanaan Tebal Perkerasan Lentur Pada Ruas Jalan Ki Ageng Gribig Kelurahan Kedungkandang Kecamatan Kedungkandang Kota Malang Jesus, Antonio Dos Santos De; Arifianto, Andy Kristafi; Rahma, Pamela Dinar
eUREKA : Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Kimia Vol 2, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang

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ABSTRAK Perkerasan lentur (flexiblepavement) terdiri dari lapisan-lapisan yang diletakkan pada tanah dasar. lapisan-lapisan tersebut berfungsi untuk menerima beban lalu lintas dan menyebarkannya ke lapisan di bawahnya. Konstruksi perkerasan lentur (flexible pavement) terdiri dari empat lapisan yaitu Lapisan permukaan (surface course), Lapisan pondasi atas (base course), Lapisan pondasi bawah (subbase course), Lapisan tanah dasar (subgrade). Berdasarkan kondisi yang ada dilokasi studi, Perencanaan Lapisan Tebal Perkerasaan Lentur pada Ruas jalan Ki Ageng Gribig Kecamatan Kedungkandang Kota Malang dengan panjang 1.600 meter.ini untuk di maksudkan yang pertama untuk pintu keluar jalan tol Malang- dua untuk menghubungkan Kota Malang dengan Bululawang dan yang ketiga untuk mengurangi kemacetan yang sering terjadi di jalan ki Ageng Gribig tersebut.Penelitian dilaksanakan di jalan Ki Ageng Gribig Kecamatan kedungkandang kota Malang pada bulan Maret 2017.Metode yang di gunakan dalam studi ini adalah metode Bina Marga dapat di peroleh susunan tebal perkerasan terdiri dari dari pondasi bawah (Sub Base) tebal 7 cm dengan agregat kelas B, pondasi atas (Base Course) tebal 15 cm dengan agregat kelas A, lapisan permukaan (Surface) 5 cm Laston. Kata Kunci : analisa tebal; analisa perkerasan lentur; analisa lalu lintas. ABSTRACT Flexible pavement consists of layers placed on the ground. the layers serve to receive the traffic load and pass it to the layer below it. Flexible pavement construction consists of four layers: Surface course, base course, Subbase course, Subgrade layer. Based on existing condition of study location, Planning of Thickness Mixing Flexibility on Ki Ageng Gribig Street of Kedungkandang Sub-district of Malang City with length 1,600 meter.ini for the first purpose for exit of Malang-Pandaan.ke2 toll road to connect Malang City with Bululawang and the third to reduce the congestion that often occurs in the road ki Ageng Gribig tersebut.Penelitian executed in the street Ki Ageng Gribig Malang Kedungkandang districts in March 2017.Metode in use in this study is the method of DGH can be obtained in the composition of thick pavement consists of from the bottom base (Sub Base) 7 cm thick with Class B aggregate, Base Course 15 cm thick with A class aggregate, Surface layer 5 cm Laston. Keywords : thick analysis; pavement analysis; traffic analysis.
eUREKA : Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Kimia Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang

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Progress in the field of science and technology in the field of construction resulted in the necessity of building materials increasingly meningkat.Maka needed an alternative building materials that are resistant to earthquakes. One type of material that is resistant to earthquakes are bamboo ori. Ori Bamboo is one of the alternative role of reinforcing steel in a structure, this is because bamboo has a firmness pull ori whose value is almost equivalent to medium-quality steel. Based on the flexural strength test results showed that the test specimen plate, is the smallest deflection plate thickness of 9 cm and the largest deflection plate thickness of 7 cm. While the maximum load that can be retained by plate size 50 cm x 30 cm by 9 cm thick and bamboo reinforcement Ori is 18 KN or 1800 kg with a deflection which varies from 1.95 mm - 3.05 mm. It can be concluded that the strength of the concrete slab with reinforcement ori bamboo can be used on the floor plate of the building structure replaces steel reinforcement. Keywords: Pull Strong, Strong bending, Bamboo, Variation, Concrete ABSTRAK Kemajuan di bidang ilmu dan tekonologi pada bidang konstruksi mengakibatkan kebutuhan pada bahan bangunan semakin meningkat.Maka dibutuhkan suatu alternatif bahan bangunan yang tahan terhadap gempa. Salah satu jenis bahan yang tahan terhadap gempa adalah bambu ori. Bambu ori merupakan salah satu alternatif pengganti peran baja tulangan pada suatu struktur, hal ini dikarenakan bambu ori memiliki keteguhan tarik yang nilainya hampir setara dengan besi baja berkualitas sedang. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian kuat lentur benda uji pelat menunjukan bahwa, lendutan yang terkecil adalah Pelat ketebalan 9 cm dan lendutan yang terbesar adalah Pelat ketebalan 7 cm. Sedangkan beban maksimum yang dapat ditahan oleh pelat ukuran 50 cm x 30 cm dengan tebal 9 cm dan tulangan bambu Ori adalah sebesar 18 KN atau 1800 Kg dengan lendutan yang bervariasi mulai 1,95 mm – 3,05 mm. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa kekuatan pelat beton dengan tulangan bambu ori bisa digunakan pada struktur bangunan pelat lantai menggantikan tulangan Baja. Kata Kunci : Kuat Tarik, Kuat lentur, Bambu, Variasi, Beton
PRA RANCANGAN PABRIK BRIKET ARANG DARI JERAMI PADI DENGAN KAPASITAS 1.900 TON/ TAHUN Sugito, Bambang; Iskandar, Taufik; Abrina Anggraini, Sinar Perbawani
eUREKA : Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Kimia Vol 1, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang

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Petroleum is a non-renewable energy, while oil is still a choice that will result in the depletion of oil reserves. One of the energy that needs to be addressed to develop is biomass as an alternative energy. Alternative technologies for utilizing biomass waste is a technology for making charcoal by pyrolysis. Charcoal briquettes can be used as an energy alternative to kerosene. The raw material charcoal briquettes can be made of various materials, such as rice straw. In this study, the material used is rice straw aims to determine the effect of particle size dankuat press the calorific value and the duration of the test flame from rice straw charcoal briquette. Rice straw is the material that is not so good to be used as charcoal briquettes, in accordance with the results of the highest calorific value is 3,100 cal and flame test longest time is 10501 seconds or 1: 52 min. While most high calorific content of only 2,913. So as to substitute alternative energy not so good according to SNI 1-6235-200. Keywords: Crude Oil, Biomass, Energy alternatives, rice straw, charcoal briquets.
Studi Perencanaan Tebal Lapisan Perkerasan Tambahan (Overlay) Pada Ruas Jalan Ki Ageng Gribig Sawojajar-Malang Nugroho, Andi; Suhudi, Suhudi; Arifianto, Andy Kristafi
eUREKA : Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Kimia Vol 2, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang

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ABSTRAK Perkerasan jalan adalah suatu sistem yang terdiri dari beberapa lapis material yang diletakkan pada tanah-dasar (subgrade). Konstruksi perkerasan lentur (flexible pavement) terdiri dari empat lapisan yaitu Lapisan permukaan (surface course), Lapisan pondasi atas (base course), Lapisan pondasi bawah (subbase course), Lapisan tanah dasar (subgrade). Tujuan utama dari dibangunnya perkerasan adalah untuk memberikan permukaan yang rata dengan kekesatan tertentu, dengan umur layanan cukup panjang, serta pemeliharaan yang minimum. Untuk kelancaran tersebut maka dilakukan perkerasan. Perkerasan jalan ini sepanjang 1,8 km dengan lebar rata-rata 7 m. Dalam penelitian ini penulis membahas proses perencanaan perhitungan tebal lapisan tambahan (overlay) dengan menggunakan metode analisa komponen, berdasarkan hasil perhitungan, diperoleh susunan tebal lapisan tambahan (overlay) terdiri dari pondasi baw ah (SubBase) tebal 20 cm, pondasi atas (Base Course) tebal 15 cm, lapisan lama permukaan (Surface) 7 cm. Dan diperoleh bahwa lapisan permukaan tambahan (overlay) setebal 5 cm jenis Aspal Macadam dengan umur rencana 10 tahun dan tingkat pertumbuhan lalu lintas diperoleh sebesar 1 % per tahun. Kata kunci : Aspal Macadam; Overlay; Perkerasan Jalan. ABSTRACT Roughness of the road is a system composed of several layers of material that is placed on the land-base (subgrade). Construction of elastic roughness (flexible pavement) consists of four layers, namely the surface layer (surface course), the upper layers of the Foundation (base course), a layer of Foundation bottom (subbase course), the basic soil Layer (subgrade). The main objective of the building of roughness is to provide a flat surface with skid resistance, with fairly long service lifespan, as well as minimum maintenance. To smooth the roughness is done. This road roughness along 1.8 km with an average width of 7 m in this study the author discusses the planning process calculation of thick layer (overlay) by using a method of analysis of the components, based on the results of the calculation, obtained the order of thick layer (overlay) consists of the Foundation of the baw ah (SubBase) 20 cm thick, Foundation top (Base Course) 15 cm thick, long layer surface (Surface) 7 cm. And obtained that the surface layer (overlay) approx 5 cm type of Asphalt Macadam with age plan 10 year and the growth rate of traffic gained 1% per year. Keywords: Asphalt Macadam, , Overlay, Roughness of the road.

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