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Al-Mawarid Jurnal Hukum Islam
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Al-Mawarid Jurnal Hukum Islam adalah jurnal berkala ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Jurusan Syari’ah Fakultas Ilmu Agama Islam Universitas Islam Indonesia Yogyakarta bekerjasama dengan Himpunan Ilmuan dan Sarjana Syari’ah Indonesia ( HISSYI). Jurnal ini mengkhususkan diri pada kajian, penelitian, pengembangan pemikiran Hukum Islam dan isu-isu kontemporer. Al-Mawarid Journal of Islamic Law is a scientific periodical journal published by the Department of Shari’ah the Faculty of Islamic Studies Islamic University of Indonesia Yogyakarta Indonesia in cooperation with the Association of Shari’ah Scientists and Scholars of Indonesia ( HISSYI Himpunan Ilmuan dan Sarjana Syari’ah Indonesia ). This journal specializes in the discourse, research, development of Islamic law thought and contemporary issues.
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Articles 124 Documents
Al-Mawarid Jurnal Hukum Islam Vol 9 (2003): Hak Kekayaan Intelektual
Publisher : Islamic University of Indonesia

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Islam guarantees and protects individual rights. The guarantees and protects are regarded as an important part to obtain the basic objectives of Syari’a. The freedom to use the rights. However, is not unlimited. Islam maintains limitations to avoid contradiction occures between the implementation of individual rights and other’s. The abuse of rights, in fiqh sense, called ta’asuf. Ta’asuw may accures in politic, economic, social, cultural fields, and particulary in patent right. This articles attempts to elaborate Islamic law point of view on the contradiction my occures in patent right and some abstracles that Islamic law experts have to find out the solution.
Al-Mawarid Jurnal Hukum Islam Vol 15 (2006): Fiqh dan Kontroversi Seputar Legislasi Pornografi dan Pornoaksi
Publisher : Islamic University of Indonesia

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Buku ini terdiri dari delapan bab, memuat antara lain: kedudukan hukum Islam dalam tata hukum di Indonesia, hubungan pornografi dan pornoaksi dengan tujuan hukum Islam, tinjauan hukum Islam terhadap pornografi dan pornoaksi dalam KUHP- RUU KUHP, usulan dalam penyusunan RUU Pornogrsfi dan Pornoaksi, Rancangan UU Pornografi-Pornoaksi versi penulis, serta garis besar pelanggaran kehormatan versi Abdurrahman al-Maliki.
Formalisasi Hukum Ekonomi Islam: Peluang danTantangan (Menyikapi UU No. 3 Tahun 2006) Rusydi, M.
Al-Mawarid Jurnal Hukum Islam Vol 17 (2007): Menyikapi UU No. 3/2006 tentang Perubahan UU No. 7/1989 mengenai Peradilan Agama
Publisher : Islamic University of Indonesia

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Islamic economic law constitute the pilot project of islamic law research. This is more significance since the birth of modern Syari’ah financial institutions based on provision of contract law in the sphere of Islamic economic law (muamalat) and also the rapid development of moslem business need the legal status to be implemented to resolve when ever the despute of muamalat contract exist. The formalization of Islamic economic law today, by the enactment of UU No. 3 Tahun 2006 become the most outstanding and rapid development that outweighing what has been formulated before and gives the religious court the widermandate to resolve despute of muamalat contract. This clearly gives the advantage of Moslem society to comply with Syari’ah provision in their daily business activity from one hand, and also gives a challenge to Moslem society to mature this legal status from another. This writing tries to comprehend the formalization of Islamic economic law due to new release of UU No. 3 Tahun 2006 and look it from both perspective: opportunity and challenge. Kata kunci: hukum, ekonomi, Islam, formalisasi, dan implikasi.
MENJAWAB PROBLEMATIKA KONTEMPORER (Kajian terhadap Pemikiran Maslahah Mursalah al-Ghazali) Kholis, Nur
Al-Mawarid Jurnal Hukum Islam Vol 10 (2003): Lembaga Keuangan Islam
Publisher : Islamic University of Indonesia

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The article below traces how Islamic law anticipates occurring of contemporer problematics according to Ghazali’s Maslahah Mursalah thought. According al-Ghazali, Maslahah Mursalah can be made as an argument for Islamic law determining if it fulfils many requirements: maslahat is suitable with syara’, maslahat is not contrary with al-Qur’an, as-Sunnah, and ijma, and maslahat is existing in daruriyat level or hajiyat that in same level with daruriyat. Maslahah mursalah is not independent dalil that stand alone from al-Qur’an, asSunnah, and Ijma’, but it is one of Islamic law istimbat methode. In other word, maslahah mursalah is not resource of Islamic law but methode of Islamic law discovering. Assembling of maslahah mursalah as dalil for Islamic law determining, it makes many moslems contemporer problematics can be known and determined although their law status not mentioned in al-Qur’an and as-Sunnah. So, maslahah mursalah assembling makes Islamic law always appropriate whenever and wherever.
ISLAM DAN PORNOGRAFI-PORNOAKSI (Menakar Solusi Perspektif Hukum Islam) Mth, Asmuni
Al-Mawarid Jurnal Hukum Islam Vol 15 (2006): Fiqh dan Kontroversi Seputar Legislasi Pornografi dan Pornoaksi
Publisher : Islamic University of Indonesia

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Pornography and pornoaction happen because of modernization and globalization influence on sosiety lives. Without consciousness from society to solve the above problems which considering Islamic community public interest, pornography and pornoaction always emerge. Islam as doctrine early presents to solve the problems, so there are many Quranic verses and prophet traditions regulate the dress, communication between man and woman, including the publications that appear moral decadence. Kata kunci: pornografi, pornoaksi, Islam, fiqh.
Al-Mawarid Jurnal Hukum Islam Vol 10 (2003): Lembaga Keuangan Islam
Publisher : Islamic University of Indonesia

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Some of elements in our society have responded the expansive development and growth of syariah banking contemptuously, moreover, among some moslems themselves.The contemptuous view of Islamic banking showed by people’s trust for Syari’ah Banking has been still relatively low. It shown by the moslem participation on investment and capital movement. Indeed, some of moslem intellectuals have criticized syariah banking, they considered of the transactions done by Islamic bankings, even, in contrary with its own-concept. In other words, it’s in compatible with syari’ah spirit. The contemptuous view can’t be separated from capitalism economic that’s been deeply rooted in our society. Learning the problem surrounding syari’ah finance institution and some of its positive value, it’s urgently required for this institution to improve its profesionality, in order to arise its image, next in future it hopefully able to spread wider merciful benefit . The effort increasing profesionality have to more attention of the relationship between syari’ah finance institution and consumers, a commitment of continuous inovation and also a balanced consideration of decision maker research. Operationally, profesionality improvement of syari’ah finance institution able to apply the Criteria Grade of Syariah banking Choice in Yogyakarta as its measurement. Key words: Persepsi, Pandangan, Lembaga Keuangan Syari’ah, Profesionalitas.
Hak Opsi dalam Kewarisan sebagai Tragedi Hukum Muttaqien, Dadan
Al-Mawarid Jurnal Hukum Islam Vol 7 (2002): Hukum Islam dan Isu-isu Kontemporer
Publisher : Islamic University of Indonesia

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Berdasarkan adanya perdamaian antara kedua belah pihak itu maka hakim menjatuhkan putusannya (acte van vergelijk), yang isinya menghukum kedua belah pihak untuk memenuhi isi perdamaian yang telah dibuat antara mereka. Adapun kekuatan putusan perdamaian ini sama dengan putusan biasa dan dapat dilaksanakan seperti putusan-putusan lainnya. Hanya dalam hal ini banding tidak dimungkinkan. Usaha perdamaian ini terbuka sepanjang pemeriksaan di persidangan. Dari uraian tersebut dapat disimpulkan, bahwa apabila kesepakatan antara para ahli waris terjadi di tengah-tengah proses persidangan diperbolehkan dan tidak melanggar hukum
Al-Mawarid Jurnal Hukum Islam Vol 16 (2006): Penegakan Syariat Islam di Indonesia: Prospek, Peluang dan Tantangan
Publisher : Islamic University of Indonesia

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The article below tries to trace the problem of syariah formalization and human rights in Indonesia. Several issues will emerge in the context of syariah formalization, for instance, the interpretation of syariah, the freedom of religion, the position of non-Moslem, the role of woman, the religious community conflict, and the crisis of the constitution. Based on the issues mentioned above, the the writer of the following article revealed that the formalization of syariah should need new humanistic interpretation and iit also consider and accomadate human rights issues recently. Kata kunci: syariat Islam, formalisasi, HAM, dan interpretasi.
Al-Mawarid Jurnal Hukum Islam Vol 11, No 2 (2010): Hukum Keluarga Muslim dan Tuntutan HAM
Publisher : Islamic University of Indonesia

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In the universal standards and appropriate covenants on civil and political rights is stated that any institution is not allowed to handcuff someones freedom to choose a partner. However, in practice in the context of Indonesia is not as easy as that discourse. In this context the concept of utilitarianism Maqashid Shariah and legal formulation laid spirited serious benefits. Two of these concepts turned out to affect the dynamics of the formulation of the rules of marriage in Indonesia. In Article 2 of the Act No.1 / 1974 of the marriage has been declared that the marriage is valid if conducted according to religion and belief. Furthermore, a very sharp contradiction is visible on the existence of Presidential Directive 1991 on the Compilation of Islamic Law and Counter Legal Draft of Compilation of Islamic Law. In the CLD-KHI in Article 54 states unequivocally that interfaith marriages are allowed to keep records to fulfill the purpose of marriage, the happiness of the couple. Here, the formulation is consistent with the concept of utilitarianism serious benefits. In the context of human rights, human happiness (the couple) would be used as a right that can not be reduced under any circumstances (non-derogable rights), while the interest of following the religion as an interest that could be reduced in certain circumstances (derogable rights / interests). Keywords: pernikahan, agama, hukum keluarga, dan fiqh
POLIGAMI: ANTARA LEGALITAS FORMAL DAN LEGALITAS BUDAYA (Studi Kasus Praktek Poligami Kyai Pesantren di Probolinggo Jawa Timur) Musarrofa, Ita
Al-Mawarid Jurnal Hukum Islam Vol 14 (2005): Pembaharuan Hukum Keluarga di Indonesia: Urgensi, Kontroversi dan Solusinya.
Publisher : Islamic University of Indonesia

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Law is not only as a tool of social control but also as that of social engineering. As a tool of social engineering, law can be conducted to direct and change society, so did the restrictive decision regarding poligamy of Act No. 1 year 1974. The goal of this act is to direct and to regulate poligamy to become responsible and regularly. The main problem in this context is is it possible the restrictive can be conducted by society effectively while the phenomemon of poligamy tends to contrary to this act? The result of this researh revealed that the restrictive decision of poligamy of this act in term of the effectivity, the community of kiyai of pesantren at Probolinggo East Java, this act did not run effectively. This means that is not in accordance with the act. This happens because of internal motivation of kiyai factor and external or culture as supported factor.

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