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Tesa Arsitektur
ISSN : 14106094     EISSN : 24606367     DOI : -
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Articles 158 Documents
PEMENUHAN AIR BERSIH METODA RAIN WATER HARVESTING SKALA RUMAH TINGGAL SEBAGAI SOLUSI TEKNOLOGI YANG EKOLOGIS (Meeting the Clean Water Sufficiency by Implementing Residential-Scaled Rain Water Harvesting Method as a Ecologically Technological Solution) Suskiyatno, F .X. Bambang
Tesa Arsitektur Vol 11, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Unika Soegijapranata Semarang

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ABSTRAC.T Lack of clean water supply is one of the serious societal problems, especially in big cities in Indonesia. Water is usually got from groundwater and shallow groundwater resources. They having low income can only get surface water sources (rivers) that is very low qualified and to bring assorted illness. Actually there is another source spending abundant of clean water that can be utilized besides reducing the environmental destruction impacts. It is rain water. As it is known that rain, for the time being, tend to puddle and to lead to flooding, especially in downtowns. Rain also causes land- sliding because there is no open land remaining to absorb the rainwater. All ground surfaces are coated with a water-resistant pavement, including watelWays. Rain water utilization as clean water will minimize the possibility of these effects. Such rainwater utilization is known as Rain water Harvesting System for getting clean water. By having certain technologies rain water utilization can be easily done at a residential scale, both simple to advanced technologies. Keywords: clean water, environment, rain water. ABSTRAK Kurangnya pemenuhan kebutuhan air bersih bagi masyarakat merupakan persoalan yang cukup besar. Terutama di kota-kota besar di Indonesia. Sumber air bersih tersebut adalah dari air tanah dangkal maupun air tanah dangkal. Sementara bagi masyarakat dengan tingkat ekonomi rendah hanya dapat memanfaatkan sumber air permukaan (sungai) dengan kualitas sangat rendah dan berindikasi menyebabkan penyakit. Sebenarnya terdapat sumber air bersih lain yang tidak kurang dalam jumlah yang dapat dimanfaatkan dan justru dapat mengurangi dampak perusakan lingkungan adalah air hujan. Seperti diketahui bahwa pada masa sekarang, hujan lebih mengakibatkan genangangenangan air bahkan banjir di daerah bawah dan juga kelongsoran tanah, karena hampir tidak tersisanya tanah terbuka di derah perkotaan yang mampu menyerap air hujan. Semua permukaan tanah dilapis dengan perkerasan yang kedap air, termasuk juga saluran air. Pemanfaatan air hujan sebagai air bersih justru dapat meminimalisir kemungkinan dampakdampak tersebut. Bentuk dari pemanfaatan air hujan sebagai air bersih dikenal dengan Sistem Pemanenan Air Hujan (Rain Water Harvesting) untuk air bersih. Dengan teknologi tertentu pemanfaatan air hujan dapat dilakukan dengan mudah pada skala rumah tingga/ baik dengan teknologi yang sederhana sampai tinggi.
POTENSI KONSERVASI ENERGI RUMAH T1NGGAL 01 PERMUKIMAN PERKOTAAN BERBASIS BUOAYA MASYARAKAT SUNOA Studi kasus: Rumah Tinggal di Pulau Geulis, Bogor (Energy Conservation Potencies of Houses in Urban Settlement based on Sundanese Social Culture, Case Study: Nurwidyaningrum, Dyah
Tesa Arsitektur Vol 12, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Unika Soegijapranata Semarang

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Pulau Geulis adalah tempat bermukim yang sangat padat, dihuni lebih dari 2500 jiwa dengan luas hanya1,57 hektar. Kehidupan penduduk yang padat perlu didukung dengan konservasi energi supaya kehidupan di pulau ini lebih sehat dan terpenuhi. Konservasi energi adalah usaha untuk menghasilkan sistem energi yang murah dan bermanfaat untuk kehidupan manusia. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengkaji aktifias-aktifnas yang terjadi di pemukiman dan ruang komunal yang mempunyai potensi untuk konservasi energi. Metode yang digunakan adalah menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan melakukan pengamatan lang sung di lapangah, studi tipologi unit rumah tinggal dan ruang komunal, melakukan wawancara langsung dan studi literatur tentang falsafah hidup masyarakat Sunda di Pulau Geulis. Penelitian awal ini menitikberatkan disain jaringan potensi energi unit rumah tinggal yang terintegrasi dengan potensi energi ruang komunal di Pulau Geulis. Hasil penelitian adalah usulan disain jaringan energi unit rumah tinggal dan energi komunal dengan menerapkan instalasi biogas sebagai alat utama untuk penyelesaian masalah. Konsep keberlanjutan energi didukung oleh potensi budaya sosial masyarakat pulau Geulis yang menunjukkan kemampuan untuk hidup dan bergotong royong. Kata Kunci: potensienergi, budaya sosial masyarakat, keberlanjutan
TlPOLOGI BANGUNAN RUMAH TINGGAL ADAT SUNDA DI KAMPUNG NAGA JAWA BARAT (Building Typology of Sundanese Traditional Houses at Kampung Naga, West Java) Ilham, Anggie Nur; SB, Afriyanto Sotyan
Tesa Arsitektur Vol 10, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Unika Soegijapranata Semarang

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A traditional house has specific characteristics that differ from one place to another. The house is treated as one of cultural heritages that should be protected and conserved. Thats why it is vety important to study traditional houses and one of such houses is Sundanese traditional houses at Kampung Naga, West Java. Kampung Nagas houses are characterized by poled or staged houses that are built in a group so that it makes a traditional kampong or village that is in habited by a group of people that strongly keep customs inherited by their ancestors. The specific characteristics of these traditional houses are of their building typology and interior design pattern. This writing will expose the building typology of Sundanese traditional houses at Kampung Nagas settlement. Typology here means the characteristics of the shape of Sundanese traditional house in a whole. The data gathering method covers field survey, libraty study, and internet browsing.
WISATA ZIARAH PERMUKIMAN DESA GUNUNG PRING MUNTILAN (“Wayfinding” as a solution for the Direction Sign in the Pilgrimage Village Tourism Zone in the Gunung Pring Muntilan) Prastomo, Agustinus Dicky
Tesa Arsitektur Vol 13, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Unika Soegijapranata Semarang

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Rural areas generally offer a natural beautiful green atmosphere both social, economic, cultural, religious, traditions, architecture of the building as well as the arrangement of the different neighborhoods of the city. The existence of a religious pilgrimage site based in the village of Gunung Pring Muntilan, Central Java raises the potential for rural development. But the arrival of pilgrims in the village of Gunung Pring especially in the summer season approaching month of Ramadan or other pilgrimages often affect the circulation path that led to the problems of congestion. Although the environment has been reorganized, still appears the issue of seasonal population density and traffic congestion. Structuring the housing environment (zoning) that has been done has not been followed by the provision of design information such as the identity of the name and directions for pedestrians and vehicles passing around the tourist zone of pilgrimage village of Gunung Pring. This paper aims to identify and describe the design needs wayfinding information such as driving directions in the solution (zone) pilgrimage Mount Pring. The study was conducted by using descriptiveanalytical analysis. The findings of the study revealed, it takes adequate directions so that the circulation path to be smooth
POLA PEMBAGIAN LAHAN PEKARANGAN DI RUMAH TRADISIONAL JAWA BERDASAR SISTEM PEMBAGIAN WARISAN, STUDI KASUS: JERON BETENG, KRATON,YOGYAKARTA (House Yard Distribution Pattern in Javanese Traditional Houses Based on the Inheritance Distribution System Case Stu Tarigan, Riandy
Tesa Arsitektur Vol 11, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Unika Soegijapranata Semarang

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ABSTRACT Culture always changes and evolves in accordance with the changing nature of human thought of the area. The change embodies the nature of the contradictory people s thought between how to defend the heritage of the past and the changes caused by the increase of the peoples needs. One of the aspects of traditional house change is about the change of the ownership caused by the division of inheritance. The ownership change is to be one of the significant problems in structuring the traditional settlement. The ownership change will indirectly lead to the changes of the spatial structure and traditional building mass caused by the increasing needs of each residence. In the end, the distribution of land ownership is possibly to lead to decreased quality of traditional neighborhood as a cultural heritage that should factually be preseNed. The study was conducted at JI. Siliran, Jeron Beteng, Kraton Yogyakarta by applying qualitative-empirical method. The data were obtained through in-depth inteNiew techniques. This study focused on traditional houses that had been handed down as inheritances. The results of this study showed that house-yard distribution pattem could be used as a reference in arranging the traditional houses. Keywords: family development, inheritance distribution, house yard pattern. ABSTRAK Budaya selalu berubah dan berkembang sesuai dengan perubahan alam pemikiran dari manusia pada tempat itu.Perubahan tersebut merupakan perwujudan alam pemikiran masyarakat yang bersifat kontradiktif antara mempertahankan masa lalu dengan perubahan yang disebabkan oleh perkembangan kebutuhan masyarakat. Salah satu aspek dari perubahan dalam rumah tradisional adalah perubahan kepemilikan yang disebabkan oleh pembagian warisan. Perubahan kepemilikan ini merupakan salah satu permasalahan signifikan dalam penataan pada permukiman tradisional. Perubahan kepemilikan secara tidak langsung akan mengakibatkan perubahan tata ruang dan massa bangunan tradisional yang diakibatkan perkembangan kebutuhan dari masing-masing rumah tinggaL Pada akhirnya, pembagian kepemilikan lahan dapat mengakibatkan menurunnya kualitas lingkungan permukiman tradisional sebagai warisan budaya yang perlu dipertahankan. Penelitian dilakukan di JI. Siliran, Jeron Seteng, Kraton Yogyakarta dengan metode kualitatifempiris. Data didapatkan melalui teknik wawancara mendalam. Kajian ini ditekankan pada rumah tradisional yang telah mengalami pembagian warisan. Dari penelitian tersebut didapat pola pembagian lahan pekarangan yang dapat menjadi rujukan dalam penataan rumah tradisional. Kata Kunci: perkembangan keluarga, pembagian warisan, pola pekarangan.
KAJIAN AWAL TERHADAP KONDISI PENCAHAYAAN ALAMI PADA BANGUNAN RUMAH LIMAS ! . (Preliminary Study on Natural Lighting Condition of Limas Shaped House Building) W. Putri, Alrikagustl; Wahyuni, Yuni Sri
Tesa Arsitektur Vol 10, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Unika Soegijapranata Semarang

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Indonesias tropical climate has a significant potential in providing natural lighting to design buildings. Umas or pyramidal shaped house In its original condition (has not been modified/engineered), meaning that it is made of wood, having original elements and building design with openings Is believed to possess natural lighting for a construction that is assumed inadequate for productive activities. Seeing the existing activity pattern, a Ilmas house is not aimed just to rest but it is also to perfonn other activities, such as reading and working in the room. These activities require adequate support of room lighting. This study was conducted to verify the assumption telling that the lighting system of a limas house is insufficient productive activities during the day time. The study used a computerized simulation and field measurements to see the a priori condition of the limas house as the object of the study and then to compare the results of measurements. The result showed that the level of natural lighting In the house was almost the same that was 150 lux In average. This reinforced the assumption that the natural lighting level of the studied Ilmas house was insufficient to support productive activities In the day time. To get solutions in improving natural lighting condition of limas house, further studies are needed.
PENGURAIAN TANDA (DECODING) PADA RUMOH ACEH DENGAN PENDEKATAN SEMIOTIKA (Elaboration of Sign (Decoding) of Rumoh Aceh Using Semiotics Approach) Putra, Riza Aulia; Ekomadyo, Agus S.
Tesa Arsitektur Vol 13, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Unika Soegijapranata Semarang

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Rumoh Aceh is one of the artefacts from the cultural society. As a cultural artefact, rumoh Aceh can be read as a text that represented of a society tradition. There are messages that are contained in rumoh Aceh. The architecture of rumoh Aceh has been influenced by Islam as a majority religion in the society. To be able to know the message that attach in the architecture of rumoh Aceh, it is needed to elaborate the architectural components. Semiotics is one of method that can be used to read or disclose the message that contain in architectural object based on an existing signature or code (decoding). The process of elaboration of the sign using semiotic approach relies heavily on social agreements in a society where the object of architecture is located. The purpose of this article is to expose the messages attach in the architecture of rumohAceh as an efforts of transposition in order to appreciate and preserve the values of architecture of rumoh Aceh so that it can eventually be translated into new architectural forms in the present context.
DAMPAK SPASIAL KEHADIRAN KAMPUS UNIVERSITAS DIPONEGORO 01 KAWASAN TEMBALANG SEMARANG (The Spatial Impact of the College Attendance at Diponegoro University Area of Tembalang Semarang) Prasetyo, Yonathan; Hariyono, Paulus
Tesa Arsitektur Vol 12, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Unika Soegijapranata Semarang

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Suatu lokasi bila terdapat fasilitas umum seperti pendidikan tinggi akan memiliki multiplier effect. Gejala ini terjadi pada perpindahan kampus Universitas Diponegoro (Undip) dari Pleburan ke Tembalang Semarang pada sekitar tahun 2010. Di lokasi kampus yang baru, di Tembalang yang semula sepi, kehadiran Undip antara lain memberikan dampak spasial yang signifikan. Gejala ini menarik untuk diteliti. Oari gambaran terse but, maka tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kehadiran kampus Undip di Tembalang dari aspek spasial. Metode penelitian yang digunakan bersifat deskriptif-analitis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada perbedaan kondisi pertumbuhan spasial pada zona 1, 2, 3, dan 4. Kata kunci: dampak kehadiran kampus, spasial.
PERU BAHAN MORFOLOGI RUMAH TINGGAL 01 KAMPUNG ARAB KOTA MALANG (The Morphological Changes of the Residential Houses of Kampong Arab at Malang City) Aryati, Allafa; Antariksa, Antariksa; Wardhani, Dian Kusuma
Tesa Arsitektur Vol 10, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Unika Soegijapranata Semarang

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Kampong Arab at Malang City represents an urban kampong that was built within the influence of the Dutch Govemments policy (Regering Regleement and Vremde Oosterllngen). Therefore, the kampong has colonial, Javanese, and Islamic styles in its architectural constructions. However, the modernization of the region brought changes in its visual appearance; many old buildings were replaced by modem ones. The objectives of this study were to identify the history and the characteristics ofthe old buildings at Kampong Arab by applying descriptive method (field observation and secondary data), to identify and analyze the changes of the old buildings by using evaluative description method (scoring method), and to identify and analyze the factors that cause changes to the old buildings by using evaluative description method (factor analysis). The results of the study show that 4 buildings underwent big changes, 27 buildings got moderate changes, and 11 buildings had only little changes. The causes of the changes of the old buildings are grouped into three, namely (1) factors of ownership and location, (2) factors of age and maintenance, and (3) factors that is related to social, cultural and family size affairs.
SENSE OF PLACE KOTA BOGOR BERDASARKAN PERSEPSI PENDUDUK DI TIGA TIPOLOGI PERMUKIMAN (Sense of Place of Bogor city based on Community Perception in three typologies of Settlements) Tohjiwa, Agus Dharma
Tesa Arsitektur Vol 13, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Unika Soegijapranata Semarang

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Bogor city has three typologies of settlements that are historical area, internal development area and commuting area. The purpose of this study is to describe the sense of place in the city of Bogor based on the perception of the resident living in those settlements. This research uses a survey method using questionnaire and field observations. Research variables using three components of sense of place which are physical attributes, activities, and conception. The result shows that the natural conditions and colonial heritage still has a major contribution in creating Bogor’s sense of place. Activity as a commuter from Bogor to Jakarta is the main activity characteristics in this city. Nevertheless, at the weekend most people spend time in their own city. Most resident has a conception that Bogor is a city of tourism and resort. This study shows that Bogor urban identity as historic city only supported by a physical artifact of the empire and colonial periods alone. Activities and perceptions of people living in Bogor unrelated or unsupport the formation of urban identity. To keep the sense of place of Bogor, at least there are two aspects which should be considered which are revitalizing the old city and the development of Transit Oriented Development.

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