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Jurnal Varidika
Core Subject : Education,
The Jurnal Varidika is an open access and peer-reviewed scholarly international journal published by Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, and publishes twice a year (June and December). The journal focuses on publishing research article in the scope of digital technology in education, distance learning, character and culture-based education, STEAM-based education, and HOTS-based education. Before submission, the author(s) must adhere to the author guidelines.
Articles 479 Documents
Jurnal Varidika: Varia Pendidikan Volume 24 No. 1, Juni 2012
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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This Research is aimed at finding out the level of writing ability of the students at English Study Program FKIP- UNRI by using Cooperative Learning Method. The samples of the research were all of the first year students that joined Writing IC. The procedure of the research were administered through (a) pre-tes; (b) teaching and learning process by using Cooperative Learning Method; and (c) pos-tes. Pre-tes and pos-tes were given in order to know the level of their writing ability. Data analysis was conducted by comparing the scores of pre-tes and post-tes. Data calculation concluded that with df = 78 – 1 = 77, it was found that r table with significant level 5% = 2.64; and 1% = 1.99 which were smaller than t = 3.005. As a result, null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected and alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted. In conclusion, Cooperative Learning Method played a significant role in increasing the writing ability of students of English Study Program FKIP UNRI.
Penerapan Pembelajaran Tematik Kurikulum 2013 oleh Guru SD/MI di Desa Klepek Kecamatan Sukosewu Kabupaten Bojonegoro Semester Gasal Tahun Ajaran 2014/2015 Indriani, Ari
Jurnal Varidika: Varia Pendidikan Volume 27 No. 1, Juni 2015
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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Elementary school is the starting point of formal education in Indonesia. While this study has the objective to provide insight to the teacher on the application of thematic learning curriculum 2013 that includes planning, implementing and assessing thematic learning curriculum in 2013. Thematic learning curriculum 2013 that applicable in elementary school / MI is an integrated thematic learning, learning to integrate material from multiple subjects in a single theme to cultivate a skill on learners. The subjects in this study are teachers in elementary school / MI in Klepek Sukosewu District of Bojonegoro and methods of data collection use interviews and questionnaires. The conclusion from this study is that the learned predetermined theme of the center located at Master Books, learning methods used according to the theme being studied, while the valuation techniques used are based on attitude.
Penerapan Teknologi Informasi Dan Komunikasi Sebagai Media Interaksi Guru-Siswa Wiranto, Sigit
Jurnal Varidika: Varia Pendidikan Volume 26 No. 2, Desember 2014
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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The purpose of this study is to describe the application of information and communication technology as an interactive media for teacher and student in SMPN 1 Arjosari Pacitan. This is a qualitative research. This study used an ethnographic approach. This research took place in SMP 1 Arjosari Pacitan. Interviewees in this study were the Headmaster, Head of ICT Laboratory, Administrative staff, teachers and students. Col- lecting data used observations, interviews and documentation. The validity of the data was examined by using data triangulation.Data analysis used Milles and Huberman ver- sion employ data reduction, data drawing and conclusions and verification. The results in SMPN1 Arjosari showed that: (1) The development of the application of ICT still at the stage of Application. It is characterized by the educators and teachers who have been using Information Technology for tasks related to the management of school learning activities, however their use is not optimal. This school has not been able to maximize the implementation of ICT in learning. (2) The use of ICT in the assessment of learning outcomes is limited to the preparation administration course, not the process. Though the use of IT in learning outcomes assessment will provide a transformative experience for students. (3) There are three conditions which may encourage the application of ICT in learning and assessment at this school, Facilities and infrastructure are equiped with ICT, teachers are qualified as most are already certified educators, schools can choose to suit his students and undergone the implementation the implementation of Curriculum 2013 while threats factors are: the average age of teachers is more than 40 years so that spirit for self development is less encourging began to decline, the low economic back- ground of students, speed internet access which is not adequate, and the lack of special- ized personnel who handle ICT.
Manajemen Kurikulum dan Pembelajaran Keterampilan Komputer dan Pengolahan Informasi Untuk Membentuk Kemandirian Peserta Didik di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Kawiyono, Aris
Jurnal Varidika: Varia Pendidikan Volume 26 No. 1, Juni 2014
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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The objectives of this research me to describe (1) the basic formation of KKPI curriculum to establish the independence of learners, (2) preparatory of KKPI curriculum to establish the independence of the learner, (3) teacher preparation of KKPI to establish the independence of learners, (4) the learning implementation of KKPI lessons to establish the independence of learners, (5) evaluation of KKPI curriculum to establish the independence of learners. This qualitative research is conducted in SMK N 1 Donorojo Pacitan. Data collection techniques used observation, interview and documentation. The results of this research were (1) Basic formation of KKPI curriculum at SMK N 1 Donorojo consist ing 5 foundations juridical, philosophical, sociological, psychopedagogical and science and technology. (2) Preparation of KKPI curriculum begins with the manufactured KKPI curriculum. (3) Teachers’ preparation in the formation of learners independence through KKPI learning is to increase its competence by following the activities such as seminars or education and training. (4) Implementation of KKPI learning in SMK N 1 Donorojo already refers to the components of learning. (5) Curriculum evaluation is performed to determine the suitability of the curriculum created prior to its implementation in the field.
Profil Kompetensi Profesional Guru Mapel Biologi Pasca Sertifikasi di Karesidenan Surakarta Anif, Sofyan
Jurnal Varidika: Varia Pendidikan Volume 25 No. 2, Desember 2013
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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As stated in UU No. 14, 2005 and PP No. 74, 2008 that teachers as proffessional educator have to possess four competences, namely: pedagogic, proffessional, character, and social. However the condition in Indonesia is not like that. In general, they are in low category, specifically in pedagogic and proffessional. Those conditions happen in biology teachers and other teacher subjects. Then the aim of this study is to observe the profile of biology teachers especially their proffessional competence pasca sertification in Surakarta residance. The population of this study is all biology teachers (332 persons) that have rechieved sertification through direct, portofolio, and PLPG program. Purposive random sampling is used to get 116 teachers. Data are collected by depth interview, documentation, and test, then the collected data are analysed by descriptive qualitative. The result shows that the profile of proffessional competence of biology teachers can be grouped into three: low, middle, and high. The teachers are low in: concept implementation, using tool of measurements, biology experiment planning, using the result of reflection, self reflection, understanding the principles and theories of savety work, doing action research, and understanding the steps of biology experiement correctly. The teachers are middle in: understanding the objective of the study, creative and innovative in implementing and developing science of biology nad correlated sciences, undesrtanding thinking process of biology, using symbolic language, undesrtanding standard competence, and understanding the scoupe of biology. They are high in: understanding the structure biology science and its correlation, selecting the material, cooking the material creatively, understanding the concepts, laws, and biology theories, undesrtanding the history of the natural science, specifically biology, understanding the basic competence of the subject or topic, updating their knowledge from many sources, and rationally qualitatively and quantitatively in understanding the process and biology law.
Jurnal Varidika: Varia Pendidikan Volume 24 No. 2, Desember 2012
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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The purpose of the research was to explain and analyze the short story writing skills improvement grades X1 SMA Pertiwi 1 Padang in terms of characterization, plot, and setting. This type of research is a classroom action research that uses four stages in each cycle, including planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The research was conducted in two cycles. The data was collected through two main instruments, namely test and nontes. The test is used to collect data capability to write short stories, while the form of sheets nontes observation, field notes, and questionnaires were used to collect the data in the application of learning techniques paraphrasing poetry writing short stories. Analyzing data in accordance with the descriptive-analytical application of the concept of action research. Results of this study showed that the results of the students wrote short stories on pre-cycle obtain an average value of 58.89, cycle 1 with an average value of 77.04, and in cycle 2 the average score was 91.11.. The results showed an increase of pre-cycle students write short stories until the cycle 2.
Pemberdayaan Guru Sekolah Dasar Negeri Arjosari Kabupaten Pacitan Kurdi, Imam
Jurnal Varidika: Varia Pendidikan Volume 27 No. 1, Juni 2015
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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Elementary School Teacher Empowerment Arjosari Pacitan. Thesis. Surakarta, Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta, Graduate Program, 2013. To realize that schools have the advantage of the quality of education necessary for the management of the principal strategies in managing human resources. This study aims to describe the procurement teacher recruitment. Describe the formation and development of teachers, and describe the teacher control SDN Arjosari. This study is a qualitative, using an ethnographic approach. Place of execution of the research is on SDN Arjosari Pacitan. With sources: Head of School, teacher, chairman of the committee, and the school superintendent. The collection of data through observation, interviews and documentation. The validity of the data was tested by using triangulation. whereas for data analysis techniques using version Milles and Huberman. by means of data reduction, data and drawing conclusions and verification. The results showed that to meet the needs of teachers and kuantitati qualitatively as teacher empowerment has been done. (1) stats and implementation of teacher recruitment. (2) The development of (professionalism, career and welfare of teachers), and (3) control of teachers, good running order the expected goals.
Jurnal Varidika: Varia Pendidikan Volume 24 No. 1, Juni 2012
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi perbedaan strategi pembelajaran yang digunakan oleh tiga siswa SMA N I Colomadu yang memiliki keterampilan berbicara yang berbeda (tinggi, sedang dan rendah). Penelitian ini merupakan studi kasus. Data dalam penelitian ini berupa nilai siswa dan informasi hasil observasi dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa dengan nilai tertinggi (S1)menggunakan limabelas strategi yang terdiri dari tujuh strategi metakognitif, tujuh strategi kognitif dan  satu strategi sosioafektif. Siswa dengan nilai menengah (S2) menggunakan empat belas strategi yang terdiri dari tujuh strategi metakognitif, enam strategi kognitif, dan sat strategi sosioafektif. Sementara itu, siswa dengan nilai terendah (S3) diketahui menggunakan dua belas strategi yaitu lima strategi metakognitif , lima strategi kognitif, dan dua strategi sosio afektif. Dari hasil tes akhir pada than ajaran 2007/2008, terlihat bahwa S1 yang menggunakan paling banyak strategi pembelajaran memperoleh nilai tertinggi. S2 memperoleh nilai sedang sedangkan S3 yang menggunakan paling sedikit strategi, memperoleh nilai terendah dalam tes akhir. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa strategi pembelajaran berperan  dalam penguasaan keterampilan berbicara bahasa Inggris.
Desain Pembelajaran Persamaan Diferensial melalui Pendekatan Kontekstual Khotimah, Rita Pramujiyanti; Masduki, Masduki
Jurnal Varidika: Varia Pendidikan Volume 27 No. 1, Juni 2015
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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Differential equity is one of the applied subjects needed to solve the problem in real situation, not only in Mathematics but also in engineering, biology, physics, chemistry, medics, psychology economy and others. However, the existing approach for teaching differential equity tends to be procedural. For this reason, the class of differential equity becomes not meaningful for students. Contextual teaching is one of the approach focuses on the students’ participation and process to find relation between material taught and real life. Through self discovery, it is expected that students experience meaningful learning. This research is the developing stage research by using contextual approach. The activities of students in contextual learning are elaborated in this research. The research aims at finding meaningful learning is not limited for procedural and analysis.
Manajemen Unit Produksi Berbasis Inovasi Produk (Studi pada SMK Negeri 7 Purworejo) Swityastuti, Budi; Sutrisno, Budi
Jurnal Varidika: Varia Pendidikan Volume 26 No. 2, Desember 2014
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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The purpose of this study was to obtain an overview of: planning, implementation and supervision of the production unit based product innovations developed in SMK Negeri 7Purworedjo. This research was qualitative by ethnography design. The research was was SMK 7 Purworedjo focusing on innovation sanitary napkins that can be washed and reused brand “Siklus”. Data collection was conducted in a natural setting and techniques of data collection were through participant observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniques were done through four phases namely data collection, data reduction, data display and conclusion. The results of the study are (1) Planning UPJ (Unit Production/Services) consider factors: purpose, type of production, targeting, marketing, resources, sharing, managing, availability of raw materials and place of execution, (2) Implementation of UPJ includes : organizing, production, delivery and implementation prakerin students, (3) Supervision UPJ includes: the quality of the product by the management, administration by the principal, and students prakerin by tutors. This study recommends that the product innovations of UPJ SMK 7 Purworedjo are circulated out of the city product innovations of UPJ SMK 7 Purworedjo are circulated out of the city.

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