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ISSN : 19786948     EISSN : 25028650     DOI : 10.30762/universum
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Articles 296 Documents
UNIVERSUM Vol 9, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : IAIN Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30762/universum.v9i2.83


Waqf is a unique Islamic economic instruments that bases its function on the elements of virtue (birr), goodness (ihsan) and fraternity (brotherhood). Therefore, in order endowments can be managed productively, it is proper we reconstruct the management of waqf in Indonesia to study and reflect on the country or institution that has been able to manage endowments properly.This article examines the management of waqf of Bangladesh and Malaysia. Focussing assessments on critical thinking and innovative endowments management system, covering Operationalization of the Social Investment Bank Limited in Bangladesh, Operationalization Certificate Endowments Money, Cash Waqf in Malaysia. The systems offered by Bangladesh and Malaysia are the commercial-style systems. Such trends illustrate that the strengthening of the role of endowments in both countries have been reconstruction (an increase towards better), namely (1) from the traditional to the waqf endowments productive, (2) of the goods remains to move goods, in this case the cash endowments, and ( 3) from the beginning that only relies on traditional instruments which is taking a direct benefit from the existing endowment, the endowment development efforts through commercial instruments.If Indonesian muslims are able to carry out that reconstruction on a large scale, it will show the positive implications of the activities of the cash endowments, cash endowments have unique opportunities for the creation of an investment in the fields of religion, education and social services.Keywords; reconstruction, management system, waqf
UNIVERSUM Vol 9, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : IAIN Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30762/universum.v9i1.78


Interpretation of surah Al-Baqarah verse 189 which uses a method of transmission saying that the verse would describe the times predetermined by God to mankind in serve him well to explain when fasting, and pilgrimage feast. Similarly, the new moon will also indicate the prescribed period for women. Narrated by Bisyri bin Mu'adh said that Qatada once said: The Prophet Muhammad was asked one day by his people will paragraph يسألونك عن الأهلة قل هي مواقيت للناس at the time of the new moon has not yet appeared? Then the Prophet said to them; Then the Prophet said to them; Allah have it appear as what ever you know. هي مواقيت للناس therefore to bring it up then he is as a sign on the start of fasting for the Muslims and for Iftar (feast) and indicates the time for those with the arrival of the rituals of Hajj and to determine the future iddahnya women.Hilal is a sign or marker clue is a unity of time and timing system consisting of day, month and year. This has been the form of a calendar (almanac, Taqwim) used easily for the benefit of mankind in the implementation of fasting, pilgrimage, prayer time, the determination of the prescribed period and other mualamah agreement. In view of modern astronomy as Danjon, the new moon will be visible if the position of the moon within a minimum of 8 degrees in addition to the sun (the moon's crescent cauld rot be seen closer to the sun for elongation less that 80). This opinion was never confirmed by Muammer Dizer the International Islamic Conference in Istanbul Turkey in 1978, according to research that has been accepted by international astronomers declared that the moon looks at the position of the sun distance (angle of azimut) 80 and the position of elevation above the horizon of 50. He stated it is impossible if there is a majority opinion expressed in the following 50 positions height above the horizon can be seen with the eye. While MABIMS including Indonesia make imkan al-rukyat criteria states that the size of the moon positions can be seen at a height of 20, 30 the azimut distance elongation angle and distance when ijtimak and sunset time of 8 hours (kiteria to 20, 30 and 8 hours). MABIMS criteria is lower than the criterion Istanbul. This last criterion used Malaysia Singapore and Brunei, while Indonesia is still no difference and there is no agreement on these criteria.Keywords; Hilal, Masa Iddah, Taqwim, Imkan al-rukyat
POTRET IDEAL RELASI SUAMI ISTRI (Telaah Pemikiran Hadith Shaikh Nawawi Al-Bantani) Surahmat, Surahmat
UNIVERSUM Vol 9, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : IAIN Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30762/universum.v9i1.77


Nawawi is a leading figure in the corners of the Islamic world. His work is monumental include Uqud al - lujain book, which describes the ideal portrait of the relationship between husband and wife in the ark undergoing households. In this study described the analysis of the traditions about the duty of the husband to the wife, the wife to the husband's obligations, the primacy of prayer in the home for women and a ban on men looked at another woman ( not a mahram ). Many traditions that are not described by Nawawi quality, so as to maintain the originality Hadith red thread can be taken; if an authentic hadith sanadnya uncertain  say there is a history that explains Thus, instead of words of the Prophet.   Keywords: Hadith, relasi suami-istri, Uqud al-Lujain
MANAJEMEN LIKUIDITAS BANK SYARI’AH (Upaya Peningkatan Good Corporate Governance) Sulistyowati, Sulistyowati
UNIVERSUM Vol 9, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : IAIN Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30762/universum.v9i1.71


Both of conventional and syari’ah bank have an obligation to reassure the customers that the money they save is secured. Thus, in order to provide security to the customers, the bank should have a liquidity management which forces the bank to meet the current or the future obligation in the event of withdrawal or redemption of liability asset. So it is able to meet its obligations, particularly a short term fund obligation. From the point of asset, liquidity is an ability to change the entire assets into cash. While liability is an ability to meet the financing need through an increase in a portfolio liability.There are some liquidity instruments that can be run by the syari’ah bank in order to meet its obligation, namely: the first is the Statuary Reserve Requirement (SRR). It is a minimum deposit of a commercial bank in a current account as has been stipulated by Bank Indonesia based on a certain percentage of the third party fund; the second is the so called cliring which is understood as an activity which has been going since the time of a transactional agreement to a completion of such agreement (an agreement between financial institution regarding with a payable account in a financial transaction). In order to improve the management of the bank’s fund, namely the advantage and disadvantage of the fund management, it needs the Inter-Bank Money Market. Based on the principles of syari’ah and to manage the advantage and disadvantage of the fund efficiently, it is necessarily in need of the Inter-Bank Money Market which uses the mudharabah investment for inter-bank; the third is the instrument of the wadi’ah certificate of Bank Indonesia which can be used as a means of deposit short-term fund, especially for those that have an excess of liquidity; and the fourth is the syari’ah capital market which has relationship with the offering and trading of the stock exchange, the public companies related to the issuance of the stock exchange, and the institution and profession of the stock exchange in accordance with the syari’ah principles.Keywords : Likuiditas, Manajemen Likuiditas, Instrumen Likuiditas
UNIVERSUM Vol 9, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : IAIN Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30762/universum.v9i2.88


In Indonesia, religious pluralism remains a heated debate in Indonesia where pros and cons are dominated by whether it is compatible with Islam or not. There is still less discussion in regard with other religions. This paper attempts to explain the concept of religious pluralism in Buddhism, focusing on the fundamental issues such as truth claim, relation with other religions, as well as religious dialogue. It found out that Buddhism suggests a moderate way of religious pluralism which is based on “critical-tolerance”. It also accepts that all other religions are true but are not the right paths toward enlightment.Keywords:  Buddhism, religious pluralism, critical tolerance
UNIVERSUM Vol 9, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : IAIN Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30762/universum.v9i1.73


The glow of corruption criminal in this country is extroudinary over limit so it needs some efforts to fight against it totally and finished. Although there are regulations for corruption act, but it doesn’t abolish yet or over come this problem, this, because the corruption has become a culturre system and rooted also become life style of the nation. So it’s rather difficult to abolish the corruption criminal via regulations.Therefore it’s need to reconstruct a nation mind set, life style, and moral by digging up the value of Pancasila as the cristalization of caracter, behaviour and personality for early Indonesian people.It is very urgent to revitalize the value of Pancasila when the nation has been suffered from bad moral, because the revitalization is real effort to reconstruct and replace the nation morality in right position as it has moved far from nation morality value that is Pancasila.A Pancasila revitalizasion is process to revitalize aboth function and occupation of Pancasila as philosophy of noble family and state. As well as make it as resource of all law resources in Indonesia country. So that Pancasila as standard, for Indonesian people in a noble family and state life.Keyword: Revitalisasi, Norma Hukum, Korupsi, Pancasila.
UNIVERSUM Vol 9, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : IAIN Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30762/universum.v9i2.89


Indonesian bureaucracy issues were patched through program reform of the bureaucracy which is a post-crisis demand economic reforms in 1997. Bappenas asserts that other reforms will not be runs well without first reforming government bureaucracy. Bureaucratic reform aims to make the bureaucracy is able to carry out its duties more efficiently and effectively so that it can be realized clean government and good governance. Bureaucratic reforms initiated by the government it is still not able to fix the bureaucratic culture, especially presses bureaucratic behavior that tends to corrupt. In other words, the reform of the internal bureaucracy alone is not effective in combating corruption. A source of disease bureaucracy basically can be identified from two loci, namely internal and External. Internal sources derived from the weaknesses and failures the existing system in the bureaucracy itself. Internally, the incidence of corrupt behavior the bureaucracy is also due to weak internal control systems. By hence the necessary tools to change the bureaucratic apparatus as spirituality the prevention and eradication of corruption. This is where the later Sufi governance will be a tool to overcome corruption. Sufi governance solution offered is to lean back on the right monotheism. Because the true monotheism then the bureaucrats in charge of serving the community will carry out their duties in a comprehensive manner; as which ones have been listed in the code of ethics bureaucracy, and he will always see the task as a mandate instead of a means to accumulate wealth and depriving people whom it serves. In addition, many research findings show that spiritual approaches such as those in the Sufi concept of governance can be a solution  for the government to eliminate corruption through a spiritual approach.Keywords; sufi governance, tasawuf, corruption, and government
UNIVERSUM Vol 9, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : IAIN Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30762/universum.v9i2.84


This article aims at discussing about a lawsuit of authority between a state court and a religion court related to authorities to receive, investigate, and decide a lawsuit of heir among Muslim. In this article, it is explained that receiving, investigating, and deciding a lawsuit of heir among Muslim are not absolutely the authorities of the religion court, but the state court also has these authorities. It is based on (1) The Law number 2, 1986 jo Stbl. 1937 number 116, the article 50 which states that the state court has duty and authority to investigate, decide, and solve criminal and civil cases in the first level, and (2) the explanation of The Law number 3, 2006, article 49 about the religion court which states that the meaning of among Muslim is included people or companies which voluntarily follow Islamic law. Therefore, it can be conclude that the religion court has authorities to receive, investigate, and decide a lawsuit of heir among Muslim if they voluntarily follow the Islamic law, and the state court has authorities to receive, investigate, and decide a lawsuit of heir among Muslim if they do not voluntarily follow the Islamic law.Keywords:    Konflik Kewenangan, Pengadilan Negeri, Pengadilan Agama, Perkara Sengketa Waris Orang Islam
UNIVERSUM Vol 9, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : IAIN Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30762/universum.v9i1.79


Salah satu keterampilan membaca yang dikembangkan untuk pelajar adalah membaca bebas (perpustakaan). Tujuan dikembangkanya membaca bebas adalah untuk menumbuhkan kegemaran membaca, menambah pengetahuan dan rekreasi. Mengasah membaca bebas (perpustakaan) pada hakekatnya bertujuan untuk menanamkan kebiasaan membaca. Melalui tugas menulis pelajar dibimbing untuk terampil menggunakan bahasa Indonesia ragam tulis. Pengajar membimbing pelajar untuk terampil dan memiliki kompetensi dalam membaca bebas (perpustakaan) untuk menulis karya tulis ilmiah yang berguna untuk menunjang materi ajar yang lain. Tugas menulis dapat mengasah kemampuan pelajar dalam menjelaskan konsep membaca, melakukan proses pemahaman bacaan, mengetahui tujuan membaca, mampu menyimpulkan bacaan karya ilmiah dan mampu mengakses internet untuk memenuhi tugas menulis.Keywords; Minat siswa, membaca bebas, tugas menulis
UNIVERSUM Vol 9, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : IAIN Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30762/universum.v9i1.74


This study is aims at finding some causes why some students became slow learners by employing the attribution theory proposed by Weiner.Regarding to Weiner’s theory, the researcher finds that slow learning among studens is strongly related to their attribution toward the success and failure during learning process. That is the reason why slow learning is likely to happen. Such cases happen when the students attribute their success and failure in learning based on external and internal factors so that stability and unstability are controallable. When the success is attributed by the external and internal factors and stability, the possibility to get success in the future is likely to happen again and the satisfation overwhelms the student. On the other hand, when the students fail during learning, it will make them to be embarrassed, to lose their dignity and to have negative assumption toward the failure in the future. In addition, the repeatly failure among the students might cause a phenomena which is commonly called learning  helplessness. Learning helplessness make the students not only to be a slow learner but also not to be able to complete the study.Key Words: Attribution, success, failure, external or internal, stability,                 learning helplessness.

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