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Musawa : Jurnal Studi Gender dan Islam
Musãwa Journal of Gender and Islamic Studies was first published in March 2002 by PSW (Pusat Studi Wanita) Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta under contribution with the Royal Danish Embassy Jakarta. In 2008, published twice a year in collaboration with TAF (The Asia Foundation), namely January and July. Musãwa Journal is a study of gender and Islam especially on gender mainstreaming and child rights both in the study of texts in the Qur’an and Hadith, figures and thoughts, history and repertoire, classical and contemporary literature as well as socio-cultural studies. All concentrations are in the context of Indonesia and other countries in Southeast Asia within the framework of unified NKRI, based on Pancasila. Musãwa Journal has been published by PSW UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta since 2002. Initiated by lecturers, gender activists and Islamic studies scholars of PTKI ( Higher Education of Islamic Religion) Musãwa has regularly published academic works and researches on gender and Islam for almost two decades. Now, the Journal extends its studies with Children and Human Rights (HAM). All studies are still in the context of gender and its mainstreaming. Through the studies hopefully, the Musawa journal can be part of the implementation of gender mainstreaming in the context of Indonesian society.
Articles 338 Documents
Pendamping Travelling: Kajian Antropologi Sosial tentang Mahram Maimun, Muhammad
Musawa Jurnal Studi Gender dan Islam Vol. 9 No. 1 (2010)
Publisher : Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University & The Asia Foundation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/musawa.2010.91.119-151


This study of mahram aims to analyze why a culture prohibits marriage between siblings and marriage between a parent and a child. The term is recognized as incest marriage or in Islam those relationships constitute mahram. In Islam as exemplified in the Qur'an and had.its, mahram is not only about forbidden marriage system, but also about something else, like women's travelling. Theoretically, incest might menace human life bio"logically and against the public common good. In the context travelling of women with mahram, term of mahram has specific roles as the protector for travelling member offamily, just as how it functions in a marriage institution itself. However, understanding a hadith about mahram, that a woman is prohibited to travel but with her mahram, should not only about the availability of a mahram, but also about safety and comfort system, about social network, and friendship. In hajj or pilgrimage, the establishedfriend ship and cooperation of formal and non-formal organization might function as the supporting framework of security and safety system for women.
Perkawinan dan Agama-agama (Teropong Ulang terhadap Tujuan, Fungsi dan Aturan Perkawinan) Affiah, Neng Dara
Musawa Jurnal Studi Gender dan Islam Vol. 3 No. 2 (2004)
Publisher : Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University & The Asia Foundation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/musawa.2004.32.135-149


Generally speaking, all religions urge their community to start a family through marriage institution. This institution basically has three main goals: to create peacefulness, to avoid sexual relationship outside marriage, and to have offspring. However, these three goals are often interpreted on the basis of man's superiority. In this article, Neng Dara Afifah tries to underline that marriage is not meant to undermine woman as a human being.
Menakar Keadilan Gender pada Penyelenggaraan Amal Usaha dan Ortom Muhammadiyah di Kabupaten Sikka Nuwa, Gustav Gisela
Musawa Jurnal Studi Gender dan Islam Vol. 19 No. 1 (2020)
Publisher : Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University & The Asia Foundation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/musawa.2020.191.109-123


Paper ini bertujuan menganalisis keadilan gender pada amal usaha dan ortom Muhammadiyah di Pimpinan Daerah Muhammadiyah (PDM) Sikka. Dasar artikel ini mengetahui faktor-faktor pendukung dan penghambat keadilan gender pada amal usaha dan ortom Muhammadiyah di kabupaten Sikka. Analisis Paper menghasilkan 2 hal penting pada pola keadilan gender dinilai cukup dalam memberikan kesempatan pada perempuan dan motivasi besar datang dari faktor pendukung yang memiliki sense of organisasi sangat kuat, anggota masih menerapkan ajaran pada surat An-Nahl, Ayat 97, dan organisasi berupaya besar dalam sistem rekrutmen tenaga yang proporsional. Analisis yang tampak adalah masalah. Hal tersebut menjadi Faktor penghambat, pada kinerja karena jumlah SDM kurang, budaya patriarki yang masih membumi, workshop tentang keadilan gender yang minim. Dampak dari masalah tersebut mengakibatkan eksistensi Muhammadiyah di kabupaten Sikka perlu mendapat suport dalam perkenalan pada kegiatan keadilan gender sehingga dapat dijadikan acuan bagi masyarakat adat, pemerintah, dan LSM yang bicara tentang gender di Sikka.[This paper aims to analyze gender justice in Muhammadiyah charities and orthoms in PDM Sikka. The basis of this article is to find out the supporting and inhibiting factors of gender justice in Muhammadiyah charities and orthoms in Sikka district. The paper analysis produces two essential things in the pattern of gender justice that is considered sufficient in providing opportunities for women, and incredible motivation comes from supporting factors that have a powerful sense of organization, members still apply the teachings of Surah An-Nahl, Paragraph 97. The organization makes great efforts in a proportional staff recruitment system. The visual analysis is a problem. This is an inhibiting factor on performance due to the lack of human resources, a patriarchal culture that is still down to earth, workshops on gender justice are minimal. The impact of this problem resulted in the existence of Muhammadiyah in the Sikka district that needed support in introducing gender justice activities so that it could be used as a reference for indigenous peoples, the government, and NGOs who talk about gender in Sikka.]
Musawa Jurnal Studi Gender dan Islam Vol. 12 No. 2 (2013)
Publisher : Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University & The Asia Foundation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/musawa.2013.122.215-236


Among the issues on marriage hotly discussed are the types of marriages frequently  causing problems in society. One of these marriages are sirrimarriages, which are still often declared religiously valid by several parties. Observing the problem raised by sirrimarriages, among them dues to its lack of documentation, Muhammadiyah –through MajlisTarjihand Tajdid- views that all marriages must be registered. Meanwhile, Muhammadiyah also holds the view that marital itsbatis a facility  prepared by the state only for exceptional circumstances of sirrimarriages prior to the  enactment of Law No. 1 of 1974. The analysis on the views of Muhammadiyah will be conducted according to the theory of maqashidasy-syari’ah.
PERAN KELUARGA DALAM TRADISI SUNAT PEREMPUAN DI DESA KUNTU KABUPATEN KAMPAR PROVINSI RIAU (Analisis Gender sebagai Ketimpangan HAM dalam Praktik Sunat Perempuan) Hikmalisa, Hikmalisa
Musawa Jurnal Studi Gender dan Islam Vol. 15 No. 1 (2016)
Publisher : Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University & The Asia Foundation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/musawa.2016.151.21-37


A family are those people who play important parts in our loves. It is however, unfortunate, that due to ignorance or extreme cultures embedded, that harmful acts are imposed, in contravention to human rights and female reproductive rights. Among these practices are female circumcision, usually done at a young age (often toddlers) by cutting off the clitoris, based on religious or tradition, in order to “prevent” women becomingpromiscuous. This practice is still widespread in many areas including Kuntu, Kampar Regency, Riau Province. Carried out under the belief “adat basondi syara’, syra’ basondi kitabullah”, to be a muslim and a woman who is faithful to traditions and religion, they must be circumcised. Even when faced with the fact female circumcision is highly dangerous and is a aberration of women’s rights, many continue to engage in the practice. The family unit is a key part of this practice, as young women are under the control of their parents, which should have been a safe haven, perverted due to extreme taqlid. Consciously or not, this results in the deprivation the rights of women, who are yet to be aware of their very rights.
Pornografi dan Pornoaksi Dalam Perspektif Hadis Najwah, Nurun
Musawa Jurnal Studi Gender dan Islam Vol. 4 No. 1 (2006)
Publisher : Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University & The Asia Foundation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/musawa.2006.41.23-42


Issues on pornography and porno action have actually been circulated around since a long time, probably as early as human civilization developed. In Indonesia, however, pornography has become the centre of debates when a legal draft on anti pornography and porno action was socialized. There are pro and contra camps developed in respond to the issue and legal draft proposed by the DPR. This article attempts to elaborate the reported written traditions of the Prophet with regard to porn issues: in what ways and how deep did the Prophet say about pornography? As far as the author's research is concerned, she has no trace of any single hadis that directly addressing pornography or porn pictures in the same way the Prophet responded to other problems of his time through hadis. This article therefore seeks to discover how far the Prophet had appreciated graphic arts and how he had set certain behaviors that might lead to illicit sexuality. It is found that the Prophet had required that Muslims should observe several practices that will prevent them from falling into illegitimate sexual engagements, such as covering up the aurat (shame), two people sharing one blanket, and courtship in privacy. While giving such warnings, however, the Prophet did not explicitly set penalties to those who have transgressed the boundaries.
Efektivitas Kursus Calon Pengantin Dalam Menekan Angka Perceraian di Wilayah Kerja KUA Kecamatan Batukliang Tahir, Masnun
Musawa Jurnal Studi Gender dan Islam Vol. 17 No. 1 (2018)
Publisher : Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University & The Asia Foundation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/musawa.1.171.1-18


Penelitian ini mengkaji efektivitas kebijakan kursus calon pengantin dalam menekan angka per­ ceraian di wilayah kerja KUA Kecamatan Batukliang. Oleh karena itu, fokus kajian penelitian diarahkan untuk megetahui: 1) tingkat perceraian di wilayah kerja KUA Kecamatan Batukliang. 2) pelaksanaan kebijakan kursus calon pengantin di KUA Kecamatan Batukliang. 3) tingkat efek­ tivitas kebijakan kursus calon pengantin dalam menekan angka perceraian di wilayah kerja KUA kecamatan Batukliang. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan sosio antropologis. Penelitian ini mem­ posisikan manusia sebagai pelaku yang memahami, meyakini, dan menjalankan ketentuan­keten­ tuan hukum perkawinan dalam Islam maupun dalam perspektif budaya lokal tentang perkawinan yang berkembang di Lombok. Pilihan pendekatan hukum perkawinan dan pendekatan agama dalam penelitian ini akan menjawab beberapa persoalan antropologi melalui empat macam metode ilmiah. Pertama, metode historis, yakni menelusuri pikiran dan perilaku manusia tentang pemahaman dan perilaku perkawinan dan persepsi agamanya yang berlatarbelakang sejarah. Kedua, metode normatif, yaitu mempelajari ketentuan hukum dan norma­norma (kaidah, patokan, atau sastra suci agama) maupun yang merupakan perilaku adat kebiasaan tradisional yang masih berlaku, baik dalam hubungan manusia dengan alam gaib ataupun dalam hubungan antara sesama manusia yang bersumber dan berdasarkan ajaran agama. Ketiga, metode deskriptif, yakni metode yang berusaha mencatat, melukiskan, menguraikan dan melaporkan segala sesuatu yang ditemukan di masyarakat berkaitan dengan obyek yang diteliti, seperti yang dilakukan oleh para etnografer. Keempat, metode empirik yang mempelajari pikiran sikap dan perilaku perkawinan dan agama manusia yang ditemukan dari pengalaman dan kenyataan di lapangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat efektivitas kebijakan kursus calon pengantin dalam menekan angka perceraian di wilayah kerja KUA kecamatan Batukliang dikategorikan efektif. Hal ini dapat dilihat darijumlah total pernikahan dan pengaduan kehendak bercerai yang tercatat di KUA Kecamatan Batukliang pada beberapa tahun yang dideskripsikan dalam beberapa bab dalam artikel ini.[This research examines the effectiveness of the policy bride course in suppressing the divorce rate in the KUA Sub Batukliang region. Therefore, the focus of the research study directed to 1) The divorce rate in the region KUA Sub Batukliang region. 2) Implementation of the policy bride’s course in KUA Sub Batukliang. 3) The effectiveness of the policy bride’s course in suppressing the divorce rate in the KUA sub­Batukliang region. This research uses a socio­anthropological approach. This research puts man as an actor who understands, believes, and executes the provisions of the marriage law in Islam as well as in local cultural perspectives about marriage that evolved in Lombok. In this study, the choice of law approach to marriage and religious approach will answer some of the questions of anthropology through four different scientific methods. First, the historical method, i.e. the trace of the mind and human behavior of understanding and combining behavior and perception of the diversity of religious history. Second, normative methods, namely studying the laws and norms (rules, benchmarks, or sacred religious literature) as well as the behavior of a traditional custom which is still believed, whether in the relationship of humans with supernatural or in the relationship between fellow human beings based on religious teachings. A method which attempts to record, illustrate, describe and report on everything that is found in the community related to the observation object, as done by ethnographers. Fourth, the empirical methods study the mind, attitude, and behavior of the marriage and human religion according to experience and the reality in the field. The result shows that the policy bride’s course is effective in suppressing the divorce rate in the KUA Batukliang sub-region. It reflects from the total marriage and denunciation of wills divorced are recorded in Batukliang Sub­district on the KUA number of years described in several chapters in this article.]
Kedudukan Saksi Wanita Dalam Fiqh Kontemporer Listyarini, Dyah
Musawa Jurnal Studi Gender dan Islam Vol. 8 No. 1 (2009)
Publisher : Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University & The Asia Foundation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/musawa.2009.81.125-147


This paper asserts tha: contextually speaking a woman is equal with a man. This opinion is based on the principles of musawah ad-dinyyah (religious equqlity) and of musawah al-ijtima'iyyah (social equality) without ever questioning their sexes. In interpreting religious texs, therefore we need to take into considerations the historical, social and cultural contexts of the revelation to find their inner spirit. The male superiority in the affair of witness, and also the leadership of men over women should not be seen to be inherent, automatic rights for all men, because the clauses mentioned in the Qur'anic verses showed tha: their distinct right are contingent upon the fulfillment of certain functions; such as liaving broader knowledge and capability to assume responsibility to feed femily member. Therefore when women have attained similar knowledge and capability, they cannot be denied their rights to perform as witnesses.
Semangat Feminisme Dalam Pengalaman Spiritual Rabi'ah Al-'Adawiyah Affan, Mohammad
Musawa Jurnal Studi Gender dan Islam Vol. 6 No. 2 (2008)
Publisher : Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University & The Asia Foundation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/musawa.2008.62.241-256


Sufism (tasawwuf) states strongly the equity of human beings: men and women. Existinggender differences do not hinder the spiritual achievement of men and women because spirituality connotes universal meaning free from any particular gender identity. Spirituality concerns eternal life and values, whereas gender identity is a profane affairs and consituting a wordly life. In this light, although men and women assume different gender role in their worldly life, both of them have same potency to achieve the highest spiritual experience and gain ascetic happiness. Sufis doctrine celebrates oneness without any individuality. The history of sufism witnessed the effifacy of women to the top highest state of spirituality. Rabi'ah Al-Adawiyah was the phenomenal example of one who initiated the concept of mahabbatullah in its holistic meaning. Through her concept of hubb (love) Rabi'ah reached the highest spiritual maqam (state) in sufis ranks, higher than other sufis could reach at her time. The achievement of Rabi'ah to the ultimate stage of spirituality through her notion of mahabbah is a clear and firrn proof that spirituality never requires particular gender identity; both women and men have equal potency and opportunity to attain or experience such ultimate encounter with spirituality.
ISLAM HUMANIS, HAM, DAN HUMANISASI PENDIDIKAN: Eksposisi Integratif Prinsip Dasar Islam, Kebebasan Beragama, Kesetaraan Gender, dan Pendidikan Humanis Arif, Mahmud
Musawa Jurnal Studi Gender dan Islam Vol. 15 No. 2 (2016)
Publisher : Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University & The Asia Foundation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/musawa.v15i2.1307


The issue of human rights has prevailed globally although it is can’t denied that historically that issue comes from tradition of the West Liberalism based on individualism standpoint. In fact, freedom and equality as essential part of human rights have not been appreciated yet suitably in the realm of long history of humankind so it was still found the slavery system. Even in the modern time, at several regions, the right of vote consisting of human right has not possessed by the women. There was a accusation from some scholars in the West that Islam is a religion opposing to human rights and gender equality. They argue that Islam has justified any religious violence, has cut religious freedom down, and has tolerated gender unequality. If it is viewed from the basic principle of takhfif wa rahmah (giving easiness and love), such accusation looks obviously problematic, because Islamic tenets normatively appreciate to establish human rights and gender equality. But empirically, religious interpretation often contributes in mainstreaming culture that castrates any religious freedom and gender equality. As one of religious interpretation product, fiqih (Islamic jurisprudence) for instance is claimed to contain many problems relating to religious freedom and gender equality. Such is the case, the reality of our national education. For a long time, in the Indonesian school system there are many factors causing failure of every endeavor for achieving the aim of human right education. This means that such basic priciple must be reactualized in the education system through hard efforts in humanizing education processes and pupil’s potencies.[Isu hak asasi manusia (HAM) telah mencuat sedemikian universal meski tidak bisa dinafikan bahwa dalam sejarahnya isu ini bermula dari tradisi liberalisme Barat yang titik pijaknya individual. Kebebasan dan kesetaraan sebagai elemen penting HAM ternyata belum diapresiasi secara semestinya dalam sejarah panjang pelbagai peradaban sehingga masih ditemukan adanya sistem perbudakan. Bahkan dalam kurun modern ini pun di sebagian wilayah, hak untuk memilih yang menjadi bagian dari hak asasi belum juga dinikmati oleh kaum perempuan. Muncul tuduhan dari sebagian kalangan di Barat bahwa Islam adalah agama anti HAM dan bias gender. Argumen yang dikemukakan, Islam membenarkan tindak kekerasan atasnama agama, memasung kekebasan beragama, dan mentolerir ketidakadilan terhadap perempuan. Diletakkan dalam konteks prinsip dasar takhfif wa raḥmah, tuduhan tersebut nampak problematik, mengingat secara normatif ajaran Islam sangatlah menjunjung tinggi penegakan HAM dan kesetaraan gender. Hanya saja, dalam realitas empirisnya tafsir keagamaan tidak jarang justru ikut andil dalam pembentukan arus besar budaya yang memberangus kebebasan beragama dan ketidakadilan terhadap kaum perempuan. Sebagai salah satu produk tafsir keagamaan, fikih misalnya diakui masih menyimpan banyak persoalan menyangkut kekebasan beragama dan kesetaraan gender. Demikian halnya dengan dunia pendidikan nasional. Selama ini, dalam sistem persekolahan di Indonesia masih banyak ditemukan faktor penyebab kegagalan bagi setiap upaya mencapai tujuan pendidikan HAM. Ini berarti prinsip dasar tersebut perlu diejawantahkan dalam sistem pendidikan melalui upaya memaksimalkan peran humanisasi dan hominisasi pendidikan.]

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