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Articles 1,530 Documents
Legenda Yeh Abang Dan Pura Nampusela Di Desa Padangan: Analisis Struktur, Fungsi, Dan Nilai Ni Luh Gede Windari Giri; I Gde Nala Antara; I Nyoman Supatra
Humanis Vol 17 No 3 (2016)
Publisher : Udayana University

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This study examines the legend of Yeh Abang and Pura Nampusela. The purpose of this research is to be able to describe the structure, function, and value in the Legend Yeh Abang and Pura Nampusela so it can be used as a guide to the behavior of people, especially people of Bali. Grounding theory used in this research is the structural theory, function, and value. Used structural theory based on the theory of Teeuw, Sukada, and Nurgiyantoro. For the analysis of the functions and values ??guided by the theory of functions and value delivered by Teeuw, Ratna, and Yudibrata. The method used in procuring data that observation and interview methods are supported with recording techniques as well as recording. In the data processing method used is descriptive-analytic and presentation of data analysis using informal methods. The results obtained in this study is a narrative structure that consists of: incidents, plot, character and characterization, setting, theme, and mandate. That the functions contained religious function, social function and the function of education is closely related to the situation of the villagers Padangan. And contains values ??of religious, ethics, magical value, social value and educational value.
Figurative Language in Four Song Lyrics From The Smashing Pumpkins’ Mellon Colie and Infinite Sadness Album Putu Krishna Arya Putra
Humanis Vol 22 No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (519.903 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/JH.2018.v22.i01.p25


The topic discussed in this paper is Figurative Language in four song lyrics from The Smashing Pumpkins’ Mellon Collie and Infinite Sadness viewed from context of situation. Figurative languages may bring difficulties in understanding the kind of figurative languages contained in the song lyrics, but this study tried to find the actual meanings and the various kind of the figurative languages from the data source and that was the reason for choosing the topic “Figurative Language in Four Song Lyrics from The Smashing Pumpkins’ Mellon Collie and The Infinite Sadness”. The analysis is focused on two main problems: what types of figurative languages are found in four song lyrics from The Smashing Pumpkins’ Mellon Collie and Infinite Sadness album and what are the meaning of figurative languages found in four song lyrics from The Smashing Pumpkin’ Mellon Collie and Infinite Sadness album. The main theory proposed by Knickerbocker and Reninger (1963) and supported by the theory from Leech (1974) were related to this research and useful to get the other information about the data. The conclusion of this paper showed that there were six kind of figurative languages found, there were: metaphor, hyperbole, simile, paradox, synecdoche and personification. Mostly from the four song lyrics above, Corgan used figurative language of metaphor and simile as his writing style to deliver his message to the listener. There were three kind of the theory of meaning found in this four song lyrics, there are: collocative meaning, connotative meaning and affective meaning.
Lexical Cohesion and Semantic Relation in the English Texts Putu Dina Pratiwi
Humanis Vol 22 No 3 (2018)
Publisher : Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (666.15 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/JH.2018.v22.i03.p28


This study is entitled Lexical Cohesion and Semantic Relation in the English texts. The aims of this study are identifying the types of lexical cohesion and analyzing the semantic relation found in the texts. The data were taken from five texts with different genres. It contains aspects of life and consists of twelve pages. This study was library research which applied the documentation method to collect the data. The data of this study were analyzed using the qualitative method. The theory applied in this study is cohesion in English that explains the types of cohesion into two; lexical cohesion and grammatical cohesion and analyzing the semantic relation found in the text. The result of the analysis shows a lot of lexical cohesions found in the data such as reiteration. Reiteration consists of repetition, synonym and superordinate. Collocation can be explained by means of; Antonym, the same ordered series, and certain lexical sets. Semantic relation between lexical items in the text that makes the text cohesive was also found in this study.
Category Shift of Noun Phrases in the Movie “Avengers: Infinity War” Muhammad Ardliansyah; I Nyoman Tri Ediwan
Humanis Vol 23 No 4 (2019)
Publisher : Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (676.747 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/JH.2019.v23.i04.p01


The translation of the film “Avengers: Infinity War” from English into Indonesian has many category shifts occurrences. This study with the title “Category Shift of Noun Phrases in the Movie “Avengers: Infinity War” has two research problems: (a) what kinds of category shifts can be found in the translation of the film “Avengers: Infinity War” from English into Indonesian, and (b) how do category shifts applied in the translation of the film “Avengers: Infinity War” from English into Indonesian. The purposes of this study are to find and describe and analyse the kinds of category shifts occurred in the translation of the film “Avengers: Infinity War” from English into Indonesian, and to describe how the category shifts occurred in the translation of the film “Avengers: Infinity War” from English into Indonesian. The data were collected from the film “Avengers: Infinity War” itself with its Indonesian subtitle. The data were in form of noun phrases, in which category shifts occurred. They were collected using observation and documentation methods. The data were then analysed using descriptive and qualitative method. This study is limited to the analysis of the category shift occurrences of noun phrases in the English-Indonesian subtitle using the theory of translation shift proposed by Catford. The result of this study is that all kinds of category shifts were found in the data, such as shift of structure, shift of class, unit shift and intra-system shift. Category shifts occurred in the English-Indonesian subtitle due to the different grammatical structure, the different word classes, the different ranks, and the different internal systems of a source language and a target language.
Analisis Perbandingan Motif Geguritan Rajapala dengan Cerita Jaka Tarub dalam Babad Tanah Jawi Bayu Hindrawan; I Ketut Ngurah Sulibra
Humanis Vol 25 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (605.824 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/JH.2021.v25.i01.p15


This study examines the Geguritan Rajapala, from Bali with the story of Jaka Tarub, from Central Java. The purpose of this study is to find out the structure and motives of anything that builds between the two literature work, and how is the relations between Geguritan Rajapala with the story of Jaka Tarub within Babad Tanah Jawi. In this study uses structural theory and a Finnish comporative literary approach. This research method and technique uses the listening method, assisted with written and translation technique. While the data analysis stage uses qualitative methods, namely research that is descriptive and tends to use analysis and assisted with historical comparative technique, that is a technique carried out with aim of reconstruction and tentative mapping of literary kinship patterns with evidence based on types and motives. next one, the stage of presenting the results of data anlysis using informal methods assisted with deductive inductive technique. As for the results that can be obtained from this research are, knowing the structure that builds between the Geguritan Rajapala with the story of Jaka Tarub and knowing the motives contained therein. Based on these motives, the literary patterns of kinship can be mapped.
Humanis Volume 2. No. 3. Maret 2013
Publisher : Udayana University

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Studi deskriptif kualitatif ini membahas tentang ilokusi dalam naskah film yang berjudul How to Train Your Dragon beserta dengan ilokusi yang tidak berterima yangditemukan di dalam naskah tersebut. Studi ini berawal dari pemahaman dasar pragmaticbahwa setiap ujaran memiliki maknanya tersendiri dan dalam menyampaikan ujarandengan baik dan benar prasyarat yang dinamakan “felicity condition” haruslah dipenuhioleh pembicara dan pendengar. Ada kalanya terdapat perbedaan antara “felicitycondition” yang ditentukan dengan kenyataan saat ujaran disampaikan. Perbedaan iniyang umumnya terdapat pada ilokusi ini dapat dianalisasebagai ilokusi yang tidakberterima.  Data yang diperolah dari naskah film tersebut dianalisa dengan teori – teoripragmatic diantaranya, klasifikasi ilokusi oleh Searle (1976), teori konteks situasi olehHymes (1974) dan teori performativ oleh Austin (1962).  Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa dari lima jenis ilokusi yang diajukan oleh Searle(1976) hanya empat jenis yang ditemukan dalam naskah yakni, “representatives”,“directives”, “commisives”, dan “expressives”, satu jenis lainnya yakni “declarations”tidak ditemukan. Selain itu, semua jenis dari ilokusi yang tidak berterima ditemukandalam naskah film How to Train Your Dragon, yakni “misinvocations”,“Misexecutions”, dan “abuse”.
Humanis Volume 6. No. 2. Februari 2014
Publisher : Udayana University

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Penelitian ini berjudul “Figurative Language Analysis in Birthday and ValentineGreeting Cards”. Penelitian ini adalah tentang menganalisis bahasa kiasan dalam kartuucapan. Tujuan mendasar dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apa jenis bahasakiasan yang digunakan dalam kartu ucapan, dan menganalisis makna bahasa kiasanyang digunakan dalam kartu-kartu ucapan.Data ini dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif. Sepuluh kartu ucapan terpilihsebagai data seperti, Kartu Ucapan Hari Ulang Tahun dan Kartu Ucapan Hari KasihSayang. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan membaca beberapa kartu ucapan danmengklasifikasi setiap kata yang mengandung bahasa kiasan, kemudian bahasa kiasantersebut dicatat untuk mendapatkan jenis dan makna bahasa kiasan dalam kartu-kartuucapan.Teori utama yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori bahasa kiasanyang diusulkan oleh knickerbocker and Renninger. Penelitian ini difokuskan padaanalisis penggunaan bahasa kiasan yang ditemukan dalam kartu ucapan dan maknabahasa kiasan. Unsur-unsur bahasa kiasan yang diamati adalah “simile, metaphor,personification, synecdoche, metonymy, hyperbole, irony, paradox, dead metaphor andallusion”.Dalam penelitian ini, bahwa ada beberapa jenis bahasa kiasan yang ditemukanyaitu simile, personification, synecdoche dan hyperbole. Penggunaan bahasa kiasandalam kartu ucapan memainkan peran penting karena berfungsi untuk mengekspresikanperasaan pengirim kartu ucapan, sehingga membangkitkan rasa istimewa untukseseorang yang membaca kartu ucapan. Pengirim ingin menyampaikan pesan dan maknamelalui kartu ucapan kiasan.
Humanis Volume 4. No. 3. September 2013
Publisher : Udayana University

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The research of Balinese social – themed pop-song text by Anak Agung Raka Sidan is aimed to describe the elements and the function of the text song itself.. In the term of data supplied by using observational method which is also helped by noticing and translating techniques. In the analysis phase used qualitative methods in the manner of descriptive – analytic technique. The result of the analysis is presented by using informal methods which is assisted by deductive and inductive techniques.The result that is obtained in this research is the Balinese social-themed pop-song text by Anak Agung Raka Sidan has a similar form to the poetry, so that the song text has the nature and formation method. The nature of the song text included the theme, sense, tone and trusteeship whereas the formation method included the diction, imagination, real word, figure of speech, and also the rhythm and rhyme. The function of Balinese social-themed pop-song text by Anak Agung Raka Sidan is divided into four functions, such as esthetic function, education function, social function, and economical function.
Humanis Volume 2. No. 1. Januari 2013
Publisher : Udayana University

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Sosiolinguistik adalah cabang  linguistik yang mempelajari  hubungan antara bahasa dan masyarakat yang menuturkan. Salah satu contoh variasi bahasa dalamsosiolinguistik adalah slang. Slang adalah bahasa tidak formal yang diciptakan dan digunakan oleh suatu grup masyarakat tertentu dalam sebuah komunitas. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi tipe kata-kata slang yang ditemukan dalamm lirik lagu Notorious B.I.G berjudul “Love no ho.” Dan juga menganalisa makna dari kata-kata slang tersebut.Teori  yang di aplikasikan dalam tulisan ini didasarkan pada teori  slang dari Chapman (1988) yang mengelompokkan slang dalam dua tipe yaitu primer slang dan sekunder slang. Tulisan ini  juga mengacu pada teori  Leech (1973) yang mengkaji makna kedalam tujuh jenis yaitu : makna konseptual atau denotasi, makna konotasi, makna stilistik, makna afektif, makna reflektif, makna kolokatif, dan makna tematik. Dari analisis ditemukan bahwa primer slang mayoritas digunakan dalam lirik lagu  Notorious  B.I.G  berjudul  “Love  no  ho.”  Setelah  menganalisis  makna berdasarkan  tujuh  jenis  makna  Leech  (1974),  Notorious  B.I.G  kebanyakan menggunakan  makna  konotasi  daripada  makna  lainnya.  Lagu  ini  menceritakan tentang kehidupan cinta atau tragedi romantikanya bersama seorang wanita pekerja seks  komersial,  jadi  hamper  semua  istilah  dalam  makna  afektif  dan  reflektif berhubungan  dengan  kemarahan.Makna   kolokatif  dan  makna  stilistik  jarangdigunakan dalam lagu ini. 
Humanis Volume 5. No. 3. Desember 2013
Publisher : Udayana University

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This study examines the literary short stories about Anglangkahi Karang Ulu andshort stories Merta Matemahan Wisia that contained in Pupulan 12 Carita Cutet Basa BaliMerta Matemahan Wisia by I Made Suarsa to discusses the main problems of the structuresand the social aspects that exist in this short story.The theory that used in this study is the structural theory and the theory ofsociology of literature, while the methods and techniques include, provision of stage datausing the method of observation and interviews, assisted with the recording techniques, andtranslation techniques. Stage of data processing using the qualitative methods aided bydescriptive analytic techniques, and the presentation of the results of the data analysis stageusing informal methods aided by deductive and inductive techniques.Theoretical basis is used based on the structural Teeuw’s opinion. The foundationof the theory of sociology of literature are used based on the opinions of Wellek and Warren,the author as the creator of literature and sociology literature linking literature with thesocial aspects in it.The results obtained in this study establish the unfolding narrative structure ofshort stories Anglangkahi Karang Ulu and short stories Merta Matemahan Wisia incident,plot, character and characterization, theme, and the mandate. Social aspects contained in theshort stories Anglangkahi Karang Ulu and short stories Merta Matemahan Wisia coveringaspects of religion, forms of marriage, naming aspect, and the aspect of trust.

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