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Profetika Vol. 16, No. 2, Desember 2015
Publisher : Muhammadiyah University Press

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The emergence of the phenomenon of moral degradation in 2010 among the general public as well as in education begin much talked about character education. Many media and education experts, and community leaders recommended that character education is effective immediately. The basic reason for the character education used as the basis for forming a national development vision is to realize public morals, moral, ethical, cultural, and based on the philosophy of Pancasila. This study aims to explain the implementation of character education in the learning process in SDIT Al-Madinah Kebumen and identify constraints implementation of character education in learning, and provide solutions that done to solve the problems. This study included field research in the SDIT Al-Madinan Kebumen in 2013. The subject of research from the Principal and Elementary School Teacher in SDIT Al-Madinah Kebumen. Data collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis performed in this study is an interactive model of data analysis techniques with encounters between data collection, data reduction, data presentation and verification of data. The research concludes that the implementation of character SDIT Al-Madinah Kebumen in the learning process has the advantage of adding the value of faith and the character-based monotheism conducted through three stages: (1) Phase formulation character which teachers formulate a list of 18 characters in SDIT Al - Madina Kebumen and distribution character, (2) Phase understanding of the character, namely schools and KKG organizes workshops that discuss the character that has been agreed on the list of characters and character distribution, (3) The planning stage of implementation of character education. Constraints Implementation of Character Education in Learning SDIT Al-Madinah Kebumen 2014 is the sequence of learning much so reducing in the implementation of character education, a lack of understanding of teachers to the formulation of the foundation of monotheism theme, the lack of cooperation between teachers and pupils, differences in parenting between home and schools, and the lack of support the behavior of people living environment of students. Solutions are formulated is the development of a maximum of two characters in each lesson, designing learning activities fun and appreciation for pupils, schools conduct coordination meetings, evaluation, and training for teachers, schools carry out the forum event class and memorandum communication relating to equalization understanding of the program, school organize parent training programs are more effective, in organizing the school community education programs, such as training stages of child development and the principle of caring.Keywords: implementation; character education; leaning.
Profetika Vol. 14, No. 1, Juni 2013
Publisher : Muhammadiyah University Press

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The interpretation dynamics of Al-Quran was so intensive in Surakartawithin 1900-1930. By comparative analysis this paper studies and finds three works oftafsir (interpretation, exclamation passage of al-Qu’ran by supplying additionalinformation) that were published in Surakarta but they had different concern. Tafsîral-Quran al-‘A“îm analyzed Islamic orthodox theme as the central issue in itsinterpretation. This can be understood because the work was written by a Great SurakartaPalace village leader who splashed around Islamic laws. While Tafsir Surat Wal-Asridiscussed the relation between Islam and Christianity as the central issue. The writer ofthis book was worried about the activity of the evangelism in the Surakarta Palaceterritory. Tafsir Qur’an Djawen stressed on the importance of the fraternity as thecentral issue in its interpretation. The book talked about the disunity phenomena amongMuslim community because of the difference in the furu’iyah cases.Key Words: interpretation dynamics, al-Quran, SurakartaDinamika penafsiran al-Quran begitu intens di Surakarta dalam rentangwaktu antara 1900-1930. Dengan analisis perbandingan makalah ini mengkaji danmenemukan tiga karya tafsir yang sama-sama diproduksi Surakarta memiliki concernyang berbeda. Tafsîr al-Quran al-‘A“îm lebih banyak menjadikan tema ortodoksi Islamsebagai isu sentral dari penafsiran-penafsirannya.Hal ini tentu bisa dimengerti karenakarya tafsir tersebut ditulis oleh seorang pengulu agengkraton yang banyak bergelutdengan hukum Islam.Sedangkan Tafsîr Surat Wal Acri lebih banyak menjadikan temahubungan Islam-Kristen sebagai isu sentralnya.Penulis kitab ini tampak dirisaukanoleh kegiatan-kegiatan zending yang semakin meraja-lela di kawasan KasunananSurakarta. Kitab Tafsîr Qur’an Djawen menjadikan pentingnya ukhuwwah Islamiyyahsebagai isu utama penafsiran-penafsirannya. Dalam kitab ini tampak banyak diuaraikanfenomena perpecahan di kalangan umat Islam dikarenakan perbedaan-perbedaan dalammasalah-masalah furu’iyyah.Kata Kunci: Dinamika Penafsiran, Al-Quran, Surakarta
Profetika Vol. 16, No. 1, Juni 2015
Publisher : Muhammadiyah University Press

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Since Mary Wollstonecraft demanded equal rights for women in all fields and denounced all forms of discrimination in her book A Vindication of the Rights of Women in 1792, feminist movements began to emerge and demand the same thing, including the right to participate in politics. Indonesia, which was still called the archipelago, then had given right to women to participate in politics. The motivation of political participation of women in Indonesia was different from that of the Westerners. The motivation of the former was based on a religious spirit, not the spirit of feminism as stated by Hamka in his book Tjemburu (Ghirah). Based on this, this research focuses on Hamka’s thought on Indonesian women political participation. The purpose of this study is to explore and analyze Hamkas thoughts, and construct them, and then associate them with the current Indonesian women political participation. This research is qualitative, based on library research, and done by reviewing, tracking, and analyzing data from the books and newspaper archives. This study uses historical and philosophical. The research data are derived from primary and secondary data sources. The primary data ones are divided into two: first, the primary data sources from Hamkas books that tell about women and womens political participation in general, and, second, the primary data sources from Hamkas books that specifically discuss about Indonesian womens political participation. Analysis of data uses deductive and reflective methods. Based on the results of this research, we can conclude that Hamka had underlined his political thought construction by making the divine revelation as the supreme law. Hamka strengthened the construction of his thought on womens political participation with the element of unity of Itiqad. This Itiqad unity was not only in women but also in men, so that they could work together to build a religious Muslim community. Hamka himself basically allowed women (especially a muslim woman) to participate in politics as long as they had religious understanding, knowledge, and high Islamic morale, did not forget their main tasks as wives and mothers, were critical, and dare. Then it could be found as well, the two types of Indonesian womens political participation Hamkas thought, they were based on motivation and activities.
Profetika Vol. 15, No. 2, Desember 2014
Publisher : Muhammadiyah University Press

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Pakoe Boewana IV is the King having many literary works, one of them is theWulang-Reh letters as the result of reflection, phylosophy, view of live, and his ambitionin contextualizing to the reality of life for the periode of 1788-1820. The Wulang-Rehletters consists of Kawruh Piwulang (sugesstion) or Pitutur Luhur (direction) teaching,reflected in the form of Pituduh lan Wewaler (instructions and prohibitions) having fullof humanic-religious life values. The values conception found in the Wulang-Rehlettersare (1) morality messages/ethics, (2) education value, (3) phylosophy value, and (4) religionvalue. The teachings above are relevant to be learned, to be implemented, becoming thebehavior and Indonesian nation nationality in the context of at present time.Kata Kunci: humanic value; religious; and the Wulang-Reh letters.Pakoe Boewana IV adalah raja dan pujangga yang memiliki banyak karyasastra, salah satunya adalah Serat Wulang-Reh, yang merupakan hasil refleksi,perenungan, falsafah, dan pandangan hidup, serta cita-citanya dalam membaca realitaskehidupan pada masa 1788-1820 M. Serat Wulang-Reh berisi ajaran tentang kawruhpiwulang atau pitutur luhur (tuntunan dan nasihat), yang berupa pituduh lan wewaler(perintah dan larangan), yang sarat dengan nilai-nilai kehidupan yang humanisreligius.Konsepsi nilai-nilai yang terkandung di dalamnya berupa (1) pesan moral/etika; (2) nilai pendidikan; (3) nilai filosofis; (4) nilai nilai religius. Ajaran-ajaran tersebutmasih relevan dipelajari, diamalkan, menjadi perilaku, dan kepribadian bangsa Indonesiadalam konteks kekinian.Kata Kunci: nilai humanis; religious; wulang reh.
Profetika Vol. 15, No. 2, Desember 2014
Publisher : Muhammadiyah University Press

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Profetika Vol. 15, No. 1, Juni 2014
Publisher : Muhammadiyah University Press

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This article discusses about M. Amin Abdullah’s thought (A professor at StateIslamic University Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta) in the field of Islamic Studies. The methodused in this paper is biographical-reflective method because the writer was his student.The focus of the writing is the heredity of the scientific methodology and its implication inthe study of Islam in Indonesia. This article concludes several Islamic scientific hereditiesfrom M Amin Abdullah majoring on the integrative-interconnectivity concept in Islamthat tends to be spaced out, especially in the study of Islamic classics. The other thoughtis about the importance of academic attitude in the development of the future Islamicstudy. In the scientific methodology aspect, he stresses the importance of the renewal inthe Islamic contemporary study to spread the teachings on the earth as the sky heredity,sacral and transcendental, to dive the needs to answer various worldly problems that areempiric and immanent. The implication of Amin Abdullah’s thought gives newinterpretation in the contemporary Islamic scientific study that is more contextualempiricaland different from textual-normative classic Islamic study format.Key Words: integration-interconnection; scientific methodology; Islamic study.Makalah ini membahas tentang pemikiran M. Amin Abdullah (Guru BesarUIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta) dalam bidang Islamic Studies. Metode penulisan yangdigunakan dalam makalah ini adalah metode biografis-reflektif karena penulis merupakansalah seorang mantan mahasiswanya. Fokus pembahasan makalah ini adalah warisanmeteodogi keilmuan dan implikasinya dalam kajian Islam di Indonesia. Makalah inimenyimpulkan beberapa warisan keilmuan Islam dari M. Amin Abdullah umumnyabermuara pada konsep integrasi-interkoneksi keilmuan dalam Islam yang selama inicenderung berjarak, khususnya dalam warisan studi keislaman klasik. Pemikiran lainnyaadalah tentang pentingnya sikap akademis dalam pengembangan studi keislaman masadepan. Dalam aspek metodologi keilmuan, beliau menekankan pentingnya pembaharuandalam studi keislaman kontemporer untuk membumikan ajaran Islam sebagai warisanlangit, sakral dan transendental, menukik pada kebutuhan untuk menjawab berbagaipersoalan duniawi yang empiris dan imanen. Implikasi pemikiran Amin Abdullah adalahmemberikan interpretasi baru studi keilmuan Islam kontemporer yang lebih kontekstualempiris,yang berbeda dengan format studi keislaman klasik yang tekstual-normatif.Kata Kunci: Amin Abdullah, metodologi keilmuan, studi Islam.
Profetika Vol. 17, No. 1, Juni 2016
Publisher : Muhammadiyah University Press

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The presence of modern religious school “Muhammadiyah” (1911) be a trigger asthe establishment of modern organizations: Muhammadiyah (1912). Long time before Indonesia’sindependence, Muhammadiyah has formulated educational goals for schools which arebuilt.Since its establishment until today, the purpose of Muhammadiyah education amendedseveral times. These changes are a creative response of Muhammadiyah on current socialchange, a shift in the orientation of community life, as well as the progress of science andtechnology.from the political constellation of national education, Muhammadiyah was relativelyautonomous when formulating the educational goals.Meanwhile, from the perspectiveof modern educational theory, style of Muhammadiyah educational purposes closer to progressiveeducation theory that emphasizes the experience reconstruction continuously as a vehicleto promote social life.eKeywords: educational; Muhammadiyah education; progressive.Abstrak: Kehadiran sekolah agama modern “Muhammadiyah” (1911) menjadi trigger berdirinyaorganisasi modern: Muhammadiyah (1912). Jauh sebelum Indonesia merdeka, Muhammadiyahtelah merumuskan tujuan pendidikan bagi sekolah-sekolah yang diselenggarakannya.Sejak awal berdiri hingga saat ini, tujuan pendidikan Muhammadiyah mengalamibeberapa kali perubahan. Perubahan-perubahan itu merupakan respons kreatif Muhammadiyahatas arus perubahan sosial, pergeseran orientasi kehidupan masyarakat, maupun kemajuanilmu dan teknologi. Dilihat dari konstelasi politik pendidikan nasional, Muhammadiyahternyata relatif mandiri ketika merumuskan tujuan pendidikannya. Sedangkan dari perspektifteori pendididkan modern, corak tujuan pendidikan Muhammadiyah lebih mendekati teoripendidikan progresif yang menekankan pada rekonstruksi pengalaman secara terus-menerussebagai wahana memajukan kehidupan sosial.Kata Kunci: tujuan pendidikan; pendidikan Muhammadiyah; progresif.
CORAK PEMIKIRAN DAN GERAKAN AKTIVIS PEREMPUAN (Melacak Pandangan Keagamaan Aisyiyah Periode 1917–1945) Nura’ini, Dyah Siti
Profetika Vol. 14, No. 2, Desember 2013
Publisher : Muhammadiyah University Press

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This paper discusses the patterns of religious thought of the women activistsin the early period of Aisyiyah. The women activists are Siti Walidah, Siti Bariyah, SitiAisyah, Siti Badilah, Siti Munjiyah, Siti Badilah, Siti Hayyinah, dan Siti Umniyah.Through ahistorical approach, the author founds a link between colonialism that occurin Muslim countries and the revival of the spirit of women activists in mobilizing theMuslims society. The author also asserts that the thought of Aisyiyah leaders includingin the Islamic modernism that mean are Islamists a progresive religion, Islam is areligion of liberation, enlighten and advance. This understanding is very influential inthe development of Aisyiyah recently. The formers of Aisyiyah aware of the importanceof women’s participation and role in Islamic Da’wah join with men to accelerate therealization of a prosperous society.Key words: Thought, women activists, AisyiyahMakalah ini membahas tentang corak pemikiran keagamaan perempuan aktivisgerakan Aisyiyah pada periode awal. Mereka adalah Siti Walidah, Siti Bariyah, SitiAisyah, Siti Badilah, Siti Munjiyah, Siti Badilah, Siti Hayyinah, dan Siti Umniyah.Melalui pendekatan historis, penulis menemukan kaitan antara gelombang kolonialismeyang terjadi di negara-negara muslim dengan semangat kebangkitan kaum perempuandalam menggerakkan kaum muslim khususnya kaum perempuan. Penulis jugamenegaskan bahwa pemikiran para tokoh Aisyiyah termasuk paham modernisme Islamyaitu Islam sebagai agama yang berkemajuan, agama dengan ajaran yang membebaskan,mencerahkan dan memajukan. Pemahaman ini sangat berpengaruh dalamperkembangan dakwah ‘Aisyiyah ke depan. Para tokoh Aisyiyah menyadari akanpentingnya perempuan berpartisipasi dan berperan dalam Dakwah Islam bersamasamadengan laki-laki untuk mempercepat terwujudnya masyarakat sejahtera.Kata kunci: Pemikiran, aktivis perempuan, Aisyiyah
KRITIK ISLAM TERHADAP KONSEP MARXISME TENTANG PENGENTASAN KEMISKINAN Bahtiyar, Eko; M. Mu’inudinillah, M. Mu’inudinillah; Hidayat, Syamsul
Profetika Vol. 16, No. 2, Desember 2015
Publisher : Muhammadiyah University Press

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As a social reality, poverty can’t be eliminated in absolute terms, but can be addressed and improved quality so it does not destroy humanity. Poverty as a reality of life is always described as a state of life that lacked, weak and helpless to meet their needs, both in terms of spiritual and material. The purpose of this study was to conceptualize poverty according to Marxism, and also to criticize that concept from Islam viewpoint as a religion. This study includes the type library research (library research), such as; the data and study materials including used from literature sources, either in the form of books, encyclopedias, journals, magazines, newspapers, and other papers. The form of this research is descriptive-comparative-analytical. So I can describe comprehensively thought Marxism and Islamic Thought about poverty alleviation. Discussion of the analysis of research conducted that research results obtained to alleviate poverty Marxist group should abolish bourgeois classes, banning private ownership, provocative investigation of the proletariat to the bourgeoisie attack, creating a battle between classes with spreading malice and hostility. Marx also consider religion and the state as a tool used by the borgeosie to increase their profits. All theories owned Marx is wrong and irrelevant to the truth. Islam stricly prohibitsthe hostilities and the destruction of certain communities. Islam also recognizes the right of property ownership. Goverment and religious factors also have an important rolein poverty alleviation. Islam teaches poor classes for hard-working, for the rich classes to tithe and cooperation between two classes. Keywords: poverty; marxism; Islam.
Profetika Vol. 14, No. 1, Juni 2013
Publisher : Muhammadiyah University Press

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The concept of authority and dominance bore political intrigues among Muslimcommunity throughout the history. The two concepts bore creative tense between Islamicpolitics that had Makkiyah characteristics that was myth-theological and Maddaniyah onethat was rational. After the prophet and the expansion of Islam, the Islamic dominancetended to be tyrannical. The application of the authority and dominance bore Islamicgovernment style that was repressive ((qawãn)n siyãsiyyah) andrational (siyãsah ‘aqliyyah)also the government stylethat had religious characteristics or caliphate (siyãsah diniyyah).WhileAsy-Syãtibi focused more on political dimension that had orientation on maqãþidasy-syari’ah and maslahah ‘ãmmah aspects. The next step emerged various interpretationsabout imamah, wilayah, khilafah, ummah, syura, amir concepts up to bai’ah and jihad. Inpsychological-sociological manner, the sacred dominance became unhindered.Key words: Caliphate, Imamah, Amir, Wilayatul Faqih, Syuradan Nation StateKonsep wewenang dan kekuasaan melahirkan intrik politik di kalangan umatsepanjang sejarah. Dua konsep tersebut melahirkan ketegangan kreatif antara politikIslam yang bercorakMakkiyyah yang mitis-teologis dan Madaniyyah yang rasionalistik.Pasca era Nabi kekuasan Islamcenderung tiranik setelah adanya perluasan kekuasaanIslam.Aplikasi wewenang dan kekuasaan melahirkan style pemerintahan Islam yangrepresif (qawãn)n siyãsiyyah), rasional (siyãsah ‘aqliyyah) dan yang bercorak agamisatau khilafah (siyãsah diniyyah).Sedangkan Asy-Syãtibi) lebih memfokuskan padadimensi politik yang lebih berorientasi pada aspek maqãþid asy-syari’ah dan maslahah‘ãmmah.Pada tahap selanjutnya muncul berbagai interpretasi tentang konsep-konsep:imamah, wilayah, khilafah, ummah, syura, amir, hingga bai’ah dan jihad. Secarapsikologis-sosiologis, sakralitas kekuasaan menjadi tak terhindarkanKata Kunci: Khilafah, Imamah, Amir, Wilayatul Faqih, Syura dan Nation State

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