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Jurnal Energi Dan Manufaktur
Published by Universitas Udayana
ISSN : 23025255     EISSN : 25415328     DOI : -
"Jurnal Energi dan Manufaktur" is a journal published by Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Udayana, Bali since 2006. During 2006-2011 the journal's name was "Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin CAKRAM" (Scientific journal in mechanical engineering, CAKRAM). "Jurnal Energi dan Manufaktur" is released biannually on April and October, respectively. We invite authors to submit papers from experimental research, review work, analytical-theoretical study, applied study, and simulation, in related to mechanical engineering (energy, material, manufacturing, design) to be published through "Jurnal Energi dan Manufaktur".
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Analisa Perpindahan Panas Keadaan Tunak Pada Pengering Jagung Tipe Rumah Kaca Variasi Lubang Ventilasi Dan Rak Alumunium Yunita Djamalu
Jurnal Energi Dan Manufaktur Vol 9 No 1 (2016): April 2016
Publisher : Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Udayana

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Abstrak:Sebagian besar Masyarakat Gorontalo adalah petani jagung, selain di konsumsi sendiri, jagung juga di olah menjadiberbagai macam olahan makanan sebagai mata pencaharian Masyarakat Bahkan sebagian jagung juga ada yang dieksport ke luar daerah. Untuk itu Mutu jagung yang di hasilkan harus selalu di perhatikan, Mutu jagung sangatbergantung pada proses pasca panen terutama pada proses pengeringan. Tujuan utama dari proses pengeringanadalah untuk menurunkan kadar air jagung hingga mencapai keadaan yang aman dari kerusakan untuk jangka waktutertentu. Untuk itu penulis mendesain ulang peralatan pengeringan dengan memanfaatkan energy surya sebagaisumber pemanas yang dikenal juga dengan alat Pengering Efek Rumah Kaca dengan Variasi Lubang Ventilasi dan rakpengering yang terbuat dari alumunium. Proses eksperimen dalam pengujian alat pengering Efek Rumah Kaca inimemerlukan waktu beberapa hari. Dari grafik yang terlihat bahwa rak alumunium lebih baik dari pada rak kaca. Untukmendapatkan hasil yang lebih cepat proses pengeringan perlu dimodelkan dengan menggunakan persamaanmatematis.Kata Kunci: Jagung, Pengering Energy Surya, Efek Rumah Kaca, Variasi Lubang Ventilasi, Rak AlumuniumAbstract:Most of Gorontalo Society is a corn farmer , in addition to its own consumption , corn is also in the process into a widevariety of processed foods as a livelihood Society majority of maize is also a fact that in the export to other regions . Forthe quality of the corn produced must always be noticed is very dependent on the quality of corn post-harvestprocessing, especially in the drying process. The main purpose of the drying process is to lower the moisture content ofcorn until it reaches a state that is safe from damage for a certain period of time. To the authors redesign dryingequipment by utilizing solar energy as a source of heating which is also known as the Greenhouse Effect dryerapparatus with ventilation holes and a variation of the drying rack made of aluminum. Experiments in the testing processdryers Greenhouse Effect This may take several days. From the graph it appears that aluminum rack is better than glassshelves. To get results faster drying process needs to be modeled using mathematical equations.Keywords: Corn , Dryer Solar Energy , Greenhouse Effect , Variation Ventilation Holes , Aluminum Rack
Daftar Isi dan Kata Pengantar Daftar Isi dan Kata Pengantar
Jurnal Energi Dan Manufaktur Vol 9 No 1 (2016): April 2016
Publisher : Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Udayana

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Daftar Isi dan Kata Pengantar
Analisa Kekuatan Impact Komposit Polyester Diperkuat Serat Pandan Wangi dengan Pengisi Serbuk Gergaji Kayu IGNK. Yudhyadi; Nasmi Herlina Sari
Jurnal Energi Dan Manufaktur Vol 6 No 2 (2013): Oktober 2013
Publisher : Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Udayana

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AbstrakKurangnya sumber daya dan peningkatan perhatian pada pencemaran lingkungan telahmeningkatkan upaya besar dalam pengembangan bahan-bahan yang ramah lingkungan.Material komposit yang dibuat dari serat alami saat ini merupakan linkup kajian yang palingmenjanjikan dalam ilmu bahan. Berbagai keunggulan yang ditawarkan oleh serat alami danusaha-usaha yang telah dan sedang dikerjakan untuk pengembangan bahan teknik yanglebih baik mendorong adanya keinginan untuk melakukan kajian-kajian lebih lanjut terhadappotensi dari bahan ini. Makalah ini menyajikan hasil percobaan yang dirancang untukmenilai kemungkinan seret alam dari Pandan Wangi dan serbuk gergajian kayu sebagaibahan penguat komposit. Selanjutnya, komposit kayu dibuat dan dibentuk dengan teknikhand lay-up. Variasi panjang serat yang digunakan adalah 15 mm, 20 mm, 25 mm, 50 mmdan 100 mm dengan 20% sampai 30% fraksi volume serat dan 5% fraksi volume serbukgergaji. Resin yang digunakan adalah polyester. Selain itu, alkali serat diperlakukan denganmenggunakan 4% NaOH. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa sifatmekanik seperti kekuatan impak resin polyester meningkat cukup besar ketika diperkuatdengan pandan wangi dan serbuk gergaji. Hasil ini mengidentifikasikan bahwa PandanWangi dan serbuk gergaji dapat menjadi kandidat potensial untuk digunakan dalamkomposit diperkuat serat alami..Kata kunci: Komposit, serat pandan wangi, filler, serbuk gergaji kayu, polyesterAbstractLack of resources and increasing in environmental pollution attention has raised great dealeffort in the development of materials that are environmentally friendly. Composite materialsthat fabricated from natural fibers are currently the most promising area in material science.Various promising advantages of natural fibers and attempting for development for bettermaterial was driving force for further study in this field. This paper presents the results of anexperiment designed to assess the possibility of Pandanus Amaryllifolius fiber and sawdustnatural filler as reinforcing material.To achieve the goal, wood composite is manufacturedand shaped with hand lay-up technique. The variation used were 15 mm, 20mm, 25mm,50mm and 100mm in fiber length with 20% to 30% of volume fraction of fiber and 5%volume fraction of sawdust filler. Resin used is polyester. Moreover,fiber alkali treated usingof 4% NaOH. Experimental results obtained shows that mechanical properties such asimpact strength of polyester resin increases to a considerable degree when reinforced withPandanus Amaryllifolius and Sengon wood sawdust. These results propose that Pandanusand Sengon wood sawdust can be potential candidates for use in natural fiber reinforcedcomposites.Keywords: Composite, pandanus amaryllifolius fiber, filler, sawdust, polyester
Perhitungan aliran dan peramalan karakteristik pompa sentrifugal bertingkat dengan penggunaan CAD blade’s system W.M. Rumaherang
Jurnal Energi Dan Manufaktur Vol 3, No.2 Desember 2008
Publisher : Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Udayana

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An Important problem in centrifugal pumps designing is characteristic works in theoretical calculations. They are precise or very close to practical characteristics and results of tests in laboratory. Hydrodynamics parameters influence on the inlet sides, blades of impeller, vaned diffusers, stage guide vanes and side go out of pump. In turn they have very strong influence on the characteristics. In consequence to the plan of centrifugal pump, an important problem is geometrical constructions of the blades impeller, vaned diffusers, stage guide vanes and outlet of pump. The solution of this problem lays accuracy in hydro dynamical calculations in the design process, manufacturing and installation of pump. Special CAD for the blades can simplify the design process. The obtained result is highly accurate. Sketch can be constructively conducted by AUTOCAD, KOMPAS (KOM?AC) or other programs to determine coordinates of fixed points in the blade lines. All that points are then arranged in formations according to axis r, x, y, z, in the dat.file as input file to CAD. The result presented in the drawing form of blades profile and in the forecasting of whole pumps characteristics: speed, loses, power (N), head (H) and efficiency (?) versus capacity (Q). Calculations made in the several times, get the construction pump with the optimal characteristics. The result indicates that optimal conditions obtain to profile with the main dimensions: impeller dbt=0.065 m, D2=0.240 m, D0=0.1312, z=7, b1=, b2=0.0414 m, ?1=26o, ?s2=23o, ?=103o, diffusers: ?d= ?s4= ?d= ?s5=40o, ?sc= ?bl3=12,0o , ?=40o, stage guide vanes: ?bs= ?s6=89,5o,?= 600.
Distribusi Kekerasan dan Total Case Depth Baja Karbon Rendah Setelah Proses Pack Carburizing Dewa Ngakan Ketut Putra Negara; I Ketut Gede Sugita; IGN Arimbawa
Jurnal Energi Dan Manufaktur Vol 8 No 1 (2015): April 2015
Publisher : Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Udayana

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui distribusi kekerasan dan menentukan total casedepth baja karbon rendah setelah proses pack carburizing dengan variasi temperaturpemanasan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan media karburasi 80% arang tulangkambing dan 20% enrgizer CaCO3. Variasi temperatur pemanasan yang digunakan adalah8500C, 9000C dan 9500C, diholding selama 4 jam dan didinginkan dengan air. Total case depthdiperoleh dengan menentukan kedalaman dimana kekerasan bahan tanpa perlakuan samadengan kekerasan bahan setelah proses pack carburizing. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwasemakin tinggi temperatur pemanasan semakin tinggi distribusi kekerasan. Sampai kedalaman2,5 mm, semakin jauh dari permukaan semakin rendah kekerasan yang dicapai. Total casedepth didapat sampai kedalaman 2,5 mm, setelah itu kekerasan relatif sama antara materialtanpa dan dengan perlakuan. Kekerasan tertinggi diperoleh sebesar 241,629 VHN pada jarak0,5 mm dari permukaan dengan temperatur pemanasan 9500C.Kata Kunci: Total case depth, pack carburizing, energizer, kekerasanThis study aims to determine the hardness distribution and total case depth of low carbon steelafter pack carburizing process with heating temperature variation. The study was conducted byusing a carburizing medium 80% goat bones charcoal and 20% energizer CaCO3. Heatingtemperature variations were carried out at 8500C, 9000C and 9500C, holding during 4 hours andcooled with water. The total case depth was obtained by determining the depth where thehardness of the untreated and treated materials was the same relatively. The results showed thatthe higher heating temperature the higher hardness distribution. The deeper of distance thelower hardness obtained until 2,5 mm depth. The total case depth was obtained until 2.5 mm.After this distance the hardness between untreated and treated materials was the same. Thehighest hardness reached 241.629 VHN at a distance of 0.5 mm from the surface with heatingtemperature 9500C.Keywords: Total case depth, pack carburizing, energizer, hardness
Ketahanan Bending Komposit Hybrid Serat Batang Kelapa/Serat Gelas Dengan Matrik Urea Formaldehyde Nasmi Herlina Sari; Sinarep -; Ahmad Taufan; IGNK Yudhyadi
Jurnal Energi Dan Manufaktur Vol 5, No.1 April 2011
Publisher : Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Udayana

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The composite has its own advantages compared to other alternative techniques such material is strong, lightweight,corrosion-resistant, economical and so on. The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics of bending strengthfiber composite hybrid coconut trunk / fiber glass using urea formaldehyde resin.Hybrid palm trunk fiber /glass fiber composite have been made by hand lay up which volume fraction fiber hybridvariation namely 10:20, 15:15 and 20:10 (%) with length fiber 2 cm. Every Tests conducted were bending testing with eachvariation performed three times repetition. Bending test specimens in accordance with standard ASTMD 790.The results of bending strength of palm trunk fiber hybrid composite / fiber-glass with random fiber direction that thehighest bending strength in the palm trunk fiber volume fraction 10% and 20% glass fiber that is 22.7 N/mm2.
Pelapisan perunggu dengan krom untuk meningkatkan kekerasan permukaan I Wayan Surata
Jurnal Energi Dan Manufaktur Vol 1, No 1 Juni 2006
Publisher : Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Udayana

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Alloys containing principally copper and tin are considered as bronzes. These materials possess desirable properties of strength, wear resistance, and salt water corrosion. Bronzes materials are widely used such as for gears, bearings and other machine parts. These component parts work with relative movement, pressure, and friction on the contact surfaces, for long time will cause surface wear. To improve wear resistance and hardness of the contact surfaces, it needed to be plating by an electroplating method. This study is to find out the influence of plating thickness to the hardness on electroplating bronzes by chromium. The specimen is hollow cylindrical form of bronze with inner diameter 10 mm, outer diameter 30 mm and height 10 mm. Treatment variables are plating time, with variation of 30, 50, 70, 90, and 110 minutes. The dependent variable in this study is surface hardness. Specimens are made 3 items for each observation, so the total specimens are 15 items. The electrolyte used in this study is mixed of CrO3 (250 g/L), and H2SO4 (2.5 g/L), meanwhile electric current 50 Amperes and voltage 6 volts keep constantly during the process. The result can be concluded that there is a positive linear correlation between plating time with plating thickness, and plating thickness with surface hardness.
Karakteristik Traksi dan Kinerja Transmisi pada Sistem Gear Transmission dan Gearless Transmission A.A.I.A. Sri Komaladewi; I Ketut Adi Atmika
Jurnal Energi Dan Manufaktur Vol 7 No 1 (2014): April 2014
Publisher : Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Udayana

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Abstrak : Sistem transmisi adalah salah satu komponen penting pada sistem drive train, yang fungsiutamanya adalah mentramsmisikan atau mentransformasikan torsi yang keluar dari mesin sampaike torsi yang terjadi pada roda penggerak. Ratio transmisi berpengaruh terhadap besarnya torsiyang dapat ditransmisikan, sedangkan jumlah tingkat kecepatannya berpengaruh terhadapkehalusan (smoothness) proses transmisi dan transformasi daya pada sistem transmisi tersebut.Karakteristik traksi dan kinerja transmisi kendaraan yang diuji adalah Toyota Kijang Inova tahun2012, Pemodelan kinerja traksi dilakukan dengan metode simulasi. Karakteristik traksi dari sistemtransmisi kendaraan dianalisa paada beberapa tingkat kecepatan untuk mengatasi berbagaihambatan sepanjang kondisi operasi kendaraan. Perhitungan awal dari ratio gigi antara yangtertinggi dan terendah dapat dicari dengan menggunakan hukum Progresi Geometri. Ratio dariroda gigi akhir (terendah) ditentukan oleh kecepatan maksimum kendaraan yang akan dirancang.Sedangkan traksi maksimum atau tanjakan maksimum menentukan besar ratio roda gigi awal(tertinggi). Kemudian ratio diantara kedua batas tersebut dibuat sedemikian rupa agar traksi yangdihasilkan kendaraan dapat mendekati karakteristik idealnya. Modifikasi ratio gigi transmisi daristandarnya mendapatkan kebutuhan traksi yang lebih kecil untuk kecepatan yang sama, baikpemasangan 4 tingkat, 5 tingkat, maupun 6 tingkat kecepatan. Jarak kurva traksi antara dua ratiogigi menunjukkan besarnya traksi yang tidak terpakai. Dari grafik kinerja transmisi menunjukkansemakin banyak tingkat transmisi, semakin kecil traksi yang terbuang.Karakteristik traksi mendekatikarakteristik idealnya pada gearless transmission system dengan 10 stages.Kata kunci: drive train, rasio transmisi, kinerja traksi, progresi geometri, gearless transmissionAbstract : The transmission system is one of the important components in the drive train system, whose mainfunction is to transmit or to transform out of the engine torque to the torque that occurs at the drivewheels. Transmission ratio affects the amount of torque that can be transmitted, while the numberof speed levels affect the fineness (smoothness) transmission process and the transformation ofpower in the transmission system. Traction characteristics and transmission performance vehiclesare tested on Toyota Kijang Inova 2012. Modeling traction performance is realized with simulationmethods. Traction characteristics of the vehicle transmission system is analyzed at several levels ofspeed to overcome various obstacles along the vehicle operating conditions. Preliminarycalculations of the gear ratio between the highest and lowest can be found using GeometryProgression law. Ratio of last gear (the lowest) is determined by the maximum speed of the vehicleto be designed. While the maximum traction or maximum incline determine the initial gear ratio (thehighest). Then the ratio between the two limits is made such that the resulting traction vehicle canapproach the ideal characteristics. Modification of the transmission gear ratio from the standardcondition yield traction needs which is smaller in the same speed, whether the installation of 4levels, 5 levels, more even at 6 levels of speed.The distance of traction curve between 2 of gearratio indicates the amount of unused traction. From the graph of transmission performance indicatethat the more the level of transmission, the less traction is wasted. Traction characteristicsapproaching the its ideal characteristics at gearless transmission system with 10 levels.Keywords: drive train, transmission ratio, traction performance, geometric progression, gearlesstransmission
Pengaruh Kuat Arus Listrik Dan Waktu Proses Anodizing Dekoratif Pada Aluminium Terhadap Kecerahan Dan Ketebalan Lapisan I Gst. Ngr. Nitya Santhiarsa
Jurnal Energi Dan Manufaktur Vol 4, No.1 April 2010
Publisher : Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Udayana

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To increase assess aluminium of decorative aspect hence finishing processes must be used, like coloringprocess. Hence layer anodizing developed now where you can make aluminum metal look more interesting so thefinish can increase the economic value. Anodizing is the process formation of oxide layer on the metal with themetal, especially aluminum reacting with oxygen (O2) from the electrolyte sulphate acid (H2SO4).This research uses2024-T3 aluminum metal as a parent to be coated, with the electric current treatment 1 Ampere, 2 Ampere, Ampere,and 3, and changes in immersion variations time 10 minutes, 20 minutes, and 30 minutes. Tests performed includetesting the brightness (light illumination) and layer thickness measurement.The result of research show that bestvalue for the examination of brightness obtained at electrics current 1 ampere and time anodizing 10 minute equal to11519.53 lumens/m2 and thickness obtained at electrics current 3 ampere and anodizing time 30 minute equal to 5?m, value lowest for the examination of brightness obtained at electrics current 1 ampere and time anodizing 10minute equal to 10180.05 lumens/m2 and thickness obtained at electrics current 3 ampere and anodizing time 30minute equal to 2?m
Teknologi Hijau: Perancangan Mesin Bor Biopori I Gusti Ngurah Nitya Santhiarsa
Jurnal Energi Dan Manufaktur Vol 11 No 2 (2018): Published in Oktober 2018
Publisher : Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (318.391 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/JEM.2018.v11.i02.p04


Pembangunan fisik di perkotaan berdampak pada dua sisi, pada satu sisi, sarana prasarana untuk pelayanan penduduk semakin lengkap, dan pada sisi lain, terjadi penyusutan areal terbuka hijau. Salah satu akibat susulan dari penyusutan luas ruang terbuka hijau adalah makin menipisnya cadangan air pada cekungan air tanah. Salah satu solusi untuk mengatasi masalah ini adalah dengan pembuatan biopori pada kawasan yang terbangun. Pembuatan biopori bisa dilakukan secara manual yaitu dengan bor biopori manual dan dengan bantuan mesin bor biopori. Proses perancangan mesin bor biopori berdasarkan proses desain elemen mesin, mulai dari analisis karakter kekuatan tanah, analisis gaya dan daya bor, perhitungan elemen mesin yang digunakan, dan pembuatan prototype. Kegiatan perancangan mesin bor biopori telah menghasilkan sebuah prototype mesin dengan daya motor 0,6 kW dan putaran mesin 500 rpm. Physical development on campus on two sides, on the one hand, facilities for population services are increasingly complete, and on the other hand, there is a shrinking of green open areas. One consequence of the subsequent shrinkage of the wide open space is to deplete the air reserve in the ground air basin. One solution to solve this problem is to make a biopori in the area that is built. Biopori production can be done manually, with a manual biopori drill and with the help of a biopori drilling machine. Soil Surface Control Techniques, Characteristic Analysis, Style Analysis, Style Analysis, Energy Style, and Prototype Making. The design of the biopori drilling machine has produced a prototype engine with a motor power of 0.6 kW and a 500 rpm engine speed.

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