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ETNOSIA : Jurnal Etnografi Indonesia
Published by Universitas Hasanuddin
ISSN : 25279313     EISSN : 25489747     DOI : -
ETNOSIA : Jurnal Etnografi Indonesia Jurnal Etnografi Indonesia (Etnosia) diterbitkan 2 kali setahun (Juni & Desember) dengan tujuan untuk mengembangkan ilmu antropologi sosial dan budaya di Indonesia. Redaksi mengandung para penulis untuk mengirimkan artikel yang termasuk dalam kriteria hasil penelitian etnografi pada kelimpok tertentu, hasil peneltiian terapan di bidang antropologi, teori/metodologi dalam ilmu antropologi atau ilmu-ilmu sosial lainnya, dan tinjuan buku terhadap buku teks antropologi atau ilmu sosial lainnya. Jurnal ini menggunakan system peer review dalam pemilihan naskah yang akan diterbitkan. Kriteria dari artikel yang dikirimkan mencakup jenis artikel berikut ini: Artikel ini menyajikan hasil penelitian etnografis / kualitatif dalam topik tertentu dan terkait dengan kelompok etnis / sosial di Indonesia; Artikel ini adalah diskusi yang terinci mengenai penelitian terapan dan kolaboratif dengan keterlibatan kuat antara penulis dan subjek kolaborator dalam menerapkan program intervensi atau inisiatif pembangunan lainnya yang menekankan pada isu-isu sosial, politik, dan budaya; Sebuah tulisan teoretis yang menguraikan teori sosial dan budaya yang terkait dengan wacana teoretis antropologi, terutama antropologi Indonesia; Terakhir, artikel tersebut merupakan tinjauan kritis terhadap referensi antropologi dan buku etnografi lainnya yang harus diterbitkan setidaknya dalam 3 tahun terakhir.
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Bissu and Toboto Domain; Lanskap, Islam, dan Negosiasi Feby Triadi
ETNOSIA : Jurnal Etnografi Indonesia Vol. 4 No. 1 (2019)
Publisher : Department Anthropology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Hasanuddin University.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31947/etnosia.v4i1.6163


This research found a dividing line between the narrative of Bissu and Toboto, in some previous research, they were always singularly narrated. But this Research looks at other phenomena of Bissu, namely Toboto, present and playing a role in their daily lives. That way, this article wants to reveal another narrative that has been supporting the Bissu as a single narrative. It also focused on landscapes, Islam and negotiations, using ethnographic methods, taking the context of research in Pangkep Regency and confirming the data, with Bissu and adat councils in Bone District, making this research conducted from November to December. The analytical technique used is structural-functional, which sees exchange relations between people who have their respective structures and functions. This research found several updates. First, the context in seeing Bissu daily life is always centered on Segeri Subdistrict, but what is in the field, it turns out Bissu residence is not only in Segeri District. Secondly, as far as any behavior deviates from the behavior of Bissu and Toboto, Islam as a religion teaching always returns them to their nature. And thirdly, negotiations between the two camps (adat council and religious leaders) are like a time bomb that is ready to explode at any time.
Sistem Kepercayaan dan Peran Perempuan Terhadap Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Hutan di Luwu Timur Jumardi Lanta; Pawennari Hijjang; Safriadi Safriadi
ETNOSIA : Jurnal Etnografi Indonesia Vol. 4 No. 1 (2019)
Publisher : Department Anthropology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Hasanuddin University.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31947/etnosia.v4i1.5941


This article aims to (1) describe the local community belief system in preserving the forest so that the forest, (2) analyze the factors that influence the local community to convert forest functions (3) Analyze the role of women in preserving forest resources. The research method is a qualitative method with in-depth interview and observation data collection techniques and use PRA (Participatory Rural Appraisal). The results of the study show that there is a well-preserved community belief system known as "metompa/metabe" that is able to prevent people from carrying out massive deforestation at the research site. Likewise the existence of efforts to empower women to manage, maintain and preserve forest resources is an important aspect for women to increase their household income while protecting the forest from damage and extinction.
Eksklusi Spasial di Era Demokratisasi: Politik Ruang dan Zonasi Kawasan di Selayar Slamet Riadi
ETNOSIA : Jurnal Etnografi Indonesia Vol. 4 No. 1 (2019)
Publisher : Department Anthropology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Hasanuddin University.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31947/etnosia.v4i1.6170


This research aims to know how the politics of space and developments area in Bontosunggu, has correlation with rural democratization’s discourse, especially in rural development planning. Some years ago, Bontosunggu had so many developments area program, such as building transportation infrastructure (Bandara) and rural economy development in west coastal area from this village. Some of this program namely KEK (Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus), PISEW (Pengembangan Infrastruktur Sosial-Ekonomi Wilayah). This study was conducted in Bontosunggu, Selayar in November 2018 until January 2019. Data was collected using in-depth interview, observation, and photograph interview. The participants in this research, consist of rural government, society in Kampung Bau, and policy government of Kabupaten Kepulauan Selayar (BAPPEDA and Dinas Pemerintahan Desa). The research finding indicates: Firstly, process of planning developments (KEK and PISEW) area in Bontosunggu has an impact on rural development orientations. Secondly, the politics of space in Bontosunggu has made a process of spatial exclusion to Kampung Bau. Thirdly, process of spatial exclusion to Kampung Bau, has correlated to the legitimation and regulation’s mechanism, then also with the development area and rural democratization’s process.
Online Social Movement: Adopsi Teknologi Informasi dalam Melakukan Gerakan Sosial di Indonesia Ahmad Ismail; Hardiyanti Munsi; Amril Hans
ETNOSIA : Jurnal Etnografi Indonesia Vol. 4 No. 1 (2019)
Publisher : Department Anthropology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Hasanuddin University.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31947/etnosia.v4i1.5039


This article aims to explain whether the social movements carried out on the internet are limitedto click activism or merely mere symbolic resistance, or even beyond that? The case of the social movement raised in this study is the Akademi Berbagi Movement based on the internet, especially social media. the movement that combines online and offline gives its own nuances in doing social movements. This study used a qualitative approach with the method of connected ethnography carried out for 5 months. From the results of the research, the Akademi Berbagi Movement is one of the forms of the birth of civil society. The movement that combines online and offline has provided the context, validation and attachment of more participation by volunteers in carrying out social movements, thus giving birth to what is called 'online social movements'. This also complements the concept that Nugroho (2011) refers to as "click activism", with the case of the movement raised in this study, social movements carried out on the internet exceed what is called click activism, and volunterism is done more than just being involved in movement online, but volunterism is also done in an offline context so that this movement is not just "click" but also provides real space for movement.
PANRITA LOPI: Cultural Value and Religiosity Behind Professionalism of Making Pinisi Boats in Bulukumba Eymal B Demmalino; Tamzil Ibrahim; Yopie Lumoindong
ETNOSIA : Jurnal Etnografi Indonesia Vol. 4 No. 1 (2019)
Publisher : Department Anthropology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Hasanuddin University.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31947/etnosia.v4i1.6422


The main of this article to be expressed are Cultural Values and the Religiosity Behind the Skills (Kepanritaan) of Pinisi Boat Making in a very well-known community of boat makers in Ara, Bira and Tanalemo Villages, Bontobahari District, Bulukumba Regency, South Sulawesi. This research uses the verstehen method (Weber in Ritzer and Goodman, 2004 and Kaelan, 2005) on Pinisi Boat Making Activities and Changes from the beginning to the era of shipping modernization. The data was collected by combining comprehensive data collection techniques (observation, in-depth interviews, documentation, and triangulation: Sugiyono, 2007) and analyzed using interpretive post positivistic qualitative descriptive analysis method (with systemic complementary analysis procedures: Data Collection), Grouping, Categorization, and Discarding Insignificant Data (Data Reduction), Mapping Data on Causality between Data Categorization, and Conclusion: Miles and Huberman, 1995). The results of the research show that the professionalism in making pinisi boats is built on the basis of assessment with the underlying occult values. A cultural value that tends to be ecologically oriented in the sense of keeping the relationship harmonious with the natural ruler in a magical way. These values tend to weaken amid the development of shipping modernization and the development of the boat-making industry.
Review Buku: ‘Membaca’ dan ‘Dibaca’ Secara Polyglot: Gender, Seksualitas dan Perkawinan di Masyarakat Bugis Alwi - Rahman
ETNOSIA : Jurnal Etnografi Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 2 (2016)
Publisher : Department Anthropology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Hasanuddin University.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31947/etnosia.v1i2.1617


Seksualitas dan praktik perkawinan etnik Bugis, oleh penulisnya, dimulai oleh percakapan ringkas tentang cara mendudukkan kebudayaan. Meski sebagai gambit tulisan, percakapan ringkas ini menemukan kebenaran pendakuan Amos Bronson Alcott Ralph bahwa ‘conversation is feminine’. Bukan karena buku ini memang tentang seksualitas perempuan, tetapi melalui gambit ini literasi perempuan Bugis dimulai. Percakapan pendek-pendek—yang diperlakukan sebagai ragam kutipan—dapat temukan di sepanjang buku ini. Percakapan seperti ini akan menciptakan siklus dalam diri pembaca: menyimak, bernalar, dan mengikuti argumen penulisnya.Literasi terhadap seksualitas dan perkawinan perempuan Bugis, sejauh ini, tak banyak ditulis secara akademis. Kalau pun ada, biasanya penulisnya ‘datang dari luar’. Penulis seperti ini tak lebih dari ‘pembaca kebudayaan’. Padahal, literasi terhadap perempuan sejatinya diartikan sebagai ‘aksi kebudayaan’ untuk ‘membaca-dan-dibaca’.Seksualitas dan perkawinan Bugis boleh ‘dibaca’ secara akademis, tetapi pada saat bersamaan, di karya akademis sebagaimana ditulis oleh Nurul Ilmi Idrus, perempuan tak kehilangan kesempatan  ‘membaca’ dirinya sendiri. Aksi ‘dibaca’ dan ‘membaca’ pun terjadi dan dapat ditemukan di sepanjang buku ini.Relasi gender di buku ini bukan tentang ‘debat keras’ yang dibangun melalui argumentasi mazhab-mazhab feminisme terhadap nilai-nilai patriarki di masyarakat Bugis. Bukan juga deskripsi ‘budaya seks kampung’ yang serba dipersalahkan dan digiring ke posisi primitif. Nurul Ilmi Idrus menyusun deskripsi dan mengurut segenap argumen pada setiap tema yang dibahasnya dengan menjaga ‘kesepadanan’. ‘Kesepadanan’ dijaga dan terjaga melalui ‘conversation based writing’ yang berbentuk naratif, sembari menyediakan rujukan dari para akademikus dan budayawan. Dengan kualitas naratif dan dengan gaya ungkap percakapan, pembaca dihadirkan ke pengalaman paling empiris dalam kebudayaannya. Gaya ungkap ini menolong pembacanya untuk mencerna eksposisi konflik yang dikemukakan oleh Nurul Ilmi Idrus beserta segenap resolusinya.Etnografi seksualitas dan praktik perkawinan Bugis ini membuka seluk beluk labirin budaya seks masyarakat Bugis. Labirin ini tak lain adalah ruang relasi dan ruang interaksi seksualitas di sekitar perkawinan—lengkap dengan dinamika yang menyertainya—antara perempuan dan lelaki Bugis. Labirin ini terbuka melalui ungkapan-ungkapan paling intim, atau ekspresi keberatan dari perempuan terhadap lelaki, atau pernyataan normatif dari lelaki Bugis atas konflik di sekitar kehidupan perkawinan dan seksualitas. Studi etnografi perkawinan dan seksualitas masyarakat Bugis telah membuka ‘lorong dan kamar’ paling berliku dan paling jauh dalam budaya perkawinan dan seksualitas yang tak mudah terlihat. Ragam kesaksian perempuan dan lelaki—yang ditulis dalam berbagai kutipan—terhadap seluk-beluk dan dinamika perkawinan dan seksualitas adalah temuan paling empirik dan paling kaya.Perangkat-perangkat idiomatik dalam buku ini adalah kekayaan. Oleh karena studi ini memang berdiri di atas cakrawala etnografi, ragam idiom Bugis yang berkaitan dengan perkawinan dan seksualitas diperkenalkan. Meskipun diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Inggris, beberapa idiom akan mengajak pembaca untuk berhati-hati mengenali konsep di belakang idiom.  Pembaca yang berkapasitas polyglot—menguasai bahasa Inggris, Indonesia, dan Bugis sekaligus—tak akan mengalami kesulitan memasuki dan mengikuti alur karya akademis ini. Gaya ungkap polyglot yang diikuti dengan ragam idiom Bugis yang terkait dengan kehidupan perkawinan dan seksualitas sejatinya didudukkan sebagai konsekuensi akademis dari cakrawala disiplin etnografi.Pada akhirnya, buku Gender Relations in an Indonesian Society: Bugis Practices of Sexuality and Marriage sejatinya didudukkan sebagai karya akademis yang telah membuka secara terang benderang labirin budaya perkawinan dan seksualitas Bugis. Dari buku ini, pembaca dapat mengenali cara perempuan dan lelaki Bugis ‘membaca’ kebudayaannya sendiri, ketimbang buku lain yang memposisikan perkawinan dan seksualitas Bugis sebagai kebudayaan yang hanya ‘dibaca’ dari luar. Buku yang terdiri atas delapan chapter dan dilengkapi dengan dokumen appendix dan glossary ini mengeksplorasi cara Bugis ‘membaca’ kebudayaannya sendiri.
‘Sekolah Lapang Petani’: Membangun Komitmen, Disiplin dan Kretivitas Petani Melalui SLP-PHT Munsi Lampe
ETNOSIA : Jurnal Etnografi Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 1 (2016)
Publisher : Department Anthropology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Hasanuddin University.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31947/etnosia.v1i1.996


AbstractAlthough the Green Revolution in Indonesia has shown an increase in theagriculturalproduction, a rapid marginalisation process among the farmers has taken place simultaneously.This article aims to identify the role of Sekolah Lapang Petani (Farmer Field School), which isone of the programs conducted byPengelolaan Hama Terpadu (Integrated Pest Management,IPM). This program is conducted by the government in response to the negative impacts of theGreen Revolution that is consideredto be responsible in deteriorating the local knowledge andthe local wisdom techniques, the power of creative-innovation and the freedom of the farmers.This study was conducted in two different sites in South Sulawesi, namely: Manjalling Village(Gowa) and Soreang Village (Maros). Our informants are those who joined SLP-PHT programin the two locations. They consistof 17 farmers; 5 of them are from Manjalling, while rests arefrom Soreang. We triangulate, in-depth interview, observation, life history, and focus groupdiscussion (FGD) as our data collection methods.The results showed that the implementation of SLP-PHT program in Manjallingand Soreanghas played an important role in the application process of the local knowledge and the farmers’creative-innovative development in agricultural, such as productive, righteousness, adaptive,and environmentally friendly.Keywords: farmer field school, creativity, innovative, plant fertilizer and medicine.
Kekerasan Kolektif di Perkotaan: Konstruksi dan Representasi Maskulinitas dalam Budaya Masyarakat Makassar Muhammad - Syaiful
ETNOSIA : Jurnal Etnografi Indonesia Vol. 2 No. 1 (2017)
Publisher : Department Anthropology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Hasanuddin University.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31947/etnosia.v2i1.2957


The occurrence of violence in South Sulawesi whereever they are, they are usually identified as violence that happen in Makassar. This is due to the fact the frequent of violence happen in Makassar than in other cities in Indonesia. This article aims to explore collective violence in two adjoining locations in Makassar, yakni Pampang dan Sukaria and how this is related to masculinity. The pattern of collective violence between people in both areas based on classification and motivesof conflict between groups. The motive of collective violence, namely yakni seizure of land, this then develop mass coordination established through the process of patronage relations and the formation of strong lokal men. This then lead to establishment of routine violence which hands in hand in hand with siri’ na pacce. The construction of masculinity from male perspective that women are obliged to maintain such values through violent ways. Parenting pattern tends to be permissive towards violence. Such violence is common among male members of society. This violence has become an expression of masculinity. Masculinity is symbolised through four aspects:  badik, bow arrow, tatto’ dan ballo (a local drink). Thus, one who can performs these aspects will be considered as rewa.
Menulis Kajian Literatur Amri - Marzali
ETNOSIA : Jurnal Etnografi Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 2 (2016)
Publisher : Department Anthropology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Hasanuddin University.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31947/etnosia.v1i2.1613


This article is part of lecture notes presented in the course of Qualitative Research Method, at The Graduate School of Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA, 2016-2017 academic year. It is  written for students who precariously need a guidance to write a literature review for his or her scientific works (skripsi, tesis, and disertasi). Most parts of the paper comes from translation,  editing, and digesting of three resource books. This article will be divided into the following sections: What literature review is, aims of literature review, functions of literature review, ways of  using literature review, types of literature review, resources for writing literature review, procedures of writing of literature review, literature mapping for the research framework, writing an abstract, and writing a summary.
‘Feels (Not) Like At Home’: Perlakuan di Lapas, Interaksi Sosial dan Harapan Pengguna Narkoba Mantan Narapidana Shanti Riskiyani
ETNOSIA : Jurnal Etnografi Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 1 (2016)
Publisher : Department Anthropology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Hasanuddin University.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31947/etnosia.v1i1.997


AbstractThe estimation of HIV prevalence among prisoners is 24 times higher than that of the generalpopulation in Indonesia. This high HIV prevalence in a number of prison in Indonesia is caused bythe many drug users who become prisoners (Kemenhukham2010). The existence of HarmReductionprogram in Indonesia plays a significant role in the success of the reduction in the risk ofHIV transmission through injecting among drug users. This article is focused on thesocialinteraction experienced by drug users when they are sentenced and after serving a sentence.Despite the fact that Ditjenpas declares that prisoners are entitled to obtain appropriate treatment,most drug users, particularly injecting drug users, feel that they are treated differently from otherprisoners as well as warden due to their drug users status, especially when they access healthservices. Thus, they end up learning helplessly because of their prisoner status. Drug users preferto be isolated from other non-drug user prisoners since the interaction with the latter has giventhem a chance ‘to learn’ about other kinds of criminals. Interaction among drug users themselvesis relatively fine, and they share ‘sense of togetherness’ and ‘sense of belongingness’ led to theirsecurity in the prison. But this is not the case between drug users and non-drug use prisoners. Thelatter tends to stigmatize. Family support when they are sentenced and after serving a sentence ishighly expected because family plays a significant role to help them dealing with their addictionandthe effort to get out from drug use vicious circle, particularly for their healthcare. Manysupport by their family, others are neglected. But, family can also be the one who supports theirdrug using habit in the secure atmosphere (named home) to secure family shame. When theyrelease from prison, many expect to be accepted as other members of the society and are includedin surrounding social activities. Others prefer to be socially neglected because they perceive thatothers concern potentially lead to social stigmaKeywords: drugs, ex-convict, social interaction, HIV, prisoners.

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