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Yuliadewi, Lesie
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Nirmana Vol 1, No 1 (1999): JANUARY 1999
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Outreach - Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (242.842 KB) | DOI: 10.9744/nirmana.1.1.


At present%2C photography technology has grown rapidly. It began from invention of obscura camera%2C which was invented by Leonardo da Vinci%2C until the invention of digital camera%2C which are produced by camera factories. Together with this development%2C the role of photography become expanded%2C that is to support the other sciences%2C like visual communication design. From this case%2C the term design photography often become the question to those who are involved in department visual communication design. The dicussion consist of two sections%2C they are basic photography and design photography. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Saat ini teknologi fotografi telah berkembang pesat%2C mulai dari penemuan kamera obscura yang ditemukan oleh Leonardo da Vinci sampai penemuan kamera digital yang dikeluarkan oleh beberapa pabrik besar pembuat kamera. Seiring dengan hal itu peranan fotografi juga semakin luas%2C yaitu sebagai pendukung ilmu pengetahuan yang lain%2C seperti desain komunikasi visual. Dari sini timbullah istilah Fotografi Desain yang sering menjadi pertanyaaan di kalangan orang yang akan terlibat dalam jurusan Desain Komunikasi Visual. Pembahasan terdiri dari dua pokok bahasan%2C yaitu fotografi dasar dan fotografi desain.
Nirmana Vol 1, No 2 (1999): JULY 1999
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Outreach - Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.9744/nirmana.1.2.


The culture is the important part to influent people s attitudes like the way they have seen or thinked. Usually%2C people will learn some thing faster than the other%2C because it has been related with their past experience. That is why%2C the culture become one of the most important thing in advertising and it have great influence for the brand image of the consumers. So the consumers can be easily remember the products that have been advertising. Last%2C all of it%2C will change the sales of the products goes up and hopefully%2C it will increase the revenue/profit of the firm. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Kebudayaan akan mempengaruhi sudut pandang seseorang terhadap sesuatu yang dilihat atau diterima oleh otaknya. Seseorang akan lebih cepat menerima sesuatu apabila ciri-ciri hal yang baru diterimanya berhubungan dengan masa lampaunya. Oleh karena itu%2C kebudayaan merupakan faktor yang penting diperhitungkan agar pesan yang termuat dalam iklan cepat diterima dan diingat di benak calon konsumen%2C sehingga angka penjualan dapat meningkat.
Nirmana Vol 2, No 1 (2000): JANUARY 2000
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Outreach - Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.9744/nirmana.2.1.


At the first time%2C Frederick Scott Archer found collodion%2C an element of photography%2C that covered the glasses and can be put it on obscura camera to have the picture. This methode has used before%2C in all European and American countries. The photographer%2C at that time%2C had not cared about the quality of the picture. Meanwhile together advanced technology%2C human discovered some elements that can make a picture became more sharply. From that point%2C photographers become more appreciate with photography work. All sorts of aspects that can give more value for the picture%2C has been more attractived%2C ie: composition that can help to discover a better quality of photography work. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Pada mulanya Frederick Scott Archer menemukan collodion%2C bahan baku fotografi%2C yang dilapiskan ke kaca dan langsung dipasang pada kamera obscura untuk menghasilkan gambar. Cara ini digunakan untuk memotret di seluruh Eropa dan Amerika. Para fotografer pada zaman itu masih belum memperhatikan kualitas gambar. Namun%2C seiring dengan perkembangan zaman dan kecanggihan teknologi%2C manusia menemukan bahan yang dapat membuat sebuah gambar menjadi tajam%2C dan penggemar fotografi pun mulai memperhatikan nilai lebih karya fotografi. Berbagai aspek penunjang keberhasilan yang memberikan nilai lebih mulai diperhatikan%2C antara lain komposisi yang dapat membantu terwujudnya suatu karya fotografi yang bermutu. photography%2C composition