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Application of water treatment technology with help solar and antimicrobial power to village communities Tanjung Selamat Sub-district Sunggal Districts Deli Serdang Isnaini Nurwahyuni; Sinaga, Riyanto; Rizky Yudha Pratama; Fathurrahman
ABDIMAS TALENTA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 4 No. 2 (2019): ABDIMAS TALENTA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Talenta Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (756.264 KB) | DOI: 10.32734/abdimastalenta.v4i2.4184


The need for clean water is a challenge in rural areas, especially villages that have not yet been reached by the Regional Water Company (Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum,PDAM). One of the villages experiencing problems with the availability of clean water is Tanjung Selamat Housing Village, Deli Serdang Regency. The people in this village rely solely on ground water that comes from private bore wells. The problem faced is that the water is relatively high in turbidity, and the level of water sterilization is also very low because it contains micro-organisms that cause disease such as dysentery, typhoid diarrhea and so on. An efforts to clean water using citrate have been made but the level of turbidity of the water is still above the threshold. To overcome this problem, appropriate technology is needed for water treatment to produce clean water. The purpose of this activity is to design and implement a technology to process raw water into clean water for public consumption. A design of antimicrobial water purification set with the help of solar power has been provided in Tanjung Selamat Deli Serdang Housing in 2019. The steps taken are surveying the existence of water standards, microbial laboratory testing and acidity test. Low quality raw water has obtained in the target villagewhere the water is high turbidity level, yellowish color, acidity level 6, 23 and contains coliform E.coli bacteria, so it requires processing before it is used as raw material for domestic purposes and drinking water. The application of purifying technology with the help of solar panels is able to convert raw water into clear water, has an acidity of 8.6 and is free of E. coli bacteria. The water produced is also alkaline so it is good for domestic consumption. Water user communities really feel the benefits of appropriate water purification technology developed in community service activities
Changes in the Livelihood System of the Kerang Dayo Village Community from Loggers to Oil Palm Farmers (2010-2020) Rochgiyanti; Yunarti Sulistia; Fathurrahman; Daud Yahya; Rhoma Dwi Aria Yuliantri
Santhet: (Jurnal Sejarah, Pendidikan Dan Humaniora) Vol 8 No 1 (2024): Santhet : Jurnal Sejarah, Pendidikan, dan Humaniora
Publisher : Proram studi pendidikan Sejarah Fakultas Keguruan Dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universaitas PGRI Banyuwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36526/santhet.v8i1.3205


This research aims to uncover and analyze changes in the livelihoods of the Kerang Dayo Village community in the period 2010-2020, focus on the transition from livelihoods as loggers to farmers palm oil. This research uses a historical methodology approach to understand the factors that influence this transformation. Primary data was obtained through interviews with residents of Kerang Dayo Village who work as palm oil farmers, while secondary data was obtained from the village fund budget, the village government agency, and the local government. statistical center, and related historical sources. The research results show that there are several factors that make the community in Kerang Dayo Village switched professions from loggers to palm oil farmers. In the past, wood was the source of main source of livelihood, but over time the supply of timber commodities in the forest has increased. restricted forest area. As a result of this, it encouraged logging workers looking for alternative jobs by becoming palm oil farmers. Interest people of Kerang Dayo Village become palm oil farmers because of the benefits that obtained is greater than being a woodchopper.
DINAMIKA PERTANIAN Vol. 39 No. 1 (2023): Jurnal Dinamika Pertanian Edisi April 2023
Publisher : UIR Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25299/dp.2023.vol39(1).14061


The purpose of this study was to determine the interaction effect of BAP and NAA on Crown Nanas Suska Kuala. This research was carried out at the Biotechnology Laboratory of Faculty of Agriculture, Islamic University of Riau, Pekanbaru City. This research was conducted for 6 months starting from March to August 2022. The research used a Completely Randomized Factorial Design, consisting of 2 factors. The first factor was the concentration of BAP consisting of 4 levels, namely without treatment, 0.1 ppm, 1 ppm and 10 ppm. The second factor was the NAA concentration consisting of 4 levels, namely without treatment, 0.1 ppm, 1 ppm, and 10 ppm. Each treatment consisted of 3 repetitions to obtain 48 experimental units. In the experimental unit, there were 4 plants and 2 were used as observation samples taken randomly to obtain 192 plants. If the calculated F counted was greater than F table and then will be proceed with the Duncan's test (DMRT) at the p>0.05. The results showed that the interaction of BAP and NAA application to pineapple crown explants had a significantly effect on percentage of explant growth, number of leaves with BAP 10 ppm, and NAA 10 ppm, and number of roots with BAP 1 ppm and NAA 10 ppm. The main effect of BAP 10 ppm was significant on age of shoot emergence, age of root emergence, and number of roots. The main effect of NAA 10 ppm was significant on age of shoot emergence, root emergence age, and number of roots.