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Kualitas Tidur Pasien Kanker Payudara Berdasarkan Terapi yang Diberikan di RSUP DR. Hasan Sadikin Bandung Alifiyanti, Devita; Hermayanti, Yanti; Setyorini, Dyah
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/jpki.v3i2.9418


ABSTRAK  Tidur berkualitas dibutuhkan oleh pasien kanker payudara agar kondisi dan daya tahan tubuh dapat dipertahankan optimal. Pada saat tidur  sel yang rusak  dapat diperbaiki. Perawat harus memfasilitasi kebutuhan tersebut dan harus mengetahui kualitas tidur pasien dengan terapi yang berbeda, sebagai dasar perencanaan asuhan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meggambarkan kondisi kualitas tidur pasien yang sedang menjalankan terapi di RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif dengan teknik consecutive sampling (n=31). Data dikumpulkan menggunakan kuesioner Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). Kualitas tidur dikatakan baik bila skor total ≤ 5, dan kualitas tidur buruk bila skor total 5. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa seluruh responden (100%) memiliki kualitas tidur yang buruk. Komponen yang paling banyak berkontribusi dalam penilaian tersebut adalah latensi tidur, durasi tidur, efisiensi kebiasaan tidur, dan disfungsi siang hari. Kualitas tidur terburuk dengan skor 18 terjadi pada responden yang menjalani radioterapi dengan mastektomi (2 orang) dan responden stadium lanjut (3 orang). Kesimpulan, bahwa terapi pengobatan yang dijalani dan kondisi kanker berkontribusi terhadap kualitas tidur pasien kanker payudara. Sejak pasien masuk perawat harus mengkaji kebutuhan tidur, menggali masalah kesulitan tidur, menjelaskan pengaruh tidur terhadap perbaikan sel, dan memberikan informasi tentang cara tidur berkualitas kepada pasien dan keluarganya untuk setting rumah sakit dan di rumah. Rumah Sakit harus memfasilitasi kebutuhan pasien agar tidak terganggu saat tertidur selama dalam perawatan.  ABSTRACT Deep sleep is needed by breast cancer patients to maintain health quality  optimally.  During that time the damaged cells can be repair. Nurses should facilitate the need and should know the sleep quality as the basis for nursing care. This study aims to describe  sleep quality of breast cancer patients with the treatmen at Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung.  This research uses quantitative descriptive method with consecutive sampling technique (n = 31). Data were collected using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). Sleep quality was good when the total score ≤5.  Sleep quality was  poor when the total score 5. The results show that all respondents (100%) had poor sleep quality. The components which contribute to the condition were sleep latency, sleep duration, sleep efficiency and daytime dysfunction. The worst score sleep quality was 18 which occurred on mastectomy patient with radiotherapy (2) and  advanced stage patients (3).  To  conclude that treatment for cancer contribute to sleep quality of breast cancer patients.  Nurses should assess the needs of sleep, explore the problem of sleeping difficulties, explain the effect of sleep on cell repair, and provide information about  getting a good sleep at the  hospital or home settings. Hospital should  facilitate  the infrastructure to full fill tne  need.  
Persepsi Suami Pasangan Usia Subur Tentang Kontrasepsi Pria Di Kelurahan Karang Pamulang Fiqhy, Annisa Nurul; Hermayanti, Yanti; Yani, Desy Indra
Publisher : LPPM BSI Bandung

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ABSTRAK Angka keikutsertaan pria ber-KB di Indonesia masih rendah. Kelurahan Karang Pamulang adalah salah satu daerah yang tingkat keikutsertaan pria ber-KB yang rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi suami Pasangan Usia Subur (PUS) tentang kontrasepsi pria di masyarakat Karang Pamulang yang meliputi persepsi kognitif, afektif dan konatif. Metode Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif dengan jumlah sampel 100 responden yang diambil menggunakan teknik random sampling (acak). Kuisioner dikembangkan berdasarkan modifikasi teori Allport, WHO, dan BKKBN dengan skala likert terdiri dari 22 item pernyataan. Data dianalisis dengan analisis univariat. Hasil penelitian menunjukan sebagian besar 72% responden memiliki persepsi yang mendukung dengan domain persepsi diantaranya: persepsi kognitif 81%, persepsi afektif 60% dan persepsi konatif 57%. Walaupun secara umum persepsi suami mendukung terhadap program KB untuk pria, pada kenyataannya mereka belum tergerak menjadi akseptor, diperlukan pendekatan yang merata terhadap masyarakat. Kata Kunci : Keluarga Berencana (KB), Kontrasepsi pria, Pasangan Usia Subur, Persepsi
FAKTOR YANG BERHUBUNGAN DENGAN PARTISIPASI PERAWAT DALAM MELAKUKAN PAP SMEAR (Literature Review) Ruth Suantika, Putu Inge; Hermayanti, Yanti; Kurniawan, Titis
Publisher : LPPM BSI Bandung

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ABSTRAK Kanker serviks merupakan penyebab kematian tertinggi pada wanita. Perawat (wanita) merupakan salah satu pihak yang berisiko mengalami kanker serviks. Disisi lain, upaya pencegahan melalui deteksi dini dengan pemeriksaan kanker serviks diketahui efektif menurunkan angka kejadian kanker serviks. Meski demikian, partisipasi masyarakat termasuk petugas kesehatan dalam melakukan pap smear masih rendah. Dengan demikian menjadi penting menelaah lebih lanjut mengenai faktor-faktor yang berkontribusi terhadap partisipasi perawat dalam melakukan pap smear. Telaahan literature ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang berkontribusi terhadap partisipasi perawat dalam melakukan pap smear. Telaah literature ini dilakukan terhadap hasil penelitian yang dipublikasikan dalam jurnal elektronik baik dalam bahasa Indonesia maupun Bahasa Inggris serta diterbitkan dalam tahun 2009-2016. Penelaah melakukan pencarian literature dimaksud melalui mesin pencari ProQuest, PubMed, google scholar dengan menggunakan kata kunci factor related, nurse, pap test dan cervical cancer. Dari literature tersebut ditemuukan 14 artikel yang memenuhi kriteria. Dari keseluruhan literature tersebut didapatkan bahwa faktor pengetahuan dan keyakinan merupakan faktor yang paling berhubungan dengan partisipasi perawat dalam melakukan pap smear. Pengetahuan yang rendah akan berhubungan dengan rendahnya perilaku pap smear pada peRawat. Demikian pula dengan faktor keyakinan dalam diri individu perawat. Adanya persepsi mengenai kerentanan dan hambatan menjadi faktor utama dalam membentuk keyakinan perawat untuk melakukan pap smear. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengetahuan dan keyakinan memiliki hubungan terhadap perilaku perawat dalam melakukan pap smear. Keyword: faktor, kanker serviks, pap smear, perawat.
Peningkatan Fungsi Motorik Melalui Akupresur Pada Klien Pasca Stroke Mustopa, Mustopa; Hermayanti, Yanti; Yani, Desy Indra
Publisher : LPPM BSI Bandung

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ABSTRAKTahun 2007 kejadian stroke   di Indonesia sekitar 8,3 per 1000 penduduk.  Pada tahun 2013 bertambah menjadi 12,3. Kondisi ini perlu diwaspadai karena 70% penderita mengalami kecacatan akibat  penurunan fungsi motorik. Untuk meningkatkan fungsi tersebut diperlukan cara agar sirkulasi dan metabolisme jaringan terperbaiki. Sejak 3000 tahun yang lalu akupresure diyakini mampu meningkatkan fungsi motorik, namun penerapannya oleh petugas kesehatan belum banyak dilakukan. Penelitian ini akan membuktikan apakah akupresur mampu memperbaiki fungsi motorik klien pasca Stroke di tiga puskesmas kabupaten Kuningan. Metode penelitian menggunakan kuasi eksperimen pretest dan posttest design. Jumlah sampel 27 yang memenuhi kriteria penelitian.  Alat ukur menggunakan Motor Assessment Scale.  Hasil menunjukkan pada aktivitas terlentang lalu berbaring, terlentang lalu duduk, dan duduk seimbang berada pada nilai tertinggi (6) dengan (p=1,000), namun ketika bergerak menggunakan fungsi ekstremitas atas, terjadi perbedaan. Saat  duduk kemudian berdiri nilai berubah dari 5,25 menjadi 5,40. Ketika  lengan atas difungsikan sebelum  intervensi 4,22 setelah menjadi 4,66. Perubahan yang dicapai pada keduanya belum bermakna (p=0,157).  Untuk fungsi berjalan nilai sebelum dari 3,66 menjadi 4,55 (p=0,000), pergerakan tangan dari 4,14 menjadi 4,59 (p=0,026),  dan Aktifitas tangan lanjutan dari 4,00 menjadi 4,44 (p=0,038). Ketiga perubahan tersebut menunjukan perbedaan bermakna, sekaligus menjadi bukti bahwa intervensi yang dilakukan mampu membantu memperbaiki sirkulasi. Bila kegiatan tersebut masuk dalam perencanaan pulang sejak perawatan di rumah sakit akan tercapai hasil yang lebih baik, dan fungsi motorik terperbaiki optimal.       Kata Kunci: Akupresur, fungsi motorik, pascastroke, ABSTRACTThe  incidence of stroke in Indonesia in 2007 about 8.3 per 1000. It increased to 12.3 in 2013. This needs special attention because 70% of them become disability due to motorik mallfunction. To improve the function required a strategy which can make the metabolism and the blood circulation within the cell work properly.  Since 3000 years ago acupressure is believed can improve the motorik function, but nurses rarely used this method.  This study will prove whether acupressure is able to improve client,s post-stroke motor function in three district health centers at Kuningan. This research used quasi experiment with pretest and posttest design. The samples was 27  who met the criteria of the study.  Motorik Assessment Scale used to measure the functions before and after intervention. The results show that the average score before and after intervention  on activity lie down, sit from lie down, and sit in balance position at the highest poin (6) with (p = 1,000), but when used the function of  hand to make standing position, before  was 5.25 and after interventin was  5.40. The score before intervention on moving the upper arm was 4.22, and  after was 4.66. The changes were not significant (p = 0.157). The avarege of running function before interventin was 3.66 and after intervention was 4.55 (p = 0.000), hand movement from 4.14 to 4.59 (p = 0.026), and advanced hand activity from 4.00 to 4.44 (p = 0.038). These changes showed that the acupressure help respondent to improve motorik activity.   If the activity carried out since  the patient houspitalized,   the motoric functions will improved optimally.  Discharge planning should be made to support client’s motoric functions for better outcome.   Keywords: Accupressure, motoric function, pascastroke
Pengaruh Faktor Demografi Terhadap Quality of Nursing Work Life (QNWL) Perawat di Puskesmas Kota Bandung pada Era BPJS Suparto, Tirta Adikusuma; Puspita, Asih Purwandari Wahyoe; Hermayanti, Yanti; Rohaedi, Slamet; Fitriani, Lisna Annisa
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/jpki.v4i1.12338


ABSTRAK Sistem jaminan kesehatan nasional di Indonesia baru beroperasi sejak 2014 melalui Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial (BPJS) kesehatan. Dalam pelaksanaannya, pemberian pelayanan kesehatan pada pasien BPJS menggunakan sistem rujukan berjenjang, dimulai dari Fasilitas Kesehatan (FasKes) tingkat pertama, salah satunya yaitu Puskesmas. Hasil studi pendahuluan menunjukkan bahwa program BPJS kesehatan ini, teridentifikasi dapat memengaruhi pemberi pelayanan kesehatan, termasuk salah satunya dapat memengaruhi Kualitas Kehidupan Kerja Perawat/Quality of Nursing Work Life (QNWL) perawat di Puskesmas Kota Bandung. Padahal QNWL tersebut, pada akhirnya sangat memengaruhi komitmen dan kinerja perawat (Gray Smelzer, 1990). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran QNWL dan mengetahui gambaran faktor demografi beserta pengaruhnya terhadap QNWL. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif dengan pendekatan  cross-sectional survey. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada tahun 2017 di 15 Puskesmas Kota Bandung. Data dikumpulkan dengan kuesioner, dan dianalisis menggunakan  uji beda 2 mean independen (uji t) dan uji Anova (α=5%). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa:  1) perawat di Puskesmas Kota Bandung memiliki nilai QNWL secara keseluruhan dan dimensi-dimensi QNWL yang berada dalam kategori baik. Namun demikian terdapat 3 komponen yang masih bermasalah, yaitu: masih banyaknya tugas non keperawatan, alat dan bahan untuk perawatan pasien yang kurang memadai, tempat perawat/tempat istirahat/loker yang kurang memadai; 2) tidak terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan faktor-faktor demografi (umur (p=0.096), jenis kelamin (p=0.776), status pernikahan (p=0.953), tingkat pendidikan (p=0.183), status kepegawaian (p=0.217), lama bekerja sebagai perawat (p=0.162))  terhadap Quality of Nursing Work Life (QNWL) perawat di Puskesmas Kota Bandung. Implikasi penelitian ini adalah perlu adanya upaya perbaikan komponen-komponen dan faktor-faktor QNWL yang masih bermasalah. Selain itu, perlu adanya upaya peningkatan status kepegawaian perawat kontrak BLUD menjadi PNS atau minimal setara dengan PNS ABSTRACT National health insurance system in Indonesia has been operated since 2014 by the Social Insurance Administration Organization (BPJS). Practically, the provision of health services used tiered referral system, from the first-level health facilities (FasKes), such as Health Center. The result of preliminary studies showed that BPJS program may affect health care providers, including one that can affect the Quality of Nursing Work Life (QNWL) nurses at the health center of Bandung. In the end, QNWL affects the commitment and performance of nurses (Gray Smelzer, 1990). This research aimed to describe QNWL and to find out demographic factors and its influence on QNWL.  The method used in this research is quantitative descriptive cross-sectional survey. This research was conducted in 2017 in 15 health centers in Bandung. The data were collected through questionnaire and analyzed using independent sample t Test and Anova. The results of this study showed (1) Nurses at the health center of Bandung were in a good category on both overall scores of QNWL and dimensions. However, there are three components which are still problematic, namely: a huge number of non-nursing tasks, inadequate tools and materials for patients’ care, inadequate nurses’ restrooms/locker rooms; (2) There is no significant effect of demographic factors, age (p=0.096), sex (p=0.776), marital status (p=0162), level of education (p=0.183), employment status (p=0.217), length of nursing experience (p=0.162)  to the Quality of Nursing Work Life (QNWL) nurses in 15 health centers in Bandung. The implications of this research are the need to improve problematic components and factors of QNWL. Moreover, improving the employment status of contract nurses BLUD to civil servants or at least equal to PNS is also needed
Journal of Holistic Nursing Science Vol 3 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

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Puberty is a time of transition from childhood to the teenage years. In the face of puberty, teenager will perceive these changes with different points of view in accordance with the experience, knowledge and motivation they have. Adolescent perception of this change will form a pattern of attitudes and behavior of adolescents especially related to adolescent reproductive health. This study aims to understand adolescent health issues from the perspective of adolescent perception itself. This type of research is descriptive qualitative approach. Informants in this study involved six students were taken by purposive sampling. The process of collecting data using interviews, all data contained in matrix form and explained in the narrative. The process of data analysis was done by reviewing all data, reduce the data, find a theme and make interpretation of research results. The results showed that most informants perceive changes in puberty as a scary thing and build an embarrassment to the physical changes such as menstrual events, voice changes, and changes in body weight, which is expressed by four informants. This condition causes the student is impaired in social relations (psychosocial) in the area of ​​family, peers and school. Those that perceive that change as a normal thing that is not to be feared. This causes the tendency of informants develop a negative perception of the changes in puberty. Perception of these students in the wake of many things, including knowledge inadequate, therefore the necessary co-operation between parents, teachers and health workers to take an active role in efforts to provide guidance to adolescent health issues, where nurses can play a role as an educator, counselor and motivator.
Knowledge About Nutritional Intake In Pregnant Women With Anemia Saepul, Saepul; Hermayanti, Yanti; Platini, Hesti
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/jpki.v5i2.18706


Anemia or a lack of blood cells during pregnancy and childbirth is very dangerous. It may cause pregnant women to be at risk for bleeding during childbirth and hinder infant growth and development. This study aims to determine the knowledge of pregnant women with anemia about nutrition during pregnancy. The research design used in this study was quantitative descriptive, with 137 pregnant women with anemia as the population and a total sample of 58 respondents taken with random sampling technique. The variable in this study is the knowledge of pregnant women with anemia about nutritional intake. This study shows that the majority of the pregnant women had poor knowledge (84.48%) of nutritional intake, and only a small number had good knowledge (15.52%). With almost all pregnant women with anemia in the study having a lack of knowledge about nutritional intake, there is a concern that the baby will be negatively affected. The implication of the results highlights the important role of health workers to provide information about good nutrition during pregnancy, particularly the impact of tea-drinking habit.
Hubungan Pengetahuan, Nyeri Pembedahan Sectio Caesaria Batubara, Sakti Oktaria; Hermayanti, Yanti; Trisyani, Mira
Jurnal Keperawatan Soedirman Vol. 03 No. 2 (2008)
Publisher : Jurusan Keperawatan FIKES UNSOED

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20884/1.jks.2008.3.2.183


The following research was carried out from the facts that there are many mother who delivering their babies through sectio caesaria (SC) does not suckling their babies. There are some reason of this. They may not know the importance of giving their milk as early as possible; or they found difficulties to suckling their babies because of pain caused by SC surgery; or their nipple is not protruding. The objectives of the following research was to understand the relation between practice of giving milk to their babies (suckling) and the mother’s knowledge, pain of SC surgery and the problem of not protruded nipples.            The samples were from mother who delivers their babies through SC in Immanuel Hospital at Bandung, West Java. Fifty one of mother, refer to criteria sample who deliver their babies through SC from June 24 to July 21, 2004 in the hospital were used as the respondents. The results show that 52.9 % of the mother was less their knowledge on the importance of giving their milk to their babies as early as possible. 76.5 % of the mother felt moderate pain of SC delivery, and 51 % of the mother find that their nipples were not protruded. Statistical test using Chi square and Contingency Coefficient with the degree of trust of 95 % for three test variables found that only the feeling of surgery pain has positive and significant relation to the fact that the mother did not suckling their babies as early as possible. 
Indonesian Self-Risk Assessment for Cervical Cancer (SiNara): Instrument Development and Validation Madiuw, Devita; Hermayanti, Yanti; Solehati, Tetti
Nurse Media Journal of Nursing Vol 11, No 2 (2021): (August 2021)
Publisher : Department of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/nmjn.v11i2.34199


Background: Women’s ignorance of cervical cancer risk factors has caused low participation in the screening of the disease. Women can independently assess cervical cancer risk factors in themselves through a risk assessment instrument. However, no instruments were found that assessed cervical cancer risk based on the characteristics of Indonesian women.Purpose: This study aimed to develop and validate an Indonesian self-risk instrument for cervical cancer.Methods: The instrument was developed based on scale development following the guidelines by DeVellis (2017). A cross-sectional study was implemented to validate the instrument. A total of 20 women were involved in the pre-testing, and as many as 200 women were included in the instrument testing. Based on the scale development guidelines, data collection was initiated with a literature review to determine the instrument construct and item pool. A total of 29 articles were used in the formulation of the item pool and resulted in 38 items for validity and reliability testing. Content validity ratio (CVR) and content validity index (CVI) were used to test the content validity of the instrument, which was reviewed by three experts. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) with principal component analysis (PCA) method and Kuder-Richardson 20 (KR-20) were used to evaluate construct validity and internal consistency reliability, respectively.Results: A total of 26 items met the content validity and 21 items met the construct validity evaluation, with five items being removed because they had a loading factor value of <0.4. After the validity were evaluated, the instrument was reduced from 38 items to 21 items. The internal consistency reliability with Kuder-Richardson 20 (KR-20) was 0.807.Conclusion: The Indonesian self-risk assessment for cervical cancer (SiNara) instrument is of good validity and reliability. However, it needs to be tested in other settings using larger samples to measure its psychometric properties as well as its applicability and acceptability.
Preventing Child Sexual Abuse Skills Of Parents: Literature Review Tetti Solehati; Diana Maljuliani; Nasya Yuniar; Chealse Fernanda; Venturini; Nabila Fauziah Nur` Aini; Olivia Qashrina Agni Putri M; Yanti Hermayanti; Cecep Eli Kosasih; Henny Suzana Mediana
Jurnal Keperawatan Komprehensif (Comprehensive Nursing Journal) Vol. 7 No. 2 (2021): JURNAL KEPERAWATAN KOMPREHENSIF (COMPREHENSIVE NURSING JOURNAL)
Publisher : STIKep PPNI Jawa Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (318.101 KB) | DOI: 10.33755/jkk.v7i2.232


Introduction: Child sexual abuse (CSA) can negatively impact children's physical, psychological, and social impacts. Parents are responsible for preventing children from becoming victims of CSA. Unfortunately, many parents do not have good skills or behavior, so they are at risk of increasing the incidence of child sexual abuse. Objective: This study aims to explore parental skills in preventing child sexual abuse. Methods: This study was conducted using the literature review method, using the CINAHL, Science Direct, Pubmed and Proquest databases. Articles were screened using inclusion criteria published in 2010-2020, full text, in English, quasi-experimental research design, Randomized Controlled Trial, and Clinical Trial. It was found that five articles were selected after an assessment using JBI (Joanna Briggs Institute). Results: Parents' skills or behavior in prevented child sexual abuse, including teached self-protection skills and handling steps in the event of sexual abuse, establishing good communication, providing education related to sexual abuse prevention, discussing sexual abuse, and providing a more favorable safe environment , such as child supervision and parenting skills. Some of these were skills that influence the prevention of CSA. But from various studies, it was found that the parental skills were low in preventing CSA. Conclusion: It is found that parents' skills are lack in preventing CSA, because in general parents only take part of the preventive measures for CSA. Suggestion: The need for interventions to increase the knowledge, attitudes, awareness and motivation of parents in preventing child sexual abuse.
Co-Authors Aat Sriati Abas, Latifa Hidayani Adila, Raisa Agustin Agustin Ahmad Yamin Ai Rahmawati Aisha Chaerani Murti Algia Nuruliani Alifa Rufaida Alifiyanti, Devita Amalia Rizqi Sholihah Amalia, Pandu Rifqi Amita, Dzikra Fitria Anggriyana Tri Widianti Anita Setyawati Arief Khoerul Ummah Asih Purwandari Wahyoe Puspita Asih Purwandari Wahyoe Puspita Atlastieka Praptiwi Audi Siti Sarah Avicena Farhan Ramadhan Azalia Melati Putri Azzahra Salsabila Bhekti Imansari Bhekti Imansari Cecep Eli Kosasih Cecep Eli Kosasih Cecep Eli Kosasih Cecep Eli Kosasih Cecep Eli Kosasih Cecep Eli Kosasih Cecep Eli Kosasih Cecep Eli Kosasih Cecep Eli Kosasih Cecep Eli Kosasih Chealse Fernanda DaiIa DahIia Rojabani Darmawan, Tasya Alfainninda Putri Desy Indra Yani devita alifiyanti Devita Madiuw Dian Rahayuningsih Dian Triyani Diana Maljuliani Dida Rosida Dinda Castury Dwi Ningsih Handayani Setianing Budi Dyah Setyorini Dyah Setyorini Dzikra Fitria Amita E, Ermiati Ermiati E Ferry Efendi Fiqhy, Annisa Nurul Fitriani, Lisna Annisa Furkon Nurhakim Furkon Nurhakim Gihon Jessi Novita Henny Suzana Mediana Henny Suzana Mediana Henny Suzana Mediani Henny Suzanna Mediani Hesti Platini Hilmi Adillah I Nova Alfiandhi Iceu Amira DA Ida Maryati Ida Nurhidayah Indra Maulana Latifa Hidayani Abas Lilis Mamuroh Linda Friscitia Marthalisa Wirahandayani Mediana, Henny Suzana Mega Nurrahmatiani Mia Cahyanti Millenika, Valencia Trie Mira Trisyani Mira Trisyani Mira Trisyani Mira Trisyani Mufida Mufida Mufida, Mufida Muntiq Jannatunna’im Mustopa Mustopa Nabila Fauziah Nur` Aini Nabilah, Nurul Azmi Nadia Amelia Rindiarti Nadia Nur Azizah Nasya Yuniar Nestia Risminda Nurafni, Ratu Nurul Azmi Nabilah Nurul Taopik Maulud Obara, Septa Olga Sandrela Mahendra Olivia Qashrina Agni Putri M Pandu Rifqi Amalia Pipih Napisah Pravidanti, Findhya Rachma Purwanto, Maitza Orita Savita Raisa Adila Ratu Nurafni Realita, Chikita Restuning Widiasih Riezky Fajri Septiani Rindiarti, Nadia Amelia Risminda, Nestia Rizka Muliani Rohman Hikmat Rohmayanti Rohmayanti Ryan Hara Permana Saepul, Saepul Sakti Oktaria Batubara Salsabila, Azzahra Santi MuIyani Sarah Kartika Wulandari Selly Amalia Nurhasanah Septa Obara Septian Andriyani, Septian Shabrina, Raden Maghfira Izzany Sifa Nur Afriani Sifa Nuraini Sifva Fauziah Sinta Dwi Ananda Slamet Rohaedi, Slamet Sonia Dwiastuti Pratiwi Sri Mayang Rahayu Sri Purnama Alam Sukmawati S Sukmawati S Sukmawati Sukmawati Sukmawati Sukmawati Sukmawati Sukmawati Tetti Solehati Tetti Solehati Tetti Solehati Tetti Solehati Tetti Solehati Tirta Adikusuma Suparto Tirta Adikusuma Suparto, Tirta Adikusuma Titis Kurniawan Titis Kurniawan Titis Kurniawan Titis Kurniawan Titis Kurniawan Tri Nur Jayanti Ummah, Arief Khoerul Urip Rahayu, Urip Valencia Trie Millenika Venturini Vera Rosaria Indah Vina Vitniawati Wahib Abdul Rahman Wawan Junaedi Windy Rakhmawati Wirahandayani, Marthalisa Wiwi Mardiah, Wiwi Yuriszkah, Duti