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UNSUR ESTETIKA ISLAM PADA SENI HIAS ISTANA RAJA BUGIS Yunus, Pangeran Paita; Soedarsono, Soedarsono; Gustami, SP
Al-Ulum Vol 12, No 1 (2012): Al-Ulum
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Sultan Amai Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (173.504 KB)


Kesinambungan dalam perkembangan seni, khususnya seni rupa Indonesia-Hindu mencapai tradisi baru pada zaman kekuasaan para raja yang memeluk agama Islam, di mana perkembangan seni rupa Islam di Indonesia berpusat di istana para raja. Di pusat seni budaya inilah kesenian dibina dan dikembangkan berdasarkan tradisi kesenian lama dengan nilai-nilai baru yang bernafaskan Islam. Unsur simbolik dan estetika dalam bangunan Islam di Indonesia, merupakan pencerminan dari nafas kebudayaan di suatu daerah. Besar atau kecilnya peranan budaya lokal, berbobot atau tidaknya karya seni rupa pra-Islam, itulah yang mewarnai bentuk kesenian Islam termasuk perwujudan arsitekturnya. Dalam konsepsi Islam, segala ciptaan seni yang memi­liki nilai-nilai keindahan harus dihubungkan dengan kekayaan dan kebesaran Allah Swt. Dengan demikian, seni dalam Islam mempunyai kedudukan hukum (syar’i) tertentu yang diatur oleh ajaran-ajaran agama Islam, baik yang terdapat dalam Al Qur’an, Hadist, maupun pendapat-pendapat para ulama dari berbagai mazhab dalam Islam.   ----------------Continuity in the development of art, especially Hindu art Indonesia reached a new tradition at the time of the power of the king who converted to Islam, in which the development of Islamic art in Indonesia based on the palace of the king. In this cultural arts center arts fostered and developed based on a long artistic tradition with new values that Islam breath. Symbolic and aesthetic elements in the building of Islam in Indonesia, is a reflection of culture in a region of breath. Big or small the role of local culture, weighing whether or not the work of pre-Islamic art, thats what color the Islamic art forms including architecture realization. The concept of Islam, i.e. every creature possessed of art values have to be connected with a wealth of beauty and greatness of Allah Swt. Thus, in Islamic art has a legal status (syari) are governed by certain religious teachings of Islam, both contained in the Quran, Hadith, and the opinions of the ulama.
PANGGUNG Vol 22, No 3 (2012): Manifestasi Konsep, Estetika, dan Makna Seni dalam Keberbagaian Ekspresi
Publisher : LP2M ISBI Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26742/panggung.v22i3.76


The cosmologic view of the Buginese tribe assumes that this macrocosmos (the universe) is arranged into three levels: Boting langi’ (the upper world), Ale kawa (the middle world), Uri’ Li’yu’ (the Under world). As the centre from the three parts of this universe is Boting Langi (the highest sky), the place of Dewata SeuwaE (God) to lie down. This view is represented in the King’s Palace/traditional house building seen as the microcosmos. So, the King’s palace of the Buginese is devided also into three levels (stacks), those are: Rekkeang (top floor) viewed as the head of the human being, Alle bola (the body of the house) viewed as the body, and Awa bola (space underneath of the house) viewed as the leg of the human being. The three parts are centered at Posi’ bola or the house navel. This research tries to answer the problems: 1) whether the meaning form of the King’s Palace of the Buginese based on cosmology, and 2) how the symbol meaning of decorative art at the King’s Palace of the Buginese is. To identify and comprehend the meaning of decorative art on the King’s Palace of the Buginese, it is done through hermeneutic theory by Gadamer and the symbol meaning theory by Victor Turner. This research gives description that the happening of structural change and the style of decorated art at the kings’ palace of the Buginese of South Sulawesi, beside having much influence from the art of Dong-son and Chou Tua style, the decorated art at the Buginese tribe also got influence from Hinduism and Islam. In addition, the change of the art style is decided also by the one who has power in the society, either in the politic side or in the religion or culture. In this case, the existence of art style variation is caused by the existence of the levelling and groupping of the society.Keyword: Decorated art, Buginese tribe.
Nuansa Journal of Arts and Design Vol 2, No 1 (2018): Maret
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (423.01 KB) | DOI: 10.26858/njad.v1i2.5881


The study aims at developing graphic print art learning module using carbon paper media to grade IX at SMP/MTs in SMPN 22 in Makassar as the site of the research which meet valid criteria to be applied in graphic arts and modification technique learning module using carbon paper media to grade IX at SMP/MTs in SMPN 22 in makassar consisted of teacher’s manual module and student’s manual module and the product obtained would be stated as valid. The model used in this research and development reffered to 4-D Thiagarajan’s model, which consisted of four stages and simplified to two stages, namely defining stages and design stages. The development stage was merely partly. The development  of graphic print art learning module using carbon paper media to grade IX at SMP/MTs in SMPN 22 Makassar was validated by one graphic expert and two material experts. The instrument used to collect the data was questionnaire given to the assesors for graphic and material. Data were analyzed by employing descriptive qualitative data analysis. The data result of learning module were counted beforehand quantitatively; then, it was equivalent to qualitative data. The result of the study reveal that in general the graphic print art learning module using carbon paper media to grade IX at SMP/MTs in SMPN 22 in Makassar which was developed had met vilid criteria; this, it is feasible to be continued in trial test to measure the practicality and effectiveness of the learning module.
Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Mata Kuliah Kajian Seni Rupa Nusantara Pada Program Studi Pendidikan Seni Rupa Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Makassar Yunus, Pangeran Paita; Ahmad, Abd Aziz
Nuansa Journal of Arts and Design Vol 1, No 1 (2017): September
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (191.061 KB) | DOI: 10.26858/njad.v1i1.5884


This study aims to 1) develop teaching material subjects Visual Arts archipelago study to assess the ability to understand, appreciate, and analyze student of aspects of the historical background, concepts, and works of art in the archipelago that includes all the works of art that exist throughout Indonesia, 2) assess the feasibility of teaching material Study subjects archipelago Arts Education Master of Fine Arts Graduate Program, State University of Makassar valid, practical, and effective. This study refers to the development of procedures developed by Borg & Gall consisting of ten steps systematically arranged, with the explanation that is easy to understand, and be able to direct the developer from the beginning to the end of the study. In the research development of teaching materials is only up to nine steps, activities of dissemination or distribution of products is not done because of limited funds and time researchers.Components of the learning package that was developed in this research is the textbook, media presentations, and tests appreciation. Stages in the research and development of instructional package consists of two phases: a preliminary study phase and the development phase, while the implementation phase of testing and evaluation phase will be conducted in the second year of the study. In this study, the instrument was developed questionnaires, observation sheets, and tests appreciation. Questionnaire consisted of a questionnaire developed for the validator (matter experts and media specialists), a questionnaire for faculty, and questionnaires for students. Questionnaire for the validator is used to validate the learning package, and obtaining feedback or suggestions to revise the package developed. Questionnaire for lecturers used to determine the response of lecturers to learning package that was developed, and advice necessary to revise the package. Similarly, the questionnaire for the students is used to determine the response and suggestions of students towards learning package is developed
Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Penilaian Autentik (Aspek Psikomotorik) Dalam Pembelajaran Berkarya Seni Rupa Dua Dimensi (Studi Pada Sekolah Menengah Atas Di Kecamatan Pattallassang Kabupaten Takalar) Irwan, Irwan; Jayadi, Karta; Yunus, Pangeran Paita
Nuansa Journal of Arts and Design Vol 2, No 1 (2018): Maret
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (442.571 KB) | DOI: 10.26858/njad.v1i2.5887


The study aims at discovering (1) the result of Fine Arts teachers’ knowledge at senior high schools in Pattallassang subdistrict of Takalar district which referred to Permendikbud No.23/2016 on Standard of Education Assessment and Assessment Guidance of Esthetics Subject, (2) the result of the implementation of learning assessment included the planning, implementation, utilization, and assessment report, and (3) the result of the implementation of authentic assessment (psychomotor aspect) in Two Dimensional Fine Arts learning in grade XII at senior high schools in Pattallassang subdistrict of Takalar district. The type of this study was evaluation research with descriptive qualitative approach. The evaluation model used was Stake Countenance Model. The study was conducted from the 5th February to 5th March, 2018 at senior high school in Pattallassang subdistrict of Takalar district. The subjects of the study were teachers of Fine Arts. Data were collected by employing questionnaire, interview, and documentation. Data were analyzed descriptively. The results of the study reveal that (1) there are still teachers of Fine Arts subject art senior high schools in Pattallassang subdistrict of Takalar district who did not acknowledge and understand Permendikbud No.23/2016 due to lack of socialization by related parties such as Education Office and Head of education unit, and lack of assessment training for teachers of Fine Arts subject, (2) administratively, teachers of Fine Arts subject at senior high schools in Pattallassang subdistrict of Takalar district had set assessment plan program and conducted assessmet, but had not fully referred to Permendikbud No.23/2016, (3) learning result assessment conducted by teachers of Fine Arts subject at senior high schools in Pattallassang subdistrict of Takalar district was generally an assessment merely to meet educational unit so the implementation of assessment principle standard was not conducted as expected.
Applying Policy of South Sulawesi Architecture in Governmental Office and Public Building YUNUS, PANGERAN PAITA; SOEDARSONO, SOEDARSONO; GUSTAMI, GUSTAMI
Jurnal Studi Pemerintahan Vol 3, No 2 (2012): August 2012
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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In the preservation of local culture, local government policy is required to make local regulation (Perda)which can be used as a handbook for architects and building owners, when making a plan fordevelopment in public areas but do not forget to give a typical sign of Makassar or 'raises 'traditionalarchitectural style of South Sulawesi in building offices or public buildings. South SulawesiProvincial Government's efforts to pioneer the construction of buildings or new buildings that stillemphasizes architectural Bugis-Makassar, as exemplified in 1978 by building the Office of theParliament of South Sulawesi and South Sulawesi Governor's Office, is an effort to respond positively.But these efforts did not last long. The architects, in for some time, still seems to apply the modelTimpalaja (timpanon) as a prominent feature of traditional roof Bugis-Makassar on the buildings, alsoseemed to have started to disappear from the presence of buildings or new buildings that would be anew icon for the city of Makassar.
JURNAL IMAJINASI Vol 2, No 2 (2018): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (280.079 KB) | DOI: 10.26858/i.v2i2.9551


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan modul pembelajaran seni lukis bahan pewarna alam (kesumba) dalam mata pelajaran melukis untuk siswa kelas X.I di SMAN 2 Enrekang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan (Research and Development/R&D) dengan prosedur meliputi tahap: analisis kebutuhan, perancangan produk awal, pengembangan produk awal, validasi, revisi untuk penyempurnaan produk akhir. Tahap analisis dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan informasi tentang media ajar yang digunakan di SMAN 2 Enrekang, tahap peracangan produk awal dilakukan mencari referensi materi dan referensi pembelajaran yang menarik dan merancang desain modul menggunakan softwere computer (Corel Drow X7), validasi kemudian dilakukan oleh parah ahli terhadap modul pembelajaran yang telah dihasilkan sementara (produk awal), pada tahap refisi didapatkan dari berbagai masukan dosen pembimbing, dosen penguji dan ahli materi dan ahli media. Instrumen pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi dan angket validasi. Hasil penelitian dianalisis secara kuantitatif. Penelitian ini menghasilkan modul Melukis Menggunakan Bahan Pewarna Alam (Kesumba) yaitu modul lengkap (Self Contained), berukuran 17.5 cm x 25 cm dengan ketebalan kertas sampul 260gr dan isi modul menggunakan kertas MP 100gr disajikan secara portrait berisi 73 halaman awal (sampul depan belakang, kata pengantar, daftar isi, petunjuk penggunaan modul, tujuan pembelajaran, peta materi dan pendahuluan). Modul memuat materi menjadi empat bagian, yaitu materi I berisi pengertian seni, seni lukis, dan bahan pewarna alam (kesumba), materi II berisi pengenalan alat dan bahan membuat pewarna alam (kesumba), materi III berisi cara melukis menggunakan bahan pewarna alam (kesumba) dan materi IV berisi hasil melukis menggunakan bahan pewarna alam (kesumba). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa siswa kelas X.I di SMAN 2 Enrekang setuju menggunakan modul Melukis Menggunakan Bahan Pewarna Alam (Kesumba).
JURNAL IMAJINASI Vol 5, No 1 (2021): Juni
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/i.v5i1.21848


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1) Mengembangkan bahan ajar seni rupa lokal dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan memahami, menghargai, dan menganalisis mahasiswa pada aspek latar belakang sejarah, konsep, dan karya seni di daerah Sulawesi Selatan 2) Mengukur kelayakan bahan ajar seni rupa lokal pada Program Studi Pendidikan Seni Rupa Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Makassar. Penelitian ini mengacu pada prosedur pengembangan yang dikembangkan oleh Borg & Gall yang terdiri dari sepuluh langkah yang disusun secara sistematis, dengan penjelasan yang mudah dipahami, dan dapat mengarahkan pengembang dari awal hingga akhir penelitian. Dalam penelitian tentang pengembangan bahan ajar, hanya dilakukan hingga sembilan langkah, diseminasi produk atau kegiatan distribusi tidak dilakukan karena keterbatasan dana dan waktu peneliti. Komponen paket pembelajaran yang dikembangkan dalam penelitian ini adalah buku teks, media presentasi, dan tes apresiasi. Tahapan dalam penelitian dan pengembangan paket instruksional ini terdiri dari empat fase: fase studi awal dan fase pengembangan, fase implementasi, fase pengujian dan evaluasi. Paket pembelajaran Kajian Seni Rupa Lokal berupa bahan ajar, media presentasi dan lembar tes apresiasi yang dihasilkan dalam penelitian ini adalah paket yang layak digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran pada mata kuliah Kajian Seni Rupa Lokal pada Program Studi Magister Pendidikan Seni Rupa Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Makassar. Hal ini dikarenakan paket yang dikembangkan telah memenuhi kriteria kevalidan, kepraktisan, dan keefektifan.Kata Kunci: Pengembangan, Bahan Ajar, Seni Rupa LokalThis study aims to 1) Develop local art teaching materials with the aim of knowing the ability to understand, appreciate, and analyze students in aspects of historical background, concepts, and artwork in South Sulawesi 2) Measuring the feasibility of local art teaching materials in the Postgraduate Program in Arts Education Study Program Universitas Negeri Makassar. This research refers to the development procedure developed by Borg & Gall which consists of ten steps that are arranged systematically, with easy-to-understand explanations, and can direct the developer from the beginning to the end of the study. In research on the development of teaching materials, it was only carried out up to nine steps, product dissemination or distribution activities were not carried out due to limited funds and time of the researcher. The components of the learning package developed in this study are textbooks, media presentations, and appreciation tests. The stages in research and development of this instructional package consist of four phases: the initial study phase and the development phase, the implementation phase, the testing and evaluation phase. Learning packages for Local Art Studies in the form of teaching materials, media presentations and appreciation test sheets produced in this study are feasible packages to be used in the learning process in the subject of Local Art Studies at the Universitas Negeri Makassar Postgraduate Program in Fine Arts Education. This is because the package developed has fulfilled the validity criteria, practicality, and effectiveness.Keywords: Development, Teaching Materials, Local Art
Unsur Estetika Islam pada Seni Hias Istana Raja Bugis Pangeran Paita Yunus; Soedarsono Soedarsono; SP Gustami
Al-Ulum Vol. 12 No. 1 (2012): Al-Ulum
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Sultan Amai Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (524.358 KB)


Continuity in the development of art, especially Hindu art Indonesia reached a new tradition at the time of the power of the king who converted to Islam, in which the development of Islamic art in Indonesia based on the palace of the king. In this cultural arts center arts fostered and developed based on a long artistic tradition with new values ​​that Islam breath. Symbolic and aesthetic elements in the building of Islam in Indonesia, is a reflection of culture in a region of breath. Big or small the role of local culture, weighing whether or not the work of pre-Islamic art, that's what color the Islamic art forms including architecture realization. The concept of Islam, i.e. every creature possessed of art values ​​have to be connected with a wealth of beauty and greatness of Allah Swt. Thus, in Islamic art has a legal status (syar'i) are governed by certain religious teachings of Islam, both contained in the Qur'an, Hadith, and the opinions of the ulama.
JCommsci - Journal Of Media and Communication Science Vol. 3 No. 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jcommsci.v3i2.77


Seni sebagai ekspresi estetik merupakan hasil ungkapan batin seorang seniman yang tampak pada karya seni lewat medium dan alat yang digunakannya. Seseorang yang memiliki dorongan jiwa atau kondisi tertekan, maka akan berusaha untuk melepaskan perasaan tersebut dengan melakukan sesuatu. Kegiatan semacam ini yang dimaksud dengan ungkapan. Seseorang mengungkapkan sesuatu baik secara verbal maupun non-verbal bermaksud untuk menyampaikan sesuatu pesan kepada orang lain. Dalam konteks ini, ungkapan dapat disebut sebagai kegiatan berkomunikasi. Dalam kegiatan seni, proses komunikasi terjadi antara seniman sebagai penyampai pesan lewatkarya seninya yang tercermin lewat lambang-lambang atau simbol-simbol yang tampak. Artinya, karya seni berupa informasi simbolis sebagai ekspresi estetik seorang seniman akan diterima oleh penghayat dan selanjutnya akan terjadi dialog antara karya seni dengan penghayatnya.Kata Kunci: komunikasi, ekspresif estetik, karya seni