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Perbedaan Kadar Trigliserida Menggunakan Serum dan Plasma Edta dengan Biosystem A15 Sarah Aminah; Indah Sari; Bastian Bastian
Jaringan Laboratorium Medis Vol 4, No 1 (2022): May 2022
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31983/jlm.v4i1.8402


Trigycerides are the main lipid component in food intake, which is about 98% of total lipids and the remaining 2% consists of phospholipids and cholesterol. Triglycerides are present in adipose tissue, skeletal muscle, liver, lungs, and intestines to  provide energy in metabolic processes. Who estimates about 1 bilion individuals are overweight and about 300 milion individuals are defined as obese, normal triglyceride levels usually do not exceed 150 mg/dl, if triglyceride levels increase by more than 200 mg/dl then called hypertriglyceridemia. The research aims to determine the difference in triglceride levels using serum and plasma EDTA conducted at the Center For Health Laboratories (BBLK) Palembang. The type of research used is cross Sectional with research designintact group comparison. The sample consisted of 30 serums and 30 plasma EDTA taken from 30 respondents. Research is carried out starting from the preparation of patients, taking examination materials, processing of examination materials, analysis and results of research. The average levels of triglyceride examination using serum and plasma were obtained consecutively at 0.91 mmol/L and 0.83 mmol/L. Mann Whitney test results found that the significant value was p = 0.240. The p value obtained is p0.05. The results can be concluded that there is no difference in examination of triglyceride levels using serum and plasma EDTA.
Perbedaan Kadar Hemoglobin Menggunakan Metode Cyanide-Free dan POCT Pada Ibu Hamil Erni Suryati; Bastian Bastian; Indah Sari
Anakes : Jurnal Ilmiah Analis Kesehatan Vol 7, No 2 (2021): Anakes: Jurnal Ilmiah Analis Kesehatan
Publisher : Universitas Mohammad Husni Thamrin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37012/anakes.v7i2.597


Hemoglobin adalah protein utama di dalam tubuh manusia yang berfungsi mengantarkan oksigen ke jaringan serta karbon dioksida dari jaringan tubuh menuju paru-paru. anemia lebih sering terjadi dimasa kehamilan karena dimasa kehamilan kebutuhan akan zat makanan bertambah serta terjadi perubahan dalam darah serta sumsum tulang. Berdasarkan data menurut (Riskesdas) di tahun (2018), kejadian anemia pada ibu hamil terjadi peningkatan dari tahun 2013 sampai tahun 2018. Jumlah kasus anemia yang terjadi pada ibu hamil di tahun 2013 yaitu 37,1% serta di tahun 2018 48,9%. Faktor utama yang menyebabkan kadar hemoglobin pada ibu hamil menurun dikarenakan sering ditemukan kondisi kurangnya zat besi pada masa kehamilan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kadar hemoglobin pada ibu hamil antara metode Cyanide-freedan metode POCT. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan Cross sectional. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada ibu hamil Trimester II dengan jumlah 33 responden. Hasil penelitian ini didapatkannilai rata-rata kadar hemoglobin metode cyanide-free ialah 11,273 dan metode POCT ialah 10,076. Hasil uji statistik menggunakan uji Mann Whitneydidapatkan nilai signifikan (p) ialah p = 0,001.Kesimpulan : Terdapat Perbedaan antara kadar hemoglobin menggunakan metode cyanide-freedan POCT pada ibu hamil. Kata kunci: Hemoglobin, Ibu Hamil, Metode Cyanide-free dan POCT. 
Perbedaan Kadar Hemoglobin Pada Darah Simpan Suhu 20oC – 25oC dan 4oC– 8oC Selama 6 Jam Istiqomaria Istiqomaria; Bastian Bastian
Anakes : Jurnal Ilmiah Analis Kesehatan Vol 7, No 2 (2021): Anakes: Jurnal Ilmiah Analis Kesehatan
Publisher : Universitas Mohammad Husni Thamrin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37012/anakes.v7i2.590


Hemoglobin merupakan molekul protein yang berada dalam sel darah merah yang fungsinya sebagai alat transportasi oksigen (O2) dari paru-paru ke jaringan di seluruh tubuh dan mengambil karbondioksida (CO2) dari jaringan tersebut di bawah ke paru-paru untuk dilepaskan ke udara bebas. Spesimen darah yang disimpan pada suhu ruang lebih baik pemeriksaannya segera dilakukan setelah pengambilan sampel dan secepat mungkin setelah pengumpulan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan darah segera diperiksa, darah simpan suhu 20oC – 25oC dan 4oC– 8oC selama 6 jam terhadap kadar hemoglobin. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Eksperimen Laboratoriumdengan desain pretest  dan post test control Design. Penelitian ini dilakukan di laboratorium Hematologi Institut ilmu kesehatan dan teknologi Muhammadiyah Palembangyang dilaksanakan pada bulan april 2021 dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 30 responden. Hasil penelitian kadar hemoglobin pada darah segera dengan nilai rata – rata 12.94, pada suhu ruang memiliki nilai rata – rata 12.96, pada suhu kulkas memiliki nilai rata – rata 12.5 dan uji friedman di dapatakan nilai p = 0.004. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan darah segera diperiksa, darah simpan suhu 20oC – 25oC dan 4oC– 8oC  selama 6 jam terhadap kadar hemoglobin.Kata kunci: PemeriksaanSegera,Penundaan6 jam, Hemoglobin
Analysis of C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Levels in Venous and Capillary Blood Samples with Immunoturbidimetric Methods Bastian Bastian; Indah Sari; Feronica Putri Pratama
Medicra (Journal of Medical Laboratory Science/Technology) Vol 5 No 1 (2022): July
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21070/medicra.v5i1.1622


Inflammation or inflammation occurs due to bacterial infection, detection of inflammatory infection can be done by laboratory tests. An examination that can help diagnose and detect abnormalities in the body. One of the parameters for examining inflammation markers is C-Reactive Protein (CRP). CRP examination usually uses venous blood because venous blood is more often used in laboratory examinations. The purpose of this study was to determine differences in CRP levels in venous and capillary blood. This study uses a posttest only design research. Samples were taken from DIV Technology Medical Laboratory IkesT Muhammadiyah Palembang students with total sampling technique. The research was carried out at the Hematology Laboratory of IKesT Muhammadiyah Palembang on December 21, 2021. Based on the results of research that has been carried out on the analysis of C_Reactive Protein levels in venous blood and capillary blood samples using the immunoturbidemteri method, the results showed that the average CRP level of venous blood was 9.6 and average the average capillary blood CRP level was 8.33. Thus it can be concluded that there is no significant difference in the examination of CRP levels in venous and capillary blood.
Pengaruh Kemudahan dan Kepercayaan Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Pada Situs Belanja Online Lazada Bastian Bastian; Amwar Musadad
Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan Vol 9 No 10 (2023): Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan
Publisher :

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7983417


This research was conducted to determine how much influence ease of use and trust has on purchasing decisions on the Lazada online shopping site. This research method uses quantitative methods with descriptive verification. The data collection technique used in this study was respondent data which the researchers collected as many as 384 respondents from the Lazada Instagram follower study of 3.2 million followers. This study uses path analysis to determine how much influence ease of use and trust have on purchasing decisions. The significance value of ease of use (0.000) < (0.05) and trustworthiness (0.000) < (0.05). The partial effect of ease of use on purchasing decisions is 35.5% while the variable of trust in purchasing decisions is 15.2%, individually Simultaneous total effect of ease of use and trust in purchasing decisions is 50.7% while the remaining 49.3% is influenced by other variables outside this study.
Kegiatan Dakwah Sebagai Strategi Komunikasi Politik Islam Di Kota Palembang ikhsan alqodrisyah; Bastian Bastian; Isna Wijayani; Desy Misnawati; Rahma Santhi Zinaida
Wardah Vol 24 No 1 (2023): Wardah
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Universitas Islam Negeri, Raden Fatah Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19109/wardah.v24i1.16142


A political party is an organization formed by a group of people who have the same goals and thoughts in achieving political goals. Indonesia is the largest Muslim country in the world, with 86.77% of the population being Muslim. There are many Islamic organizations that are developing in Indonesia, such as PPP, PKB, Muhammadiyyah, Nadhalatul Ulama and one of them is PKS which carries a religious, nationalist Islamic party and provides full support for people's aspirations. This party carries out the spread of Islam and da'wah methods engaged in politics. At this time, organizations that smell of Islam certainly have a negative stigma. Such as radicalism, terrorism and making hate speech against the organization. This type of research uses field research, namely conducting investigations of field symptoms and gathering sources to support research. Data collection techniques in this study used observation, interviews and documentation. The data used qualitatively. The results of this study indicate that the communication carried out by the PKS political party with the PKS DPD case study in Palembang City that using da'wah activities, persuasive communication, providing education to the community, makes Islamic parties at the forefront of people's aspirations, especially the middle to lower class, solid parties as well as prioritizing a sense of justice and prosperity for the people, especially for the future generation of leaders. The community's response strongly supports the work program of the PKS party and makes PKS a forum for people's aspirations as well as a da'wah method in spreading Islam.
Khidmah Vol 3 No 1 (2021): Khidmah
Publisher : IKesT Muhammadiyah Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52523/khidmah.v3i2.348


Blood group examination is important to help the public know their respective blood type and Rhesus, blood group examination activities are carried out to the general public to know the importance of knowing blood type and Rhesus. Examination of blood type and rhesus was carried out at SMA Aisiyah 1 Palembang with educational methods through poster media and conducting important demonstrations of checking blood type and rhesus. On the results of the blood type examination at SMA Aisiyah 1 Palembang, it was found that students with blood type A, B, AB, O were respectively 40%, 20%, 20%, and 50% and the results of the Rhesus examination at SMA Aisiyah 1 Palembang obtained 100 % of students are Rh-Positive (Rh+). Rhesus examination is very influential on Pregnancy and Blood Transfusion given if there is a Rhesus incompatibility
Klinikal Sains : Jurnal Analis Kesehatan Vol 11 No 2 (2023): Desember
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Abdurrab

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36341/klinikal_sains.v11i2.3673


Jamur Candida albicans membutuhkan sumber nutrisi terutama karbohidrat untuk tumbuh dan berksembang-biak. Identifikasi, isolasi dan konfirmasi hasil pemeriksaan secara mikroskopis memerlukan media kultur. Bekatul beras merah (Oryza nivara) dan bekatul beras putih (Oryza sativa L), bekatul mempunyai karbohidrat sebanyak 84,36%, vitamin, dan nutrisi lainnya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui perbedaan jumlah koloni jamur Candida albicans pada media SDA (Sabouraud Dextrosa Agar), media alternatif bekatul beras merah (Oryza nivara) dan media alternatif bekatul beras putih (Oryza sativa L). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimen murni (true experiment). Penelitian ini dilakukan di laboratorium mikrobiologi Institut Ilmu Kesehatan dan Teknologi Muhammadiyah Palembang pada tanggal 13 desember 2021 - 17 desember 2021 dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 30 sampel. Hasil penelitian dengan nilai rata-rata dari hasil pemeriksaan perbedaan jumlah koloni jamur Candida albicans pada media SDA (Sabouraud Dextrosa Agar) 111 CFU/mL, media alternatif bekatul beras merah (Oryza nivara) 146 CFU/mL dan media alternatif bekatul beras putih (Oryza sativa L). Uji ANOVA didapatkan nilai p = < 0,001. Kesimpulan hasil penelitian bahwa Bekatul beras putih dapat digunakan sebagai media alternatif pertumbuhan jamur Candida albicans.