M. Syahran Jailani
IAIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

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Pendidikan Anak Pra-Sekolah dalam Perspektif Psikologi Jailani, M. Syahran
Media Akademika Vol 27, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Media Akademika

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Hari ini banyak lembaga pendidikan mulai prasekolah sampai perguruan tinggi menawarkan konsep pendidikan “plus” dengan berbagai strategi dan metode. Khusus pada anak prasekolah, fasilitas dan beragam estetika lembagalembaga pendidikan memberikan berbagai akses yang bertujuan memberikan kepuasan pada anak didik. Artikel ini melihat lika-liku pendidikan anak prasekolah. Perspektif yang digunakan adalah psikologi.
Badan Akreditasi Provinsi Sekolah/Madrasah (BAP-S/M) dan Upaya Peningkatan Mutu Pendidikan Madrasah di Provinsi Jambi Jailani, M. Syahran; Muhammad, Habib
Media Akademika Vol 28, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Media Akademika

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Artikel ini dilatarbelakangi kenyataan bahwa keberadaan Badan Akreditasi Provinsi Sekolah/Madrasah (BAP S/M) Jambi di satu sisi telah memberikan banyak konstribusi bagi upaya peningkatan mutu pendidikan Provinsi Jambi melalui kebijakan dan program yang utamanya pada peningkatan dengan berpedoman delapan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (SNP). Hasil dari program akreditasi tersebut diwujudkan melalui pelaksanaan akreditasi sekolah/madrasah pada semua jenjang pendidikan mulai dari Taman kanak-kanak/ Raudhatul Athfa (RA) hingga Sekolah Menengah Atas/ Madrasah Aliyah. Di sisi lain, keberadaan madrasah-madrasah di Provinsi Jambi belum sepenuhnya dilaksanakan akreditasi sebagai bentuk pertanggungjawaban publik. Data Kementerian Agama Provinsi Jambi, untuk tahun 2012 realisasi dari 538 madrasah yang diakreditasi, yaitu: (a) 244 Raudhatul Athfal, 169 (7,63 %) sudah diakreditasi,75 (28,37 %) belum terakreditasi, (b) 263 Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, 171 (61 %) sudah terakreditasi, 92 (38,20) belum terakreditasi, (c) 345 Madrasah Tsanawiyah, 158 (44,99 %) sudah terakreditasi, 187 55,01 %) belum terakreditasi, dan 184 buah Madrasah Alyah, 88 (47,01) sudah terakreditasi, dan 96 (52,99) belum terakreditasi. Dari 1036 lembaga pendidikan, yang sudah diakreditasi 450 (43,44 %) madrasah, dan 586 (56,56 %) madrasah yang belum diakreditasi. Hasil temuan penelitian terungkap bahwa, problem utama masih banyaknya hasil akreditasi madrasah nilai C, bahkan tidak terakreditasi adalah, yaitu: (a) sosialisasi, (b) anggaran yang terbatas, (c) kondisi geografis, (d) lemahnya jaringan antar madrasah, dan (e) kebijakan belum sepenunhya disertai komitmen.
Teori Pendidikan Keluarga dan Tanggung Jawab Orang Tua dalam Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Jailani, M. Syahran
NADWA Vol 8, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : NADWA

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This paper describes the responsibilities of parents in early childhood education. From the review of the literature it is known that the family environment be-comes a major place of a child to education. Father and mother in the family becomes the first educators in the process of development of a childs life. Par-ents do not just build a relationship and do various family for reproductive pur-poses, continue descent, and establish affection. The main task of the family is to create buildings and atmosphere of family education process so that the next generation of intelligent and noble generation as a solid footing in the tread life and the journey of human children. The fact is supported by the findings of the theories that support the importance of family education as the first basic educa-tion of children.
Al-Fikrah Vol 4 (2013)
Publisher : Al-Fikrah

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Teori Pendidikan Keluarga dan Tanggung Jawab Orang Tua dalam Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Jailani, M. Syahran
Nadwa Vol 8, No 2 (2014): Pendidikan Berbasis Masyarakat
Publisher : FITK UIN Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/nw.2014.8.2.580


This paper describes the responsibilities of parents in early childhood education. From the review of the literature it is known that the family environment be-comes a major place of a child to education. Father and mother in the family becomes the first educators in the process of development of a child's life. Par-ents do not just build a relationship and do various family for reproductive pur-poses, continue descent, and establish affection. The main task of the family is to create buildings and atmosphere of family education process so that the next generation of intelligent and noble generation as a solid footing in the tread life and the journey of human children. The fact is supported by the findings of the theories that support the importance of family education as the first basic educa-tion of children. AbstrakMakalah ini menjelaskan tanggung jawab orang tua dalam pendidikan anak usia dini. Dari kajian literatur diketahui bahwa lingkungan keluarga menjadi tempat yang utama seorang anak memperoleh pendidikan. Ayah dan ibu dalam keluarga menjadi pendidik pertama dalam proses perkembangan kehidupan anak. Orang tua tidak sekedar membangun silaturahmi dan melakukan berbagai tujuan berkeluarga untuk reproduksi, meneruskan keturunan, dan menjalin kasih sayang. Tugas utama keluarga adalah menciptakan bangunan dan suasana proses pendidikan keluarga sehingga melahirkan generasi yang cerdas dan berakhlak mulia sebagai pijakan yang kokoh dalam menapaki kehidupan dan perjalanan anak manusia. Kenyataan tersebut ditopang temuan teori-teori yang mendukung pentingnya pendidikan keluarga sebagai dasar pertama pendidikan anak-anak.
Khazanah: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Humaniora Vol 16, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : UIN Antasari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (495.898 KB) | DOI: 10.18592/khazanah.v16i2.2339


This paper discusses an academic analysis of batimbang traditional ceremony which is one form of the human life cycle ceremony is conducted by urang Banjar Kuala Tungkal Jambi Province. This batimbang ceremony is only intended for baby (child) who born exactly the Safar month in the hijriyah month. Urang Banjar believing, baby (child) was born in the Safar month that is believed in the life ranging from baby to adult will be various experience calamities even some of the urang Banjar considers baby who born in the Safar month or bad month. Urang Banjar carry out this ceremony because they believe the Safar month as a bad month full of reinforcements and ways, and the misfortune of Safar month will befall the child’s life. Batimbang means weighting. Something is weighed to be balanced and sufficient. Therefore, in order to avoid inflicting misfortune and distress to the child, so the child must be weighed as a form of ritual refusing reinforcement and recovery from unlucky circumstances.
Khazanah: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Humaniora Vol 16, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : UIN Antasari Banjarmasin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (495.898 KB) | DOI: 10.18592/khazanah.v16i2.2339


This paper discusses an academic analysis of batimbang traditional ceremony which is one form of the human life cycle ceremony is conducted by urang Banjar Kuala Tungkal Jambi Province. This batimbang ceremony is only intended for baby (child) who born exactly the Safar month in the hijriyah month. Urang Banjar believing, baby (child) was born in the Safar month that is believed in the life ranging from baby to adult will be various experience calamities even some of the urang Banjar considers baby who born in the Safar month or bad month. Urang Banjar carry out this ceremony because they believe the Safar month as a bad month full of reinforcements and ways, and the misfortune of Safar month will befall the child?s life. Batimbang means weighting. Something is weighed to be balanced and sufficient. Therefore, in order to avoid inflicting misfortune and distress to the child, so the child must be weighed as a form of ritual refusing reinforcement and recovery from unlucky circumstances.
Kepemimpinan Kepala Madrasah (Studi Kasus Kepemimpinan Kepala Madrasah di Kabupaten Muaro Jambi Provinsi Jambi) Jailani, M. Syahran; Nasution, Rahmad
Madrasah: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Dasar Vol 9, No 2 (2017): Madrasah: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Dasar
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/jt.v9i2.4793


This study aims to investigate the approach of principals managerial leadership in elementary Islamic school level at Muaro Jambi district, Jambi province. The leadership model where sets the headmaster as a manager who adopted modern management theories. In practical not all the modern management theories can apply in the leadership of headmaster. In this research, the data collection techniques by using observation, interviews, documentation. The analyzing data by using Miles and Huberman (1994: 16-18): data reduction, data display, and verification or conclusion. The findings of the research revealed managerial leadership at the school in the District Muaro not been implemented as expected and has not been effective. The findings also revealed that leadership success is very determined as follows: (1) honesty, (2) openness, (3) exemplary, (4) wisdom, (5) mindset, and (6) the effect of the leader himself.
Keberadaan Badan Akreditasi Provinsi Sekolah/Madrasah (Upaya Meningkatkan Mutu Pendidikan Madrasah Di Provinsi Jambi) Jailani, M. Syahran
Madrasah: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Dasar Vol 7, No 2 (2015): Madrasah: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Dasar
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/jt.v7i2.3320


This research is intended to look into the existence of Province Acreditation for School and Islamic School in Jambi through the policies and programs executed, include the result of acreditation for islamic school at Ministry of Religious Affairs in Jambi. The data from Jambi Ministry of Religious Affairs in 2012 showed that from 538 islamic schools which have been acreditated, ie:(a) 244 Islamic Kindergarten, 169 (7,63%) kindergartens were acreditated, 75 (28,37%) kindergartens were not acreditated, (b). 263 Islamic Elementary School, 171 (61%) schools were acreditated, 98 (38,20%) schools were not acreditated, (c) 345 Islamic Junior High School, 158 (44,99 %) schools were acreditated, 187 (55,01%) schools were not acreditated and (d) 184 Islamic Senior High School, 88 (47,01%) schoolswere acreditated and 96 (52,99%) schools were not acreditated. From 1036 educational institutions, there have been 450 (43,44%) islamic schools which were acreditated while there were 586 (56,56%) isclamic schools which were not acreditated. The main problem which happenned was there were many islamic schools got C in acreditation and even some schools were not acreditated. It was caused by: (a) socialization, (b) limitted fund, (c) geographical condition, (d) the low network among islamic schools and (e) there were many policies which have not been accompanied by commitment fully.Keywords : Madrasah/School Acreditation Board, The Quality Of Madrasah Education.
Komitmen Profesionalisme Guru Bersertifikasi dalam Pembelajaran (Studi Kasus Pada Guru Madrasah Kota Jambi) Jailani, M. Syahran
Madrasah: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Dasar Vol 9, No 1 (2016): Madrasah: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Dasar
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/jt.v9i1.4744


The purpose of this research is to reveal the commitment of the professional teachers (civil servant) who teach in a private madrassa in Jambi to enhance the performance of instructional process. The research informants include civil servant teachers teaching in several private madrassa in Jambi. This qualitative research employs phenomenologist approach, referring to eleven steps by Spradley (1980). The research exemplifies that the professionalism of civil servant teachers at Jambi needs advancing. Although the teachers recognize some obstacles, they realize the commitment and responsibility as the professional teacher is essential to improve the instruction and self-quality. Secondly, it is found that the governments at Jambi do less-optimum efforts to elevate the professionalism of certificated-teachers. Then, the supervisions through education and training (Diklat) have not been well-socialized and the activities of pursuing Master degree program remain incidental. The agenda of teacher network (MGMP), Teacher Working Group (KKG) and School Principal Working Groups (KKKS) are not routinely conducted. Besides, the coordination obstacle among stakeholders is a major problem for the professionalism. The classical problem about funding also comes from the stakeholders in determining policy. Consequently, the policy about certified teachers and their development to support the educational process must be properly established.