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Kesantunan berbahasa para Kader Posyandu dalam pelaksanaan layanan informasi Endang Wiyanti; Yulian Dinihari; Solihatun Solihatun
BAHASTRA Vol 39, No 1 (2019): Bahastra
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (398.055 KB) | DOI: 10.26555/bahastra.v39i1.12031


The purpose of this study was (1) to describe the type of speech acts of Posyandu cadres Mawar VII and Posyandu Mawar IX Pademangan Barat North Jakarta in the information service process. (2) describe the principle of courtesy in Posyandu Mawar VII and Posyandu Mawar IX Pademangan Barat North Jakarta when the information service process takes place. The data used in this study are oral and written. Oral and written data is obtained by recording and recording the utterances of the cadres when carrying out information services. Data collection techniques in this study were carried out by referring to proficient free technique, recording techniques, and note taking techniques. The results of this study are that cadres do more polite speech acts using directive, representative, commissive, expressive, and declaration speeches. Second, cadres use four maxims, namely (1) wisdom maxim, (2) generosity maxim, (3) praise maxim, and (4) consensus maxim.
BAHASTRA Vol 37, No 1 (2017): Bahastra
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (704.283 KB) | DOI: 10.26555/bahastra.v37i1.6299


The purpose of this study was to determine the cohesion aspect anaphora and katafora the Kompas newspaper editorials. The method used in this study is qualitative content analysis with technical analysis is a method used to examine in greater depth discourse. The results showed that of the 12 editorial discourse data showed as many as 164 pairs of sentences. Research data of 164 couples found 67 sentences have cohesion anaphora or as much as 40,48% and only 14 pairs sentence with katafora cohesion or 8,54%. Aspects of cohesion anaphora is used predominantly in building cohesion sentence. From the use of markers, can be show that demonstrative pronouns as much as 54,32% more often appear in a sentence with cohesion. It indicates that the demonstrative pronoun marker has an important role in forming the sentence cohesion.
Pelatihan Pembuatan Website untuk Program PKK di Jakarta Utara Dian Nazelliana; Yulian Dinihari
Jurnal PkM Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Jurnal PkM : Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Indraprasta PGRI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30998/jurnalpkm.v4i2.5916


Kegiatan Abdimas yang akan dilakukan oleh tim, didapatkan beberapa persoalan akan kebutuhan pembuatan website untuk laporan pengolahan data dasa wisma agar informasi tersebut bisa disajikan kepada orang lain dengan cepat dan terintegerasi kepada Pemprov DKI. Para Pengurus RW dan dasa wisma yang menjadi prioritas utama dalam kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat di kawasan Jakarta Utara. Kami mengadakan abdimas ini karena kebutuhan RW di kawasan Jakarta Utara khusunya di RW 07 dan RW 09 Pademangan yang memang tempat kami mengadakan abdimas sebelumnya. Adapun kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini ditekankan pada pemberian pelatihan pembuatan website bagi pengurus RW dan dasa wisma di kawasan Kelurahan Pademangan Barat, Jakarta Utara. Diharapkan dengan adanya kegiatan ini pengolahan data warga di RW07 dan RW 09 menjadi lebih baik dan dapat berguna bagi kesejahteraan warganya.
Inkonsistensi Prinsip Ragam Tulis pada Aplikasi Pesan Instan WhatsApp Nicky Rosadi; Yulian Dinihari
Deiksis Vol 14, No 1 (2022): Deiksis
Publisher : Universitas Indraprasta PGRI, Jakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (454.127 KB) | DOI: 10.30998/deiksis.v14i1.10503


This study aims to discuss the inconsistency of the principle of writing style that occurs in the WhatsApp instant messaging application. The method used in this study is a qualitative method using descriptive analysis techniques. The object in this study is the text of the conversation on the WhatsApp instant messaging application which is taken randomly and then documented in the form of images so that the chat can be recorded visually. The results of the study show that, there is an inconsistency in the principle of writing style in the WhatsApp instant messaging application which causes this form of variety to not be fully said to be a type of writing. This inconsistency is seen at the time of opening the chat, as much as 100% of the existing data, the sender of the message uses a written variety with intact principles. However, when a reply is received and a conversation occurs, 55,7% of the data shows that the principle of writing style is no longer fully applied. It was found that the sender of the message answered by using a sentence structure that was incomplete and there was an omission of elements, both subject, predicate, object, and description. In addition, it was also found 36% data showing that in the delivery, the sender of the message sometimes uses certain emoticons as an effort to build context, which in the spoken variety is usually accommodated by gestures and facial expressions. In this regard, the researcher concludes that the variety that appears in the WhatsApp instant messaging application can no longer be said to be a written variety. Due to the inconsistency of applying the principles of written and spoken variety, the authors suggest that the variety that appears in this instant messaging application is called the inlis variety.
Jurnal Sasindo UNPAM Vol 10, No 1 (2022): Sasindo Unpam
Publisher : Universitas Pamulang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32493/sasindo.v10i1.59-75


Wayang diakui oleh The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural  Organization  (Unesco),  pada  7  November  2013  sebagai World  Masterpiece  of  Oral  and  Intangible  Heritage  of  Humanity. Pengakuan ini penting karena warisan budaya Indonesia diakui dunia. Namun yang lebih penting lagi adalah memperkenalkan wayang yang penuh  nilai  budaya  dan  pesan  moral  kepada  masyarakat  luas,  di seluruh  dunia,  terutama  di  Indonesia.  Saat  ini  pergelaran  wayang masih  terpusat  di  wilayah  Jawa  dengan  bahasa  Jawa  dan  audiens masyarakat  Jawa.  Hal  ini  terjadi  karena  pertunjukan  wayang dilakukan dengan menggunakan bahasa Jawa sehingga banyak  yang tidak  memahami  cerita  yang  disampaikan  oleh  dalang.  Artikel  ini mencoba  mengkaji  bagaimana  bila  pergelaran  wayang  dilakukan dengan  menggunakan  Bahasa  Indonesia  agar  lebih  dapat  dinikmati lebih  banyak  masyarakat.  Penelitian  dilakukan  dengan  mengamati dokumen  rekaman  pertunjukan  wayang  berbahasa  Indonesia  yang disajikan  oleh  Bimo  Sinung  Widagdo  dan  Dhalang  Poer.  Kegiatan penelitian  menggunakan  rancangan  kualitatif  dengan  teknik observasi, perekaman, simak catat, dan rekonstruksi data. Dari hasil penelitian, didapat bahwa ada kesulitan dalam memaknai pesan cerita karena  keterbatasan  kosakata  Bahasa  Indonesia  dalam menggambarkan emosi atau suasana dalam penceritaan. Hal ini dapat mengurangi nilai pesan pada cerita asli. Suatu strategi diperlukan agar penceritaan  wayang berbahasa  Indonesia tidak  mengalami degradasi pesan  yang  terlalu  jauh  sehingga  dapat  dinikmati  oleh  masyarakat, namun pesan budaya dan moral dapat tetap disampaikan dengan baik. Salah  satunya  yaitu  dengan  digunakannya  bahasa  kiasan  oleh  para pedalang.Kata Kunci: bahasa kiasan, wayang kulit, wayang berbahasa Indonesia
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sasindo Vol 2, No 2 (2022): PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL SASINDO UNPAM VOL.2 NO.2 MEI 2022
Publisher : fakultas sastra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32493/sns.v2i2.22077


Nama Dewi Sinta merupakan satu tokoh dalam cerita Ramayana. Dewi Sinta adalah isteri dari Prabu Rama Wijaya yang menjadi pewaris tahta Ayodya. Kisah klasik Ramayana ini menjadi berbeda ketika disajikan dalam bentuk animasi film. Animasi sebagai hasil pengolahan gambar tangan menjadi gambar bergerak yang terkomputerisasi. Tujuan  pembahasan  permasalahan  yang  sudah dirumuskan  dalam  rumusan masalah adalah menjelaskan bentuk‐bentuk representasi pada tokoh Dewi Sinta dalam film animasi Jeritan Hati Sinta. Data dikumpulkan dengan cara studi Pustaka dan dianalisis dengan metode analisis deskriptif dengan langkah sebagai berikut; (1) Membaca  karya sastra  secara cermat, (2) Menandai bagian dari karya sastra yang berhubungan dengan representasi tokoh berdasarkan gender, (3) Data dianalisis dengan teori gender dan feminisme, (4) Dilakukan interpretasi data. Kemudian, hasil analisis dan interpretasi dideskripsikan. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah representasi tokoh Sinta pada film animasi wayang diungkapkan melalui marginalisasi (peminggiran atau pemiskinan ekonomi), subordinasi (penomorduaan), stereotip (citra baku), kekerasan (violence), dan beban kerja ganda  (double burden). Berdasarkan sudut pandang feminism, dapat dikatakan bahwa wanita Indonesia masih mengalami ketidakadilan gender.Kata-kata kunci: Representasi Tokoh, Film Animasi, Wayang, Feminisme
Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Web pada Mata Kuliah Bahasa Indonesia sebagai Media Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh Endang Wiyanti; Yulian Dinihari; Dian Nazelliana
Faktor Jurnal Ilmiah Kependidikan Vol 9, No 1 (2022): Faktor : Jurnal Ilmiah Kependidikan
Publisher : Universitas Indraprasta PGRI, Jakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30998/fjik.v9i1.9233


Mata Kuliah Bahasa Indonesia adalah Mata Kuliah Umum wajib yang diambil oleh mahasiswa semester satu dan tiga. Permasalahan yang terjadi di Universitas Indraprasta PGRI adalah dilakukannya pembelajaran jarak jauh di masa pandemi ini. Materi yang ada tidak mencakupi keseluruhan hal yang ingin disampaikan oleh dosen. Mahasiswa kesulitan untuk mempunyai pegangan dalam pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, diperlukan media pembelajaran yang dapat memenuhi semua materi yang ada yaitu dengan media pembelajaran berbasis website. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode Research and Development (RnD) dengan proses pengembanganya menggunakan model ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation dan Evaluation). Penelitian pengembangan yang dilakukan hanya sampai tahap Development (pengembangan) karena tujuan penelitian ini sebatas mengembangkan dan menghasilkan suatu aplikasi media pembelajaran. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa hasil validasi yang dilakukan diperoleh persentase rata-rata penilaian sebesar 85,59 % dengan kategori valid. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa aplikasi media pembelajaran berbasis website pada Mata Kuliah Bahasa Indonesia valid digunakan dalam PJJ.
Javanese Cultural Values of the Yogyakarta Palace in the Film ‘Marak: Mresani Panji Sekar’ Yulian Dinihari; Zuriyati Zuriyati; Ninuk Lustyantie
Hortatori : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Vol 5, No 2 (2021): Hortatori: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia
Publisher : Universitas Indraprasta PGRI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (776.681 KB) | DOI: 10.30998/jh.v5i2.776


Film is one of the effective and popular media in cultural learning, both local and foreign cultures. The film that is used as the object of research by the researcher is the film 'Marak: Mresani Panji Sekar'”. This film becomes an interesting study material because it explains the Javanese culture of the courtiers of the Yogyakarta Palace who will focus more on culture in the film. This research uses descriptive qualitative research method. Analyzing cultural values by means of observation and study of documents in films in an effort to gain an overview and understanding of what is being studied. The values obtained are in the form of many values contained in it, namely the values of honor, trust, politeness, responsibility, and art. Describe the Javanese values of the Yogyakarta Palace which are shown in the film 'Marak: Mresani Panji Sekar' and reveal and understand the meaning contained in these traditional values.Keywords: Film, Values, Javanese Cultural
Collection of Literary Ecological Poetry "Works of Biology Education Students" Overview of Physical Intrinsic Elements Yulian Dinihari; Mashudi Alamsyah; Tantry Aghnitya Sari
Hortatori : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Vol 6, No 2 (2022): Hortatori: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia
Publisher : Universitas Indraprasta PGRI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (480.183 KB) | DOI: 10.30998/jh.v6i2.1442


Good poetry is poetry that contains intrinsic elements in it. The more fulfilled these intrinsic elements, the more meaningful the content in it will be. Ecolinguistics is one of the studies in linguistics that connects ecosystems with language that is part of human life (ecology). Literature in this poetry-making activity, students are expected to be able to improve their abilities in the field of poetry which tells them the connection between language and the study program they are taking, namely biology. The purpose of this study was to find out what are the physical intrinsic elements in a collection of literary ecology poems by first semester students, Biology Education, Indraprasta University PRGI. The research method used is descriptive qualitative by taking intrinsic elements from fictional elements consisting of diction, rhyme, typography, images, and language style. The data was collected by collecting the results of the student's literary ecology poetry, after the data was collected it was analyzed and described based on the table of physical elements. The results showed that from 28 collections of ecological poetry by students, there were physical intrinsic elements, namely diction, rhyme, typography, imagery, and language style. The most physical intrinsic elements in the collection of ecological poetry are style of language 28 or 31%, then the second most is diction or 28.6%, the third most is imagery as much as 25 or 27.4%, then rhyme 9 or 9.8%, and the last is typography as much as 3 or 3.2%. Language style and diction are the most common in the physical intrinsic elements of a collection of ecological poetry by students.Keywords: Intrinsic element; Physical Elements; Ecology Poetry.
Language Errors in the Warta Kota Daily Newspaper Endang Wiyanti; Yulian Dinihari; Heppy Atmapratiwi
Hortatori : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Vol 5, No 1 (2021): Hortatori: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia
Publisher : Universitas Indraprasta PGRI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (688.118 KB) | DOI: 10.30998/jh.v5i1.615


Various features presented in the newspaper will add information to the reader. With increasing insight every day, they will increasingly be critical of the conditions that occur around found in writing in the newspaper. The language errors that occur are indicative of a lack of understanding of Bahasa. The researcher used a qualitative research approach with a type of descriptive study to be more focused and in accordance with the research objectives. The subject of this research is Warta Kota daily newspaper from October-December 2018 with the object of research being a mistake in various features of Warta Kota daily newspaper. Based on the data, errors analysis based on the largest to the smallest were Morphological errors (34.91%); Syntax error (16.04%); Error of Absorption Element (12.26); Word Writing errors (11.32%); Phonological errors (8.49%); Punctuation Writing Error (6.60%); Particle / Word Selection Writing errors and Word Combined Writing errors (3.77%); Front Word Writing errors (1.89%); and Error in the Use of Letters (0.94%).Keyword: Error Analysis, Newspaper