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Sistem Pembayaran Parkir Menggunakan NEAR FIELD COMMUNICATION Berbasis ANDROID dan Teknologi INTERNET OF THINGS Dody Ichwana; Wanda Syahputra
Jurnal Nasional Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi Vol 3, No 1 (2017): April 2017
Publisher : Jurusan Sistem Informasi, Fakultas Teknologi Informasi, Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/TEKNOSI.v3i1.2017.153-164


Intisari— Paper ini menjelaskan rancang bangun sistem pembayaran parkir menggunakan NFC (Near Field Communication) dan GPS (Global Position System) untuk menciptakan metode pembayaran parkir yang lebih cerdas. Kontribusi yang diberikan dari hasil penelitian adalah menerapkan konsep pervasive computing dan Internet of Things (IoT) di dalam pembangunan sistem parkir, sehingga pengguna menjadi lebih nyaman untuk memarkirkan kendaraan mereka. Lokasi parkir dipasang wifi dan nama SSID yang unik.  Sistem akan  melakukan sensing kepada pengguna yang memasuki lokasi parker menggunakan IMEI. Pembayaran parkir menggunakan aplikasi pada smartphone dengan NFC Enable dengan cara didekatkan pada NFC reader pada sistem. Pengguna melakukan tap pada smartphone dengan NFC Enable ke NFC reader untuk melakukan proses inisialisasi awal parkir kendaraan yang akan mencatat ID pengguna, date, dan saldo virtual money. Aplikasi pada smartphone akan mencatat koordinat lokasi parkir kendaraan sesuai lokasi parkir yang dipilih oleh pengguna. Selanjutnya, aplikasi akan membantu pengguna menemukan lokasi kendaraan ketika penguuna terlupa. Sistem pembayaran parkir pada penelitian ini telah berhasil dibangun dengan menghindari penggunaan kertas untuk tiket sehingga akan lebih memudahkan pengguna dan lebih ramah lingkungan.
Prosiding Semnastek PROSIDING SEMNASTEK 2017
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta

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Makalah ini menjelaskan rancang bangun sistem monitoring ruangan ramah balita pada smartroom menggunakan aplikasi berbasis teknologi Internet of Things (IoT). Kontribusi yang dihasilkan dari penelitian ini adalah  menerapkan konsep pervasive computing dan Internet of Things  (IoT) pada sistem monitoring ruangan ramah balita melalui aplikasi sosial media sehingga memudahkan pengguna dalam memantau keamanan balita dan kondisi ruangan. Sensor MQ-7 digunakan untuk mendeteksi asap di dalam ruangan yang selanjutnya akan mengaktifkan exhaust fan untuk mengeluarkan asap dari ruangan. Untuk menjaga keamanan balita dari aliran listrik digunakan webcam sebagai pemicu pemutus aliran listrik jika terdeteksi ada yang menutupi objek berwarna pada stop kontak listrik. Untuk mendeteksi balita keluar dari ruangan, kamera pada ruangan akan mengirimkan notifikasi dan gambar saat pintu terbuka kepada pengguna melalui aplikasi sosial media. Aplikasi sosial media twitter digunakan untuk monitoring ruangan oleh pengguna. Validasi rancangan dilakukan dengan pengujian sistem melalui purwarupa yang telah dibangun dengan menggunakan parameter uji yang telah disiapkan. Sistem monitoring ruangan ramah balita melalui aplikasi media sosial ini telah dapat berjalan dengan baik sesuai dengan spesifikasi sistem yang telah dirancang. Kata kunci : smartroom monitoring, Internet of Things (IoT), twitter
Sistem Cerdas Reservasi dan Pemantauan Parkir pada Lokasi Kampus Berbasis Konsep Internet of Things Dody Ichwana Putra; Ratna Aisuwarya; Styviandra Ardopa; Indah Purnama
Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Komputer Volume 6, Issue 2, Year 2018 (April 2018)
Publisher : Department of Computer Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1478.26 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jtsiskom.6.2.2018.57-63


At present time, the people who use vehicles on the campus is increasing. It makes more difficult to find an empty slot parking area on the campus. This study aims to develop a system parking reservation and monitoring on-campus area using NFC and IoT concept. NFC was used to confirm booking code that generated by the system. In the parking area, ultrasonic sensors were installed to detect parking space availability. IoT concept has been applied to build this system. Apps on users smartphone can do the reservation process to the desired parking location via internet. Black box testing was done by building a prototype using the number of data locations parking slots in the Andalas University. The test results showed that this system has been able to detect the location of vacant parking slots and do reservations with time for sending data to the server is 0.7952 sec.
Sistem Cerdas Penentuan Lokasi Parkir pada Area Kampus Menggunakan Fuzzy Logic Berbasis Internet of Things Dody Ichwana; Surya Dwi Saputra; Shelvi Ekariani
Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Komputer Volume 7, Issue 2, Year 2019 (April 2019)
Publisher : Department of Computer Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (725.572 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jtsiskom.7.2.2019.64-70


The increasing use of vehicles at campus locations makes it more difficult to find an empty parking lot. This paper develops a system for determining parking locations on campus areas using cloud-based fuzzy logic and Internet of Things (IoT). NFC is used to confirm the order code of the location that has been generated by the system. At the parking location, a sensor is installed to detect parking availability. The concept of IoT has been applied to build this system. Applications on smartphone devices are used for reservations at desired parking locations via the internet. The results show that the system has been able to detect the location of empty parking lots and make reservations in the Andalas University campus environment. The application of fuzzy logic has succeeded in obtaining parking location sequences based on distance and total capacity to find the best parking location.
Sistem Pengatur Irigasi Sawah Menggunakan Metode Irigasi Alternate Wetting and Drying Berbasis Teknologi Internet of Things Tisnainil Husna; Dody Ichwana; Werman Kasoep
JITCE (Journal of Information Technology and Computer Engineering) Vol 2 No 02 (2018): Journal of Information Technology and Computer Engineering
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (538.715 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/jitce.2.02.92-100.2018


Rice is the staple food of the majority of Indonesians and most of the population work as farmers. However, the amount of rice produced are still insufficient. To meet the rice needs for the society, it should increase the amount of rice production by focusing on rice field quality such as the water level rice fields. In this study a prototype rice field irrigation system is designed using AWD irrigation method by regulating open activation and closing the inlet gate and exit gate based on the age of paddy which are calculated using RTC and the height of paddy water measured using ultrasonic sensors. The system also designed to receive input from the age of paddy and deactivate the system from the mobile application through the ESP8266 module. Test results from this system can measure water level with accuracy of 95.68% and read real-time time with 98.67% accuracy. The servo motor NFC DS04 works to open the door with a duration of 60 seconds and closes the door with a duration of 56 seconds. The paddy irrigation regulating system can regulate the water level with a success percentage of 81.48%. The system can receive input and deactivate the system with a percentage of success of 70%.
Rancang Bangun Sistem Penentuan Jalur Evakuasi Keluar Gedung Rumah Sakit Saat Kondisi Darurat Menggunakan Algoritma Dijkstra Dengan Antrian Prioritas Ade Putera Kemala; Dody Ichwana
JITCE (Journal of Information Technology and Computer Engineering) Vol 3 No 01 (2019): Journal of Information Technology and Computer Engineering
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (725.165 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/jitce.3.01.30-38.2019


Disaster is a sudden event, such as an accident or a natural catastrophe, that causes great damage or loss of life. Disasters can occur at any time, therefore a mechanism is needed to evacuate out of the building during a disaster. Generally public facilities have provided instructions and evacuation routes outside the building. Based on the severity of the disaster and the evacuation capability of the victim, the evacuation strategy can range from evacuation as soon as possible, evacuate slowly, move to a safe location inside the building or take refuge in the available protection room and wait for the rescue team to arrive. The algorithm for finding the shortest paths can be used to determine the evacuation route. But this path is still static, if the route damaged in then the evacuation route would become useless. The time for the evacuation process can also increase if the condition of the evacuation route is not known whether damaged or not. The solution to solve this problem is to make a system that can help find the safest and shortest evacuation routes during emergencies. This system consist of microcontroller Arduino Mega to control the system and led for evacuation sign. The evacuation routes is determined by implementing dijkstra algorithm with priority queue to search the shortest path.
Sistem Penilai Kelayakan Bangunan Bertingkat sebagai Shelter Tsunami Berdasarkan Metode Cross-Correlation Template Matching dan Fuzzy Logic Menggunakan MQTT Dody Ichwana; Stevanus Setianto; Shelvi Ekariani
Jurnal Nasional Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi Vol 8, No 3 (2022): Desember 2022
Publisher : Jurusan Sistem Informasi, Fakultas Teknologi Informasi, Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/TEKNOSI.v8i3.2022.136-143


Indonesia terletak di daerah rawan bencana, khususnya gempa bumi. Salah satu daerah rawan gempa dan tsunami adalah Kota Padang. Oleh sebab itu diperlukan upaya untuk memudahkan masyarakat melakukan pencarian lokasi shelter evakuasi jika terjadi gempa besar yang diiringi bahaya tsunami. Paper ini menejelaskan sistem penilai kelayakan bangunan bertingkat sebagai shelter tsunami (SPEAKS). Keunggulan dari SPEAKS adalah mampu memberikan penilaian kondisi bangunan tinggi untuk dijadikan lokasi shelter evakuasi sesaat setelah terjadinya gempa bumi. SPEAKS melakukan perbandingan gambar bangunan sebelum dan sesaat setelah terjadinya gempa menggunakan cross-correlation template matching yang dilanjutkan dengan penilaian kelayakan sebagai shelter evakuasi dengan logika fuzzy. SPEAKS merupakan distributed-sensor-node terdiri dari end-node dan broker yang diletakkan pada lokasi bangunan tinggi. Server sistem digunakan untuk menyimpan data hasil analisa kondisi bangunan oleh end-node menggunakan protocol mqtt. Pengujian fungsional SPEAKS dilakukan dengan lima skenario uji. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan SPEAKS mampu melakukan penilaian kondisi bangunan dalam 135 detik setelah asumsi gempa terjadi.
Perancangan Sensor Terdistribusi untuk Pendeteksi Gempa Bumi Menggunakan Protokol Komunikasi MQTT Dody Ichwana Putra; Shelvi Ekariani
Indonesian Journal of Computer Science Vol. 12 No. 3 (2023): Indonesian Journal of Computer Science Volume 12. No. 3 (2023)
Publisher : STMIK Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33022/ijcs.v12i3.3241


Sebagai ibu kota Provinsi Sumatera Barat, Kota Padang memiliki risiko tinggi terhadap gempa bumi dan tsunami karena letaknya di antara dua lempeng benua dan adanya Patahan Semangko. Beberapa tempat perlindungan di Padang berfungsi sebagai lokasi evakuasi dan penyelamatan saat terjadi tsunami. Paper ini menyajikan sebuah sistem pendeteksi gempa bumi yang menggunakan sensor terdistribusi. Identifikasi gempa bumi dilakukan dengan menghitung nilai Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) dari gelombang P dan gelombang S menggunakan sensor piezoelektrik dan akselerometer. Sistem yang diusulkan merupakan jaringan sensor node terdistribusi yang berkomunikasi menggunakan protokol MQTT. Untuk mengevaluasi kinerja sistem, kami mengimplementasikannya menggunakan Raspberry Pi, sensor piezoelektrik, akselerometer MPU-6050, dan modul Xbee untuk komunikasi data. Hasil eksperimen menunjukkan bahwa sistem ini dapat mendeteksi magnitudo dan intensitas gempa bumi dengan akurat.
Penerapan Teknologi LoRa Dalam Sistem Komunikasi Early Warning System Untuk Mitigasi Bencana Tsunami Hadi Candra; Lathifah Arief; Dody Ichwana Putra
CHIPSET Vol. 2 No. 02 (2021): Journal on Computer Hardware, Signal Processing, Embedded System and Networkin
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/chipset.2.02.69-77.2021


Lora technology is implemented on prototype to carry out a Tsunami early warning system by sending a trigger code to sound the arduino. the sender uses Dragino LoRa LG01 outdoor while on the other side uses Dragino LoRa node and Arduino Mega. Triggers are input data from Dragino LoRa Gateway in form of string of data which is then converted and sent via LoRa communication. The data that arrives at the node will trigger the program to turn on the siren that has been keep in Arduino Mega. The application of this LoRa is to turn on the sire with a maximum distance. In this research also calculated the capacity of resource at the node that will be sent to the Gateway each time the trigger code is sent. Tests carried out in sub-urban areas with several distance parameters. The maximum distance that can be reached is 500 meters with Receive signal strong indicator (RSSI) -95. While the average time span since the trigger is sent untill the siren is sounded is 0.45 seconds.
Design and Implementation of a Microcontroller-Based Water Turbidity Detector Utilizing the Nephelometric Turbidity Unit Method Dody Ichwana Putra; Shelvi Ekariani
Indonesian Journal of Computer Science Vol. 12 No. 5 (2023): Indonesian Journal of Computer Science (IJCS) Volume 12 Number 5 (2023)
Publisher : STMIK Indonesia

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The objective of this study is to create a water turbidity detection system, aiding customers of a municipal water supply company in preserving the quality of water for everyday use. The aim is to prevent the mingling of stored clean water with turbid water when the tap is turned on. To achieve this, we employ a smartphone as a remote control device, enabling users to monitor the water's condition remotely. The study's findings demonstrate that this system adeptly manages the water separation process based on its condition, allowing manual control via Bluetooth communication within a maximum range of 10 meters. This setup provides two control options: activating and deactivating the water channel through a solenoid valve. Test outcomes indicate the system effectively segregates the water as per its condition and promptly follows user directives.