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Pendampingan Penerapan Protokol Kesehatan Untuk Mencegah Penularan Covid-19 Bagi Pelaku Usaha Makanan Minuman di Wilayah Ngagel Rejo Surabaya Ersalina Nidianti; Yauwan Tobing Lukiyono; Nurul Hidayatih; Aisah Humairoh; Muhammad Fifin Kombih
Surya Abdimas Vol. 6 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37729/abdimas.v6i2.1545


Kasus Covid-19 yang masih terus bertambah di Jawa Timur, khususnya di kota Surabaya. Upaya pemerintah dalam membatasi penyebaran dan lonjakan kasus Covid-19 di Indonesia yaitu dengan menerapkan sejumlah protokol kesehatan dan mengatur mobilitas/aktivitas masyarakat seperti: PSBB, PSBB Transisi, PPKM, PPKM Tingkat Mikro desa/kelurahan/RT/RW, PPKM Darurat, PPKM Level 3 dan 4. Akan tetapi, penambahan pasien konfirm Covid-19 tidak bisa dihindari. Meskipun sudah ada vaksin tetapi pemerintah tetap memberlakukan 5M (Memakai masker, Menjaga jarak, Mencuci tangan, Mejauhi kerumunan, Membatasi mobilitas) dan 3T (Tracing, Testing, Treatment) dalam upaya memutus mata rantai penularan Covid-19. Tidak bisa membatasi diri dengan kondisi pandemik seperti ini, akan tetapi perlu dilakukan hidup berdampingan dengan Covid-19 sesuai protokol kesehatan yang benar. Berdasarkan ilustrasi tersebut permasalahan yang dihadapi mitra yaitu: kurangnya pemahaman terkait penyakit dan penularan Covid-19 sehingga memunculkan klaster penyebaran Covid-19 di tempat penjual makanan minuman serta kurangnya informasi owner, karyawan dan pembeli terkait penerapan protokol kesehatan di tempat penjualan makanan dan minuman. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah untuk mencegah penularan Covid-19 dan meminimalisir klaster penularan Covid-19 di tempat penjual makanan minuman. Metode yang digunakan yaitu observasi lapangan, pemberian foot operated hand wash (wastafel portabel), pemberian suplemen pencegahan Covid–19 serta edukasi dan pendampingan penerapan protokol kesehatan bagi pelaku penjual makanan dan minuman. Hasil yang didapatkan adanya transfer informasi dan pengetahuan tentang protokol kesehatan, pencegahan penyebaran Covid–19 di tempat penjual makanan minuman. Kesimpulan terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan tentang pencegahan penularan Covid-19 bagi penjual makanan dan minuman di wilayah Ngagel Rejo Surabaya.
Jurnal Ilmiah Farmako Bahari Vol 12, No 1 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah Farmako Bahari
Publisher : Fakultas MIPA Universitas Garut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52434/jfb.v12i1.1030


Kanker adalah penyakit tidak menular yang menyebabkan mordibitas dan mortalitas di seluruh wilayah dunia. Mortalitas penyakit kanker yang terus meningkat setiap tahunnya menjadi satu tantangan terbesar bagi dunia kesehatan. Kasus penyakit kanker di Indonesia pada tahun 2018 terdapat 18,1 juta kasus baru dengan angka kematian sebesar 9,6 juta kasus kematian karena penyakit kanker. Salah satu pengobatan kanker adalah dengan menggunakan obat herbal. Akan tetapi obat tersebut memiliki efek samping yang bersifat toksik jika dikonsumsi dalam dosis dan waktu tertentu. Untuk meminimalisir efek toksik yang dihasilkan dan mengoptimalkan sistem pengiriman obat maka dalam penelitian ini dikembangkan pengobatan kanker dari tanaman herbal yang dikombinasi dengan nanopartikel bovine serum albumin (BSA) dan asam folat untuk meningkatkan kelarutan, bioavailibilitas dan diharapkan mampu menurunkan efek toksisitas dalam terapi kanker dan sebagai alternative kombinasi pengobatan kanker dimasa depan. Obat herbal kanker yang dikombinasi dengan nanopartikel Bovine Serum Albumin dan Asam Folat memiliki range toksisitas rendah. Hasil analisis probit LC50 diperoleh NP-BSA-Oh memiliki konsentrasi yang lebih tinggi (69.23 ppm) dibandingkan dengan As-NP-BSA-Oh (56.56 ppm). Asam folat mampu menurunkan toksisitas obat kanker dan dapat digunakan sebagai kandidat obat dalam terapi kanker. Kata kunci: Nanopartikel BSA, Toksisitas obat.
Jurnal Farmasi Sains dan Praktis Vol 7 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31603/pharmacy.v7i2.3458


Cancer treatment can be done with tumor surgery, radiotherapy, immunotherapy, and chemotherapy. These treatments effectively kill cancer cells but have side effects and are resistant to patients. Based on this, further research is needed related to cancer drugs based on herbal plants, one of which is by using curcumin from Curcuma longa or turmeric in the form of nanoparticles to increase bioavailability and solubility. Especially silver nanoparticles with a mixture of curcumin. The aim of this study was to determine the characterization and screening of candidate activities to be used as anticancer drugs from curcumin extract and silver nanoparticles (AgNO3) containing curcumin carried out solubility test, thin layer chromatography (TLC) analysis, UV-Vis spectrophotometer analysis, and morphological analysis with XRD. The results obtained in this study were curcumin extract insoluble in water while silver nanoparticles could dissolve in water. TLC analysis on chloroform mixture: ethanol Rf = 0,92 and Rf = 0,94; chloroform: hexane obtained Rf = 0,36; Rf = 0,36: Rf 0,38; Rf = 0,3. While chloroform: benzene: methanol eluent has no Rf value. UV-Vis spectra obtained a maximum absorbance of 4,267 at a wavelength of 290 nm. The morphological analysis of XRD silver nanoparticles containing curcumin was 17,45 nm. In conclusion, curcumin extract and silver curcumin nanoparticles have the potential as initial candidates for anticancer drugs.
Distribution of Hand Sanitizers and Disinfectants as Steps to Anticipate Covid-19 Transmission in Sidoarjo, Indonesia Ersalina Nidianti; Wieke Sri Wulan
Indonesian Journal of Cultural and Community Development Vol 13 (2022): September
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (17.372 KB) | DOI: 10.21070/ijccd2022699


The spread of Corona Virus Disease-19 (COVID-19) in Indonesia continues to increase from time to time. East Java with the highest number of positive COVID-19 cases compared to other provinces in Indonesia. Sidoarjo is the second largest region after Surabaya in terms of positive cases of COVID-19. WHO argues that COVID-19 can spread from human to human through saliva, mucus/phlegm that comes out of the nose of a person who confirm cases with COVID-19. Efforts to maintain health from the spread of the corona virus are to maintain hand hygiene because hands often mediate the entry of microbes into the body. Wash your hands regularly using soap/hand sanitizer as an effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Hand sanitizers are an option because they are practical, easy to carry, and are able to inhibit the growth of bacteria/viruses. Therefore, our community service team consisting of lecturers and students of the Health Analyst-UNUSA, moved to distribute hand sanitizers (washing hands without rinsing water) and disinfectants that effectively kill bacteria/viruses. The distribution of hand sanitizers and disinfectants is given to traffic crossers in the Sidoarjo Regency area, because they have to keep working to control traffic for a relatively long time and the risk of contracting COVID-19 is relatively high. Distribution of hand sanitizers and disinfectants as a measure to anticipate the transmission and spread of COVID-19 as well as preparation for the new normal era of COVID-19 in the Sidoarjo Regency area.
Pengaruh Penyimpanan dan Lama Pemanasan Terhadap Kadar Asam Galat pada Kacang Tanah (Arachis hypogaea L.): Effect of Storage and Heating Time on Gallic Acid Levels in Peanuts (Arachis hypogaea L.) Devyana Dyah Wulandari; Ersalina Nidianti; Ary Andini; Rahmawati Fitri Awalia; Halimah Prisilia
KOVALEN: Jurnal Riset Kimia Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): August Edition
Publisher : Chemistry Department, Mathematics and Natural Science Faculty, Tadulako University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/kovalen.2022.v8.i2.15947


One of the most prevalent phenolic acids to be found in foods such as fruits, vegetables, and herbal remedies is gallic acid, also known as 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoic acid. The free acids, esters, catechin derivatives, and hydrolyzed tannins are the different ways that these substances are obtained. The specialty of this compound is due to its pharmacological activity as a radical scavenger. The total phenolic content in peanuts varies from 132.5 to 248.8 mg GAE/100 g. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of storage time and heating time of peanuts (Arachis hypogaea L.) on gallic acid levels. Determination of gallic acid using the High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) method with the column used is an ODS (Octadesil Silica) C18 column and the mobile phase is a mixture of acetonitrile and aquadest (1:3). Peanuts were stored for 1 week, 2 weeks, and 3 weeks at 25°C and fried at 160°C for 2 minutes, 4 minutes, and 6 minutes. The results of this study on the length of storage obtained a P value of 0.000 where the results are smaller than 0.05. This indicates that storage time has a significant effect on gallic acid levels in peanut samples. Gallic acid levels appear to increase from the first week to the fourth week. Based on the results of the research at the time of heating obtained a P value of 0.189 where the results are higher than 0.05. This shows that the length of heating time does not affect on the gallic acid content in the peanut samples. From these results, it was concluded that gallic acid content was affected by storage time, but not by heating time.
Toxicity of Cisplatin and Herbal Medicine Complexed with Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) and Folic Acid Nanoparticles as Anticancer Candidates: Perbandingan Uji Toksisitas Obat Cisplatin dan Obat Herbal Kombinasi Nanopartikel Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) dan Asam Folat Sebagai Kandidat Antikanker Ersalina Nidianti; Rizka Amalia; Nisrina Salsabila Firdaus
Jurnal Farmasi Galenika (Galenika Journal of Pharmacy) (e-Journal) Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): (October 2022)
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/j24428744.2022.v8.i2.15838


The prevalence of cancer in Indonesia has increased by 8.8 percent in the last two years (2018 and 2020) in terms of adding new cases and mortality. Because of therefor cancer treatment becomes important in reducing the high number of additional new cases and mortality due to cancer patients. Intensive cancer treatment is by surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and immunotherapy. Chemotherapy drugs used for cancer treatment include herbal plant-based cancer drugs (Cancer Fit) and cisplatin its buy from online shop. This study aims to compare the toxicity of herbal drugs (Cancer fit) with cisplatin, a combination of BSA nanoparticles and folic acid as anticancer candidates. The research method is through the synthesis of nanoparticles with the desolvation method, then characterization is carried out using XRD and FT-IR tests. After that proceed to the toxicity test with the BSLT method. The results obtained from XRD analysis on BSA and folic acid nanoparticles from cisplatin (As-NP-BSA-CP) showed a peak of 34.45 while BSA and folic acid nanoparticles from herbal medicine (As-NP-BSA-Oh) obtained a peak of 22.77. The purpose of XRD analysis was to determine the crystalline characteristics of the synthesized nanoparticles and to analyze the crystalline index. FT-IR analysis on (As-NP-BSA-CP) showed that there are functional groups O-H alcohol, C-H, C-C, NO2 that play a role in the synthesis of nanoparticles. Meanwhile, (As-NP-BSA-Oh) showed that the functional groups were C-H alkene, C-O alcohol, and C-N amine/amide. The toxicity level of As-NP-BSA-CP LC50 is 69.14 ppm while the toxicity level of As-NP-BSA-Oh LC50 is 44.14 ppm. Nanoparticles consisting of a combination of bovine serum albumin (BSA), folic acid and cisplatin drugs or herbal drugs can be used as candidates for anticancer drugs.
SWARNA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 4 (2022): SWARNA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, Desember 2022
Publisher : LPPM Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi 45 Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55681/swarna.v1i4.186


Kabupaten Gresik terbagi dalam 18 kecamatan, 330 desa, dan 26 kelurahan. Mitra dalam kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yaitu Kecamatan Driyorejo memiliki 16 Desa dengan jumlah penduduk pada tahun 2020 berjumlah 122.743 jiwa dengan kepadatan penduduk 2.393,12 per km2.Kabupaten Gresik sebagai kawasan Industri, dampak dari kegiatan industri mempengaruhi kualitas udara di Kabupaten Gresik. Data dari Dinas Lingkungan Hidup (DLH) Pemkab Gresik pada 2019, berdasar indeks kualitas udara (IKU) yang diukur Badan Lingkungan Hidup Pemprov Jatim, Gresik memiliki IKU terburuk se-Jawa Timur. Yakni, berada di angka 65,81. Nilai indeks kualitas udara (IKU) pada tahun 2021 meningkat menjadi 70. Salah satu zat yang dapat menyebabkan pencemaran udara yaitu Karbon monoksida (CO). Kualitas udara yang buruk dapat mempengaruhi kesehatan manusia, khususnya masalah gangguan pernapasan. Oleh karena itu, kami tim pengabdian masyarakat dari prodi D-IV Analis Kesehatan, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya melakukan kegiatan “Edukasi Penggunaan Masker Pada Masyarakat Sebagai Upaya Preventif Terhadap Infeksi Pernapasan Sebagai Akibat Adanya Paparan CO Di Wilayah Gresik”. Metode yang dilakukan survey lokasi Mitra Pengabdian; Persiapan Alat, Bahan, Kuisioner, dan Poster; Pelaksanaan Pengabdian Masyarakat sosialisasi dan edukasi penggunaan masker pada masyarakat desa Sumput, Kecamatan Driyorejo, Kabupaten Gresik dan Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Pengabdian Masyarakat. Hasil 96 % peserta mengetahui kegunaan masker dan 4 % tidak mengetahui kegunaan masker. Kesimpulan adanya pemahaman mengenai penggunaan masker yang tepat sebagai upaya preventif terhadap infeksi pernapasan sebagai akibat adanya paparan CO di Desa Sumput, Wilayah Gresik.
EKSTRAKSI TANAMAN OBAT KELUARGA TEMU HITAM (Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb.) SEBAGAI UPAYA PENAMBAH NAFSU MAKAN ANAK Yauwan Tobing Lukiyono; Ersalina Nidianti; Salfa Salsabilah Zain
Publisher : Prodi Farmasi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Hang Tuah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30649/pst.v4i1.55


Indonesia is one of the countries in the world that has very diverse and very large amounts of wealth, such as  plants. As for the wealth of plants in question, such as the existence of plants that have properties for body health and growth and development. Many mothers and caregivers complain about decreased appetite because if energy and nutritional needs are not met there will be a slowdown in physical growth, mental development and mental retardation. One of the plants that can be used to increase appetite is black temu (Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb). Black rhizome belongs to the Zingiberaceae family, contains black compounds including essential oils, tanim, curikumol, kurkumenol, isokurkumelon, kurzerenon, kurdion, kurkumolactone, germakron and curcumin. The purpose of this research is to find out further benefits and prove whether the content of black rhizome can increase appetite in children. This study uses the literature method by seeking various sources from previous studies. The results obtained show that the content of essential oils has the potential to reduce fat so that it can trigger appetite, while the content of curcuminoids can cause relaxation of the intestine in the gastrointestinal tract which can help digestion of food and absorption of food ingredients by increasing the work of the stomach so that the stomach feels empty. The conclusion obtained is that these two ingredients can increase appetite in children so that they can get their appetite back and the energy and nutritional needs of their ody will be fulfilled perfectly.
PENGARUH AROMATERAPI JAHE (Zingiber officinale) TERHADAP MUAL MUNTAH PASIEN KANKER PASCA KEMOTERAPI yauwan Tobing Lukiyono tobing; Ersalina Nidianti; Salfa Salsabilah Zain
Publisher : Prodi Farmasi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Hang Tuah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30649/pst.v4i1.56


Chemotherapy is a medical procedure used to stop the growth of cancer cells. Chemotherapy involves injecting or ingesting chemicals. Cytotoxic chemotherapy cause unpleasant side effects like nausea and vomiting. Non-pharmacological therapies, such as combination therapy with ginger aromatherapy and progressive muscle relaxation, can be used to treat nausea and vomiting. By lowering or stopping nausea and vomiting, ginger aromatherapy can be comforting. This study used the literature method by analyzing various sources from previous  research which are then used as reference material for making this article. The results obtained were that the ginger aromatherapy inhibits serotonin receptors, which prevents serotonin released and contractions of the stomach muscles, hence reducing nausea and vomiting. The conclusion obtained is that ginger aromatherapy has been proven to have a calming effect and make a person relax. The compounds present in ginger such as zingiber and zingiberol have anti-emetic effects which can prevent nausea and vomiting.
Pengaruh Waktu Penggorengan dan Perebusan Daging Sapi Terhadap Kadar Protein Ersalina Nidianti; Dea Ayu Rahmawati
JOPS (Journal Of Pharmacy and Science) Vol 6 No 2 (2023): Journal of Pharmacy and Science
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Abdurrab

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36341/jops.v6i2.3476


Protein merupakan salah satu makromolekul yang berperan penting bagi kesehatan. Protein terdiri dari 2 jenis yaitu protein nabati dan protein hewani. Salah satu jenis protein hewani yaitu daging sapi. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah daging sapi yang mengandung zat gizi seperti protein. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh waktu penggorengan dan perebusan daging sapi terhadap kadar protein dengan menggunakan metode Kjeldahl dan Spektrofotometri UV-Vis. Sampel daging sapi dilakukan penggorengan dan perebusan pada suhu 100 ℃ dengan variasi waktu 10, 15 dan 20 menit. Kemudian dilakukan metode Kjeldahl (melalui tahapan destruksi, destilasi dan titrasi) kemudian kadar protein dihitung dan dibandingkan dengan metode Spektrofotometri UV-Vis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kadar protein yang dilakukan metode Kjeldahl pada penggorengan kontrol (6%), sampel selama 10 menit sebesar (5%), 15 menit sebesar (4%) dan 20 menit sebesar (2%). Sedangkan hasil kadar protein yang dilakukan perebusan kontrol (7%), sampel 10 menit sebesar (6%), 15 menit sebesar (5%) dan 20 menit sebesar (2%). Sedangkan hasil kadar protein dengan metode Spektrofotometri UV-Vis pada penggorengan kontrol (8%), sampel selama 10 menit sebesar (8%), 15 menit sebesar (7%) dan 20 menit sebesar (5%). Sedangkan hasil kadar protein yang dilakukan perebusan kontrol (7%), sampel 10 menit sebesar (9%), 15 menit sebesar (8%) dan 20 menit sebesar (6%). Kesimpulan bahwa lama penggorengan dan perebusan 100 ℃ selama 10, 15 dan 20 menit tidak berpengaruh terhadap kadar protein pada daging sapi. Kata kunci : Kadar Protein Daging Sapi, Penggorengan, Perebusan, Metode Kjeldahl, Spektrofotometer UV-Vis