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Keberhasilan Penyuluhan ASI Eksklusif melalui Media Flipchart pada Pengetahuan dan Sikap Ibu Hamil di Puskesmas Senen Jakarta Pusat Ni Nyoman Sulasmi
Jurnal Bidan Komunitas Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Edisi Mei
Publisher : Departemen Kebidanan, vFakultas Farmasi dan Kesehatan, Institut Kesehatan Helvetia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33085/jbk.v4i2.4895


Latar belakang: capaian ASI Ekslusif di Indonesia belum mencapai angka yang diharapkan. Badan Kesehatan Dunia target ASI ekslusif yang diberikan masih jauh dari harapan sebesar 38%. Sustainable Developments Goals menargetkan capaian ASI Ekslusif tahun 2019 sebesar 50%. Tujuan Penelitian: untuk mengetahui keberhasilan penyuluhan ASI eksklusif melalui media flipchart pada  ibu hamil di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Senen. Metode: jenis penelitian menggunakan penelitian eksperimen semu (quasi experiment) desain pre and post test without control. Hasil Penelitian: didapatkan bahwa dari hasil penelitian terhadap pengetahuan ibu didapatkan p 0.000 dan sikap ibu didapatkan p 0.000 maka Ha diterima, artinya terdapat perbedaan setelah diberikan penyuluhan ASI Ekslusif menggunakan flipchart terhadap ibu hamil. Adanya peningkatan pengetahuan dan sikap ibu yang mendukung pemberian ASI Ekslusif setelah diberikan penyuluhan dengan menggunakan flipchart dibandingkan sebelum menggunakan flipchart. Kesimpulan: Untuk mempermudah memberikan informasi kepada ibu hamil menggunakan metode flipchart menunjukkan keberhasilan setelah diberikan penyuluhan serta sikap ibu hamil semakin positif dan mendukung pemberian ASI Ekslusif pada bayinya
SEAJOM: The Southeast Asia Journal of Midwifery Vol 8 No 1 (2022): SEAJOM: The Southeast Asia Journal of Midwifery
Publisher : AIPKIND (Asosiasi Pendidikan Kebidanan Indonesia)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36749/seajom.v8i1.148


Childbirth is a physiological process and an important event in life that is often remembered by a woman throughout her life, where birth trauma most often occurs is the perineum. A perineal tear is a perineal laceration that occurs when the baby is born either naturally or through an episiotomy. This study aims to determine the relationship between the baby's birth weight and the level of perineal tear in mothers with normal delivery. The research method is quantitative with a cross-sectional analytical research design. The sample is 298 people. Data were collected by looking at the maternity room register book from January-December 2021. Data were analyzed with the help of Software Statistics Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) Version 25. Research Results: from 298 deliveries there were 256 respondents who experienced perineal tears. 97 respondents to a grade 1 tear (32.6%), 156 respondents to a grade 2 tear (52.3%) and 3 respondents to a grade 3 tear (1%). Of the 298 mothers who gave birth, there were 256 deliveries with perineal tears with 206 (85.5%) baby weight <3365gr and 50 (87.7%) baby weight >3366 grams. Meanwhile, for mothers who experienced an intact perineum, there were 42 respondents where the baby's weight < 3365 g was found as many as 35 respondents (14.5%) and the baby's weight > 3366 there were 7 respondents (12.3%). The results of the chi-square test at = 0.05 obtained p = 0.821 (P> 0.05) this means that there is no relationship between the baby's birth weight and the incidence of perineal tears. Conclusion: there is no relationship between baby's birth weight and the incidence of perineal tears.