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Jurnal Christian Humaniora Vol 2, No 1 (2018): Mei
Publisher : Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Tarutung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46965/jch.v2i1.105


Pendidikan agama mendapat tempat yang sentral dalam kehidupan umat Yahudi. Oleh karena itu untuk menjaga keberlangsungan pendidikan agama tersebut, orangtua memiliki kewajiban untuk mengajarkan pendidikan agama kepada anak-anaknya. Di samping orangtua, sekolah-sekolah Yahudi juga mendapat tempat sentral untuk mendidik anak-anak Yahudi untuk mempelajari tradisi bangsanya dan juga untuk mengetahui kebesaran Tuhan dalam sejarah hidup nenek moyang bangsanya. Pendidikan agama yang berkesinambungan adalah merupakan hal yang penting. Firman Tuhan untuk mengajarkan berulang-ulang adalah benar, sebab anak-anak akan mudah mengingat apa yang diajakan kepadanya. Dengan demikian, PAK dalam keluarga masa kini haruslah menjadi perhatian. Relevansi pendidikan agama anak-anak bangsa Yahudi bagi proses pendidikan agama Kristen untuk anak-anak adalah: orangtua merupakan pendidik utama, PAK kepada Anak-Anak harus berkesinambungan, menggunakan metode yang tepat, menggunakan bahan mengajar yang tepat, dan menyediakan suasana belajar yang mendukung. Adapun tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui relevansi pendidikan agama anak-anak bangsa Yahudi bagi proses pendidikan agama Kristen dalam keluarga. Diharapkan penelitian ini akan memberikan kontribusi yang penting bagi peningkatan pendidikan agama Kristen dalam keluarga.Kata Kunci: Pendidikan agama anak-anak bangsa Yahudi, Pendidikan agama Kristen dalam keluarga
Pengembangan Prodi Manajemen Pendidikan Kristen: Sebuah Studi Kasus Lasmaria Lumban Tobing; Nasib Tua Lumban Gaol; Rogate Gultom; Marudut Situmorang; Robert Juni Tua Sitio
Didache: Journal of Christian Education Vol 2, No 2 (2021): Desember 2021
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Simpson Ungaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46445/djce.v2i2.421


Since its establishment in 2018, Christian education management has begun to develop continuously in the educational context of Indonesia. However, it still requires studying more. Accordingly, this research aims to investigate how the department of Christian education management may be developed at the Christian higher education. The qualitative research, in particular, a case study was conducted to investigate the topic. Seven participants were involved and a manual book of Christian educational management department was used as the source of data. Based on the result of the study, it was found four themes that need to pay attention seriously in order to develop further the department of Christian educational management in Christian higher education, namely vision, mission, purpose, curriculum, collaboration, and alumnus. On the other side, for improving the knowledge on the management of Christian education organizations, contributions of this study for further research, practitioners and policy-makers are provided 
Responding to Theology Religionum in Christian Religious Education Lasmaria Nami Simanungkalit; Bobby Kurnia Putrawan
Jurnal Teologi Cultivation Vol 5, No 2 (2021): Desember
Publisher : Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Tarutung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46965/jtc.v5i2.616


Lately, religion has become something scary and worrying. Religion in the hands of its followers often appears with a face full of violence and as if it has lost its friendliness. In recent years, there have been many conflicts, intolerance and violence in the name of religion and belief. Religious pluralism is not a reality that requires people to put each other down, belittle each other, or confuse one religion with another, but instead places it in a position of mutual respect, mutual recognition and cooperation. In order to eliminate the destructive aspects of religion and present its constructive side as a unifier, schools as institutions mandated to educate the nation's life must participate in providing an understanding of religion and must be able to create an environment that provides education. Opportunities for students to build harmonious social relationships between students of different religions. For this reason, an effort is needed in certain religious communities to reflect or think coherently about the new awareness as an effort to respond to this problem of pluralism. To address this matter, Religionum Theology as a branch of theology that discusses how Christianity responds to the reality of the existence of religious plurality outside itself, especially in Christian Religious Education.
Yesus sebagai Role Model bagi Guru Pendidikan Agama Kristen: Studi Eksposisi Matius 5-7 Lasmaria Lumban Tobing
DUNAMIS: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristiani Vol 5, No 2 (2021): April 2021
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Intheos Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30648/dun.v5i2.326


Abstract. This paper aimed to analyze the teaching model of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount, in order to provide a teaching paradigm that originates from Jesus himself. This study was conducted by using Matthew 5-7exposition. The exposition resulted several effective ways in which Jesus taught. It can be concluded that Jesus worthy to be called as the Great Teacher, because it was not only the content of His great teachings but also in the way He taught that showed Him as a perfect teacher.Abstrak. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji model pengajaran Yesus dalam Khotbah di Bukit, dalam rangka memberikan paradigma pengajaran yang bersumber dari Yesus sendiri. Kajian ini dilakukan dengan metode eksposisi terhadap Matius 5-7. Dari eksposisi terhadap teks tersebut dihasilkan beberapa cara efektif dalam pengajaran yang dilakukan oleh Yesus. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa Yesus disebut sebagai Guru Agung, oleh karena bukan hanya isi ajaran-Nya yang agung tetapi juga dalam cara-Nya mengajar yang menunjukkan Ia sempurna sebagai seorang guru.
Pengembangan Kurikulum Prodi Pastoral Konseling Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Ratna Saragih; Rencan Carisma Marbun; Masniar Hernawati Sitorus; Rogate Artaida Tiarasi Gultom; Lasmaria Lumban Tobing
Regula Fidei : Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Kristen Vol 6, No 2: September 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Keguruan dan Pendidikan, Universitas Kristen Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46307/rfidei.v6i2.121


This study aims to develop a Pastoral Counseling curriculum based on local wisdom. The respondents in this study were Pastoral Counseling lecturers and experts in Pastoral Counseling. The research instruments used were interviews and closed questionnaires. The research method used in this study is Research and Development (R&D), using the Olive Model with the following steps: Statement of philosophy, Statement of goals, Statement of objectives, Design of plan. After conducting interviews with research respondents, a curriculum development for the Pastoral Counseling Study Program was arranged in the form of a draft Book of the Pastoral Counseling Study Program Curriculum. Then the draft of the Pastoral Counseling Study Program Curriculum Book was validated by three counseling pastoral experts. After the validation instrument is given to the validator, the data is collected and analyzed. Based on the results of the analysis of the assessment data of the three Pastoral Counseling experts, the percentage of eligibility is 92.13%, namely the very feasible category. So based on this, the Pastoral Counseling Study Program Curriculum Book that has been developed is feasible to use.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan kurikulum Pastoral Konseling berbasis kearifan lokal.Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah dosen-dosen Pastoral Konseling IAKN Tarutung sebanyak dua orang. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah wawancara dan angket tertutup. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Research and Development (R&D), dengan menggunakan Model Olive dengan langkah-langkah: Statement of philosophy, Statement of goals, Statement of objectives, Design of plan. Setelah dilakukan wawancara dengan responden penelitian, maka disusun pengembangan kurikulum Prodi Pastoral Konseling yaitu berupa draf Buku Kurikulum Prodi Pastoral Konseling. Kemudian draf Buku Kurikulum Prodi Pastoral Konseling tersebut divalidasi oleh tiga orang ahli pastoral konseling. Setelah instrumen validasi diberikan kepada validator, maka data dikumpulkan dan dianalisis. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data penilaian ketiga ahli Pastoral Konseling, menunjukkan persentase kelayakan 92,13% yaitu kategori sangat layak. Maka berdasarkan hal tersebut, maka Buku Kurikulum Prodi Pastoral Konseling yang sudah dikembangkan sudah layak untuk dipergunakan.
The Role of Parents in Improving Children's Pedagogical Aspects of Online Learning: A Sociological Study Lasmaria Nami Simanungkalit; Iham Arief; Pipit Aprilia Susanti; Irwandi Irwandi
ijd-demos Volume 4 Issue 1 (2022)
Publisher : HK-Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37950/ijd.v4i1.235


AbstractThis paper reveals the role of parents in their children's learning through systems in the network in a covid pandemic 19. The purpose of this study is that the purpose of this study is to determine what roles and contributions have been made and can be done when their children carry out online learning activities. In addition, this research can also describe what is being faced by parents in the midst of a covid-19 pandemic in accompanying their children. The approach and method used in this study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. The findings obtained include the fact that parents face directly when accompanying their children to implement a learning system in the network, the child's response in learning in the network and the analysis of researchers using the theory of sociology. This study concludes the family in mentoring online learning in the covid-19 pandemic as the main spearhead in carrying out a role in encouraging children's enthusiasm for learning.Keywords: Roles, Parents, Online Learning,Technology, Covid 19, Education. AbstrakTulisan ini mengungkap peran orang tua dalam pembelajaran anaknya melalui sistem dalam jaringan di masa pandemi covid 19. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peran dan kontribusi apa saja yang telah dilakukan dan dapat dilakukan ketika anak anak-anak melakukan kegiatan belajar online. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga dapat mendeskripsikan apa yang sedang dihadapi orang tua di tengah pandemi covid-19 dalam mendampingi anaknya. Pendekatan dan metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Temuan yang diperoleh antara lain fakta bahwa orang tua berhadapan langsung saat mendampingi anaknya menerapkan sistem pembelajaran dalam jaringan, respon anak dalam pembelajaran dalam jaringan dan analisis peneliti menggunakan teori sosiologi. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan keluarga dalam pendampingan pembelajaran online di masa pandemi covid-19 sebagai ujung tombak utama dalam menjalankan peran dalam mendorong semangat belajar anak.Kata kunci: Peran, Orang Tua, Pembelajaran Daring, Teknologi, Covid 19, Pendidikan.
TEXT AND BIBLE CANONIZATION: Discussion of the Confession of the Bible Canon and Its Implications for the Church Dapot Damanik; Lasmaria Nami Simanungkalit
Didache: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Didache: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen (Vol.3, No.2, June 2022)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Moriah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55076/didache.v3i2.53


God uses the Bible as a means of introducing himself in a special way (a special revelation to people who want to believe). The writers of this Bible are human beings who at the time of writing have been or are being controlled by the Holy Spirit. Even though they did the writing for a specific purpose, these writings were history for the next generation, giving advice, making poetry but in the end the canon team found that the writing was authoritative as the word of God. The importance of textual alignment and canonization of the Bible is due to the many interpretations of various theological circles. The purpose of this study is to discuss the text (books) and the canonization of the Bible and how it implies for Christians. The method in this research uses a qualitative approach with a literature study in the field of systematic theology. The result is that the determination of the canon is very important, because in this way the church states frankly, that the future of God's revelation begins in the Old Testament and ends in the New Testament. The canon of the Bible is central to the life of a Christian, because it is related to the scriptures.   Tuhan memakai Alkitab Sebagai sarana dalam memperkenalkan diri secara khusus (penyataan khusus kepada manusia yang mau percaya). Para penulis dari Alkitab ini adalah manusia yang saat melakukan penulisan telah atau sedang dikuasai oleh Roh Kudus. Walaupun mereka melakukan penulisan tersebut untuk tujuan tertentu, tetapi tulisan-tulisan tersebut mensejarahkan kepada generasi berikut, memberikan nasehat, membuat syair tetapi pada akhirnya tim kanon menemukan bahwa ternyata tulisan tersebut berwibawa sebagai firman Tuhan. Pentingnya pelurusan terhadap teks dan kanonisasi Alkitab disebabkan oleh banyaknya interpretasi berbagai kalangan teologi. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah mendiskusikan teks (kitab-kitab) dan kanonisasi Alkitab dan bagaimana implikasinya bagi umat Kristen. Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan studi literatur bidang teologi sistematika. Hasilnya adalah penetapan kanon tersebut sangat penting, sebab dengan demikian gereja menyatakan dengan berterus terang, bahwa masa depan penyataan Tuhan diawali dalam Perjanjian Lama dan telah diakhiri dengan Perjanjian Baru. Kanon Alkitab merupakan hal yang sentral dalam kehidupan orang Kristen, karena hal tersebut berkaitan dengan kitab suci.
Christian Religious Education in the Family: Benefits and Uses for the Millennial Generation Leonard Lumban Tobing; Lasmaria Nami Simanungkalit
International Journal of Science and Society Vol 4 No 4 (2022): International Journal of Science and Society (IJSOC)
Publisher : GoAcademica Research & Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54783/ijsoc.v4i4.580


Christian Religious Education, from now on referred to as family PAK, is a very important education for all family members. Through family PAK, that can be done with worship, with the aim that all family members can know and understand God who is worshiped and enable the whole family to live according to God's word and can be an example for others. Family PAK is an important task for parents as individuals who are given the responsibility by God to teach it. Not only parents but all family members who are there must support each other and carry out PAK in the family; therefore, it takes commitment from the whole family so that family PAK can be realized. Given how many children choose the wrong path (not in the presence of God) to take actions that are not commendable, the child's future will be disrupted. In this case, how do parents give time to teach their children through worship, stories, and conversations. This writing aims to see the extent to which the benefits and objectives of PAK are carried out in the family to anticipate the progress of the era, which greatly influences the human mindset.
Pentingnya Komunikasi dalam Pernikahan dan Keluarga Kristen Lasmaria Nami Simanungkalit; Dapot Damanik
Syntax Literate Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia
Publisher : CV. Ridwan Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (185.239 KB) | DOI: 10.36418/syntax-literate.v7i8.9310


Beranak cucu dan bertambah banyak untuk memenuhi bumi Kej 1 : 27-28 menyiratkan bahwa Allah merancangkan dan merencanakan pernikahan bagi manusia. Pernikahan alkitabiah adalah antara seorang pria biologis dan seorang wanita biologis. Manusia tidak pernah dilihat secara terpisah-pisah, sendiri- sendiri melainkan selalu sebagai anggota-anggota yang bertanggung jawab dari suatu keluarga. Keinginan untuk membina suatu keluarga sesuai dengan Firman Tuhan banyak mengalami kegagalan dan kekecewaan. Kehidupan berumah tangga banyak mengalami masalah serius dan berakhir dengan perceraian. Sumber konflik yang ada dikarenakan kurangnya komunikasi diantara anggota keluarga. Penelitian ini menggunakan kualitiatif deskriptif dengan metode literatur. Relasi dan komunikasi dalam keluarga yang hangat dan akrab didukung oleh adanya komunikasi dari hati ke hati yang disertai oleh cinta kasih yang hangat menjadi keharmonisan dalam keluarga.
Evaluative Study of Lecturer Competence in the Department of XYZ in Insitut Agama Kristen Negeri Tarutung Lasmaria Lumban Tobing; Tetti Manullang; Idola H. Lumban Gaol; Maria Kristina Simanjuntak; Roswel Mika Simamora
QALAMUNA: Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial, dan Agama Vol 15 No 2 (2023): Qalamuna - Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial, dan Agama
Publisher : Lembaga Penerbitan dan Publikasi Ilmiah Program Pascasarjana IAI Sunan Giri Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37680/qalamuna.v15i2.2691


As providers of educational services, lecturers play a crucial role in tertiary institutions' operations. If lecturers possess legal competencies, tertiary institutions can perform well. This study aims to map the competence of lecturers in the XYZ study program, identify obstacles to developing lecturers' competence, and then offer suggestions for improving lecturers' competence. This study utilizes successive logical blended techniques (blend strategies consecutive illustrative). 72 students who were taught by lecturers (subjects) participated in the survey. Subjects, specifically three XYZ concentrate on program speakers, were then led to top-to-bottom meetings to have the option to recognize hindrances in the advancement of teacher abilities. The review and interview results were broken down to acquire research information. The consequences of the review show that the planning of speaker capabilities in the XYZ Study Program shows that the typical teacher skill is 67.07 where this worth is in the medium class. competence in education, with an average score of 59.92. Competence in the workplace, with an average score of 63.17. With an average score of 62.01, social competence is 61.07 social competence This leads us to the conclusion that, out of the four competencies, professional competence has the highest average, and pedagogical competence has the lowest average. Speakers face different impediments in creating academic, expert, character, and social abilities. These different deterrents come from inside the teachers, understudies, and the foundation.